Tag Archives: Marxism

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Albion’s Hidden Numina
Folk Horror Revival

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Katherine Beem and Andy Paciorek, eds.
Folk Horror Revival: Field Studies
Wyrd Harvest Press, 2015

The term “folk horror” is a relatively recent invention that can be applied to a wide range of artistic creations, not all of them belonging to the horror genre. It was popularized by the 2010 BBC TV documentary A History of Horror where the term was used to describe three horror films: Witchfinder General, The Blood on Satan’s Claw, and The Wicker Man. Read more …

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Beyond Left & Right:
Wolfgang Streeck’s Buying Time: The Delayed Crisis of Democratic Capitalism

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Wolfgang Streeck
Buying Time: The Delayed Crisis of Democratic Capitalism
New York: Verso, 2014

As anyone who regularly reads Leftist academic literature can attest, often hidden within it is a sense of loss, an implicit — perhaps subconscious — desire for particular values and ethical norms deemed to have been lost since the Industrial Revolution. Read more …

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The Invention of Civic Nationalism Against Europeans

Languages, peoples and ethnopolitical divisions of Europe 1815-1914

Languages, peoples and ethnopolitical divisions of Europe 1815-1914

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Separation of Ethnicity from Civic Identity

Western nation-states should be based on civic values alone, individual rights, private property, and equality under the law, without any reference to ethnicity. This is one of the most powerful contemporary tenets. Read more …

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The Marxist Attack on Hindu Nationalism

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Koenraad Elst
Return of the Swastika: Hate and Hysteria versus Hindu Sanity
London: Arktos, 2015

Hindu nationalism is perhaps the largest and most successful nationalist movement in the world. They have steeled themselves over the past century fighting first the British, then the Muslims, then Nehruvian secularists. Along the way, they have endured incessant condemnation by Marxists and, later, postmodernists. Read more …

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Greg Johnson Interviews F. Roger Devlin on Alexandre Kojève & the End of History


Alexandre Kojève in 1922

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Editor’s Note:

The following text is the transcript by V. S. of my conversation with F. Roger Devlin about Alexandre Kojève (1902–1968) and the end of history. To listen to the audio in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save target or link as.” To subscribe to our podcasts, click here.  Read more …

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Ayn Rand, Before Capitalism

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YoungRandEditor’s Note:

This essay was written in 2000 and published online at a long-defunct website. It contains some good ideas and good writing, so I believe it deserves to live again. 

“The capitalistic world is low, unprincipled and corrupt.”

—Ayn Rand, Journals of Ayn Rand

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Albion’s Hidden Numina

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ReyardineIn the summer of 1969 the members of Fairport Convention were gathered together at a country house in Farley Chamberlayne in picturesque Hampshire. There they were to record their most celebrated album, Liege & Lief, the definitive statement in English folk-rock. The country retreat setting was partly therapeutic as the band had earlier that year been involved in a tragic road accident whilst on their way back from a gig in Birmingham. The drummer, Martin Lamble, and guitarist Richard Thompson’s girlfriend, Jeannie Taylor, were both killed. Clearly, the remaining members of Fairport were looking for a new musical direction as they sought to put the past behind them.  Read more …

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Uus ja vana parempoolsus

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English original here

Mis on Põhja-Ameerika uusparempoolsuses „uut“ ja kuidas see suhestub „vana parempoolsusega“?

Enne, kui sellele küsimusele vastata, pean ma selgitama, mis on vanal parempoolsusel ja uusparempoolsusel ühist ning mis eristab neid tänasest võltsparempoolsusest – kaasaegsetest paremtsentristlikest erakondadest ja kõigist klassikalise liberalismi vormidest.  Read more …

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Nowa Prawica przeciw Starej Prawicy

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English original here

Co jest “nowego” w Północnoamerykańskiej Nowej Prawicy i jak odnosi się ona do “Starej Prawicy”?

Zanim odpowiem na to pytanie, muszę wyjaśnić, co Stara Prawica i Nowa Prawica mają wspólnego oraz co odróżnia je od dzisiejszej fałszywej prawicy, a mianowicie od współczesnych centro-prawicowych partii i wszelkich form klasycznego liberalizmu.

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Barton Fink

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There is little satisfying critical literature on the Coen brothers’ 1991 film Barton Fink. Most viewers are inclined to think that this is because the film is a pretentious, meaningless piece of crap. And Barton Fink is surely the most widely detested film by the Coens. The fact that it swept the 1991 Cannes Film Festival, winning the Palme d’Or, Best Director, and Best Actor (John Turturro) can simply be chalked up to French perversity and anti-Americanism. These people think Jerry Lewis is a genius, after all.  Read more …

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