Tag Archives: Japan

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Mishima: Una vida en cuatro capítulos

3,918 words

English original here

Suceden cosas similares en los Estados Unidos: un marginado, ratón de biblioteca, de derechas, comienza a practicar levantamiento de pesas y artes marciales, forma una milicia privada, y sueña con derrocar al gobierno; luego, acaba muriendo en un enfrentamiento espectacular, suicida y en apariencia sin sentido contra el Estado. Read more …

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Yukio Mishima

MishimaSpeaks8,859 words

Editor’s Note:

The following text is the transcript by V. S. of Jonathan Bowden’s New Right lecture in London on December 10, 2011. I want to thank Michèle Renouf for making the recording available.   

Mishima’s life was dedicated to a return of the spirit of the samurai and a belief in Yamamoto Jōchō’s book Hagakure, which is partly the 17th-century bible of samurai morality Read more …

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“Dirty Japs,” Part 2

us-anti-japanese-propaganda1,906 words

Part 2 of 2

None suffered more in war, none suffered more in “peace,” than German women and girls. Of all the war crimes committed by the Allies during World War Two, the massive rapes of helpless women and children were perhaps the most monstrous. Of course, an untold number of German women and children did not survive the violent, nonstop assaults. One million? Two million? Ten million? Since no one in power cared, no one was counting.  Read more …

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“Dirty Japs”

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De-Humanizing the Enemy

De-Humanizing the Enemy

From my childhood, I vividly recall a scene from an old war movie. The US Marines are storming some Pacific island and driving the terrified “Jap” defenders before them, much as safari beaters drive prey. The wild chase increases in momentum until the enemy is finally flushed from the trees and onto the beach. Halting their tanks, situating their machine guns for maximum effect, the marines open fire. Scores of Japanese are mowed down mercilessly. With no hope, with no escape, the survivors leap into the surf and try to swim for it. In a matter of minutes, there is not a living “Nip” among them.

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La Mentalidad de Raza Mixta

661 words

Traducción por A. Garrido. Enlace original aquí

Nota del Editor::

Ariana Miyamoto

Ariana Miyamoto

La nueva Miss Japón, Ariana Miyamoto, tiene madre japonesa y padre afro-americano. No sorprende que ella porte el apellido de su madre, no el de su padre. Obviamente, ella no merece el premio, y debido a que los japoneses sensibles no han sido demasiado intimidados por la corrección política para objetar coronar a una mestiza, un individuo de apariencia no-japonesa como representación de la belleza femenina japonesa, Miss Miyamoto ha respondido que ella es la vanguardia de una revolución racial para borrar la distinción japonesa, entre los aplausos de los medios occidentales controlados por judíos. Read more …

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The Mixed-Race Mentality

656 words

Spanish translation here

Editor’s Note:


Ariana Miyamoto

The new Miss Japan, Ariana Miyamoto, has a Japanese mother and a black American father. No surprise that she bears her mother’s surname, not her father’s. Obviously, she does not deserve the prize, and because sensible Japanese have not been too intimidated by political correctness to object to crowning a mixed-race, non-Japanese looking individual as a representation of Japanese female beauty, Miss Miyamoto has responded that she is the vanguard of a racial revolution to erase Japanese distinctness, to the applause of the Jewish-controlled Western media. Read more …

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Recordando a Yukio Mishima:
14 de enero de 1925–25 de noviembre de 1970

mishim12672 words

English original here

Yukio Mishima fue uno de los gigantes de la literatura japonesa del siglo pasado. Read more …

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Remembering Yukio Mishima:
January 14, 1925–November 25, 1970

mishim12646 words

Spanish translation here

Yukio Mishima was one of the giants of 20th-century Japanese literature. Read more …

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Joshua Blakeney Interviews Greg Johnson, Part 1

3,660 words

Arthur Melville, The blue night, Venice

Arthur Melville, The Blue Night, Venice

Part 1 of 4

Editor’s Note:

This is a transcript by V.S. of Joshua Blakeney’s interview with Greg Johnson, which you can listen to here. The topics discussed in this segment are: Old Right vs. New Right, the rejection of imperialism and colonialism, hegemony, the Jewish role in fomenting multiculturalism, non-white immigration, and white demographic decline, and the genocidal intention behind these Jewish policies.

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Central Banking & Human Bondage:
The Works of Stephen Mitford Goodson

historyofcentralbanking4,370 words

French translation here

Stephen Mitford Goodson
A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind
London: Black House Publishing, 2014

Stephen Mitford Goodson
Inside the South African Reserve Bank: Its Origins and Secrets Exposed
London: Black House Publishing, 2014

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