Monthly Archives: August 2014

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Notas sobre Moisés el Egipcio de Jan Assmann, 2

2,181 words

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John Spencer

John Spencer

Nota del autor:

Debido a las positivas respuestas recibidas tanto offline como online – a la primera parte de las notas, decidí continuar las series hasta completarla. Luego discutiré los siguientes libros de Assmann: The Price of Monotheism, Of God and Gods: Egypt, Israel, and the Rise of Monotheism, Religio Duplex: How the Enlightenment Reinvented Egyptian Religion, y el próximo a salir From Akhenaten to Moses: Ancient Egypt and Religious Change. He decidido llamar a este proyecto el Seminario Assmann, aunque puede que en el futuro haga algo parecido con otros autores. Read more …

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Notas sobre Moisés el Egipcio de Jan Assmann

Jan Assmann

Jan Assmann

2,877 words

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Nota del autor::

El siguiente texto es un experimento. Es el primero de una serie de “notas” sobre unos capítulos seleccionados de Moisés el Egipcio de Jan Assmann. Mis objetivos principales son el motivar a más gente a leer el libro y moldear como lo leen.  Read more …

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Confesiones de un odiador reacio

The Confessional2,467 words

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Nota del autor::

Escribí el siguiente ensayo en junio de 2005, lo circulé alrededor de la internet bajo el seudónimo de Michael Meehan. Es el primero de muchos hijos “ilegítimos” de mi pluma que deseo reclamar como mía.

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Ásatrú a politično

Valhalla6,126 words

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Věnováno Georgi Hockingovi

1. Úvod

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Hey Whitey . . .

dissent1,949 words

Übersetzt von Deep Roots

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Ich werde nicht auf die Art schreiben, wie die anderen Essays hier üblicherweise geschrieben sind: Read more …

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The Counter-Currents 2014 Summer Fundraiser 
Matching Grant Offer & Budapest Congress

424 words


The Danube and Hungarian Parliament Building, Budapest

Since last week’s update on our Summer Fundraiser, we have received donations totaling $2,171.23 in amounts ranging from $1 to $1,000. Our total is now $22,016.06. We are $17,983.94 from our goal of $40,000 with just over 2 months to go.

The final stretch is going to be a lot easier, however, because a Swedish benefactor has offered us a matching grant of $5,000. Read more …

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Revisiting Tom Wolfe’s Radical Chic (1970)


I stopped reading contemporary literature—works by living novelists and short story writers—when I was in my late teens or early twenties. I found it aesthetically and intellectually unrewarding. The sole exception was the work of journalist-turned-novelist Tom Wolfe, the Virginia-born, New York City-based founder and exponent of New Journalism, a type of feature reporting employing literary techniques.  Read more …

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Populisme prématuré

organize2,008 words

English original here

L’article de William Pierce « Skinheads and the Law » [Les skinheads et la Loi] est un point de départ utile Read more …

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W. B. Yeats

8,340 words

Yeats4Editor’s Note:

The following text is a transcript by F.F. of Jonathan Bowden’s lecture to the 35th New Right Meeting in London on Saturday October 15, 2011. In editing this transcription, I introduced punctuation and paragraph breaks. I also deleted a couple of false starts, added the first names of some figures, and added a missing line to “Easter, 1916.” Read more …

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Persona Non Grata

unmasked936 words

I remember you.

We used to hang out together, back at university. So many years ago. You in your mossy dreadlocks (symbolic of progressivism and love), the stone-washed jeans, the Boho sandals, and the anti-Reagan “End of an Error” T-shirt. And me? Well, just me. I never stood out like you.  Read more …

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  • Our Titles

    Truth, Justice, and a Nice White Country

    Heidegger in Chicago

    The End of an Era

    Sexual Utopia in Power

    What is a Rune? & Other Essays

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    The Lightning & the Sun

    The Eldritch Evola

    Western Civilization Bites Back

    New Right vs. Old Right

    Lost Violent Souls

    Journey Late at Night: Poems and Translations

    The Non-Hindu Indians & Indian Unity

    Baader Meinhof ceramic pistol, Charles Kraaft 2013

    Jonathan Bowden as Dirty Harry

    The Lost Philosopher, Second Expanded Edition

    Trevor Lynch's A White Nationalist Guide to the Movies

    And Time Rolls On

    The Homo & the Negro

    Artists of the Right

    North American New Right, Vol. 1

    Forever and Ever

    Some Thoughts on Hitler

    Tikkun Olam and Other Poems

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    Summoning the Gods

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    Confessions of a Reluctant Hater

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    Asatru: A Native European Spirituality

    The Shock of History

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    On the Brink of the Abyss

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    The Path of Cinnabar


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    Impeachment of Man

    Gold in the Furnace


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