Monthly Archives: September 2011

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Tacitus’ Germania

2,198 words

German translation here

Tacitus’ Germania, a short monograph on German ethnography written c. 98 AD, is of great historical significance. The transmission of the text to the present day, and certain adventures and tensions surrounding it, make for an interesting story.

Roman historian and aristocrat Cornelius Tacitus (c. 55–c. 117 AD) was the author of several works, more than half of which have been lost. Read more …

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Toward a North American New Right

Grant Wood, "Spring in the Country," 1930

2,885 words

Author’s Note:

This is the Editor’s Preface to North American New Right, vol. 1, which will be published in June 2012. I wish to thank F. Roger Devlin, Derek Hawthorne, and Matthew Peters for their helpful comments. Read more …

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Remembering Savitri Devi:
September 30, 1905 to October 22, 1982

498 words

Savitri Devi was a philosopher, a religious thinker, and a tireless polemicist and activist for the causes of animal rights, European pagan revivalism, Hindu Nationalism, German National Socialism, and — after the Second World War — pan-European racial nationalism. She also sought to found a religion, Esoteric Hitlerism, fusing National Socialism with the Traditionalism of René Guénon and Julius Evola. All told, she was one of the most extraordinary personalities of the 20th century. Read more …

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Incurable Decadence

9,707 words

Translated by R. G. Fowler

“No longer gigantic, like unto the Spirits, proud and free,
But servile, crawling, crafty, cowardly, envious,
Frozen flesh where nothing stirs or trembles any more,
Man will swarm anew under the skies.”
—Leconte  de Lisle (“Cain,” Barbaric Poems)

“An impure air embraces the globe stripped
Of the woods that sheltered it in their sublime mantle;
The mountains, under vile feet, have lowered their summits;
The mysterious heart of the ocean is defiled.”
—Leconte de Lisle (“The Anathema,” Barbaric Poems) Read more …

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Man Finds Free Information on Internet!

86 words

Don’t be left out!

Counter-Currents/North American New Right publishes a FREE monthly electronic Newsletter. It includes information on our web traffic, most popular articles, upcoming books, special offers, etc. Read more …

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Enemy & Exemplar:
Savitri Devi on Paul of Tarsus

1,510 words

Translations: German, French

In her pamphlet Paul of Tarsus, or Christianity and Jewry, Savitri Devi argues that Christianity is not the creation of Jesus Christ, but of Saint Paul.[1] Savitri even entertains the possibility that Jesus never existed. And even if he did, she argues, the teachings attributed to him in the Gospels are those of an impractical visionary, not the founder of an organized religion. Read more …

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Feind und Vorbild:
Savitri Devi über Paulus von Tarsos

1,649 words

Übersetzt von Bastian Thoemmes

English original here

In ihrem Heftchen Paul de Tarse, ou Christianisme et Juiverie vertritt Savitri Devi die Auffassung, daß das Christentum keine Schöpfung Jesu sei, sondern des Paulus. Read more …

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Paul of Tarsus, or Christianity & Jewry

3,462 words

Translated by R. G. Fowler1

Norwegian translation here

If there is a fact that cannot fail to impress all persons who seriously study the history of Christianity, it is the almost complete absence of documents regarding the man whose name the great international religion bears, namely Jesus Christ. Read more …

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Ennemi et exemplaire:
Paul de Tarse vu par Savitri Devi

1,610 words

Traduit par Arjuna

English original here

Dans son pamphlet Paul de Tarse, ou christianisme et juiverie, Savitri Devi affirme que le christianisme n’est pas la création de Jésus Christ, mais de Saint Paul.1 Read more …

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Moondog: The Viking of 6th Avenue

2,981 words

Robert Scotto
Moondog: The Viking of 6th Avenue
Los Angeles: Process Media, 2007

Louis Thomas Hardin, Jr. (1916–1999), known as Moondog, was an American composer, musician, poet, pamphleteer, and capital “p” Personality. Read more …

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