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This is a montage that I cut a year or so ago for my school's award ceremony. Our Filmmaker-In-Residence was Mace Neufeld, and this was supposed to be a show...
Mace Neufeld Interview on The Fred Thompson Show.
Taken from East of Eden on DVD it's Acorn Media release.
Taken from Angel on My Shoulder and East of Eden remake 1955 film plastered Viacom V of Doom Network Version logo.
Taken from Acorn Media DVD release East of Eden 2 Disc Special Edition DVD Note: The copyright stamp Viacom International Inc.
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Taken from Acorn Media and CBS DVD release East of Eden on DVD.
Taken from East of Eden on DVD miniseries has plastered over Viacom logo with CBS Television Distribution logo.
Taken from Encore Drama reruns East of Eden It was appeared on Encore Drama. Note: I puts muted ending music plays over Viacom logo.
gofobo interviews Producer Mace Neufeld at the Los Angeles premiere of Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit at the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood.
színes, magyarul beszélő, angol-amerikai horror, 111 perc, 1976 (18) rendező: Richard Donner forgatókönyvíró: David Seltzer zeneszerző: Jerry Goldsmith operatőr: Gilbert Taylor díszlettervező: Jerry Goldsmith producer: Harvey Bernhard executive producer: Mace Neufeld vágó: Stuart Baird szereplő(k): Gregory Peck (Robert Thorn) Lee Remick (Katherine Thorn) David Warner (Jennings) Billie Whitelaw (Mrs. Baylock) Leo McKern (Bugenhagen) Harvey Stephens (Damien) Patrick Troughton (Brennan) Martin Benson (Spiletto) Roy Boyd (Riporter) Tartalom: Robert Thorn, az Amerikai Egyesült Államok római nagykövete megtudja, hogy felesége halott fiúgyermeket hozott a világra. Ahelyett, hogy közölné Katherine-nel a rossz hírt, Robet inkább úgy dönt, hogy a katolikus egyházon keresztül inkább örökbefogad egy újszülöttet. A gyermek születési adatait misztikus homály fedi és ahogy "cseperedik", egyre több rémisztő és baljóslatú esemény történik a Thorn házban. Egy pap figyelmezteti a nagykövetet, hogy örökbefogadott gyermeke, Damien minden bizonnyal a Sátán fia, maga az Antikrisztus. Szerinte csak egyetlen ember van a földön, aki képes szembeszállni vele: egy Bugenhagen nevű férfi, aki Izraelben él.
DAL 9 OTTOBRE AL CINEMA Seguici su: Sito: In The Equalizer- Il Vendicatore, Denzel Washington interpreta McCall, un uomo che crede di essersi lasciato alle spalle un passato torbido, per condurre una vita tranquilla. Ma quando McCall incontra Teri (Chloë Grace Moretz), una ragazza minacciata da una banda di feroci malavitosi russi, non starà lì a guardare: deve aiutarla. Forte delle sue abilità che ha sempre messo al servizio di chi cerca vendetta e contro chi brutalizza gli indifesi, McCall esce dal suo ritiro autoimposto, e risveglia il suo desiderio di giustizia. Se qualcuno ha un problema, e le circostanze gli sono avverse, e se non ha nessun altro a cui rivolgersi, McCall è pronto ad aiutarlo. Lui è il Vendicatore. Columbia Pictures presenta, in associazione con Lstar Capitale e Village Roadshow Pictures una produzione Escape Artists / Zhiv / Mace Neufeld, The Equalizer- Il Vendicatore (The Equalizer). Con Denzel Washington, Marton Csokas, Chloë Grace Moretz, David Harbour, Bill Pullman e Melissa Leo. Regia di Antoine Fuqua. Scritto da Richard Wenk. Basato sull’omonima serie televisiva creata da Michael Sloan e Richard Lindheim (Un giustiziere a New York nella versione italiana). Prodotto da Todd Black, Jason Blumenthal, Denzel Washington, Alex Siskin, Steve Tisch, Mace Neufeld, Tony Eldridge, e Michael Sloan. I produttori esecutivi sono Ezra Swerdlow, David Bloomfield, e Ben Waisbren. Direttore della Fotografia Mauro Fiore, ASC. Scenografie di Naomi Shohan. Montaggio di John Refoua, ACE. Costumi di David Robinson. Musiche di Harry Gregson-Williams.
DAL 9 OTTOBRE AL CINEMA Seguici su: Sito: In The Equalizer- Il Vendicatore, Denzel Washington interpreta McCall, un uomo che crede di essersi lasciato alle spalle un passato torbido, per condurre una vita tranquilla. Ma quando McCall incontra Teri (Chloë Grace Moretz), una ragazza minacciata da una banda di feroci malavitosi russi, non starà lì a guardare: deve aiutarla. Forte delle sue abilità che ha sempre messo al servizio di chi cerca vendetta e contro chi brutalizza gli indifesi, McCall esce dal suo ritiro autoimposto, e risveglia il suo desiderio di giustizia. Se qualcuno ha un problema, e le circostanze gli sono avverse, e se non ha nessun altro a cui rivolgersi, McCall è pronto ad aiutarlo. Lui è il Vendicatore. Columbia Pictures presenta, in associazione con Lstar Capitale e Village Roadshow Pictures una produzione Escape Artists / Zhiv / Mace Neufeld, The Equalizer- Il Vendicatore (The Equalizer). Con Denzel Washington, Marton Csokas, Chloë Grace Moretz, David Harbour, Bill Pullman e Melissa Leo. Regia di Antoine Fuqua. Scritto da Richard Wenk. Basato sull’omonima serie televisiva creata da Michael Sloan e Richard Lindheim (Un giustiziere a New York nella versione italiana). Prodotto da Todd Black, Jason Blumenthal, Denzel Washington, Alex Siskin, Steve Tisch, Mace Neufeld, Tony Eldridge, e Michael Sloan. I produttori esecutivi sono Ezra Swerdlow, David Bloomfield, e Ben Waisbren. Direttore della Fotografia Mauro Fiore, ASC. Scenografie di Naomi Shohan. Montaggio di John Refoua, ACE. Costumi di David Robinson. Musiche di Harry Gregson-Williams.
DAL 9 OTTOBRE AL CINEMA Seguici su: Sito: In The Equalizer- Il Vendicatore, Denzel Washington interpreta McCall, un uomo che crede di essersi lasciato alle spalle un passato torbido, per condurre una vita tranquilla. Ma quando McCall incontra Teri (Chloë Grace Moretz), una ragazza minacciata da una banda di feroci malavitosi russi, non starà lì a guardare: deve aiutarla. Forte delle sue abilità che ha sempre messo al servizio di chi cerca vendetta e contro chi brutalizza gli indifesi, McCall esce dal suo ritiro autoimposto, e risveglia il suo desiderio di giustizia. Se qualcuno ha un problema, e le circostanze gli sono avverse, e se non ha nessun altro a cui rivolgersi, McCall è pronto ad aiutarlo. Lui è il Vendicatore. Columbia Pictures presenta, in associazione con Lstar Capitale e Village Roadshow Pictures una produzione Escape Artists / Zhiv / Mace Neufeld, The Equalizer- Il Vendicatore (The Equalizer). Con Denzel Washington, Marton Csokas, Chloë Grace Moretz, David Harbour, Bill Pullman e Melissa Leo. Regia di Antoine Fuqua. Scritto da Richard Wenk. Basato sull’omonima serie televisiva creata da Michael Sloan e Richard Lindheim (Un giustiziere a New York nella versione italiana). Prodotto da Todd Black, Jason Blumenthal, Denzel Washington, Alex Siskin, Steve Tisch, Mace Neufeld, Tony Eldridge, e Michael Sloan. I produttori esecutivi sono Ezra Swerdlow, David Bloomfield, e Ben Waisbren. Direttore della Fotografia Mauro Fiore, ASC. Scenografie di Naomi Shohan. Montaggio di John Refoua, ACE. Costumi di David Robinson. Musiche di Harry Gregson-Williams. Keress bennünket a Facebookon! Iratkozz fel csatornánkra a legfrissebb hírekért, bemutatókért, élménybeszámolókért és információkért! The Omen rendező: Richard Donner forgatókönyvíró: David Seltzer zeneszerző: Jerry Goldsmith operatőr: Gilbert Taylor díszlettervező: Jerry Goldsmith producer: Harvey Bernhard executive producer: Mace Neufeld vágó: Stuart Baird szereplő(k): Gregory Peck (Robert Thorn) Lee Remick (Katherine Thorn) David Warner (Jennings) Billie Whitelaw (Mrs. Baylock) Leo McKern (Bugenhagen) Harvey Stephens (Damien) Patrick Troughton (Brennan) Martin Benson (Spiletto) Roy Boyd (Riporter)
DAL 9 OTTOBRE AL CINEMA Seguici su: Sito: In The Equalizer- Il Vendicatore, Denzel Washington interpreta McCall, un uomo che crede di essersi lasciato alle spalle un passato torbido, per condurre una vita tranquilla. Ma quando McCall incontra Teri (Chloë Grace Moretz), una ragazza minacciata da una banda di feroci malavitosi russi, non starà lì a guardare: deve aiutarla. Forte delle sue abilità che ha sempre messo al servizio di chi cerca vendetta e contro chi brutalizza gli indifesi, McCall esce dal suo ritiro autoimposto, e risveglia il suo desiderio di giustizia. Se qualcuno ha un problema, e le circostanze gli sono avverse, e se non ha nessun altro a cui rivolgersi, McCall è pronto ad aiutarlo. Lui è il Vendicatore. Columbia Pictures presenta, in associazione con Lstar Capitale e Village Roadshow Pictures una produzione Escape Artists / Zhiv / Mace Neufeld, The Equalizer- Il Vendicatore (The Equalizer). Con Denzel Washington, Marton Csokas, Chloë Grace Moretz, David Harbour, Bill Pullman e Melissa Leo. Regia di Antoine Fuqua. Scritto da Richard Wenk. Basato sull’omonima serie televisiva creata da Michael Sloan e Richard Lindheim (Un giustiziere a New York nella versione italiana). Prodotto da Todd Black, Jason Blumenthal, Denzel Washington, Alex Siskin, Steve Tisch, Mace Neufeld, Tony Eldridge, e Michael Sloan. I produttori esecutivi sono Ezra Swerdlow, David Bloomfield, e Ben Waisbren. Direttore della Fotografia Mauro Fiore, ASC. Scenografie di Naomi Shohan. Montaggio di John Refoua, ACE. Costumi di David Robinson. Musiche di Harry Gregson-Williams. Keress bennünket a Facebookon! Iratkozz fel csatornánkra a legfrissebb hírekért, bemutatókért, élménybeszámolókért és információkért! The Equalizer rendező: Antoine Fuqua forgatókönyvíró: Richard Wenk zeneszerző: Harry Gregson-Williams operatőr: Mauro Fiore producer: Todd Black, Mace Neufeld, Michael Sloan vágó: John Refoua szereplő(k): Denzel Washington (Robert McCall) Chloe Grace Moretz (Teri) Vladimir Kulich (Vladimir Pushkin) Melissa Leo (Susan Plummer) Csókás Márton (Teddy) Haley Bennett (Mandy) Bill Pullman (Brian Plummer)
My Review of The Equalizer. Enjoy the Show!... Grade: A+ Studio: Columbia Pictures Starring: Denzel Washington,Chloë Grace Moretz, Richard Wenk , Marton Csok...
En El Justiciero, Denzel Washington interpreta a McCall, un hombre que considera que dejó atrás su misterioso pasado para llevar una vida tranquila y en paz. Pero cuando McCall conoce a Teri...
Com direção do quatro vezes premiado com o Oscar® Clint Eastwood (Menina de Ouro; Os Imperdoáveis), Invictus nos traz a inspiradora história de como Nelson M...
My Review of Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit. Enjoy The Show!... Grade: B+ Studio: Paramount Pictures, Skydance Productions Starring: Chris Pine, Kevin Costner, Kenneth Branagh, Keira Knightley Director: Kenneth Branagh Producers: Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Mace Neufeld, David Barron, Mark Vahradian Screenplay: Adam Cozad, David Koepp Rated" PG-13 Running Time: 1 Hr. 45 Mins. Budget: $60 Million Box Office: $40,200,000
DAL 9 OTTOBRE AL CINEMA Seguici su: Sito: In The Equalizer- Il Vendicatore, Denzel Washington interpreta McCall, un uomo che crede di essersi lasciato alle spalle un passato torbido, per condurre una vita tranquilla. Ma quando McCall incontra Teri (Chloë Grace Moretz), una ragazza minacciata da una banda di feroci malavitosi russi, non starà lì a guardare: deve aiutarla. Forte delle sue abilità che ha sempre messo al servizio di chi cerca vendetta e contro chi brutalizza gli indifesi, McCall esce dal suo ritiro autoimposto, e risveglia il suo desiderio di giustizia. Se qualcuno ha un problema, e le circostanze gli sono avverse, e se non ha nessun altro a cui rivolgersi, McCall è pronto ad aiutarlo. Lui è il Vendicatore. Columbia Pictures presenta, in associazione con Lstar Capitale e Village Roadshow Pictures una produzione Escape Artists / Zhiv / Mace Neufeld, The Equalizer- Il Vendicatore (The Equalizer). Con Denzel Washington, Marton Csokas, Chloë Grace Moretz, David Harbour, Bill Pullman e Melissa Leo. Regia di Antoine Fuqua. Scritto da Richard Wenk. Basato sull’omonima serie televisiva creata da Michael Sloan e Richard Lindheim (Un giustiziere a New York nella versione italiana). Prodotto da Todd Black, Jason Blumenthal, Denzel Washington, Alex Siskin, Steve Tisch, Mace Neufeld, Tony Eldridge, e Michael Sloan. I produttori esecutivi sono Ezra Swerdlow, David Bloomfield, e Ben Waisbren. Direttore della Fotografia Mauro Fiore, ASC. Scenografie di Naomi Shohan. Montaggio di John Refoua, ACE. Costumi di David Robinson. Musiche di Harry Gregson-Williams.
My Unboxing of Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit. Enjoy The Show!... Studio: Paramount Pictures, Skydance Productions Starring: Chris Pine, Kevin Costner, Kenneth Branagh, Keira Knightley Director: Kenneth Branagh Producers: Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Mace Neufeld, David Barron, Mark Vahradian Screenplay: Adam Cozad, David Koepp Based On: Characters Created By Tom Clancy Rated: PG-13 Running Time: 1 Hr. 45 Mins. Budget: $60 Million Box Office: $135,503,748
DAL 9 OTTOBRE AL CINEMA Seguici su: Sito: In The Equalizer- Il Vendicatore, Denzel Washington interpreta McCall, un uomo che crede di essersi lasciato alle spalle un passato torbido, per condurre una vita tranquilla. Ma quando McCall incontra Teri (Chloë Grace Moretz), una ragazza minacciata da una banda di feroci malavitosi russi, non starà lì a guardare: deve aiutarla. Forte delle sue abilità che ha sempre messo al servizio di chi cerca vendetta e contro chi brutalizza gli indifesi, McCall esce dal suo ritiro autoimposto, e risveglia il suo desiderio di giustizia. Se qualcuno ha un problema, e le circostanze gli sono avverse, e se non ha nessun altro a cui rivolgersi, McCall è pronto ad aiutarlo. Lui è il Vendicatore. Columbia Pictures presenta, in associazione con Lstar Capitale e Village Roadshow Pictures una produzione Escape Artists / Zhiv / Mace Neufeld, The Equalizer- Il Vendicatore (The Equalizer). Con Denzel Washington, Marton Csokas, Chloë Grace Moretz, David Harbour, Bill Pullman e Melissa Leo. Regia di Antoine Fuqua. Scritto da Richard Wenk. Basato sull’omonima serie televisiva creata da Michael Sloan e Richard Lindheim (Un giustiziere a New York nella versione italiana). Prodotto da Todd Black, Jason Blumenthal, Denzel Washington, Alex Siskin, Steve Tisch, Mace Neufeld, Tony Eldridge, e Michael Sloan. I produttori esecutivi sono Ezra Swerdlow, David Bloomfield, e Ben Waisbren. Direttore della Fotografia Mauro Fiore, ASC. Scenografie di Naomi Shohan. Montaggio di John Refoua, ACE. Costumi di David Robinson. Musiche di Harry Gregson-Williams.
Leading criminal attorney Peter Neufeld joins host Harry Kreisler to discuss the criminal justice system in America and his new book, Actual Innocence: Five ...
I'm streaming sound design and music composition weekdays at 1PM Eastern! -- Watch live at
[HD720] The Equalizer Full Movie Play & Enjoy @ The Equalizer Movie Synopsis Robert McCall (Denzel Washington), a former covert operations officer, volunteers his services as a private eye to people in need in an attempt to atone for a dark past. He meets and forms a relationship with Teri (Chloë Grace Moretz), a teenage prostitute who needs his help. However, as a result, he finds himself embroiled with the Russian mob. Release date: September 26, 2014 Genre: Action Director: Antoine Fuqua Studio: Columbia Pictures Producer(s): Todd Black, Mace Neufeld, Alex Siskin, Steve Tisch, Denzel Washington, Jason Blumenthal, Tony Eldridge, Michael Sloan Screenplay: Richard Wenk Cast: Denzel Washington, Marton Csokas, Chloë Grace Moretz, David Harbour, Bill Pullman, Melissa Leo Keywords: The Equalizer Movie The Equalizer Movie english subtitles The Equalizer Movie english subtitles The Equalizer Movie english subtitles The Equalizer trailer review The Equalizer trailer review The Equalizer trailer review The Equalizer trailer
[HD720] The Equalizer Full Movie Play & Enjoy @ The Equalizer Movie Synopsis Robert McCall (Denzel Washington), a former covert operations officer, volunteers his services as a private eye to people in need in an attempt to atone for a dark past. He meets and forms a relationship with Teri (Chloë Grace Moretz), a teenage prostitute who needs his help. However, as a result, he finds himself embroiled with the Russian mob. Release date: September 26, 2014 Genre: Action Director: Antoine Fuqua Studio: Columbia Pictures Producer(s): Todd Black, Mace Neufeld, Alex Siskin, Steve Tisch, Denzel Washington, Jason Blumenthal, Tony Eldridge, Michael Sloan Screenplay: Richard Wenk Cast: Denzel Washington, Marton Csokas, Chloë Grace Moretz, David Harbour, Bill Pullman, Melissa Leo Keywords: The Equalizer Movie The Equalizer Movie english subtitles The Equalizer Movie english subtitles The Equalizer Movie english subtitles The Equalizer trailer review The Equalizer trailer review The Equalizer trailer review The Equalizer trailer
The Sum of All Fears is a 2002 American action political thriller film directed by Phil Alden Robinson, based on Tom Clancy's novel of the same name. Watch "#tittle#" Online Quality HD-720p here: The film was a co-production between the motion picture studios of Paramount Pictures, Mace Neufeld Productions, MFP Munich Film Partners, and S.O.A.F. Productions. Please ..... Click the link: the sum of all fears 2002 imdb the sum of all fears 2002 trailer the sum of all fears 2002 download the sum of all fears 2002 online the sum of all fears 2002 soudtrak the sum of all fears 2002 megavideo the sum of all fears 2002 full movie the sum of all fears 2002 wiki
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In The Equalizer, Denzel Washington plays McCall, a man who believes he has put his mysterious past behind him and dedicated himself to beginning a new, quiet life. But when McCall meets Teri (Chloë Grace Moretz), a young girl under the control of ultra-violent Russian gangsters, he can’t stand idly by, he has to help her. Armed with hidden skills that allow him to serve vengeance against anyone who would brutalize the helpless, McCall comes out of his self-imposed retirement and finds his desire for justice reawakened. If someone has a problem, if the odds are stacked against them, if they have nowhere else to turn, McCall will help. He is The Equalizer. The film is directed by Antoine Fuqua from a screenplay by Richard Wenk based on a television series by Michael Sloan and Richard Lindheim. Executive producers include David J. Bloomfield, Ezra Swerdlow and Ben Waisbren. Producers include Todd Black, Jason Blumenthal, Tony Eldridge, Mace Neufeld, Alex Siskin, Michael Sloan, Steve Tisch, Denzel Washington, Richard Wenk, Lance Johnson, Molly Allen and Kat Samick.
En El Justiciero, Denzel Washington interpreta a McCall, un hombre que considera que dejó atrás su misterioso pasado para llevar una vida tranquila y en paz. Pero cuando McCall conoce a Teri (Chloë Grace Moretz), una joven controlada por los ultraviolentos gánsters rusos, él no puede quedarse impávido y debe ayudarla. Armado con muchas habilidades ocultas que le permiten vengarse de cualquiera que trate brutalmente a los indefensos, McCall sale de su retiro autoimpuesto y siente renacer su deseo de que la justicia prevalezca. Si alguien tiene un problema, si todas las cosas están en su contra, si algún individuo no tiene a a quién acudir, McCall le ayudará. Él es el justiciero. Columbia Pictures presenta, en asociación con LStar Capital y Village Roadshow Pictures, El Justiciero, una producción de Escape Artists / Zhiv / Mace Neufeld. Protagonizada por Denzel Washington, Marton Csokas, Chloë Grace Moretz, David Harbour, con Bill Pullman y Melissa Leo. Dirigida por Antoine Fuqua. Escrita por Richard Wenk. Basada en la serie de televisión creada por Michael Sloan y Richard Lindheim. Producida por Todd Black, Jason Blumenthal, Denzel Washington, Alex Siskin, Steve Tisch, Mace Neufeld, Tony Eldridge y Michael Sloan. Los Productores Ejecutivos son Ezra Swerdlow, David Bloomfield y Ben Waisbren. El Director de Fotografía es Mauro Fiore, ASC. La Diseñadora de Producción es Naomi Shohan. El Editor es John Refoua, ACE. El Diseñador de Vestuario es David Robinson. La música es de Harry Gregson-Williams.
Robert McCall-ról (Denzel Washington), a nyugodt életet élő bostoni állampolgárról senki sem gondolná, hogy egy visszavonult volt kommandós. A Védelmező (The Equalizer) színes, amerikai akciófilm, 2014 (18) rendező: Antoine Fuqua forgatókönyvíró: Richard Wenk zeneszerző: Harry Gregson-Williams operatőr: Mauro Fiore producer: Todd Black, Mace Neufeld, Michael Sloan vágó: John Refoua szereplő(k): Denzel Washington (Robert McCall) Chloe Grace Moretz (Teri) Vladimir Kulich (Vladimir Pushkin) Melissa Leo (Susan Plummer) Csókás Márton (Teddy) Haley Bennett (Mandy) Bill Pullman (Brian Plummer) Johnny Messner Bemutató dátuma: 2014. szeptember 25. (Forgalmazó: InterCom) Synopsis/Tartalom: Magyar Robert McCall-ról (Denzel Washington), a nyugodt életet élő bostoni állampolgárról senki sem gondolná, hogy egy visszavonult volt kommandós. De a saját halálát megjátszó ügynök újraéled önálló száműzetéséből, hogy megmentsen egy fiatal lányt (Chloe Grace Moretz) az erőszakos orosz gengszterektől. De a bosszúhadjárat nem csak a bosszúról szól, hanem folyamatosan felfedi, hogy a törvény néha nem elég és át kell lépni a határokat. Ha valaki bajba kerül és nincs hová fordulnia, McCall-ra biztosan számíthat, ő a tehetetlenek védelmezője. English In The Equalizer, Denzel Washington plays McCall, a man who believes he has put his mysterious past behind him and dedicated himself to beginning a new, quiet life. But when McCall meets Teri (Chloë Grace Moretz), a young girl under the control of ultra-violent Russian gangsters, he can't stand idly by - he has to help her. Armed with hidden skills that allow him to serve vengeance against anyone who would brutalize the helpless, McCall comes out of his self-imposed retirement and finds his desire for justice reawakened. If someone has a problem, if the odds are stacked against them, if they have nowhere else to turn, McCall will help. He is The Equalizer. IMDb Official Website Official Facebook Page Official Twitter Page A film (és hozzá kapcsolódó anyagok) megtekintése 18 éven aluliak számára nem ajánlott! Hungarian "age classification" of this film is not recommended age under 18 (eighteen)! Magyar mozi premier (Hungarian release date): 2014.09.25. (September 25th, 2014) A filmet ("A Védelmező (The Equalizer)" (2014)) Magyarországon a(z) InterCom forgalmazza, a jogokat a(z) InterCom, valamint a(z) Columbia Pictures, Escape Artists, LStar Capital, Lionsgate, Lonetree Entertainment, Mace Neufeld Productions, Sony Pictures, Village Roadshow Pictures, illetve esetlegesen más jogtulajdonos képviseli, gyakorolja! A tartalom engedély nélküli felhasználása nem engedélyezett! This movie ("A Védelmező (The Equalizer)" (2014)) Hungarian distributor is InterCom. The original rights of this moive is own by InterCom and / or Columbia Pictures, Escape Artists, LStar Capital, Lionsgate, Lonetree Entertainment, Mace Neufeld Productions, Sony Pictures, Village Roadshow Pictures, and / or other companies which one(s) connects, relates to this movie! Not allowed to use this content without permission! A Cinema Moziklub és "Curaca86 blog" összes hang, fotó, video anyaga saját vagy más partner jogvédett, terméke, további felhasználás (kivéve a linkek megosztása pl. Facebook-on, stb.), kizárólag engedéllyel lehetséges! – © Cinema Moziklub és "Curaca86 blog" 2010-2014 ™ and © 2010–2014 Cinema Moziklub és "Curaca86 blog". All Rights Reserved. Property of Cinema Moziklub és "Curaca86 blog". Promotional use only. Any kind of transfer, or republishing of the articles and every kind of content of the website is only allowed with the contribution of Cinema Moziklub and "Curacao86 blog"! Every other case, the sale, duplication, other transfer of these material or excerpts thereof, is strictly prohibited!
Robert McCall-ról (Denzel Washington), a nyugodt életet élő bostoni állampolgárról senki sem gondolná, hogy egy visszavonult volt kommandós. A Védelmező (The Equalizer) színes, amerikai akciófilm, 2014 (18) rendező: Antoine Fuqua forgatókönyvíró: Richard Wenk zeneszerző: Harry Gregson-Williams operatőr: Mauro Fiore producer: Todd Black, Mace Neufeld, Michael Sloan vágó: John Refoua szereplő(k): Denzel Washington (Robert McCall) Chloe Grace Moretz (Teri) Vladimir Kulich (Vladimir Pushkin) Melissa Leo (Susan Plummer) Csókás Márton (Teddy) Haley Bennett (Mandy) Bill Pullman (Brian Plummer) Johnny Messner Bemutató dátuma: 2014. szeptember 25. (Forgalmazó: InterCom) Synopsis/Tartalom: Magyar Robert McCall-ról (Denzel Washington), a nyugodt életet élő bostoni állampolgárról senki sem gondolná, hogy egy visszavonult volt kommandós. De a saját halálát megjátszó ügynök újraéled önálló száműzetéséből, hogy megmentsen egy fiatal lányt (Chloe Grace Moretz) az erőszakos orosz gengszterektől. De a bosszúhadjárat nem csak a bosszúról szól, hanem folyamatosan felfedi, hogy a törvény néha nem elég és át kell lépni a határokat. Ha valaki bajba kerül és nincs hová fordulnia, McCall-ra biztosan számíthat, ő a tehetetlenek védelmezője. English In The Equalizer, Denzel Washington plays McCall, a man who believes he has put his mysterious past behind him and dedicated himself to beginning a new, quiet life. But when McCall meets Teri (Chloë Grace Moretz), a young girl under the control of ultra-violent Russian gangsters, he can't stand idly by - he has to help her. Armed with hidden skills that allow him to serve vengeance against anyone who would brutalize the helpless, McCall comes out of his self-imposed retirement and finds his desire for justice reawakened. If someone has a problem, if the odds are stacked against them, if they have nowhere else to turn, McCall will help. He is The Equalizer. IMDb Official Website Official Facebook Page Official Twitter Page A film (és hozzá kapcsolódó anyagok) megtekintése 18 éven aluliak számára nem ajánlott! Hungarian "age classification" of this film is not recommended age under 18 (eighteen)! Magyar mozi premier (Hungarian release date): 2014.09.25. (September 25th, 2014) A filmet ("A Védelmező (The Equalizer)" (2014)) Magyarországon a(z) InterCom forgalmazza, a jogokat a(z) InterCom, valamint a(z) Columbia Pictures, Escape Artists, LStar Capital, Lionsgate, Lonetree Entertainment, Mace Neufeld Productions, Sony Pictures, Village Roadshow Pictures, illetve esetlegesen más jogtulajdonos képviseli, gyakorolja! A tartalom engedély nélküli felhasználása nem engedélyezett! This movie ("A Védelmező (The Equalizer)" (2014)) Hungarian distributor is InterCom. The original rights of this moive is own by InterCom and / or Columbia Pictures, Escape Artists, LStar Capital, Lionsgate, Lonetree Entertainment, Mace Neufeld Productions, Sony Pictures, Village Roadshow Pictures, and / or other companies which one(s) connects, relates to this movie! Not allowed to use this content without permission! A Cinema Moziklub és "Curaca86 blog" összes hang, fotó, video anyaga saját vagy más partner jogvédett, terméke, további felhasználás (kivéve a linkek megosztása pl. Facebook-on, stb.), kizárólag engedéllyel lehetséges! – © Cinema Moziklub és "Curaca86 blog" 2010-2014 ™ and © 2010–2014 Cinema Moziklub és "Curaca86 blog". All Rights Reserved. Property of Cinema Moziklub és "Curaca86 blog". Promotional use only. Any kind of transfer, or republishing of the articles and every kind of content of the website is only allowed with the contribution of Cinema Moziklub and "Curacao86 blog"! Every other case, the sale, duplication, other transfer of these material or excerpts thereof, is strictly prohibited!
The Equalizer ist ein US-amerikanischer Action-Thriller aus dem Jahr 2014, der auf der gleichnamigen Fernsehserie von Michael Sloan und Richard Lindheim aus den 1980er-Jahren basiert. Der Film hatte seine Weltpremiere am 7. Wikipedia Erscheinungsdatum: 22. September 2014 (New York City) Regisseur: Antoine Fuqua Länge: 132 Minuten Musik von: Harry Gregson-Williams Produzenten: Todd Black, Mace Neufeld, Alex Siskin,
CIA analyst Jack Ryan uncovers evidence of an imminent terrorist attack. So he is promoted to Field Agent and sent to Moscow to investigate. There he meets a businessman bent on causing an economic catastrophe. Starring Chris Pine and Kevin Costner. Directed by Kenneth Branagh. Written by Adam Cozad and David Koepp. Produced by David Barron, Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Mace Neufeld and Mark Vahradian. Genre: Action/Thriller. Brenna, Leah and guest reviewer Scott Mantz discuss the reboot of the beloved spy character. Starring Brenna Smith, Leah Aldridge and Scott Mantz. Directed by Amy Taylor. Edited by Zach Wiegmann. Sound design by Aaron Fink and Nick Isaacs. Produced by David Freedman, Cooper Griggs, Aaron Fink, Pedro Raposo, Amy Taylor, Liz Manashil and Hannah Wade.
During filming the planes of scriptwriter David Seltzer and executive producer Mace Neufeld were ...
GQ Magazine 2015-02-04Producers include Todd Black, Jason Blumenthal, Tony Eldridge, Mace Neufeld, Alex Siskin, Michael ...
Ohio 2014-11-10Producer Arnon Milchan ("Gone Girl") will receive the Visionary Award, and producer Mace Neufeld ...
The Charlotte Observer 2014-10-24The festival will also honor producers Arnon Milchan ("Gone Girl") and Mace Neufeld ("The ...
IMDb 2014-10-10... Styne, and manager, LBI Entertainment’s Rick Yorn; and producer Mace Neufeld and Angie Dickinson.
The Hollywood Reporter 2014-09-26... Styne, and manager, LBI Entertainment’s Rick Yorn; and producer Mace Neufeld and Angie Dickinson.
The Hollywood Reporter 2014-09-251 film, "The Maze Runner." ... Also read: ... ��Todd Black, Jason Blumenthal, Steve Tisch, Mace Neufeld and Washington are producers.
The Wrap 2014-09-24... Milchan collect the 2014 Iff Visionary Award and Neufeld the 2014 Iff Lifetime Achievement Award.
IMDb 2014-09-19... Milchan collect the 2014 IFF Visionary Award and Neufeld the 2014 IFF Lifetime Achievement Award.
Screen Daily 2014-09-19Producers Arnon Milchan and Mace Neufeld will be honored at the Opening Night Gala of the 28th ...
IMDb 2014-09-18Produced by Todd Black, Jason Blumenthal, Denzel Washington, Alex Siskin, Steve Tisch, Mace Neufeld, ...
PR Newswire 2014-09-18Dir: ... Todd Black, Jason Blumenthal, Denzel Washington, Alex Siskin, Steve Tisch, Mace Neufeld, Tony Eldridge, Michael Sloan.
Screen Daily 2014-09-07Produced by Village Roadshow Pictures, Escape Artists, Lonetree Entertainment and Mace Neufeld ...
The Wrap 2014-08-16Mace Alvin Neufeld (born July 13, 1928) is an American film and television producer.
Neufeld was born in New York City, New York, the son of Margaret Ruth (née Braun) and Philip M. Neufeld, a stockbroker. He married (to Helen) on 28 February 1954. He has three children, the eldest son Bradley David, Glenn Jeremy and daughter Nancy Ann.
Neufeld began as an amateur photographer in his teens; his first snapshot, a returning World War II veteran, "Sammy's Home", was widely syndicated and won an award from The New York World Telegram-Sun. He first ventured into the television business when he got a job with the DuMont Television Network (which was one of the four major networks, alongside ABC, CBS, and NBC). Within a few years Neufeld then formed his own independent television production company and personal management firm which over the years had promoted such popular comedians as Don Adams, Gabe Kaplan and Don Knotts. Not only comedians worked under Neufeld, but musical talents as well, including The Captain and Tennille, The Carpenters, Randy Newman, and Jim Croce.