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Al Jazeera | 2016-01-06

UN struck by new sex abuse allegations in CAR

The United Nations has launched a fact finding mission into new allegations that its peacekeepers sexually abused four underage girls in Bangui, the capital of...

Canberra Times | 2016-01-06

North Korea hydrogen bomb test: 'successful' nuclear bomb a strategic move

North Korea has conducted its fourth nuclear test, a set back for US and Chinese efforts to convince leader Kim Jong Un to restart disarmament talks. Kim...

The Guardian | 2016-01-06

Hillary Clinton urges moderate gun owners to take on the NRA

The Democratic frontrunner said there ‘needs to be a rival organization to the NRA’ hours after Barack Obama’s statement on tighter gun control... | 2016-01-06

Floodwaters Threaten To Collapse Historic Scottish Castle

A 450-year-old Scottish castle is threatened with collapse as floodwaters have washed away 60 feet of land between the building and a raging river, according to...

Open Minds Worldwide

Why China should just let the stock market crash

The mainland’s securities regulator is likely to make it harder for major shareholders to sell...