Nord Stream in 150 sec
The Nord Stream Pipeline is one of the biggest infrastructure projects today. The project has set new benchmarks for technical solutions and international co...
Nord Stream Hyperbaric Tie-ins
The Nord Stream Project is installing two 48" gas export pipelines from Vyborg in Russia to Greifswald in Germany, through the Gulf of Finland and the Baltic...
Nord Stream The Project
Nord Stream's vision is to establish a direct connection between the vast gas reserves in Russia and the energy markets in the European Union. The Nord Strea...
PDPU 2015-09-17 #3 WAŻNE‼ D Smyrgała o "Nord Stream 2" Gaz,energia dla Polski
CZAS+ Plusy Dodatnie Plusy Ujemne u JAspas44 (clicknij↓ rozwiń↓) #1 Rafał Ziemkiewicz #2 dr Sergiusz Trzeciak, politolog #3 dr Dominik Smyrgała, Collegium Civitas #4 Paweł Majewski, Bartłomiej Radziejewski
#3 dr Dominik Smyrgała, Collegium Civitas o "Nord Stream 2"
Bezpieczeństwo energetyczne Polski i Europy. Gazprom, Rosja.
Jak "dojcze" koncerny energetyczne u Dojczlandu wykorzystują/nadużywa
Ewa Kopacz Kłamie Nord Stream II
Kolejna wpadka Ewy Kopacz po debacie. Pani Premier cierpi na ciężką sklerozę albo kłamie ws. Nord Stream II.
Nord Stream Lubmin Landfall
Nord Stream's twin offshore pipelines run through the Baltic Sea from Russia, and exit at the German mainland at the Lubmin landfall facility. The Lubmin lan...
Nord Stream - konsekwencje i zagrożenia budowy gazociągu - konferencja - 22.02.2011
Zagrożenia wynikające z budowy Nord Streamu z Rosji do Niemiec pod dnie Bałtyku dotyczą nie tylko Pomorza Zachodniego, ale całej Polski, a także Europy - uwa...
Putin und Schröder eröffnen Nord Stream - eine...
Nach rund anderthalb Jahren Bauzeit strömt russisches Erdgas durch die Ostseepipeline Nord Stream direkt nach Deutschland. Für Russlands Ministerpräsident Wl...
Nord Stream Pipeline System Fully Operational
After just 30 months of construction, the Nord Stream twin pipeline system is fully operational. Together the pipelines have the capacity to deliver 55 billi...
Pipeline Politics: EU to block Russia's 'anti-European' Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline
Russia's Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project is dead in the water.
The plan to construct the undersea pipeline to Germany, in order eliminate Ukraine as a transit country, has hit the buffers after a number of EU states raised objections to the deal - which would allow Russia to increase its near monolpoly of European gas supply and distribution.
Check out our website: http://uatoday.tv
Underwater Drone with Explosives Spotted Near Baltic Nord Stream Pipeline
An unmanned military underwater vehicle rigged with explosives was spotted on the seabed in the vicinity of the Nord Stream gas pipeline in the Baltics on Friday, Swedish media report. The device is expected to be disarmed on November 9.
An abandoned expendable remotely-operated mine clearance underwater vehicle allegedly with explosives onboard has been detected in mu
Highlights of Nord Stream Race 2014
Saint Petersburg/Russia - Helsinki/Finland - Warnemünde/Germany, 29 May to 7 June 2014 more than 800 nautical Miles across the Baltic Sea.
Яценюк пояснив, як російський газопровід Nord stream-2 вплине на Україну
Через будівництво газопроводу Nord Stream-2 з Росії Україна втратить $2 млрд транзитних доходів, Словаччина - $800 млн лид
Яценюк розповів, чим загрожує Україні будівництво Nord Stream-2
UA - Яценюк розповів, чим загрожує Україні будівництво Nord Stream-2. Прем’єр-міністри України та Словаччини різко розкритикували будівництво другої черги газопроводу Північний потік, яке ведуть Росія та Німеччина. Арсеній Яценюк під час візиту до Братислави заявив, що Nord Stream-2 - це антиукраїнський та антиєвропейський проект. І закликав Єврокомісію заблокувати його. Випуск ТСН.19:30 за 10 вер
Яценюк потребовал заблокировать антиевропейский Nord Stream-2
Яценюк потребовал заблокировать антиевропейский Nord Stream-2.
Арсений Яценюк потребовал от ЕС заблокировать "антиукраинский и антиевропейский" газопровод "Северный Поток 2", а также призвал к созданию в Евросоюзе новой площадки для помощи Украине и содействию проводимых в ней реформ. Заручиться дополнительной поддержкой западных партнеров киевскому руководству сейчас не помешало бы. Сре
Nord Stream Race Trailer 2015
Nord Stream Race 2015 - The ultimate Offshore Challenge
800 nm non-stop race from Flensburg/Germany to Saint Petersburg/Russia, covering the whole distance of the Baltic Sea
Start: 20. September 2015
Open for: Gazprom Swan 60 yachts and boats under ORC handicap
More information: www.nord-stream-race.com
EU defends Nord Stream gas pipeline
Vladimir Putin, the Russian prime minister, has defended his country's Nord Stream gas pipeline, amid accusations it could damage the Baltic Sea. Finland is ...
Nord Stream 2 wyrazem solidarności?
Agnieszka Ścigaj, Tadeusz Iwiński, Julia Pitera, Andrzej Celiński i Adam Bielan gośćmi Dominiki Wielowieyskiej w Wyborach w TOKu
Pamiętaj o SUBSKRYPCJI: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TokFmWideo
2015 - Nord Stream Race - Daily News No 2 - Thursday, 24.09.2015
Finish of the ORC yachts at Nord Stream Race 2015
Nord Stream Solitaire Completes Work
Allseas' Solitaire, the world's largest pipelay vessel, has completed work on Line 2 of the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline through the Baltic Sea ahead of ...
Nord Stream Barent Zanen-Dredging Completed in German Waters
The hopper dredger Barent Zanen is one of the 120 vessels which worked in the Pomeranian Bay for the Nord Stream project from May 2010 to the end of 2010. Th...
Kowal: „Nord Stream 2 to zagrożenie, które powstaje przy udziale naszych sojuszników na Zachodzie”
Paweł Kowal, były wiceminister spraw zagranicznych, w rozmowie z Energetyka24 kreśli zagrożenie jakie dla polskiego bezpieczeństwa energetycznego niesie Nord Stream 2.
Putin and Schroeder get Nord Stream pumping
A controversial pipeline to pump Russian gas to Europe has been officially inaugurated. The 8.8 billion euro Nord Stream project was agreed in 2005 by then R...
Nord Stream in 150 sec
The Nord Stream Pipeline is one of the biggest infrastructure projects today. The project has set new benchmarks for technical solutions and international co......
The Nord Stream Pipeline is one of the biggest infrastructure projects today. The project has set new benchmarks for technical solutions and international co...
wn.com/Nord Stream In 150 Sec
The Nord Stream Pipeline is one of the biggest infrastructure projects today. The project has set new benchmarks for technical solutions and international co...
Nord Stream Hyperbaric Tie-ins
The Nord Stream Project is installing two 48" gas export pipelines from Vyborg in Russia to Greifswald in Germany, through the Gulf of Finland and the Baltic......
The Nord Stream Project is installing two 48" gas export pipelines from Vyborg in Russia to Greifswald in Germany, through the Gulf of Finland and the Baltic...
wn.com/Nord Stream Hyperbaric Tie Ins
The Nord Stream Project is installing two 48" gas export pipelines from Vyborg in Russia to Greifswald in Germany, through the Gulf of Finland and the Baltic...
Nord Stream The Project
Nord Stream's vision is to establish a direct connection between the vast gas reserves in Russia and the energy markets in the European Union. The Nord Strea......
Nord Stream's vision is to establish a direct connection between the vast gas reserves in Russia and the energy markets in the European Union. The Nord Strea...
wn.com/Nord Stream The Project
Nord Stream's vision is to establish a direct connection between the vast gas reserves in Russia and the energy markets in the European Union. The Nord Strea...
PDPU 2015-09-17 #3 WAŻNE‼ D Smyrgała o "Nord Stream 2" Gaz,energia dla Polski
CZAS+ Plusy Dodatnie Plusy Ujemne u JAspas44 (clicknij↓ rozwiń↓) #1 Rafał Ziemkiewicz #2 dr Sergiusz Trzeciak, politolog #3 dr Dominik Smyrgała, Collegium Civit...
CZAS+ Plusy Dodatnie Plusy Ujemne u JAspas44 (clicknij↓ rozwiń↓) #1 Rafał Ziemkiewicz #2 dr Sergiusz Trzeciak, politolog #3 dr Dominik Smyrgała, Collegium Civitas #4 Paweł Majewski, Bartłomiej Radziejewski
#3 dr Dominik Smyrgała, Collegium Civitas o "Nord Stream 2"
Bezpieczeństwo energetyczne Polski i Europy. Gazprom, Rosja.
Jak "dojcze" koncerny energetyczne u Dojczlandu wykorzystują/nadużywają obywateli Dojczlandu.
Zwracam uwagę, na sposób mówienia Rafała Ziemkiewicza, który od jakiegoś czasu nakręca wrogość do "Niemców", a tymczasem sami Dojczery u Dojczlandu są wykorzystywani i zaniedbywani przez dojcze przemysłowe koncerny kapitalistyczne i przez działający na ich korzyść rząd Dojczlandu. → "Nie wiadomo czy to Dojczland ma te korporacje przemysłowe, czy to raczej te korporacje mają Dojczland..."
To video → https://youtu.be/9ihW77m87CY
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Wspieraj Jesu Spasa, Zbawiciel44'a! Rozpowiadaj tę Dobrą Nowinę!
-- Jesus AntiChristos Spas44 #CzterdzieściCztery
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wn.com/Pdpu 2015 09 17 3 Ważne‼ D Smyrgała O Nord Stream 2 Gaz,Energia Dla Polski
CZAS+ Plusy Dodatnie Plusy Ujemne u JAspas44 (clicknij↓ rozwiń↓) #1 Rafał Ziemkiewicz #2 dr Sergiusz Trzeciak, politolog #3 dr Dominik Smyrgała, Collegium Civitas #4 Paweł Majewski, Bartłomiej Radziejewski
#3 dr Dominik Smyrgała, Collegium Civitas o "Nord Stream 2"
Bezpieczeństwo energetyczne Polski i Europy. Gazprom, Rosja.
Jak "dojcze" koncerny energetyczne u Dojczlandu wykorzystują/nadużywają obywateli Dojczlandu.
Zwracam uwagę, na sposób mówienia Rafała Ziemkiewicza, który od jakiegoś czasu nakręca wrogość do "Niemców", a tymczasem sami Dojczery u Dojczlandu są wykorzystywani i zaniedbywani przez dojcze przemysłowe koncerny kapitalistyczne i przez działający na ich korzyść rząd Dojczlandu. → "Nie wiadomo czy to Dojczland ma te korporacje przemysłowe, czy to raczej te korporacje mają Dojczland..."
To video → https://youtu.be/9ihW77m87CY
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Wspieraj Jesu Spasa, Zbawiciel44'a! Rozpowiadaj tę Dobrą Nowinę!
-- Jesus AntiChristos Spas44 #CzterdzieściCztery
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Tamta bramka www u pIRC.pl, nie wymaga rejestracji.
Zapraszam do czata, wypowiedzi, komentarzy, pytania!
- published: 18 Sep 2015
- views: 26
Ewa Kopacz Kłamie Nord Stream II
Kolejna wpadka Ewy Kopacz po debacie. Pani Premier cierpi na ciężką sklerozę albo kłamie ws. Nord Stream II....
Kolejna wpadka Ewy Kopacz po debacie. Pani Premier cierpi na ciężką sklerozę albo kłamie ws. Nord Stream II.
wn.com/Ewa Kopacz Kłamie Nord Stream Ii
Kolejna wpadka Ewy Kopacz po debacie. Pani Premier cierpi na ciężką sklerozę albo kłamie ws. Nord Stream II.
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 24684
Nord Stream Lubmin Landfall
Nord Stream's twin offshore pipelines run through the Baltic Sea from Russia, and exit at the German mainland at the Lubmin landfall facility. The Lubmin lan......
Nord Stream's twin offshore pipelines run through the Baltic Sea from Russia, and exit at the German mainland at the Lubmin landfall facility. The Lubmin lan...
wn.com/Nord Stream Lubmin Landfall
Nord Stream's twin offshore pipelines run through the Baltic Sea from Russia, and exit at the German mainland at the Lubmin landfall facility. The Lubmin lan...
Nord Stream - konsekwencje i zagrożenia budowy gazociągu - konferencja - 22.02.2011
Zagrożenia wynikające z budowy Nord Streamu z Rosji do Niemiec pod dnie Bałtyku dotyczą nie tylko Pomorza Zachodniego, ale całej Polski, a także Europy - uwa......
Zagrożenia wynikające z budowy Nord Streamu z Rosji do Niemiec pod dnie Bałtyku dotyczą nie tylko Pomorza Zachodniego, ale całej Polski, a także Europy - uwa...
wn.com/Nord Stream Konsekwencje I Zagrożenia Budowy Gazociągu Konferencja 22.02.2011
Zagrożenia wynikające z budowy Nord Streamu z Rosji do Niemiec pod dnie Bałtyku dotyczą nie tylko Pomorza Zachodniego, ale całej Polski, a także Europy - uwa...
Putin und Schröder eröffnen Nord Stream - eine...
Nach rund anderthalb Jahren Bauzeit strömt russisches Erdgas durch die Ostseepipeline Nord Stream direkt nach Deutschland. Für Russlands Ministerpräsident Wl......
Nach rund anderthalb Jahren Bauzeit strömt russisches Erdgas durch die Ostseepipeline Nord Stream direkt nach Deutschland. Für Russlands Ministerpräsident Wl...
wn.com/Putin Und Schröder Eröffnen Nord Stream Eine...
Nach rund anderthalb Jahren Bauzeit strömt russisches Erdgas durch die Ostseepipeline Nord Stream direkt nach Deutschland. Für Russlands Ministerpräsident Wl...
Nord Stream Pipeline System Fully Operational
After just 30 months of construction, the Nord Stream twin pipeline system is fully operational. Together the pipelines have the capacity to deliver 55 billi......
After just 30 months of construction, the Nord Stream twin pipeline system is fully operational. Together the pipelines have the capacity to deliver 55 billi...
wn.com/Nord Stream Pipeline System Fully Operational
After just 30 months of construction, the Nord Stream twin pipeline system is fully operational. Together the pipelines have the capacity to deliver 55 billi...
Pipeline Politics: EU to block Russia's 'anti-European' Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline
Russia's Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project is dead in the water.
The plan to construct the undersea pipeline to Germany, in order eliminate Ukraine as a trans...
Russia's Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project is dead in the water.
The plan to construct the undersea pipeline to Germany, in order eliminate Ukraine as a transit country, has hit the buffers after a number of EU states raised objections to the deal - which would allow Russia to increase its near monolpoly of European gas supply and distribution.
Check out our website: http://uatoday.tv
Facebook: https://facebook.com/uatodaytv
Twitter: https://twitter.com/uatodaytv
wn.com/Pipeline Politics Eu To Block Russia's 'Anti European' Nord Stream 2 Gas Pipeline
Russia's Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project is dead in the water.
The plan to construct the undersea pipeline to Germany, in order eliminate Ukraine as a transit country, has hit the buffers after a number of EU states raised objections to the deal - which would allow Russia to increase its near monolpoly of European gas supply and distribution.
Check out our website: http://uatoday.tv
Facebook: https://facebook.com/uatodaytv
Twitter: https://twitter.com/uatodaytv
- published: 07 Nov 2015
- views: 178
Underwater Drone with Explosives Spotted Near Baltic Nord Stream Pipeline
An unmanned military underwater vehicle rigged with explosives was spotted on the seabed in the vicinity of the Nord Stream gas pip...
An unmanned military underwater vehicle rigged with explosives was spotted on the seabed in the vicinity of the Nord Stream gas pipeline in the Baltics on Friday, Swedish media report. The device is expected to be disarmed on November 9.
An abandoned expendable remotely-operated mine clearance underwater vehicle allegedly with explosives onboard has been detected in multinational waters of the Baltic Sea by the Swedish Navy, Svenska Daglabet reports.
The discovery was made during a routine check of the Nord Stream pipeline. Since it was discovered in the Swedish economic zone, north of the island of Gotland, the Nord Stream pipeline operator immediately notified the Swedish military.
Read More:
wn.com/Underwater Drone With Explosives Spotted Near Baltic Nord Stream Pipeline
An unmanned military underwater vehicle rigged with explosives was spotted on the seabed in the vicinity of the Nord Stream gas pipeline in the Baltics on Friday, Swedish media report. The device is expected to be disarmed on November 9.
An abandoned expendable remotely-operated mine clearance underwater vehicle allegedly with explosives onboard has been detected in multinational waters of the Baltic Sea by the Swedish Navy, Svenska Daglabet reports.
The discovery was made during a routine check of the Nord Stream pipeline. Since it was discovered in the Swedish economic zone, north of the island of Gotland, the Nord Stream pipeline operator immediately notified the Swedish military.
Read More:
- published: 07 Nov 2015
- views: 1890
Highlights of Nord Stream Race 2014
Saint Petersburg/Russia - Helsinki/Finland - Warnemünde/Germany, 29 May to 7 June 2014 more than 800 nautical Miles across the Baltic Sea....
Saint Petersburg/Russia - Helsinki/Finland - Warnemünde/Germany, 29 May to 7 June 2014 more than 800 nautical Miles across the Baltic Sea.
wn.com/Highlights Of Nord Stream Race 2014
Saint Petersburg/Russia - Helsinki/Finland - Warnemünde/Germany, 29 May to 7 June 2014 more than 800 nautical Miles across the Baltic Sea.
Яценюк пояснив, як російський газопровід Nord stream-2 вплине на Україну
Через будівництво газопроводу Nord Stream-2 з Росії Україна втратить $2 млрд транзитних доходів, Словаччина - $800 млн лид...
Через будівництво газопроводу Nord Stream-2 з Росії Україна втратить $2 млрд транзитних доходів, Словаччина - $800 млн лид
wn.com/Яценюк Пояснив, Як Російський Газопровід Nord Stream 2 Вплине На Україну
Через будівництво газопроводу Nord Stream-2 з Росії Україна втратить $2 млрд транзитних доходів, Словаччина - $800 млн лид
- published: 10 Sep 2015
- views: 866
Яценюк розповів, чим загрожує Україні будівництво Nord Stream-2
UA - Яценюк розповів, чим загрожує Україні будівництво Nord Stream-2. Прем’єр-міністри України та Словаччини різко розкритикували будівництво другої черги газоп...
UA - Яценюк розповів, чим загрожує Україні будівництво Nord Stream-2. Прем’єр-міністри України та Словаччини різко розкритикували будівництво другої черги газопроводу Північний потік, яке ведуть Росія та Німеччина. Арсеній Яценюк під час візиту до Братислави заявив, що Nord Stream-2 - це антиукраїнський та антиєвропейський проект. І закликав Єврокомісію заблокувати його. Випуск ТСН.19:30 за 10 вересня 2015 року
RU - Яценюк рассказал, чем грозит Украине строительство Nord Stream-2. Премьер-министры Украины и Словакии резко раскритиковали строительство второй очереди газопровода Северный поток, который ведут Россия и Германия. Арсений Яценюк во время визита в Братиславу заявил, что Nord Stream-2 - это антиукраинский и антиевропейский проект. И призвал Еврокомиссию заблокировать его. Выпуск ТСН.19:30 за 10 сентября 2015 года
wn.com/Яценюк Розповів, Чим Загрожує Україні Будівництво Nord Stream 2
UA - Яценюк розповів, чим загрожує Україні будівництво Nord Stream-2. Прем’єр-міністри України та Словаччини різко розкритикували будівництво другої черги газопроводу Північний потік, яке ведуть Росія та Німеччина. Арсеній Яценюк під час візиту до Братислави заявив, що Nord Stream-2 - це антиукраїнський та антиєвропейський проект. І закликав Єврокомісію заблокувати його. Випуск ТСН.19:30 за 10 вересня 2015 року
RU - Яценюк рассказал, чем грозит Украине строительство Nord Stream-2. Премьер-министры Украины и Словакии резко раскритиковали строительство второй очереди газопровода Северный поток, который ведут Россия и Германия. Арсений Яценюк во время визита в Братиславу заявил, что Nord Stream-2 - это антиукраинский и антиевропейский проект. И призвал Еврокомиссию заблокировать его. Выпуск ТСН.19:30 за 10 сентября 2015 года
- published: 10 Sep 2015
- views: 6661
Яценюк потребовал заблокировать антиевропейский Nord Stream-2
Яценюк потребовал заблокировать антиевропейский Nord Stream-2.
Арсений Яценюк потребовал от ЕС заблокировать "антиукраинский и антиевропейский" газопр...
Яценюк потребовал заблокировать антиевропейский Nord Stream-2.
Арсений Яценюк потребовал от ЕС заблокировать "антиукраинский и антиевропейский" газопровод "Северный Поток 2", а также призвал к созданию в Евросоюзе новой площадки для помощи Украине и содействию проводимых в ней реформ. Заручиться дополнительной поддержкой западных партнеров киевскому руководству сейчас не помешало бы. Среди собственных граждан проводимая нынешней властью политика находит все меньше поддержки.
Источник: http://www.tvc.ru/news/show/id/76215
Copyright © 2007-2014 ОАО «ТВ Центр» http://www.tvc.ru/
wn.com/Яценюк Потребовал Заблокировать Антиевропейский Nord Stream 2
Яценюк потребовал заблокировать антиевропейский Nord Stream-2.
Арсений Яценюк потребовал от ЕС заблокировать "антиукраинский и антиевропейский" газопровод "Северный Поток 2", а также призвал к созданию в Евросоюзе новой площадки для помощи Украине и содействию проводимых в ней реформ. Заручиться дополнительной поддержкой западных партнеров киевскому руководству сейчас не помешало бы. Среди собственных граждан проводимая нынешней властью политика находит все меньше поддержки.
Источник: http://www.tvc.ru/news/show/id/76215
Copyright © 2007-2014 ОАО «ТВ Центр» http://www.tvc.ru/
- published: 10 Sep 2015
- views: 317
Nord Stream Race Trailer 2015
Nord Stream Race 2015 - The ultimate Offshore Challenge
800 nm non-stop race from Flensburg/Germany to Saint Petersburg/Russia, covering the whole distance of ...
Nord Stream Race 2015 - The ultimate Offshore Challenge
800 nm non-stop race from Flensburg/Germany to Saint Petersburg/Russia, covering the whole distance of the Baltic Sea
Start: 20. September 2015
Open for: Gazprom Swan 60 yachts and boats under ORC handicap
More information: www.nord-stream-race.com
wn.com/Nord Stream Race Trailer 2015
Nord Stream Race 2015 - The ultimate Offshore Challenge
800 nm non-stop race from Flensburg/Germany to Saint Petersburg/Russia, covering the whole distance of the Baltic Sea
Start: 20. September 2015
Open for: Gazprom Swan 60 yachts and boats under ORC handicap
More information: www.nord-stream-race.com
- published: 21 May 2015
- views: 65
EU defends Nord Stream gas pipeline
Vladimir Putin, the Russian prime minister, has defended his country's Nord Stream gas pipeline, amid accusations it could damage the Baltic Sea. Finland is ......
Vladimir Putin, the Russian prime minister, has defended his country's Nord Stream gas pipeline, amid accusations it could damage the Baltic Sea. Finland is ...
wn.com/Eu Defends Nord Stream Gas Pipeline
Vladimir Putin, the Russian prime minister, has defended his country's Nord Stream gas pipeline, amid accusations it could damage the Baltic Sea. Finland is ...
Nord Stream 2 wyrazem solidarności?
Agnieszka Ścigaj, Tadeusz Iwiński, Julia Pitera, Andrzej Celiński i Adam Bielan gośćmi Dominiki Wielowieyskiej w Wyborach w TOKu
Pamiętaj o SUBSKRYPCJI: http://...
Agnieszka Ścigaj, Tadeusz Iwiński, Julia Pitera, Andrzej Celiński i Adam Bielan gośćmi Dominiki Wielowieyskiej w Wyborach w TOKu
Pamiętaj o SUBSKRYPCJI: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TokFmWideo
wn.com/Nord Stream 2 Wyrazem Solidarności
Agnieszka Ścigaj, Tadeusz Iwiński, Julia Pitera, Andrzej Celiński i Adam Bielan gośćmi Dominiki Wielowieyskiej w Wyborach w TOKu
Pamiętaj o SUBSKRYPCJI: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TokFmWideo
- published: 13 Sep 2015
- views: 96
2015 - Nord Stream Race - Daily News No 2 - Thursday, 24.09.2015
Finish of the ORC yachts at Nord Stream Race 2015
Finish of the ORC yachts at Nord Stream Race 2015
wn.com/2015 Nord Stream Race Daily News No 2 Thursday, 24.09.2015
Finish of the ORC yachts at Nord Stream Race 2015
- published: 24 Sep 2015
- views: 82
Nord Stream Solitaire Completes Work
Allseas' Solitaire, the world's largest pipelay vessel, has completed work on Line 2 of the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline through the Baltic Sea ahead of ......
Allseas' Solitaire, the world's largest pipelay vessel, has completed work on Line 2 of the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline through the Baltic Sea ahead of ...
wn.com/Nord Stream Solitaire Completes Work
Allseas' Solitaire, the world's largest pipelay vessel, has completed work on Line 2 of the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline through the Baltic Sea ahead of ...
Nord Stream Barent Zanen-Dredging Completed in German Waters
The hopper dredger Barent Zanen is one of the 120 vessels which worked in the Pomeranian Bay for the Nord Stream project from May 2010 to the end of 2010. Th......
The hopper dredger Barent Zanen is one of the 120 vessels which worked in the Pomeranian Bay for the Nord Stream project from May 2010 to the end of 2010. Th...
wn.com/Nord Stream Barent Zanen Dredging Completed In German Waters
The hopper dredger Barent Zanen is one of the 120 vessels which worked in the Pomeranian Bay for the Nord Stream project from May 2010 to the end of 2010. Th...
Kowal: „Nord Stream 2 to zagrożenie, które powstaje przy udziale naszych sojuszników na Zachodzie”
Paweł Kowal, były wiceminister spraw zagranicznych, w rozmowie z Energetyka24 kreśli zagrożenie jakie dla polskiego bezpieczeństwa energetycznego niesie Nord St...
Paweł Kowal, były wiceminister spraw zagranicznych, w rozmowie z Energetyka24 kreśli zagrożenie jakie dla polskiego bezpieczeństwa energetycznego niesie Nord Stream 2.
wn.com/Kowal „Nord Stream 2 To Zagrożenie, Które Powstaje Przy Udziale Naszych Sojuszników Na Zachodzie”
Paweł Kowal, były wiceminister spraw zagranicznych, w rozmowie z Energetyka24 kreśli zagrożenie jakie dla polskiego bezpieczeństwa energetycznego niesie Nord Stream 2.
- published: 01 Oct 2015
- views: 93
Putin and Schroeder get Nord Stream pumping
A controversial pipeline to pump Russian gas to Europe has been officially inaugurated. The 8.8 billion euro Nord Stream project was agreed in 2005 by then R......
A controversial pipeline to pump Russian gas to Europe has been officially inaugurated. The 8.8 billion euro Nord Stream project was agreed in 2005 by then R...
wn.com/Putin And Schroeder Get Nord Stream Pumping
A controversial pipeline to pump Russian gas to Europe has been officially inaugurated. The 8.8 billion euro Nord Stream project was agreed in 2005 by then R...
Russia's 'Nord Stream 2' gas pipeline danger to all Europe: Slovakian energy minister
Slovakia considers the Kremlin's 'Nord Stream 2' pipelines a threat to the entire European Union. Economy Minister Vazil Hudák warned this week any dependence on a single source of gas could be a threat to the EU's future energy security.
Now it's not the first time Slovakia has raised objections. In September, Prime Minister Robert Fico supported Ukraine's opposition to the construction. He said
Nord Invasion Stream #1
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Outro music provided by The Lonely Mountain Ban
Putin streams Defense Ministry meeting from operations base
Putin streams Defense Ministry meeting from operations ...
Video for Putin streams Defense Ministry meeting from operations base▶ 1:12
13 mins ago - Uploaded by NewsToday
Putin streams Defense Ministry meeting from operations base Putin streams Defense Ministry meeting from ...
Putin streams Defense Ministry meeting from operations base
Video for Putin s
Stream - Never Alone - Foxtales, au Nord du Nord !
Un DLC qui va à l'essentiel avec 1 grosse heure de jeu proposée pour replonger dans le grand Nord avec nos deux amis ! Un peu plus retors niveau énigmes, on prend tout le même le temps de profiter des innovations comme le bateau et les courants marins :D
Désolé pour la fin soudaine, le Hasta Luego a été interdit par Youtube :(
ALERT NEWS FLASH Underwater Drone with Explosives Spotted Near Baltic Nord Stream Pipeline
by our friend DAHBOO777 AND WE REPORT YOU DECIDE WHAT TO DO WITH THE INFORMATION AND CHECK HOME PAGE AND CHECK THE ABOUT BUTTON .. BUT FIRST PLEASE TAKE NOTICE AND READ. IF We Air a Video from someone else, IT IS BECAUSE We have PERMISSION To do so. This Christian Channel Has Many Different News,Teaching, Preaching, show's.. Just like a regular TV Station
Antena Nord Live Stream
Andrzej Sikora o Nord Stream 2 dla TVP INFO, 31.10.2015
Dr Andrzej Sikora prezes Instytutu Studiów Energetycznych oraz Andrzej Szczesniak, ekspert rynku paliw w Świat i Ludzie w TVP INFO, 31.10.2015.
Źródło - http://tvp.info
Więcej na http://www.ise.com.pl
Smyrgała: Realizacja Turkish Stream mało prawdopodobna [wideo]
Turkish Stream jest już raczej mało prawdopodobnym projektem skoro Rosjanie budują Nord Stream 2 – twierdzi dr Dominik Smyrgała, wykładowca Collegium Civitas i ekspert Fundacji Fibre, w rozmowie z Energetyka24.com .
Alexander Novak shares his views on the future of Nord Stream-2
Russia's Energy Minister doesn't see objective hurdles for construction of Nord Stream-2, says the project will enhance Europe's energy security.
Jerzy Buzek zabiera głos w sprawie Nord Stream 2 na sesji plenarnej PE w Strasbourgu 7.10.2015
Głos w debacie na temat Nord Stream II Zbigniew Kuźmiuk, PE Strasburg 7 10 15 r
Projekt inwestycyjny Nord Stream II w postaci dwóch kolejnych nitek gazociągu umożliwiających przesłanie 55 mld m3 gazu jest przede wszystkim przedsięwzięciem politycznym, a nie gospodarczym, ponieważ dotychczasowe moce przesyłowe Nord Stream I, są wykorzystane zaledwie w 50%.
Co więcej realizacja tej inwestycji przez wielkie zachodnie koncerny energetyczne z rosyjskim Gazpromem, który regularnie
Debates par Nord Stream 2 projektu
Финиш Международной парусной регаты Nord Stream Race в Санкт-Петербурге.
«Норд Стрим Рейс» – традиционная балтийская регата, соединяющая Россию с Германий, – точно так же, как соединяет наши страны газопровод «Северный поток», по маршруту которого проходит флот регаты. При этом курс парусной флотилии каждый год меняется: финиш поочередно принимают Санкт-Петербург и немецкий Фленсбург. В нынешнем году эта честь выпала городу на Неве.
Церемония награждения победителей Nord Stream Race 2015
Nord Stream Race — ежегодная балтийская оффшорная регата, проходящая по маршруту газопровода «Северный поток». В 2015 году Nord Stream Race стартовала во Фленсбурге (Германия) 20 сентября. Во время гонки яхты классов Gazprom Swan 60 и дивизиона ORC преодолеют в общей сложности около 800 морских миль и финишируют в Санкт-Петербурге.
Видео - (Дипломат.ру - http://diplomatru.ru/)
Принц Александр Шлезвиг-Гольштейнский
Nord Stream Race — ежегодная балтийская оффшорная регата, проходящая по маршруту газопровода «Северный поток». В 2015 году Nord Stream Race стартовала во Фленсбурге (Германия) 20 сентября. Во время гонки яхты классов Gazprom Swan 60 и дивизиона ORC преодолеют в общей сложности около 800 морских миль и финишируют в Санкт-Петербурге.
Видео - (Дипломат.ру - http://diplomatru.ru/)
Barrasso Questions Energy Sec. Moniz On Russia’s Efforts to Expand Nord Stream Natural Gas Pipeline
Kryzys migracyjny - Niemcy, Polska i Nord Stream 2
- Swoje wynikające z historii rozterki, niepewności i kompleksy Niemcy narzucają Europie, prowadząc ją raz w tym, raz w innym kierunku. Podpisana właśnie umowa o budowie Nord Stream 2 pokazuje, że tam gdzie chodzi o wielki interesy i pozycję geopolityczną własnego kraju wykazują niezmienną stałość i twardą postawę bez oglądania się na szczytne ideały
Russia: Novak talks Nord Stream-2, Iran sanctions & investment
Russian Minister of Energy Alexander Novak said objective factors against the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline do not exist, during an interview with RT in Moscow on Saturday. "Nord Stream-2 coincides with the Nord Stream-1 route. All the necessary licences have already been received earlier from countries crossed by the gas-pipeline," he said.
Discussing the effect Nord Stream-2 could have on Europe,
Будівництво Nord Stream-2 під загрозою
UA - Президенти Польщі та Словаччини виступили проти будівництва Nord Stream-2.
RU - Президенты Польши и Словакии выступили против строительства Nord Stream-2.
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Russia's 'Nord Stream 2' gas pipeline danger to all Europe: Slovakian energy minister
Slovakia considers the Kremlin's 'Nord Stream 2' pipelines a threat to the entire European Union. Economy Minister Vazil Hudák warned this week any dependence o...
Slovakia considers the Kremlin's 'Nord Stream 2' pipelines a threat to the entire European Union. Economy Minister Vazil Hudák warned this week any dependence on a single source of gas could be a threat to the EU's future energy security.
Now it's not the first time Slovakia has raised objections. In September, Prime Minister Robert Fico supported Ukraine's opposition to the construction. He said 'they're simply making fools of us', appearing to aim the jibe towards Moscow and Berlin.
Check out our website: http://uatoday.tv
Facebook: https://facebook.com/uatodaytv
Twitter: https://twitter.com/uatodaytv
wn.com/Russia's 'Nord Stream 2' Gas Pipeline Danger To All Europe Slovakian Energy Minister
Slovakia considers the Kremlin's 'Nord Stream 2' pipelines a threat to the entire European Union. Economy Minister Vazil Hudák warned this week any dependence on a single source of gas could be a threat to the EU's future energy security.
Now it's not the first time Slovakia has raised objections. In September, Prime Minister Robert Fico supported Ukraine's opposition to the construction. He said 'they're simply making fools of us', appearing to aim the jibe towards Moscow and Berlin.
Check out our website: http://uatoday.tv
Facebook: https://facebook.com/uatodaytv
Twitter: https://twitter.com/uatodaytv
- published: 28 Nov 2015
- views: 148
Nord Invasion Stream #1
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Thanks for watching!
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Outro music provided by The Lonely Mountain Band: http://minstrelsongs.com/
wn.com/Nord Invasion Stream 1
Thanks for watching!
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T-Shirts ► http://andang.spreadshirt.com/
Outro music provided by The Lonely Mountain Band: http://minstrelsongs.com/
- published: 25 Nov 2015
- views: 91
Putin streams Defense Ministry meeting from operations base
Putin streams Defense Ministry meeting from operations ...
Video for Putin streams Defense Ministry meeting from operations base▶ 1:12
Putin streams Defense Ministry meeting from operations ...
Video for Putin streams Defense Ministry meeting from operations base▶ 1:12
13 mins ago - Uploaded by NewsToday
Putin streams Defense Ministry meeting from operations base Putin streams Defense Ministry meeting from ...
Putin streams Defense Ministry meeting from operations base
Video for Putin streams Defense Ministry meeting from operations base▶
9 hours ago
Now that's a war room! Inside Russia's fortified triple-decker operations base sitting on a maze of secret ...
Cum arată "Camera de război" de unde Putin și generalii lui ...
Translate this page
19 mins ago - More Videos... MailOnline - news, sport, celebrity, science and health stories. Putin streams Defense Ministry meeting from operations base ...
Russian airstrikes in Syria: Pentagon says strategy 'doomed ...
www.theguardian.com › World › Russia
Sep 30, 2015 - Stream TypeLIVE ... Russia launched its first round of air strikes in Syria, hitting eight sites that it ... Kerry and Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov met and developed ... have just held a press conference after meeting to discuss Syria, with the ..... Russian forces in two Syrian bases, Tartus and Latakia.
Nord Stream - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On 8 September 2005, Gazprom, BASF and E.ON signed a basic agreement on ... On 4 October 2006, the pipeline and the operating company were officially ... In August 2008, Nord Stream AG hired former Finnish prime minister Paavo ..... Russia could face problems meeting a surge in domestic as well as foreign demand.
Conference of Russian ambassadors and permanent ...
Vladimir Putin took part in a conference of Russian Federation ambassadors and ... Working meeting with Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu July 2, 2014, 09:00 .... to set current and long-term foreign policy objectives and on that basis to more ... to operations under international humanitarian law and the right of self-defence.
Birthday boy Putin is briefed by his best friend, Russian ...
fortruss.blogspot.com › War
Oct 7, 2015 - Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. The Minister briefed the President on the operation of the Military-space ... Four rocket ships have launched 26 cruise sea-based missiles "Caliber" for 11 targets. .... Sociopath Media report - 27th October, 2015 · Nord Stream-2: The ...
President al-Assad and President Putin meet in Moscow ...
Oct 21, 2015 - Russian President Vladimir Putin and Syrian President Bashar Assad ... More Live Streaming TV ... On the question of a settlement in Syria, our position is that positive results in military operations will lay the base for then ... From right: Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.
TASS: Russia - Key statements of Vladimir Putin's tenth ...
Dec 18, 2014 - Vladimir Putin said the military operation in Ukraine's east is indeed a ... Putin said Russia has two foreign military bases: one in Kygyzstan, ... Asked about the pipeline to Turkey that Russia is going to build instead of the South Stream gas ... minister, Russia's President Vladimir Putin said at the conference.
Russia in Syria: Airstrikes Meant To Secure al-Assad's ...
Oct 12, 2015 - Putin said that Russia has no plans of ground operations, according to CNN. Based on the numbers released by the Russian Defense Ministry, Russia has sent ... During a meeting between Putin and Saudi Arabian Defense Minister .... Rangpur Riders Vs. Chittagong Vikings Live Stream: 1st Match Of ...
wn.com/Putin Streams Defense Ministry Meeting From Operations Base
Putin streams Defense Ministry meeting from operations ...
Video for Putin streams Defense Ministry meeting from operations base▶ 1:12
13 mins ago - Uploaded by NewsToday
Putin streams Defense Ministry meeting from operations base Putin streams Defense Ministry meeting from ...
Putin streams Defense Ministry meeting from operations base
Video for Putin streams Defense Ministry meeting from operations base▶
9 hours ago
Now that's a war room! Inside Russia's fortified triple-decker operations base sitting on a maze of secret ...
Cum arată "Camera de război" de unde Putin și generalii lui ...
Translate this page
19 mins ago - More Videos... MailOnline - news, sport, celebrity, science and health stories. Putin streams Defense Ministry meeting from operations base ...
Russian airstrikes in Syria: Pentagon says strategy 'doomed ...
www.theguardian.com › World › Russia
Sep 30, 2015 - Stream TypeLIVE ... Russia launched its first round of air strikes in Syria, hitting eight sites that it ... Kerry and Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov met and developed ... have just held a press conference after meeting to discuss Syria, with the ..... Russian forces in two Syrian bases, Tartus and Latakia.
Nord Stream - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On 8 September 2005, Gazprom, BASF and E.ON signed a basic agreement on ... On 4 October 2006, the pipeline and the operating company were officially ... In August 2008, Nord Stream AG hired former Finnish prime minister Paavo ..... Russia could face problems meeting a surge in domestic as well as foreign demand.
Conference of Russian ambassadors and permanent ...
Vladimir Putin took part in a conference of Russian Federation ambassadors and ... Working meeting with Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu July 2, 2014, 09:00 .... to set current and long-term foreign policy objectives and on that basis to more ... to operations under international humanitarian law and the right of self-defence.
Birthday boy Putin is briefed by his best friend, Russian ...
fortruss.blogspot.com › War
Oct 7, 2015 - Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. The Minister briefed the President on the operation of the Military-space ... Four rocket ships have launched 26 cruise sea-based missiles "Caliber" for 11 targets. .... Sociopath Media report - 27th October, 2015 · Nord Stream-2: The ...
President al-Assad and President Putin meet in Moscow ...
Oct 21, 2015 - Russian President Vladimir Putin and Syrian President Bashar Assad ... More Live Streaming TV ... On the question of a settlement in Syria, our position is that positive results in military operations will lay the base for then ... From right: Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.
TASS: Russia - Key statements of Vladimir Putin's tenth ...
Dec 18, 2014 - Vladimir Putin said the military operation in Ukraine's east is indeed a ... Putin said Russia has two foreign military bases: one in Kygyzstan, ... Asked about the pipeline to Turkey that Russia is going to build instead of the South Stream gas ... minister, Russia's President Vladimir Putin said at the conference.
Russia in Syria: Airstrikes Meant To Secure al-Assad's ...
Oct 12, 2015 - Putin said that Russia has no plans of ground operations, according to CNN. Based on the numbers released by the Russian Defense Ministry, Russia has sent ... During a meeting between Putin and Saudi Arabian Defense Minister .... Rangpur Riders Vs. Chittagong Vikings Live Stream: 1st Match Of ...
- published: 23 Nov 2015
- views: 41
Stream - Never Alone - Foxtales, au Nord du Nord !
Un DLC qui va à l'essentiel avec 1 grosse heure de jeu proposée pour replonger dans le grand Nord avec nos deux amis ! Un peu plus retors niveau énigmes, on pre...
Un DLC qui va à l'essentiel avec 1 grosse heure de jeu proposée pour replonger dans le grand Nord avec nos deux amis ! Un peu plus retors niveau énigmes, on prend tout le même le temps de profiter des innovations comme le bateau et les courants marins :D
Désolé pour la fin soudaine, le Hasta Luego a été interdit par Youtube :(
wn.com/Stream Never Alone Foxtales, Au Nord Du Nord
Un DLC qui va à l'essentiel avec 1 grosse heure de jeu proposée pour replonger dans le grand Nord avec nos deux amis ! Un peu plus retors niveau énigmes, on prend tout le même le temps de profiter des innovations comme le bateau et les courants marins :D
Désolé pour la fin soudaine, le Hasta Luego a été interdit par Youtube :(
- published: 22 Nov 2015
- views: 6
ALERT NEWS FLASH Underwater Drone with Explosives Spotted Near Baltic Nord Stream Pipeline
by our friend DAHBOO777 AND WE REPORT YOU DECIDE WHAT TO DO WITH THE INFORMATION AND CHECK HOME PAGE AND CHECK THE ABOUT BUTTON .. BUT FIRST PLEASE TAKE NOTICE AND READ. IF We Air a Video from someone else, IT IS BECAUSE We have PERMISSION To do so. This Christian Channel Has Many Different News,Teaching, Preaching, show's.. Just like a regular TV Station YOU may watch what you find interesting to you. and comment, But be a Civilized Person any cursing, or insult's or other hateful comments will be removed. ALERT IF ANY Video's Offends you, then DO NOT WATCH IT.. .THIS Channel will NEVER be Politically Correct. we will tell the REAL TRUTH Regardless if you like it or not.
wn.com/Alert News Flash Underwater Drone With Explosives Spotted Near Baltic Nord Stream Pipeline
by our friend DAHBOO777 AND WE REPORT YOU DECIDE WHAT TO DO WITH THE INFORMATION AND CHECK HOME PAGE AND CHECK THE ABOUT BUTTON .. BUT FIRST PLEASE TAKE NOTICE AND READ. IF We Air a Video from someone else, IT IS BECAUSE We have PERMISSION To do so. This Christian Channel Has Many Different News,Teaching, Preaching, show's.. Just like a regular TV Station YOU may watch what you find interesting to you. and comment, But be a Civilized Person any cursing, or insult's or other hateful comments will be removed. ALERT IF ANY Video's Offends you, then DO NOT WATCH IT.. .THIS Channel will NEVER be Politically Correct. we will tell the REAL TRUTH Regardless if you like it or not.
- published: 07 Nov 2015
- views: 16
Andrzej Sikora o Nord Stream 2 dla TVP INFO, 31.10.2015
Dr Andrzej Sikora prezes Instytutu Studiów Energetycznych oraz Andrzej Szczesniak, ekspert rynku paliw w Świat i Ludzie w TVP INFO, 31.10.2015.
Źródło - http:/...
Dr Andrzej Sikora prezes Instytutu Studiów Energetycznych oraz Andrzej Szczesniak, ekspert rynku paliw w Świat i Ludzie w TVP INFO, 31.10.2015.
Źródło - http://tvp.info
Więcej na http://www.ise.com.pl
wn.com/Andrzej Sikora O Nord Stream 2 Dla Tvp Info, 31.10.2015
Dr Andrzej Sikora prezes Instytutu Studiów Energetycznych oraz Andrzej Szczesniak, ekspert rynku paliw w Świat i Ludzie w TVP INFO, 31.10.2015.
Źródło - http://tvp.info
Więcej na http://www.ise.com.pl
- published: 04 Nov 2015
- views: 91
Smyrgała: Realizacja Turkish Stream mało prawdopodobna [wideo]
Turkish Stream jest już raczej mało prawdopodobnym projektem skoro Rosjanie budują Nord Stream 2 – twierdzi dr Dominik Smyrgała, wykładowca Collegium Civitas i ...
Turkish Stream jest już raczej mało prawdopodobnym projektem skoro Rosjanie budują Nord Stream 2 – twierdzi dr Dominik Smyrgała, wykładowca Collegium Civitas i ekspert Fundacji Fibre, w rozmowie z Energetyka24.com .
wn.com/Smyrgała Realizacja Turkish Stream Mało Prawdopodobna Wideo
Turkish Stream jest już raczej mało prawdopodobnym projektem skoro Rosjanie budują Nord Stream 2 – twierdzi dr Dominik Smyrgała, wykładowca Collegium Civitas i ekspert Fundacji Fibre, w rozmowie z Energetyka24.com .
- published: 16 Oct 2015
- views: 176
Alexander Novak shares his views on the future of Nord Stream-2
Russia's Energy Minister doesn't see objective hurdles for construction of Nord Stream-2, says the project will enhance Europe's energy security....
Russia's Energy Minister doesn't see objective hurdles for construction of Nord Stream-2, says the project will enhance Europe's energy security.
wn.com/Alexander Novak Shares His Views On The Future Of Nord Stream 2
Russia's Energy Minister doesn't see objective hurdles for construction of Nord Stream-2, says the project will enhance Europe's energy security.
- published: 11 Oct 2015
- views: 25
Głos w debacie na temat Nord Stream II Zbigniew Kuźmiuk, PE Strasburg 7 10 15 r
Projekt inwestycyjny Nord Stream II w postaci dwóch kolejnych nitek gazociągu umożliwiających przesłanie 55 mld m3 gazu jest przede wszystkim przedsięwzięciem p...
Projekt inwestycyjny Nord Stream II w postaci dwóch kolejnych nitek gazociągu umożliwiających przesłanie 55 mld m3 gazu jest przede wszystkim przedsięwzięciem politycznym, a nie gospodarczym, ponieważ dotychczasowe moce przesyłowe Nord Stream I, są wykorzystane zaledwie w 50%.
Co więcej realizacja tej inwestycji przez wielkie zachodnie koncerny energetyczne z rosyjskim Gazpromem, który regularnie nadużywa swojej dominującej pozycji rynkowej i przeciwko któremu KE prowadzi od kilku lat postępowanie antymonopolowe, jest jawnym lekceważeniem nie tylko prawodawstwa europejskiego ale przede wszystkim zasady solidarności zapisanej w projekcie Unii Energetycznej popartej przecież przez rządy 28 państw członkowskich.
Jeżeli rządy największych krajów UE domagają się solidarności od krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej w sprawie imigrantów, to jako przedstawiciel największego z tych krajów Polski, domagam się przestrzegania zasady solidarności w sprawie bezpieczeństwa energetycznego, zapisanej nie tylko we wspomnianym projekcie Unii Energetycznej ale także w Traktacie Lizbońskim i w konsekwencji doprowadzenia do zablokowania realizacji tej przede wszystkim rosyjskiej inwestycji.
Jeżeli mimo tych zastrzeżeń będzie ona jednak realizowana, to będzie to oznaczało, że solidarność europejska leży na dnie Bałtyku i nazywa się Gazociąg Północny.
Unia Europejska (2015) źródło - Parlament Europejski
wn.com/Głos W Debacie Na Temat Nord Stream Ii Zbigniew Kuźmiuk, Pe Strasburg 7 10 15 R
Projekt inwestycyjny Nord Stream II w postaci dwóch kolejnych nitek gazociągu umożliwiających przesłanie 55 mld m3 gazu jest przede wszystkim przedsięwzięciem politycznym, a nie gospodarczym, ponieważ dotychczasowe moce przesyłowe Nord Stream I, są wykorzystane zaledwie w 50%.
Co więcej realizacja tej inwestycji przez wielkie zachodnie koncerny energetyczne z rosyjskim Gazpromem, który regularnie nadużywa swojej dominującej pozycji rynkowej i przeciwko któremu KE prowadzi od kilku lat postępowanie antymonopolowe, jest jawnym lekceważeniem nie tylko prawodawstwa europejskiego ale przede wszystkim zasady solidarności zapisanej w projekcie Unii Energetycznej popartej przecież przez rządy 28 państw członkowskich.
Jeżeli rządy największych krajów UE domagają się solidarności od krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej w sprawie imigrantów, to jako przedstawiciel największego z tych krajów Polski, domagam się przestrzegania zasady solidarności w sprawie bezpieczeństwa energetycznego, zapisanej nie tylko we wspomnianym projekcie Unii Energetycznej ale także w Traktacie Lizbońskim i w konsekwencji doprowadzenia do zablokowania realizacji tej przede wszystkim rosyjskiej inwestycji.
Jeżeli mimo tych zastrzeżeń będzie ona jednak realizowana, to będzie to oznaczało, że solidarność europejska leży na dnie Bałtyku i nazywa się Gazociąg Północny.
Unia Europejska (2015) źródło - Parlament Europejski
- published: 08 Oct 2015
- views: 14
Финиш Международной парусной регаты Nord Stream Race в Санкт-Петербурге.
«Норд Стрим Рейс» – традиционная балтийская регата, соединяющая Россию с Германий, – точно так же, как соединяет наши страны газопровод «Северный поток», по мар...
«Норд Стрим Рейс» – традиционная балтийская регата, соединяющая Россию с Германий, – точно так же, как соединяет наши страны газопровод «Северный поток», по маршруту которого проходит флот регаты. При этом курс парусной флотилии каждый год меняется: финиш поочередно принимают Санкт-Петербург и немецкий Фленсбург. В нынешнем году эта честь выпала городу на Неве.
wn.com/Финиш Международной Парусной Регаты Nord Stream Race В Санкт Петербурге.
«Норд Стрим Рейс» – традиционная балтийская регата, соединяющая Россию с Германий, – точно так же, как соединяет наши страны газопровод «Северный поток», по маршруту которого проходит флот регаты. При этом курс парусной флотилии каждый год меняется: финиш поочередно принимают Санкт-Петербург и немецкий Фленсбург. В нынешнем году эта честь выпала городу на Неве.
- published: 06 Oct 2015
- views: 3
Церемония награждения победителей Nord Stream Race 2015
Nord Stream Race — ежегодная балтийская оффшорная регата, проходящая по маршруту газопровода «Северный поток». В 2015 году Nord Stream Race стартовала во Фленсб...
Nord Stream Race — ежегодная балтийская оффшорная регата, проходящая по маршруту газопровода «Северный поток». В 2015 году Nord Stream Race стартовала во Фленсбурге (Германия) 20 сентября. Во время гонки яхты классов Gazprom Swan 60 и дивизиона ORC преодолеют в общей сложности около 800 морских миль и финишируют в Санкт-Петербурге.
Видео - (Дипломат.ру - http://diplomatru.ru/)
wn.com/Церемония Награждения Победителей Nord Stream Race 2015
Nord Stream Race — ежегодная балтийская оффшорная регата, проходящая по маршруту газопровода «Северный поток». В 2015 году Nord Stream Race стартовала во Фленсбурге (Германия) 20 сентября. Во время гонки яхты классов Gazprom Swan 60 и дивизиона ORC преодолеют в общей сложности около 800 морских миль и финишируют в Санкт-Петербурге.
Видео - (Дипломат.ру - http://diplomatru.ru/)
- published: 06 Oct 2015
- views: 13
Принц Александр Шлезвиг-Гольштейнский
Nord Stream Race — ежегодная балтийская оффшорная регата, проходящая по маршруту газопровода «Северный поток». В 2015 году Nord Stream Race стартовала во Фленсб...
Nord Stream Race — ежегодная балтийская оффшорная регата, проходящая по маршруту газопровода «Северный поток». В 2015 году Nord Stream Race стартовала во Фленсбурге (Германия) 20 сентября. Во время гонки яхты классов Gazprom Swan 60 и дивизиона ORC преодолеют в общей сложности около 800 морских миль и финишируют в Санкт-Петербурге.
Видео - (Дипломат.ру - http://diplomatru.ru/)
wn.com/Принц Александр Шлезвиг Гольштейнский
Nord Stream Race — ежегодная балтийская оффшорная регата, проходящая по маршруту газопровода «Северный поток». В 2015 году Nord Stream Race стартовала во Фленсбурге (Германия) 20 сентября. Во время гонки яхты классов Gazprom Swan 60 и дивизиона ORC преодолеют в общей сложности около 800 морских миль и финишируют в Санкт-Петербурге.
Видео - (Дипломат.ру - http://diplomatru.ru/)
- published: 06 Oct 2015
- views: 6
Kryzys migracyjny - Niemcy, Polska i Nord Stream 2
- Swoje wynikające z historii rozterki, niepewności i kompleksy Niemcy narzucają Europie, prowadząc ją raz w tym, raz w innym kierunku. Podpisana właśnie umowa ...
- Swoje wynikające z historii rozterki, niepewności i kompleksy Niemcy narzucają Europie, prowadząc ją raz w tym, raz w innym kierunku. Podpisana właśnie umowa o budowie Nord Stream 2 pokazuje, że tam gdzie chodzi o wielki interesy i pozycję geopolityczną własnego kraju wykazują niezmienną stałość i twardą postawę bez oglądania się na szczytne ideały
wn.com/Kryzys Migracyjny Niemcy, Polska I Nord Stream 2
- Swoje wynikające z historii rozterki, niepewności i kompleksy Niemcy narzucają Europie, prowadząc ją raz w tym, raz w innym kierunku. Podpisana właśnie umowa o budowie Nord Stream 2 pokazuje, że tam gdzie chodzi o wielki interesy i pozycję geopolityczną własnego kraju wykazują niezmienną stałość i twardą postawę bez oglądania się na szczytne ideały
- published: 06 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Russia: Novak talks Nord Stream-2, Iran sanctions & investment
Russian Minister of Energy Alexander Novak said objective factors against the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline do not exist, during an interview with RT in Moscow on ...
Russian Minister of Energy Alexander Novak said objective factors against the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline do not exist, during an interview with RT in Moscow on Saturday. "Nord Stream-2 coincides with the Nord Stream-1 route. All the necessary licences have already been received earlier from countries crossed by the gas-pipeline," he said.
Discussing the effect Nord Stream-2 could have on Europe, Novak emphasised that such infrastructure "will improve European energy safety and provide additional guaranteed gas capacities for decades ahead, considering the fact that gas production is decreasing in Europe." The Russian energy minister also stressed that the project is economically "viable" because it involves a number of global companies including those from Germany, the Netherlands, France as well as Russian giant Gazprom.
Video ID: 20151003-082
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wn.com/Russia Novak Talks Nord Stream 2, Iran Sanctions Investment
Russian Minister of Energy Alexander Novak said objective factors against the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline do not exist, during an interview with RT in Moscow on Saturday. "Nord Stream-2 coincides with the Nord Stream-1 route. All the necessary licences have already been received earlier from countries crossed by the gas-pipeline," he said.
Discussing the effect Nord Stream-2 could have on Europe, Novak emphasised that such infrastructure "will improve European energy safety and provide additional guaranteed gas capacities for decades ahead, considering the fact that gas production is decreasing in Europe." The Russian energy minister also stressed that the project is economically "viable" because it involves a number of global companies including those from Germany, the Netherlands, France as well as Russian giant Gazprom.
Video ID: 20151003-082
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
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DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/ruptly
- published: 03 Oct 2015
- views: 226
Будівництво Nord Stream-2 під загрозою
UA - Президенти Польщі та Словаччини виступили проти будівництва Nord Stream-2.
RU - Президенты Польши и Словакии выступили против строительства Nord Stream-2....
UA - Президенти Польщі та Словаччини виступили проти будівництва Nord Stream-2.
RU - Президенты Польши и Словакии выступили против строительства Nord Stream-2.
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Підписуйтесь на канал, щоб завжди бути в курсі подій!
wn.com/Будівництво Nord Stream 2 Під Загрозою
UA - Президенти Польщі та Словаччини виступили проти будівництва Nord Stream-2.
RU - Президенты Польши и Словакии выступили против строительства Nord Stream-2.
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Нічний Телеекспрес - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCPC7CzMu8ovotE1XW5ArK21fH9xBf2Yg
Підписуйтесь на канал, щоб завжди бути в курсі подій!
- published: 03 Oct 2015
- views: 174
Nord Stream 2. Deutsch-Russische Zusammenarbeit trotz Sanktionen
Europäische Staaten haben im letzten Jahr auf Druck der USA Sanktionen gegen Russland gemacht, welche in erster Linie die europäischen Staaten selber betroffen haben. Der Grund warum viele Staaten die Sanktionen mitgemacht haben liegt darin, daß die meisten von ihnen nicht souverän sind.
Die Elite in Deutschland versucht sich seit geraumer Zeit von der Elite aus den USA sich abzukoppeln und ihre
Nord Stream tops Merkel-Medvedev talks
Gas pipeline projects, specifically the joint Russia-Germany Nord Stream pipeline, were discussed during a media conference given by Angela Merkel and Dmitry Medvedev in Berlin. The fate of Mikhail Khodorkovsky was also discussed.
Nord Stream Race 2013 - отчетный фильм о регате
Nord Stream Новости 08.10.2012
1 канал 08.10.2012, 21:00 Россия СПб 08.10.2012 19:40 Россия 08.10.2012, 20:00 НТВ СПб 08.10.2012, 18:30 НТВ 08.10.2012, 19:00 Россия 24 - 08.10.2012, 23:00 ...
11.26.2015 / News Updates: Retail Disappoints, Turkey- Russia war? Gazprom wars?
All stories from www.zerohedge.com
Guest Post: Why Is The US Hanging Turkey Out To Dry? / Turkey’s shooting down of the Russian anti-ISIL aircraft was an unprecedentedly direct aggression against Moscow that trumps even the tense and hostile militarism of the Old Cold War era. The world stands on edge in the immediate aftermath of this attack, with tabloid-esque commentators warning that the be
Blut Aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta I: Fathers of the Icy Age (FULL ALBUM)
I do not own any of the rights to the music in this video. This video is solely to promote the band(s) and their music. If I'm violating copyright laws pleas...
Super Pipeline: Ormen Lange (MegaStructures)
The Langeled pipeline (originally known as Britpipe) is an underwater pipeline transporting Norwegian natural gas to the United Kingdom. Before the completion of the Nord Stream pipeline, it was the longest subsea pipeline in the world.
The project was launched under the original name Britpipe. In October 2003, Royal Dutch Shell, ExxonMobil and Statoil signed agreements to supply natural gas thro
Alberto Motta - Nord Sud Est Ovest full album stream
Il nuovo disco di Alberto Motta verrà pubblicato il 28 giugno 2015.
Qui il disco in HD: http://bit.ly/1d0YxUO
Fissa un concerto: facciamounconcerto@gmail.com
Contatta l'etichetta: http://on.fb.me/1JWrIFp
00:00 L'istruzioni d'uso
03:14 Me la sono giocata
07:21 Mostri colombiani
10:34 Sciopero però
14:12 E t'inaridivi
17:17 Intermezzo
17:37 Capii tutto
20:42 7000 fiori
24:14 Le scale ch
Nord Monthly #2 - Super Smash Bros. Melee - Stream
Super Smash Bros. Melee Tournament in Hamburg, Germany.
1. Team Doppelkorn (Mavo + Snex )
2. Team Rocket (Dr. L + Lip0 )
3. Team Ranzshit (RanziD + alter, digga )
4. Team Hax$ (KhAOS + Tatsu )
5. Team BRAWL (Repus + Kel )
FPS 5 - Lille Day 2 - Stream Poker intégral - PokerStars
France Poker Series de Lille - Saison 5
Retransmission intégrale du tournoi avec au minimum 500 000 € de dotations.
Joueurs professionnels, Amabassadeurs de PokerStars et amateurs de la région rejoignent les qualifiés Internet pour cette première visite FPS dans le Nord.
Toutes les infos sur www.PokerStars.fr
Faccebook : FrancePokerSeries
FPS 5 - Lille Day 3 - Stream Poker intégral - PokerStars
France Poker Series de Lille - Saison 5
Retransmission intégrale du tournoi avec au minimum 500 000 € de dotations.
Joueurs professionnels, Amabassadeurs de PokerStars et amateurs de la région rejoignent les qualifiés Internet pour cette première visite FPS dans le Nord.
Toutes les infos sur www.PokerStars.fr
Faccebook : FrancePokerSeries
Mount & Blade Nord Invasion w/ Snow live stream
Youtube livestream of Nord Invasion from Mount & Blade with Snowhood42o
Nord Invasion - 17th April - Prince Attempt 1 - FREEEEDOM!
The Nords are coming! (Footage from the 17th April live stream) The 77y (WS_) pile in to a private server on Normal difficulty to attempt the Prince. Game: M...
Nord Invasion! - M&B;: Warband Mod
The Nords are coming! (Footage from the 12th March live stream) Game: Mount and Blade: Warband Mod: Nord Invasion (http://www.nordinvasion.com/) Thanks for W...
Nord Invasion - Prince attempt
The Nords are coming! (Footage from the 11th April live stream) The 77y (WS_) pile in to a public server on Normal difficulty to attempt the Prince along wit...
Albion Online FR : ON EXPLORE AU NORD !
Petit session de Week-end en Duo sur Albion Online !
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Yhteisessä intressissämme Itämeren ympäristötila 15.11.2007 / Paneelikeskustelu René Nyberg
Suomalais-venäläinen kumppanuusforum 15.11.2007 Moderaattori: René Nyberg, Suomen Saksan-suurlähettiläs Avauspuheenvuoro: Sirkka Hautojärvi, kansliapäällikkö...
FPS 5 - Lille Day 1B - Stream Poker intégral - PokerStars
France Poker Series de Lille - Saison 5
Retransmission intégrale du tournoi avec au minimum 500 000 € de dotations.
Joueurs professionnels, Amabassadeurs de PokerStars et amateurs de la région rejoignent les qualifiés Internet pour cette première visite FPS dans le Nord.
Toutes les infos sur www.PokerStars.fr
Faccebook : FrancePokerSeries
Nord Invasion - 17th April - Prince Attempt - Fort Hedgehog
The Nords are coming! (Footage from the 17th April live stream) The 77y (WS_) pile in to a private server on Normal difficulty to attempt the Prince. Game: M...
Central Bankers suppressing Russian economy
Economic hardship is being created by the foreign-controlled Bank of Russia's monetary policies, to spread mass discontent and facilitate a Maidan in 2015 to remove Putin. So claims Evgeny Fedorov, citing the colonialist Central Bank law, established after Washington's victory in the Cold War, and the system of fifth-column levers, methodically operated to steer the revolution.
2:59 Foreign banks
Nord Stream 2. Deutsch-Russische Zusammenarbeit trotz Sanktionen
Europäische Staaten haben im letzten Jahr auf Druck der USA Sanktionen gegen Russland gemacht, welche in erster Linie die europäischen Staaten selber betroffen ...
Europäische Staaten haben im letzten Jahr auf Druck der USA Sanktionen gegen Russland gemacht, welche in erster Linie die europäischen Staaten selber betroffen haben. Der Grund warum viele Staaten die Sanktionen mitgemacht haben liegt darin, daß die meisten von ihnen nicht souverän sind.
Die Elite in Deutschland versucht sich seit geraumer Zeit von der Elite aus den USA sich abzukoppeln und ihre eigene Politik auf dem europäischen Boden und auf der gesamten Welt zu machen.
Dafür ist sehr wichtig stark zu sein nicht nur wirtschaftlichen, sondern auch energetisch. Doch wie kann Deutschland im Energie Sektor in Europa sein, ohne dafür große Erdöl und Gasvorkommen zu haben?
Dazu versuchen Teile der Elite aus Deutschland enger mit Russland zusammen zu arbeiten, um mit Hilfe Russlands noch mehr Einfluss in Europa zu gewinnen.
Schon vor Jahren habe ich in dem Artikel über die Gerussia aufzeigt, was aus energetischer Sicht passiert mit der Gasleitung mit dem Namen Nord Stream aus Russland nach Deutschland.
Jetzt laufen weitere Gespräche zwischen Deutschland und Russland eine weitere Gasleitung von Deutschland nach Russland zu machen.
Doch, wie kann das sein wirst Du sich bestimmt fragen, wenn doch jetzt von Deutschland die Sanktionen gegen Russland laufen. Mehr darüber erfährst Du in diesem Video
Mehr Informationen über mich unter:
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wn.com/Nord Stream 2. Deutsch Russische Zusammenarbeit Trotz Sanktionen
Europäische Staaten haben im letzten Jahr auf Druck der USA Sanktionen gegen Russland gemacht, welche in erster Linie die europäischen Staaten selber betroffen haben. Der Grund warum viele Staaten die Sanktionen mitgemacht haben liegt darin, daß die meisten von ihnen nicht souverän sind.
Die Elite in Deutschland versucht sich seit geraumer Zeit von der Elite aus den USA sich abzukoppeln und ihre eigene Politik auf dem europäischen Boden und auf der gesamten Welt zu machen.
Dafür ist sehr wichtig stark zu sein nicht nur wirtschaftlichen, sondern auch energetisch. Doch wie kann Deutschland im Energie Sektor in Europa sein, ohne dafür große Erdöl und Gasvorkommen zu haben?
Dazu versuchen Teile der Elite aus Deutschland enger mit Russland zusammen zu arbeiten, um mit Hilfe Russlands noch mehr Einfluss in Europa zu gewinnen.
Schon vor Jahren habe ich in dem Artikel über die Gerussia aufzeigt, was aus energetischer Sicht passiert mit der Gasleitung mit dem Namen Nord Stream aus Russland nach Deutschland.
Jetzt laufen weitere Gespräche zwischen Deutschland und Russland eine weitere Gasleitung von Deutschland nach Russland zu machen.
Doch, wie kann das sein wirst Du sich bestimmt fragen, wenn doch jetzt von Deutschland die Sanktionen gegen Russland laufen. Mehr darüber erfährst Du in diesem Video
Mehr Informationen über mich unter:
Weiterbildungskurs: http://www.wer-regiert-die-welt.ru
Webseite: http://www.seewald.ru/nord-stream-2-deutsch-russische-zusammenarbeit-trotz-sanktionen
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wjatscheslaw.seewald
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XING: https://www.xing.com/profile/WjatscheslawWalter_Seewald
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YouTube Seewald Akademie: https://www.youtube.com/user/seewaldakademiede
Liebe vereint uns: https://www.facebook.com/loveunitesusliebevereintuns
Wedischer Internetladen: http://www.blagoroda.ru
Wenn Du meine wichtige Arbeit wertschätzen tust und auch finanziell unterstützen willst, hier stehen meine Kontodaten: http://www.seewald.ru/unterstuetzung
- published: 14 Jul 2015
- views: 64
Nord Stream tops Merkel-Medvedev talks
Gas pipeline projects, specifically the joint Russia-Germany Nord Stream pipeline, were discussed during a media conference given by Angela Merkel and Dmitry Me...
Gas pipeline projects, specifically the joint Russia-Germany Nord Stream pipeline, were discussed during a media conference given by Angela Merkel and Dmitry Medvedev in Berlin. The fate of Mikhail Khodorkovsky was also discussed.
wn.com/Nord Stream Tops Merkel Medvedev Talks
Gas pipeline projects, specifically the joint Russia-Germany Nord Stream pipeline, were discussed during a media conference given by Angela Merkel and Dmitry Medvedev in Berlin. The fate of Mikhail Khodorkovsky was also discussed.
- published: 05 Jun 2008
- views: 3201
Nord Stream Новости 08.10.2012
1 канал 08.10.2012, 21:00 Россия СПб 08.10.2012 19:40 Россия 08.10.2012, 20:00 НТВ СПб 08.10.2012, 18:30 НТВ 08.10.2012, 19:00 Россия 24 - 08.10.2012, 23:00 ......
1 канал 08.10.2012, 21:00 Россия СПб 08.10.2012 19:40 Россия 08.10.2012, 20:00 НТВ СПб 08.10.2012, 18:30 НТВ 08.10.2012, 19:00 Россия 24 - 08.10.2012, 23:00 ...
wn.com/Nord Stream Новости 08.10.2012
1 канал 08.10.2012, 21:00 Россия СПб 08.10.2012 19:40 Россия 08.10.2012, 20:00 НТВ СПб 08.10.2012, 18:30 НТВ 08.10.2012, 19:00 Россия 24 - 08.10.2012, 23:00 ...
11.26.2015 / News Updates: Retail Disappoints, Turkey- Russia war? Gazprom wars?
All stories from www.zerohedge.com
Guest Post: Why Is The US Hanging Turkey Out To Dry? / Turkey’s shooting down of the Russian anti-ISIL aircraft was an unp...
All stories from www.zerohedge.com
Guest Post: Why Is The US Hanging Turkey Out To Dry? / Turkey’s shooting down of the Russian anti-ISIL aircraft was an unprecedentedly direct aggression against Moscow that trumps even the tense and hostile militarism of the Old Cold War era. The world stands on edge in the immediate aftermath of this attack, with tabloid-esque commentators warning that the beginning of World War III awaits. President Putin, for his part, has been much more measured in responding to the incident, but still couldn’t contain his shock at having received this “stab in the back delivered by accomplices of the terrorists.” http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-11-25/guest-post-why-us-hanging-turkey-out-dry
Puerto Rico Is About To Default: Your Complete Guide To An Island Debt Debacle / Last week, we brought you the latest from Puerto Rico’s debt debacle. The commonwealth is desperately trying to restructure some $72 billion in debt while staring down a $354 million bond payment due on December 1.
As we discussed at length on Friday, some $270 million of what’s due next week is GO debt guaranteed by the National Public Finance Guarantee Corp. Defaulting on that is bad news and as Moody’s warned earlier this month, a missed payment on the commonwealth’s highest priority obligations “would likely trigger legal action from creditors, commencing a potentially drawn-out process absent swift federal intervention.”
Out Of Gas: Gazprom Cuts Off Ukraine, Will Turkey Be Next? / Last month in "Pipeline Politics: Russia, Turkey Clash Over Energy As Syria Rift Shifts Focus To German Line," we revisited Russia's recent deal with Shell, E.On and OMV to double the capacity of the Nord Stream pipeline, the shortest route from Russian gas fields to Europe.
The MOU, signed earlier this year, angered the likes of Ukraine and Slovakia. In short, the more gas that can transported via the Nord Stream, the less needs to go through Eastern Europe and that means less revenue for the countries through which the pipelines are built. "They are making idiots of us. You can’t talk for months about how to stabilize the situation and then take a decision that puts Ukraine and Slovakia into an unenviable situation," Slovak PM Robert Fico exclaimed a few months back. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-11-25/out-gas-gazprom-cuts-ukraine-will-turkey-be-next
Paul Sandhu website: www.wakeupandliveradio.com
Closing Track:
Band Name: Charisma
Album & Track: Last Days (1977)
wn.com/11.26.2015 News Updates Retail Disappoints, Turkey Russia War Gazprom Wars
All stories from www.zerohedge.com
Guest Post: Why Is The US Hanging Turkey Out To Dry? / Turkey’s shooting down of the Russian anti-ISIL aircraft was an unprecedentedly direct aggression against Moscow that trumps even the tense and hostile militarism of the Old Cold War era. The world stands on edge in the immediate aftermath of this attack, with tabloid-esque commentators warning that the beginning of World War III awaits. President Putin, for his part, has been much more measured in responding to the incident, but still couldn’t contain his shock at having received this “stab in the back delivered by accomplices of the terrorists.” http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-11-25/guest-post-why-us-hanging-turkey-out-dry
Puerto Rico Is About To Default: Your Complete Guide To An Island Debt Debacle / Last week, we brought you the latest from Puerto Rico’s debt debacle. The commonwealth is desperately trying to restructure some $72 billion in debt while staring down a $354 million bond payment due on December 1.
As we discussed at length on Friday, some $270 million of what’s due next week is GO debt guaranteed by the National Public Finance Guarantee Corp. Defaulting on that is bad news and as Moody’s warned earlier this month, a missed payment on the commonwealth’s highest priority obligations “would likely trigger legal action from creditors, commencing a potentially drawn-out process absent swift federal intervention.”
Out Of Gas: Gazprom Cuts Off Ukraine, Will Turkey Be Next? / Last month in "Pipeline Politics: Russia, Turkey Clash Over Energy As Syria Rift Shifts Focus To German Line," we revisited Russia's recent deal with Shell, E.On and OMV to double the capacity of the Nord Stream pipeline, the shortest route from Russian gas fields to Europe.
The MOU, signed earlier this year, angered the likes of Ukraine and Slovakia. In short, the more gas that can transported via the Nord Stream, the less needs to go through Eastern Europe and that means less revenue for the countries through which the pipelines are built. "They are making idiots of us. You can’t talk for months about how to stabilize the situation and then take a decision that puts Ukraine and Slovakia into an unenviable situation," Slovak PM Robert Fico exclaimed a few months back. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-11-25/out-gas-gazprom-cuts-ukraine-will-turkey-be-next
Paul Sandhu website: www.wakeupandliveradio.com
Closing Track:
Band Name: Charisma
Album & Track: Last Days (1977)
- published: 26 Nov 2015
- views: 113
Blut Aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta I: Fathers of the Icy Age (FULL ALBUM)
I do not own any of the rights to the music in this video. This video is solely to promote the band(s) and their music. If I'm violating copyright laws pleas......
I do not own any of the rights to the music in this video. This video is solely to promote the band(s) and their music. If I'm violating copyright laws pleas...
wn.com/Blut Aus Nord Memoria Vetusta I Fathers Of The Icy Age (Full Album)
I do not own any of the rights to the music in this video. This video is solely to promote the band(s) and their music. If I'm violating copyright laws pleas...
- published: 18 Oct 2013
- views: 6165
author: Nertendo
Super Pipeline: Ormen Lange (MegaStructures)
The Langeled pipeline (originally known as Britpipe) is an underwater pipeline transporting Norwegian natural gas to the United Kingdom. Before the completion o...
The Langeled pipeline (originally known as Britpipe) is an underwater pipeline transporting Norwegian natural gas to the United Kingdom. Before the completion of the Nord Stream pipeline, it was the longest subsea pipeline in the world.
The project was launched under the original name Britpipe. In October 2003, Royal Dutch Shell, ExxonMobil and Statoil signed agreements to supply natural gas through the Britpipe. The pipeline's construction began in 2004. The largest part of the pipeline was installed by Acergy Piper, a pipe-laying ship of Acergy. Other pipe-laying ships, which were used, are Solitaire of Allseas, and Saipem 7000 of Saipem.
The pipeline was opened in two stages. The southern section (Sleipner Riser platform to Easington) began piping gas on 1 October 2006, the northern section (Nyhamna to Sleipner Riser) opened in October 2007. The official opening of the project was held in London on 16 October 2006 by then-Prime Minister Tony Blair and his Norwegian counterpart, Jens Stoltenberg.
The pipeline runs 1,166 kilometres (725 mi) through the North Sea from the Nyhamna terminal in Norway via the Sleipner Riser platform in the North Sea to Easington Gas Terminal in England. The pipeline is designated to bring natural gas from the Ormen Lange gas process terminal to the UK, but through the connector at Sleipner Riser it provides also an opportunity to send gas through Gassco's existing network to continental Europe.
wn.com/Super Pipeline Ormen Lange (Megastructures)
The Langeled pipeline (originally known as Britpipe) is an underwater pipeline transporting Norwegian natural gas to the United Kingdom. Before the completion of the Nord Stream pipeline, it was the longest subsea pipeline in the world.
The project was launched under the original name Britpipe. In October 2003, Royal Dutch Shell, ExxonMobil and Statoil signed agreements to supply natural gas through the Britpipe. The pipeline's construction began in 2004. The largest part of the pipeline was installed by Acergy Piper, a pipe-laying ship of Acergy. Other pipe-laying ships, which were used, are Solitaire of Allseas, and Saipem 7000 of Saipem.
The pipeline was opened in two stages. The southern section (Sleipner Riser platform to Easington) began piping gas on 1 October 2006, the northern section (Nyhamna to Sleipner Riser) opened in October 2007. The official opening of the project was held in London on 16 October 2006 by then-Prime Minister Tony Blair and his Norwegian counterpart, Jens Stoltenberg.
The pipeline runs 1,166 kilometres (725 mi) through the North Sea from the Nyhamna terminal in Norway via the Sleipner Riser platform in the North Sea to Easington Gas Terminal in England. The pipeline is designated to bring natural gas from the Ormen Lange gas process terminal to the UK, but through the connector at Sleipner Riser it provides also an opportunity to send gas through Gassco's existing network to continental Europe.
- published: 07 Jan 2015
- views: 31
Alberto Motta - Nord Sud Est Ovest full album stream
Il nuovo disco di Alberto Motta verrà pubblicato il 28 giugno 2015.
Qui il disco in HD: http://bit.ly/1d0YxUO
Fissa un concerto: facciamounconcerto@gmail.com
Il nuovo disco di Alberto Motta verrà pubblicato il 28 giugno 2015.
Qui il disco in HD: http://bit.ly/1d0YxUO
Fissa un concerto: facciamounconcerto@gmail.com
Contatta l'etichetta: http://on.fb.me/1JWrIFp
00:00 L'istruzioni d'uso
03:14 Me la sono giocata
07:21 Mostri colombiani
10:34 Sciopero però
14:12 E t'inaridivi
17:17 Intermezzo
17:37 Capii tutto
20:42 7000 fiori
24:14 Le scale che
Musiche e testi: Alberto Motta
Produzione artistica: Emil Yardo
Etichetta discografica: Moquette Records
Registrato presso: Jungle Sound Station (MI), Edac Studio (CO)
Artwork: Giorgia Barbieri
wn.com/Alberto Motta Nord Sud Est Ovest Full Album Stream
Il nuovo disco di Alberto Motta verrà pubblicato il 28 giugno 2015.
Qui il disco in HD: http://bit.ly/1d0YxUO
Fissa un concerto: facciamounconcerto@gmail.com
Contatta l'etichetta: http://on.fb.me/1JWrIFp
00:00 L'istruzioni d'uso
03:14 Me la sono giocata
07:21 Mostri colombiani
10:34 Sciopero però
14:12 E t'inaridivi
17:17 Intermezzo
17:37 Capii tutto
20:42 7000 fiori
24:14 Le scale che
Musiche e testi: Alberto Motta
Produzione artistica: Emil Yardo
Etichetta discografica: Moquette Records
Registrato presso: Jungle Sound Station (MI), Edac Studio (CO)
Artwork: Giorgia Barbieri
- published: 19 Jun 2015
- views: 8
Nord Monthly #2 - Super Smash Bros. Melee - Stream
Super Smash Bros. Melee Tournament in Hamburg, Germany.
1. Team Doppelkorn (Mavo...
Super Smash Bros. Melee Tournament in Hamburg, Germany.
1. Team Doppelkorn (Mavo + Snex )
2. Team Rocket (Dr. L + Lip0 )
3. Team Ranzshit (RanziD + alter, digga )
4. Team Hax$ (KhAOS + Tatsu )
5. Team BRAWL (Repus + Kel )
wn.com/Nord Monthly 2 Super Smash Bros. Melee Stream
Super Smash Bros. Melee Tournament in Hamburg, Germany.
1. Team Doppelkorn (Mavo + Snex )
2. Team Rocket (Dr. L + Lip0 )
3. Team Ranzshit (RanziD + alter, digga )
4. Team Hax$ (KhAOS + Tatsu )
5. Team BRAWL (Repus + Kel )
- published: 29 Sep 2014
- views: 65
FPS 5 - Lille Day 2 - Stream Poker intégral - PokerStars
France Poker Series de Lille - Saison 5
Retransmission intégrale du tournoi avec au minimum 500 000 € de dotations.
Joueurs professionnels, Amabassadeurs de Pok...
France Poker Series de Lille - Saison 5
Retransmission intégrale du tournoi avec au minimum 500 000 € de dotations.
Joueurs professionnels, Amabassadeurs de PokerStars et amateurs de la région rejoignent les qualifiés Internet pour cette première visite FPS dans le Nord.
Toutes les infos sur www.PokerStars.fr
Faccebook : FrancePokerSeries
wn.com/Fps 5 Lille Day 2 Stream Poker Intégral Pokerstars
France Poker Series de Lille - Saison 5
Retransmission intégrale du tournoi avec au minimum 500 000 € de dotations.
Joueurs professionnels, Amabassadeurs de PokerStars et amateurs de la région rejoignent les qualifiés Internet pour cette première visite FPS dans le Nord.
Toutes les infos sur www.PokerStars.fr
Faccebook : FrancePokerSeries
- published: 25 Jul 2015
- views: 2752
FPS 5 - Lille Day 3 - Stream Poker intégral - PokerStars
France Poker Series de Lille - Saison 5
Retransmission intégrale du tournoi avec au minimum 500 000 € de dotations.
Joueurs professionnels, Amabassadeurs de Pok...
France Poker Series de Lille - Saison 5
Retransmission intégrale du tournoi avec au minimum 500 000 € de dotations.
Joueurs professionnels, Amabassadeurs de PokerStars et amateurs de la région rejoignent les qualifiés Internet pour cette première visite FPS dans le Nord.
Toutes les infos sur www.PokerStars.fr
Faccebook : FrancePokerSeries
wn.com/Fps 5 Lille Day 3 Stream Poker Intégral Pokerstars
France Poker Series de Lille - Saison 5
Retransmission intégrale du tournoi avec au minimum 500 000 € de dotations.
Joueurs professionnels, Amabassadeurs de PokerStars et amateurs de la région rejoignent les qualifiés Internet pour cette première visite FPS dans le Nord.
Toutes les infos sur www.PokerStars.fr
Faccebook : FrancePokerSeries
- published: 26 Jul 2015
- views: 13526
Mount & Blade Nord Invasion w/ Snow live stream
Youtube livestream of Nord Invasion from Mount & Blade with Snowhood42o...
Youtube livestream of Nord Invasion from Mount & Blade with Snowhood42o
wn.com/Mount Blade Nord Invasion W Snow Live Stream
Youtube livestream of Nord Invasion from Mount & Blade with Snowhood42o
- published: 02 Oct 2014
- views: 22
Nord Invasion - 17th April - Prince Attempt 1 - FREEEEDOM!
The Nords are coming! (Footage from the 17th April live stream) The 77y (WS_) pile in to a private server on Normal difficulty to attempt the Prince. Game: M......
The Nords are coming! (Footage from the 17th April live stream) The 77y (WS_) pile in to a private server on Normal difficulty to attempt the Prince. Game: M...
wn.com/Nord Invasion 17Th April Prince Attempt 1 Freeeedom
The Nords are coming! (Footage from the 17th April live stream) The 77y (WS_) pile in to a private server on Normal difficulty to attempt the Prince. Game: M...
Nord Invasion! - M&B;: Warband Mod
The Nords are coming! (Footage from the 12th March live stream) Game: Mount and Blade: Warband Mod: Nord Invasion (http://www.nordinvasion.com/) Thanks for W......
The Nords are coming! (Footage from the 12th March live stream) Game: Mount and Blade: Warband Mod: Nord Invasion (http://www.nordinvasion.com/) Thanks for W...
wn.com/Nord Invasion M B Warband Mod
The Nords are coming! (Footage from the 12th March live stream) Game: Mount and Blade: Warband Mod: Nord Invasion (http://www.nordinvasion.com/) Thanks for W...
Nord Invasion - Prince attempt
The Nords are coming! (Footage from the 11th April live stream) The 77y (WS_) pile in to a public server on Normal difficulty to attempt the Prince along wit......
The Nords are coming! (Footage from the 11th April live stream) The 77y (WS_) pile in to a public server on Normal difficulty to attempt the Prince along wit...
wn.com/Nord Invasion Prince Attempt
The Nords are coming! (Footage from the 11th April live stream) The 77y (WS_) pile in to a public server on Normal difficulty to attempt the Prince along wit...
Albion Online FR : ON EXPLORE AU NORD !
Petit session de Week-end en Duo sur Albion Online !
► Live Stream chaque jour sur : http://www.hitbox.tv/Retrolove/profile
► Jouez Gratuitement à GuildWars2: ...
Petit session de Week-end en Duo sur Albion Online !
► Live Stream chaque jour sur : http://www.hitbox.tv/Retrolove/profile
► Jouez Gratuitement à GuildWars2: http://ow.ly/RJBe6
► Achetez Guildwars2 heart of thorns: http://ow.ly/RPvGg
► Jeux 70% moins cher: http://www.instant-gaming.com/fr/igr1270540/
► Donations : https://www.tipeeestream.com/retrolove/donation
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
► Plus de vidéos: http://ow.ly/RPvJR
► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tvretrolove#
► Twitter : https://twitter.com/RetroloveTV
* J'accepte avec plaisir les commentaires Positifs ET négatifs dans la mesure ou ils sont un minimum construits. Tout manque de respect direct entrainera une suppression et un ban.
* Le contenu GuildWars 2 de la chaîne est soutenu par ArenaNet. Tous les liens diffusés (de nos partenaires commerciaux) sont sponsorisés. Vos achats soutiendront la RTV dans son développement.
wn.com/Albion Online Fr On Explore Au Nord
Petit session de Week-end en Duo sur Albion Online !
► Live Stream chaque jour sur : http://www.hitbox.tv/Retrolove/profile
► Jouez Gratuitement à GuildWars2: http://ow.ly/RJBe6
► Achetez Guildwars2 heart of thorns: http://ow.ly/RPvGg
► Jeux 70% moins cher: http://www.instant-gaming.com/fr/igr1270540/
► Donations : https://www.tipeeestream.com/retrolove/donation
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
► Plus de vidéos: http://ow.ly/RPvJR
► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tvretrolove#
► Twitter : https://twitter.com/RetroloveTV
* J'accepte avec plaisir les commentaires Positifs ET négatifs dans la mesure ou ils sont un minimum construits. Tout manque de respect direct entrainera une suppression et un ban.
* Le contenu GuildWars 2 de la chaîne est soutenu par ArenaNet. Tous les liens diffusés (de nos partenaires commerciaux) sont sponsorisés. Vos achats soutiendront la RTV dans son développement.
- published: 29 Nov 2015
- views: 113
Yhteisessä intressissämme Itämeren ympäristötila 15.11.2007 / Paneelikeskustelu René Nyberg
Suomalais-venäläinen kumppanuusforum 15.11.2007 Moderaattori: René Nyberg, Suomen Saksan-suurlähettiläs Avauspuheenvuoro: Sirkka Hautojärvi, kansliapäällikkö......
Suomalais-venäläinen kumppanuusforum 15.11.2007 Moderaattori: René Nyberg, Suomen Saksan-suurlähettiläs Avauspuheenvuoro: Sirkka Hautojärvi, kansliapäällikkö...
wn.com/Yhteisessä Intressissämme Itämeren Ympäristötila 15.11.2007 Paneelikeskustelu René Nyberg
Suomalais-venäläinen kumppanuusforum 15.11.2007 Moderaattori: René Nyberg, Suomen Saksan-suurlähettiläs Avauspuheenvuoro: Sirkka Hautojärvi, kansliapäällikkö...
- published: 07 Jun 2011
- views: 100
author: SitraFund
FPS 5 - Lille Day 1B - Stream Poker intégral - PokerStars
France Poker Series de Lille - Saison 5
Retransmission intégrale du tournoi avec au minimum 500 000 € de dotations.
Joueurs professionnels, Amabassadeurs de Pok...
France Poker Series de Lille - Saison 5
Retransmission intégrale du tournoi avec au minimum 500 000 € de dotations.
Joueurs professionnels, Amabassadeurs de PokerStars et amateurs de la région rejoignent les qualifiés Internet pour cette première visite FPS dans le Nord.
Toutes les infos sur www.PokerStars.fr
Faccebook : FrancePokerSeries
wn.com/Fps 5 Lille Day 1B Stream Poker Intégral Pokerstars
France Poker Series de Lille - Saison 5
Retransmission intégrale du tournoi avec au minimum 500 000 € de dotations.
Joueurs professionnels, Amabassadeurs de PokerStars et amateurs de la région rejoignent les qualifiés Internet pour cette première visite FPS dans le Nord.
Toutes les infos sur www.PokerStars.fr
Faccebook : FrancePokerSeries
- published: 24 Jul 2015
- views: 5422
Nord Invasion - 17th April - Prince Attempt - Fort Hedgehog
The Nords are coming! (Footage from the 17th April live stream) The 77y (WS_) pile in to a private server on Normal difficulty to attempt the Prince. Game: M......
The Nords are coming! (Footage from the 17th April live stream) The 77y (WS_) pile in to a private server on Normal difficulty to attempt the Prince. Game: M...
wn.com/Nord Invasion 17Th April Prince Attempt Fort Hedgehog
The Nords are coming! (Footage from the 17th April live stream) The 77y (WS_) pile in to a private server on Normal difficulty to attempt the Prince. Game: M...
Central Bankers suppressing Russian economy
Economic hardship is being created by the foreign-controlled Bank of Russia's monetary policies, to spread mass discontent and facilitate a Maidan in 2015 to re...
Economic hardship is being created by the foreign-controlled Bank of Russia's monetary policies, to spread mass discontent and facilitate a Maidan in 2015 to remove Putin. So claims Evgeny Fedorov, citing the colonialist Central Bank law, established after Washington's victory in the Cold War, and the system of fifth-column levers, methodically operated to steer the revolution.
2:59 Foreign banks own the production in Russia.
8:23 Putin has no authority over the Central Bank.
13:56 Bank of Russia is legally a foreign-controlled Central Bank.
15:21 Road map to Maidan 2015.
English subtitles.
Russian original from Poznavatelnoe.tv : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckgRwbCasHY
Evgeny Fedorov is a Deputy of the State Duma and the coordinator of the National Liberation Movement for restoring sovereignty of Russia. http://eafedorov.ru/
Related links:
Nikolay Starikov, Rouble Nationalization – the Way to Russia’s Freedom
(understanding the power and impunity of the Central Bank):
BBC News – Russia protest: White ribbon emerges as rallying symbol.
“The ribbon appears to mimic the symbols of revolution adopted by former Soviet republics: orange in Ukraine, the rose in Georgia and the tulip in Kyrgyzstan.”
Fedorov: “the US Ambassador has his plan, which has worked successfully for him in Georgia, Ukraine, and so on.”
Romania cuts interest rates to 3%.
Daily news & analysis on Ukraine-Russia:
Additional tags:
US, U.S., USA, American, USSR, Soviet Union, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Moscow, Kaluga, WW3, WWIII, World War 3, World War Three, Third World War, attack, invade, Rose Orange Revolution, Euromaidan, Maidan, coup d'etat, Bolotnaya, sanctions, Russia Calling, Tverskaya square, Gorbaty bridge, Pikalevo, Pikalyovo, South Stream, Nord stream, energy wars, genocide, trolls, currency exchange, foreign exchange, exchange rates, inflation, FX, interest rates, base rates, key interest rate, fifth column, IMF, Bilderberg group, National Liberation Movement, NLM, PLM, civil society, demonstration, demo, white ribbon, OMON, Bank of Russia, Central Bank, CB, EZB, BCE, Bank of England, Bank of Japan, Federal Reserve System, European Central Bank, Europäische Zentralbank, Oliver Wyman, Evgeni Evgeny Fedorov Fyodorov Feodorov, Nikolai Starikov, Daniel Estulin, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Kissinger, Peter Schiff, Reggie Middleton, Lindsey Williams, Alessio Rastani, Bill Still, Dmitry Livanov, Alexei Volin, Mikhail Seslavinsky, Sergei Golubyev, RT, Echo Moskvy, Fox News, CNN, BBC, NBC, MSNBC, CBC, ITN, Poznavatelnoe, infowars, Voice of America, banker deaths, MH17, English 2014, 2015, США, американский американцы, СССР, Советский союз, Россия, Саудовская Аравия, Москва, Калуга, третья мировая война, Евромайдан, Євромайдан, Майдан, Оранжевая революция, Болотная, санкции, Россия зовёт зовет, Тверская площадь, Горбатый мост, Пикалёво, южный поток, северный поток, геноцид, тролли, пятая колонна, НАТО, МВФ, Билдербергский клуб, НОД, Беркут, гражданское общество, акция, белоленточники, ОМОН, Центробанк, ЦБ, ЕЦБ, Евгений Федоров, Даниель Эстулин, Рокфеллер, Ротшильд, Збигнев Бжезинский, Киссинджер, Дмитрий Ливанов, Алексей Волин, Михаил Сеславинский, Сергей Голубев, Эхо Москвы, НТВ, ВГТРК, Первый Канал, Познавательное, Познавательноетв.рф, Радио Свобода, Новая Газета
wn.com/Central Bankers Suppressing Russian Economy
Economic hardship is being created by the foreign-controlled Bank of Russia's monetary policies, to spread mass discontent and facilitate a Maidan in 2015 to remove Putin. So claims Evgeny Fedorov, citing the colonialist Central Bank law, established after Washington's victory in the Cold War, and the system of fifth-column levers, methodically operated to steer the revolution.
2:59 Foreign banks own the production in Russia.
8:23 Putin has no authority over the Central Bank.
13:56 Bank of Russia is legally a foreign-controlled Central Bank.
15:21 Road map to Maidan 2015.
English subtitles.
Russian original from Poznavatelnoe.tv : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckgRwbCasHY
Evgeny Fedorov is a Deputy of the State Duma and the coordinator of the National Liberation Movement for restoring sovereignty of Russia. http://eafedorov.ru/
Related links:
Nikolay Starikov, Rouble Nationalization – the Way to Russia’s Freedom
(understanding the power and impunity of the Central Bank):
BBC News – Russia protest: White ribbon emerges as rallying symbol.
“The ribbon appears to mimic the symbols of revolution adopted by former Soviet republics: orange in Ukraine, the rose in Georgia and the tulip in Kyrgyzstan.”
Fedorov: “the US Ambassador has his plan, which has worked successfully for him in Georgia, Ukraine, and so on.”
Romania cuts interest rates to 3%.
Daily news & analysis on Ukraine-Russia:
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- published: 23 Nov 2014
- views: 21976