Queensland Weather

forecast summary state forecast

Friday Rain/storms across north & west, heavy southwest. Dry and warm in central & southern QLD.

Saturday Rain/storms across north & west, heavy southwest. Dry, warm in central-east & southeast QLD.

Sunday Rain/storms across north & west, heaviest south. Generally dry about central and south coast.

Monday Rain/storms spreading east, clearing in far west. Mainly dry about central coast.

Tuesday Showers and storms central and east. Dry and warm in the far west.

current warnings most recent warnings

Qld - Fri 16:59 EST
Severe Weather Warning

Qld - Fri 13:32 EST
Flood Warning

Qld - Fri 10:56 EST
Flood Warning - Gulf Rivers

View all current warnings

current extremes current extremes

SE 40km/h
no rain last hr

historic extremes historic January extremes

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Wettest 24hr

Queensland Weather Forecasts

major stations | all stations
(ungroup by district)
forecast min max chance of rain rain amount frost risk 9am 3pm
wind rh wind rh
°C °C km/h % km/h %
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
18 30 40% < 1mm Nil S 9 47 E 19 44
possible shower Possible shower
25 34 60% 1-5mm Nil WNW 19 75 WNW 32 59
possible thunderstorm Possible thunderstorm
24 31 90% 5-10mm Nil N 10 76 NNE 19 66
possible shower Possible shower
26 32 90% 10-20mm Nil NNE 22 55 NNE 32 58
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
22 32 40% < 1mm Nil NNE 8 54 NE 14 48
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
21 34 40% < 1mm Nil NNE 7 50 NE 13 35
possible thunderstorm Possible thunderstorm
23 30 90% 20-40mm Nil NE 28 72 NNW 22 60
possible shower Possible shower
21 29 80% 5-10mm Nil NNW 10 77 SW 13 62
rain Rain
24 27 90% 10-20mm Nil SSE 19 47 SE 25 57
possible thunderstorm Possible thunderstorm
25 29 90% 20-40mm Nil ENE 12 46 NE 13 51
mostly sunny Mostly sunny
15 28 70% 1-5mm Nil NNE 11 62 SE 11 39
sunny Sunny
18 31 30% < 1mm Nil S 8 50 NE 20 43

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2016 off to a hot, thundery start in Perth

15:19 EDT Perth's fiery end to 2015 will spill into 2016, as temperatures soar into the mid 30s once again.

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