
Tag Archives: Immigrant Mass Murder

Marine Le  Pen: Europe's Leftists are unhappy with her success--they want the invasion to continue.

Migration And Immigrant Mass Murder Cause America And France To Turn Right

In Sunday's first-round of regional elections in France, the clear and stunning winner was the National Front of
Farook’s father was allowed to immigrate 30 years ago—did any American benefit from that?

San Bernardino: The Answer Is An Immigration Moratorium—And Muslim Expulsion

There is one indisputable fact about Wednesday’s shootings in San Bernardino: if the family of Syed Rizwan Farook

Kneejerk MSM Reaction #6: More “American Dream”-Ing In San Bernardino Immigrant Mass Murder

From the Los Angeles Times: San Bernardino shooting suspect traveled [...]


We interrupt our series of “Kneejerk MSM Reactions” to bring [...]

Kneejerk MSM Reaction #4: “Syed Rizwan Farook, A 28-Year-Old American Citizen”

It’s amazing how fast we find out the citizenship status [...]

Kneejerk MSM Reaction #3: “San Bernardino Suspect, A Dad, Lived The American Dream”

This is the kind of thing that we saw after [...]
The web page features a banner that says "Love for all/Hatred for None." That is not mainstream Islam. It just isn't.

Kneejerk MSM Reaction # 2: The Religion Of Peace Fake, Ahmadiyya Edition

In the wake of the San Bernardino shooting, the NYT [...]
White men with guns--they're the San Bernardino SWAT team.

San Bernardino Shooters Unknown–But It’s A Lie That Mass Shooters Are “Mostly White Men”

The San Bernardino shooting has just happened and the shooters are unknown, but in response to Robert Dear
The Bataclan Theater--the pixelated sections are dead bodies, who not killed by either Frenchmen or Belgians, but Arabs.

Ann Coulter: No “Frenchmen” Or “Belgians” Committed Paris Attacks–Only Muslim Arabs

New York Times, Monday, Nov. 16, 2015: "BRUSSELS—The French authorities have concluded that Abdelhamid Abaaoud, a 27-year-old Belgian

UC Merced Muslim Stabber A “Santa Clara Native”–Thanks, Teddy Kennedy!

Faisal Mohammad, the Muslim student who stabbed a bunch of [...]