
Tag Archives: Charlie Hebdo

"100 Lashes If You Don't Die Laughing"--The new editors of Charlie Hebdo have promised not to draw these any more.

Charlie Hebdo Anniversary: Media Still Cowardly

It’s the anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo massacre–Mark Steyn has [...]

French Jewish Intellectual Finds Anti-Semitic “Zombie Catholicism” Behind Paris “Charlie Hebdo” Marches for Secularism

As you may have noticed, Europe is currently under siege [...]

Charlie Hebdo Surrenders–No More Drawing Mohammed

  #JeSuisCharlie? I hope not. Charlie Hebdo, the satirical French [...]

Speaking Truth to Power, French-Style

Here is an inadvertently funny New York Times article about [...]

John Derbyshire: The American Political System CAN Solve The Race Problem—For A Given Meaning Of “Solve”

Last weekend Peter Brimelow and I attended the annual American Renaissance conference in Tennessee. Peter gave a feature

Washington Post: “Why We Have to Stop Telling Jewish Jokes”

From the Washington Post: Why we have to stop telling [...]

European Union Fails–Nationalism Surging, Multiculturalism Dying

As the European Coal and Steel Community of Jean Monnet evolved into the EU, we were told a

Copenhagen: Gunmen Attack Free Speech Meeting and Cartoonist Lars Vilks

One man is dead and three police officers have been [...]

Who Needs Facts? Left Forces NC Muslim Killings Into “Hate Crime” Narrative

Barack Obama didn’t exactly say that the three Muslim students killed in North Carolina might have been his

France: Is Civil War with Muslims Inevitable?

France is in a terrible state, where hostile Muslim attacks [...]