NBA D-League: Iowa Energy @ Grand Rapids Drive 2015-12-19
The NBA Development League, the NBA's official minor league, is now on YouTube, showing over 400 live games on the NBA D-League YouTube Channel and NBADLeague.com. Fans can get a glimpse at the players, coaches and officials competing to ascend to the NBA's ranks. More than 40% of players drafted into the NBA since 2005 have played in the NBA D-League.
With 26 percent of players boasting NBA D-L
New AD Assassin Item - Everyone Is ZED - League of Legends
New AD Assassin item Season 6 / S6 - Nightfall passive in League of Legends LoL!
→Azir MECHANICS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iodMA0d6Ggw
→Best Season 6 Yasuo Build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SPpX0w0omE
→More Commentaries/Guides: http://bit.ly/1O33hGr
→Subscribe For More!: http://full.sc/1gukNqq
Follow me here!
→My Stream: http://twitch.tv/redmercylol
→My Twitter: http://twitter.com/Re
® Top 10 Jukes of 2015 (League of Legends)
► Never miss a video, subscribe here! http://goo.gl/A3y0TW
► Watch the last episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAJBo5ArT9w
► MrTacticious brings you an explosive episode of Top 10 Jukes - The 10 best Jukes from all of the 2015 videos we released!
The series aims to bring you a fun video filled with cool jukes. We aim to make this series for you - by you. We are looking for plays by you - th
What happens when an entire League of Legends game is assassins?
►$50 RP GIVEAWAY! https://www.facebook.com/BrofrescoYT/photos/a.251786138304994.1073741828.178644998952442/540878156062456/?type=3&theater;
►►Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/Brofresco
● LIVESTREAM: http://www.twitch.tv/brofresco
● Snapchat: brofresco
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PLAYING IN THE SNOW! (Rocket League)
● Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ZerkaaHD
● Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ZerkaaHD
● Main Channel: http://www.youtube.com/ZerkaaHD
Ethan: http://www.youtube.com/Beh2inga
Simon: http://www.youtube.com/MM7Games
Vikk: http://www.youtube.com/Vikkstar123
JJ: http://www.youtube.com/KSIOlajidebtHD
We are playing Rocket League on PS4.
How I Re
TSM Bjergsen Fizz Mid Preseason Guide | League of Legends
Perhaps one of the best abusers of Thunderlord's, Fizz is a mid-lane assassin that can carry your solo queue games and Bjergsen breaks down how.
Subscribe our Channel: https://youtube.com/LolClassVideos?su...
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Worlds Best Plays 2015 | (League of Legends)
2-5 Videos Per Week! #FunzioStandards
►My Network website : http://www.pentakill.tv/
Previous video: http://y2u.be/jRuc3bd2GRQ
Featured video: http://y2u.be/xCITQ_udewc
►Send me your plays! : forifunzio@gmail.com
►Facebook : http://Fb.com/ifunziochannel
LoL Esports
League of Legends
Riot Games
Don't see yourself here? Just message
Epic Moments #115 | Just Vayne Things | League of Legends
Epic Moments #115 | Just Vayne Things | League of Legends
♥ Subscribe, click here:
♥ Do you have any big plays or fantastic fails you want to show the community? Send your video to : FelixGragas@gmail.com
♥ Original Videos:
Queres comprar CS:GO ou ROCKET LEAGUE barato ?
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Código ' TIAGO ' 3% Desconto !
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Presenting Fnatic League of Legends 2016
Join us in welcoming the 2016 Fnatic League of Legends team! Read the full announcement here: http://ow.ly/W21uu
Tracks used:
Epic Emotional by bdProductions
Final Moment by Solar Studio
Um video com Wesley Savraudão fazendo varias jogadas engraçadas no League Of Legends
Redes Sociais:
Snap: yeetz21
Link para Stream:
Link APP:
Equipamento gamer e na game7!
Compre jogos utilizando o código yetz, 3% de des
League of Legends - Devourer Braum Jungle - Full Gameplay With Joe
Devourer Jungle Braum with Joe. I could see this working better with cinderhulk
Joe's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/C00LStoryJoe
Playing League of Legends as Braum
Masteries: 12/18/0
Runes: hp quints AS marks armor seals mr/lvl glyphs
Sign up for Lootcrate: http://www.lootcrate.com/Anklespankin and make sure to use promo code "ANKLE" fo
League of Legends Top 5 Plays Week 222
*Skill Capped is an excellent resource to improve your game quickly no matter what elo you are. The site is filled with in-depth guide videos created by Diamond 1, Challenger, and ex-LCS pro players to help you master a specific champion or even to just improve your general gameplay.
*Main website - https://www.skill-capped.com/lol/
*Check out 2 minute previews of ANY of their videos - https://www
® Top 10 Moments | All-Stars 2015 (League of Legends)
► Never miss a video, subscribe here! http://goo.gl/A3y0TW
► Watch the last episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzlB6iHl8tM
► Here are the top ten moments from League of Legends AllStar 2015 event featuring best plays, biggest fails, Deficio in pajama and Froggen's super duper powerful magical journey.
► Music from:
JJD - Halcyon
® Random LoL Moments | Episode 406 (League of Legends)
► Never miss a video, subscribe here! http://goo.gl/A3y0TW
► Watch the last episode: https://youtu.be/NWXtO4ekzOc
► Have an epic clip or play that should be on Realm? You should include a high-quality YouTube upload of the clip (no music please), a replay file of the clip if you have it, and any other information you would like to include. Be sure to include your player name and a short descriptio
League of Legends - Kalista ADC - Full Gameplay Commentary
Championship Kalista. Fuck that lane phase :(
Playing League of Legends as Kalista
Masteries: 12/18/0
Runes: ad marks armor seals mr/lvl glyphs AS quints
Sign up for Lootcrate: http://www.lootcrate.com/Anklespankin and make sure to use promo code "ANKLE" for 10% off c:
Sign up for league: http://tinyurl.com/ctw2lev
Facebook: http://www.faceboo
Justice League: Crisis - Final Trailer (Fan Made)
- Follow me on Twitter!: https://twitter.com/UltraSargent
Well here we are, the final trailer for Justice League: Crisis. As I said in the description of the previous two trailers, this is loosely based on the "Crisis on Infinite Earths" storyline, but my take on it. If this were a real storyline, this would be a FLASH storyline, he would be the main focus and most likely the reason for the black
FilthyFrank League of Legends Announcer Pack (by /u/Howdoudolife)
Made by NoahTheAsian/Howdoudolife
Download Link:
Link to Noah's post, instructions are in the post:
TOP 10 Melhores Skins - League of Legends
video do TOP 10 das melhores skins do league of legends disponíveis pra venda na loja
Vc gosta do meu conteúdo e quer dar uma ajudinha? faça uma doação pro canal, :D
Seja um patrão do canal: https://goo.gl/cXx0wo
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►pagseguro, doe por boleto: http://youtube.vlog.br/josi/
►meu site: http://
League of Myths - Poppy ULTS - League of Legends - Episode 58
→Best Yasuo Season 6 Build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SPpX...
→Is New Poppy OP? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxHGZ...
→More League of Myths: http://full.sc/1maui0q
→Subscribe Here: http://full.sc/1gukNqq
Follow me here!
→STREAM ENDED: http://www.twitch.tv/RedmercyLoL
→Twitter: http://twitter.com/RedmercyLoL
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LoL Epic Moments #52 - Best Ezreal 1vs3 Outplay | League of Legends
LoL Epic Moments #52 - Best Ezreal 1vs3 Outplay | League of Legends
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Channel: [Ranged kill] → https://youtu.be/hnKm1ceveDg
Channel: [Irelia Feeds You] →
Sony super battery, New owner of League of Legends, EK Waterblock for mini ITX
Sony might have come up with a way to make batteries last longer. League of Legends has a new Chinese owner. EK makes a new waterblock for an Asus motherboard. All this plus a leaked steam sale on today's Netlinked Daily.
Comment for Fans With Benefits!
Check out the HO-HO-HO Holiday Giveaway!
See news sources + discuss on our Forums: Com
Hearthstone: League of Explorers - Hall of Explorers: Class Challenges
Hearthstone gets its third and possibly coolest Solo Adventure yet in League of Explorers! We'll accompany a group of adventurers, archaeologists and explorers as we hunt down the Staff of Origination, unlocking cool encounters and neat cards along the way!
● Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-eyFfAVda8&list;=PLGr99HIJUZkVKsev0yQWtNTo_bNwNP6k5&index;=61
● Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/Ry
NBA D-League: Iowa Energy @ Grand Rapids Drive 2015-12-19
The NBA Development League, the NBA's official minor league, is now on YouTube, showing over 400 live games on the NBA D-League YouTube Channel and NBADLeague.c...
The NBA Development League, the NBA's official minor league, is now on YouTube, showing over 400 live games on the NBA D-League YouTube Channel and NBADLeague.com. Fans can get a glimpse at the players, coaches and officials competing to ascend to the NBA's ranks. More than 40% of players drafted into the NBA since 2005 have played in the NBA D-League.
With 26 percent of players boasting NBA D-League experience when the NBA tipped off the 2014-15 campaign in October, the NBA D-League YouTube Channel is the best place to see the future now.
The NBA D-League consists of 18 teams for the 2014-15 season: Austin Spurs, Bakersfield Jam, Canton Charge, Delaware 87ers, Erie BayHawks, Fort Wayne Mad Ants, Grand Rapids Drive, Idaho Stampede, Iowa Energy, Los Angeles D-Fenders, Maine Red Claws, Oklahoma City Blue, Reno Bighorns, Rio Grande Valley Vipers, Sioux Falls Skyforce, Santa Cruz Warriors, Texas Legends and Westchester Knicks.
Subscribe on YouTube:
Visit us on the web: http://www.nba.com/dleague
Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nbadleague
Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/nbadleague
wn.com/Nba D League Iowa Energy Grand Rapids Drive 2015 12 19
The NBA Development League, the NBA's official minor league, is now on YouTube, showing over 400 live games on the NBA D-League YouTube Channel and NBADLeague.com. Fans can get a glimpse at the players, coaches and officials competing to ascend to the NBA's ranks. More than 40% of players drafted into the NBA since 2005 have played in the NBA D-League.
With 26 percent of players boasting NBA D-League experience when the NBA tipped off the 2014-15 campaign in October, the NBA D-League YouTube Channel is the best place to see the future now.
The NBA D-League consists of 18 teams for the 2014-15 season: Austin Spurs, Bakersfield Jam, Canton Charge, Delaware 87ers, Erie BayHawks, Fort Wayne Mad Ants, Grand Rapids Drive, Idaho Stampede, Iowa Energy, Los Angeles D-Fenders, Maine Red Claws, Oklahoma City Blue, Reno Bighorns, Rio Grande Valley Vipers, Sioux Falls Skyforce, Santa Cruz Warriors, Texas Legends and Westchester Knicks.
Subscribe on YouTube:
Visit us on the web: http://www.nba.com/dleague
Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nbadleague
Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/nbadleague
- published: 24 Nov 2015
- views: 0
New AD Assassin Item - Everyone Is ZED - League of Legends
New AD Assassin item Season 6 / S6 - Nightfall passive in League of Legends LoL!
→Azir MECHANICS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iodMA0d6Ggw
→Best Season 6 Yas...
New AD Assassin item Season 6 / S6 - Nightfall passive in League of Legends LoL!
→Azir MECHANICS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iodMA0d6Ggw
→Best Season 6 Yasuo Build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SPpX0w0omE
→More Commentaries/Guides: http://bit.ly/1O33hGr
→Subscribe For More!: http://full.sc/1gukNqq
Follow me here!
→My Stream: http://twitch.tv/redmercylol
→My Twitter: http://twitter.com/RedmercyLoL
→Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedmercyLoL
→My Instagram: http://instagram.com/redmercylol
→My 2nd YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/redmercygaming
Redmercy Merchandising Now Available!
→Redmercy Store: http://tinyurl.com/qb3zjdc
Music Provided and Released by Monstercat
Song: Muzzy - Calling Out (feat. KG & Skyelle)
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZJId...
Riot's post about the item:
Hope you enjoy and please sub rate and comment!!! :)
wn.com/New Ad Assassin Item Everyone Is Zed League Of Legends
New AD Assassin item Season 6 / S6 - Nightfall passive in League of Legends LoL!
→Azir MECHANICS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iodMA0d6Ggw
→Best Season 6 Yasuo Build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SPpX0w0omE
→More Commentaries/Guides: http://bit.ly/1O33hGr
→Subscribe For More!: http://full.sc/1gukNqq
Follow me here!
→My Stream: http://twitch.tv/redmercylol
→My Twitter: http://twitter.com/RedmercyLoL
→Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedmercyLoL
→My Instagram: http://instagram.com/redmercylol
→My 2nd YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/redmercygaming
Redmercy Merchandising Now Available!
→Redmercy Store: http://tinyurl.com/qb3zjdc
Music Provided and Released by Monstercat
Song: Muzzy - Calling Out (feat. KG & Skyelle)
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZJId...
Riot's post about the item:
Hope you enjoy and please sub rate and comment!!! :)
- published: 19 Dec 2015
- views: 6770
® Top 10 Jukes of 2015 (League of Legends)
► Never miss a video, subscribe here! http://goo.gl/A3y0TW
► Watch the last episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAJBo5ArT9w
► MrTacticious brings you an ex...
► Never miss a video, subscribe here! http://goo.gl/A3y0TW
► Watch the last episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAJBo5ArT9w
► MrTacticious brings you an explosive episode of Top 10 Jukes - The 10 best Jukes from all of the 2015 videos we released!
The series aims to bring you a fun video filled with cool jukes. We aim to make this series for you - by you. We are looking for plays by you - the viewers. Send us any jukes that you have. Outplays, escapes, anything that shows you juking an enemy is eligible!
To submit your plays, send them as an e-mail to randomlolmoments@machinima.com and include:
.LRF file (League Replay File) / Link to youtube video
Time of the juke ( minutes : seconds )
Link to youtube channel (if any)
Your League of Legends name
Any notes or requests you might have
#10 - Jummychu - http://twitch.tv/jummychu
#9 - JustSuppAndLee - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0nXB7Lp-sGMtTf_59Y3wlA
#8 - CJ Entus BDD - http://www.azubu.tv/Bdd
#7 - R F - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH4KPkFBur4FThKuXZueYLw
#6 - Liquid Piglet - http://www.twitch.tv/piglet
#5 - Bhyd - http://www.twitch.tv/sirhcez
#4 - OMGUzi - N/A
#3 - ryksuga - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX3sUiZc4CtvPy05hJSgsXg
#2 - Art of Explosion - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWYrR01Lf-WOpV9zXgTpe-Q
#1 - ??? - N/A
► Music from:
00:00 - 03:02
Artist Name : Droptek
Song Name : Killing Time (feat. Isabel Higuero)
Video Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qykmob6NB8g
Album Download Link : http://monster.cat/1vW5KxB
Channel : http://www.youtube.com/MonstercatMedia
03:03 - 05:22
Artist Name : Nitro Fun
Song Name : Final Boss
Video Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGh5DV0D3wk
Album Download Link : http://monster.cat/1fK9xYm
Channel : http://www.youtube.com/MonstercatMedia
05:23 - 06:56
Artist Name : Razihel
Song Name : Legends (feat. TeamMate)
Video Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5a0YGaVS0I
Album Download Link : http://monster.cat/1zMC56I
Channel : http://www.youtube.com/MonstercatMedia
► Presented by:
Follow the guys who manage Realm, our personal Twitters:
► Shibby: https://twitter.com/shibby2142
► Hundar: https://twitter.com/HungryHundar
► Remember to like and subscribe to Realm for more content every day!
► Realm Twitter: https://twitter.com/MachinimaRealm
► Realm Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MachinimaRealm
► Please flag negative, spam or hateful comments. We are all here to have some fun, be positive and enjoy ourselves and the games we play!
► If you notice an issue in the title or description or credits for a play / music, please tweet me @Shibby2142. We are here to help and make sure the right play-makers and artists are given the proper credit.
wn.com/® Top 10 Jukes Of 2015 (League Of Legends)
► Never miss a video, subscribe here! http://goo.gl/A3y0TW
► Watch the last episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAJBo5ArT9w
► MrTacticious brings you an explosive episode of Top 10 Jukes - The 10 best Jukes from all of the 2015 videos we released!
The series aims to bring you a fun video filled with cool jukes. We aim to make this series for you - by you. We are looking for plays by you - the viewers. Send us any jukes that you have. Outplays, escapes, anything that shows you juking an enemy is eligible!
To submit your plays, send them as an e-mail to randomlolmoments@machinima.com and include:
.LRF file (League Replay File) / Link to youtube video
Time of the juke ( minutes : seconds )
Link to youtube channel (if any)
Your League of Legends name
Any notes or requests you might have
#10 - Jummychu - http://twitch.tv/jummychu
#9 - JustSuppAndLee - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0nXB7Lp-sGMtTf_59Y3wlA
#8 - CJ Entus BDD - http://www.azubu.tv/Bdd
#7 - R F - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH4KPkFBur4FThKuXZueYLw
#6 - Liquid Piglet - http://www.twitch.tv/piglet
#5 - Bhyd - http://www.twitch.tv/sirhcez
#4 - OMGUzi - N/A
#3 - ryksuga - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX3sUiZc4CtvPy05hJSgsXg
#2 - Art of Explosion - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWYrR01Lf-WOpV9zXgTpe-Q
#1 - ??? - N/A
► Music from:
00:00 - 03:02
Artist Name : Droptek
Song Name : Killing Time (feat. Isabel Higuero)
Video Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qykmob6NB8g
Album Download Link : http://monster.cat/1vW5KxB
Channel : http://www.youtube.com/MonstercatMedia
03:03 - 05:22
Artist Name : Nitro Fun
Song Name : Final Boss
Video Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGh5DV0D3wk
Album Download Link : http://monster.cat/1fK9xYm
Channel : http://www.youtube.com/MonstercatMedia
05:23 - 06:56
Artist Name : Razihel
Song Name : Legends (feat. TeamMate)
Video Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5a0YGaVS0I
Album Download Link : http://monster.cat/1zMC56I
Channel : http://www.youtube.com/MonstercatMedia
► Presented by:
Follow the guys who manage Realm, our personal Twitters:
► Shibby: https://twitter.com/shibby2142
► Hundar: https://twitter.com/HungryHundar
► Remember to like and subscribe to Realm for more content every day!
► Realm Twitter: https://twitter.com/MachinimaRealm
► Realm Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MachinimaRealm
► Please flag negative, spam or hateful comments. We are all here to have some fun, be positive and enjoy ourselves and the games we play!
► If you notice an issue in the title or description or credits for a play / music, please tweet me @Shibby2142. We are here to help and make sure the right play-makers and artists are given the proper credit.
- published: 18 Dec 2015
- views: 39150
What happens when an entire League of Legends game is assassins?
►$50 RP GIVEAWAY! https://www.facebook.com/BrofrescoYT/photos/a.251786138304994.1073741828.1786...
What happens when an entire League of Legends game is assassins?
►$50 RP GIVEAWAY! https://www.facebook.com/BrofrescoYT/photos/a.251786138304994.1073741828.178644998952442/540878156062456/?type=3&theater;
►►Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/Brofresco
● LIVESTREAM: http://www.twitch.tv/brofresco
● Snapchat: brofresco
● Twitter: https://twitter.com/Brofresco
● Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/brofresco
● Facebook: http://www.fb.com/brofrescoyt
● Instagram: http://instagram.com/brofresco
wn.com/5V5 Assassins Only (League Of Legends)
What happens when an entire League of Legends game is assassins?
►$50 RP GIVEAWAY! https://www.facebook.com/BrofrescoYT/photos/a.251786138304994.1073741828.178644998952442/540878156062456/?type=3&theater;
►►Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/Brofresco
● LIVESTREAM: http://www.twitch.tv/brofresco
● Snapchat: brofresco
● Twitter: https://twitter.com/Brofresco
● Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/brofresco
● Facebook: http://www.fb.com/brofrescoyt
● Instagram: http://instagram.com/brofresco
- published: 18 Dec 2015
- views: 91356
PLAYING IN THE SNOW! (Rocket League)
● Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ZerkaaHD
● Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ZerkaaHD
● Main Channel: ht...
● Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ZerkaaHD
● Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ZerkaaHD
● Main Channel: http://www.youtube.com/ZerkaaHD
Ethan: http://www.youtube.com/Beh2inga
Simon: http://www.youtube.com/MM7Games
Vikk: http://www.youtube.com/Vikkstar123
JJ: http://www.youtube.com/KSIOlajidebtHD
We are playing Rocket League on PS4.
How I Record My Gameplay: http://e.lga.to/zerkaa
Video uploaded by:
Zerkaa | ZerkaaHD | ZerkaaPlays
wn.com/Playing In The Snow (Rocket League)
● Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ZerkaaHD
● Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ZerkaaHD
● Main Channel: http://www.youtube.com/ZerkaaHD
Ethan: http://www.youtube.com/Beh2inga
Simon: http://www.youtube.com/MM7Games
Vikk: http://www.youtube.com/Vikkstar123
JJ: http://www.youtube.com/KSIOlajidebtHD
We are playing Rocket League on PS4.
How I Record My Gameplay: http://e.lga.to/zerkaa
Video uploaded by:
Zerkaa | ZerkaaHD | ZerkaaPlays
- published: 18 Dec 2015
- views: 13912
TSM Bjergsen Fizz Mid Preseason Guide | League of Legends
Perhaps one of the best abusers of Thunderlord's, Fizz is a mid-lane assassin that can carry your solo queue games and Bjergsen breaks down how.
Subscribe our ...
Perhaps one of the best abusers of Thunderlord's, Fizz is a mid-lane assassin that can carry your solo queue games and Bjergsen breaks down how.
Subscribe our Channel: https://youtube.com/LolClassVideos?su...
Like Us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/LolClasscom
Checkout more Videos on: http://www.lolclass.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LolClassCom
Google+: https://google.com/+LolClass
wn.com/Tsm Bjergsen Fizz Mid Preseason Guide | League Of Legends
Perhaps one of the best abusers of Thunderlord's, Fizz is a mid-lane assassin that can carry your solo queue games and Bjergsen breaks down how.
Subscribe our Channel: https://youtube.com/LolClassVideos?su...
Like Us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/LolClasscom
Checkout more Videos on: http://www.lolclass.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LolClassCom
Google+: https://google.com/+LolClass
- published: 19 Dec 2015
- views: 15352
Worlds Best Plays 2015 | (League of Legends)
2-5 Videos Per Week! #FunzioStandards
►My Network website : http://www.pentakill.tv/
Previous video: htt...
2-5 Videos Per Week! #FunzioStandards
►My Network website : http://www.pentakill.tv/
Previous video: http://y2u.be/jRuc3bd2GRQ
Featured video: http://y2u.be/xCITQ_udewc
►Send me your plays! : forifunzio@gmail.com
►Facebook : http://Fb.com/ifunziochannel
LoL Esports
League of Legends
Riot Games
Don't see yourself here? Just message me and you will become here instantly! Thank you again !
Andre - My Love
Video :
Codeko - Crest [Progressive House]
Cormak - Flavors [NCS Release]
High Maintenance - Change Your Ways
SirensCeol - Coming Home [NCS Release]
Itro - Panda [NCS Release]
My Network website :http://www.pentakill.tv/
wn.com/Worlds Best Plays 2015 | (League Of Legends)
2-5 Videos Per Week! #FunzioStandards
►My Network website : http://www.pentakill.tv/
Previous video: http://y2u.be/jRuc3bd2GRQ
Featured video: http://y2u.be/xCITQ_udewc
►Send me your plays! : forifunzio@gmail.com
►Facebook : http://Fb.com/ifunziochannel
LoL Esports
League of Legends
Riot Games
Don't see yourself here? Just message me and you will become here instantly! Thank you again !
Andre - My Love
Video :
Codeko - Crest [Progressive House]
Cormak - Flavors [NCS Release]
High Maintenance - Change Your Ways
SirensCeol - Coming Home [NCS Release]
Itro - Panda [NCS Release]
My Network website :http://www.pentakill.tv/
- published: 01 Nov 2015
- views: 82393
Epic Moments #115 | Just Vayne Things | League of Legends
Epic Moments #115 | Just Vayne Things | League of Legends
♥ Subscribe, click here:
♥ Do you have any big plays or fantastic fails you wan...
Epic Moments #115 | Just Vayne Things | League of Legends
♥ Subscribe, click here:
♥ Do you have any big plays or fantastic fails you want to show the community? Send your video to : FelixGragas@gmail.com
♥ Original Videos:
If you notice an issue, possibly an error in the title or description, any of the original owners wants their video removed, feel free to send us a YouTube private message so we can fix that problem!
-------- Hope you guys enjoy it -------
wn.com/Epic Moments 115 | Just Vayne Things | League Of Legends
Epic Moments #115 | Just Vayne Things | League of Legends
♥ Subscribe, click here:
♥ Do you have any big plays or fantastic fails you want to show the community? Send your video to : FelixGragas@gmail.com
♥ Original Videos:
If you notice an issue, possibly an error in the title or description, any of the original owners wants their video removed, feel free to send us a YouTube private message so we can fix that problem!
-------- Hope you guys enjoy it -------
- published: 18 Dec 2015
- views: 22668
Queres comprar CS:GO ou ROCKET LEAGUE barato ?
➚G2A : http://bit.ly/1Cl78eT
Código ' TIAGO ' 3% Desconto !
Apoia o vski : http://bit.ly...
Queres comprar CS:GO ou ROCKET LEAGUE barato ?
➚G2A : http://bit.ly/1Cl78eT
Código ' TIAGO ' 3% Desconto !
Apoia o vski : http://bit.ly/1bbtOUj
Musicas de fundo : http://bit.ly/1ALYPTD
Queres saber mais do canal e vantagens ?
Links do canal & sobre parcerias todos abaixo !
★ Redes Sociais ★
➚Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1AM2O2O
➚Twitter: http://bit.ly/1GcEJ9Q
➚Instagram: http://bit.ly/1FrtrAg
➚G2A : http://bit.ly/1Cl78eT
Código ' TIAGO ' 3% Desconto !
Apoia o vski : http://bit.ly/1bbtOUj
➚GamerShop : http://bit.ly/1bbtSDr
Código 'Tiagovski' 3% Desconto !
➚ W33D : http://bit.ly/1MF8It6
Tens a coleção vski disponivel no site :D
Usa Sempre Este Link Para No Futuro Ter Códigos De Desconto !
➚GlobalData : http://bit.ly/1Fp75iI
Vski Beast V3 : http://bit.ly/1ODSDce
Global Vski V3 : http://bit.ly/1Rutxx3
Código de desconto : 'TIAGOVSKI' 1%
PS: Podes pagar qualquer pc às prestações :)
Vídeo sobre a parceria :
➚AlterCos :
Site : http://bit.ly/1FsrjEA
Para teres 10% desconto basta referires '' tiagovski '' ao fazeres a compra
Facebook's da AlterCos :
AlterCos : http://on.fb.me/1JxPWnh
AlterCos Costumes : http://on.fb.me/1CDFSTM
Vídeo sobre a parceria :
Loja : http://bit.ly/1MEtxXf
Vídeo sobre a parceria :
Queres Enviar Uma Carta Um Presente Ou Um Desenho?
Tens O Meu Apartado ;D
4431-901 V.N.GAIA
Fico À Espera !
★ O VSKI RECOMENDA (Se jogares , estas a ajudar o canal) ★
➚War Thunder : http://bit.ly/1xrutpl
➚Drakensang Online : http://bit.ly/1Ij1olw
➚Aion : http://bit.ly/1yPYSn1
➚Nosgoth : http://bit.ly/1MVmDiF
➚Echo Of Soul : http://bit.ly/1ChoPs6
➚Star War's The Old Republic : http://bit.ly/1MUbrB1
➚Tera : http://bit.ly/1VBVxmv
➚World Of Metin2 :
http://bit.ly/1xrsfGs (Reino Amarelo) !
➚Mt2 Portugalia :
http://bit.ly/1AM1AV8 (Reino Azul)
➚League Of Legends :
➚Não Percas Um Vídeo Com Esta Aplicação : http://bit.ly/1wPvaxH
Fiquem Bem Pessoal ! ❤
wn.com/Livestream 277 Cs Rocket League Azia
Queres comprar CS:GO ou ROCKET LEAGUE barato ?
➚G2A : http://bit.ly/1Cl78eT
Código ' TIAGO ' 3% Desconto !
Apoia o vski : http://bit.ly/1bbtOUj
Musicas de fundo : http://bit.ly/1ALYPTD
Queres saber mais do canal e vantagens ?
Links do canal & sobre parcerias todos abaixo !
★ Redes Sociais ★
➚Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1AM2O2O
➚Twitter: http://bit.ly/1GcEJ9Q
➚Instagram: http://bit.ly/1FrtrAg
➚G2A : http://bit.ly/1Cl78eT
Código ' TIAGO ' 3% Desconto !
Apoia o vski : http://bit.ly/1bbtOUj
➚GamerShop : http://bit.ly/1bbtSDr
Código 'Tiagovski' 3% Desconto !
➚ W33D : http://bit.ly/1MF8It6
Tens a coleção vski disponivel no site :D
Usa Sempre Este Link Para No Futuro Ter Códigos De Desconto !
➚GlobalData : http://bit.ly/1Fp75iI
Vski Beast V3 : http://bit.ly/1ODSDce
Global Vski V3 : http://bit.ly/1Rutxx3
Código de desconto : 'TIAGOVSKI' 1%
PS: Podes pagar qualquer pc às prestações :)
Vídeo sobre a parceria :
➚AlterCos :
Site : http://bit.ly/1FsrjEA
Para teres 10% desconto basta referires '' tiagovski '' ao fazeres a compra
Facebook's da AlterCos :
AlterCos : http://on.fb.me/1JxPWnh
AlterCos Costumes : http://on.fb.me/1CDFSTM
Vídeo sobre a parceria :
Loja : http://bit.ly/1MEtxXf
Vídeo sobre a parceria :
Queres Enviar Uma Carta Um Presente Ou Um Desenho?
Tens O Meu Apartado ;D
4431-901 V.N.GAIA
Fico À Espera !
★ O VSKI RECOMENDA (Se jogares , estas a ajudar o canal) ★
➚War Thunder : http://bit.ly/1xrutpl
➚Drakensang Online : http://bit.ly/1Ij1olw
➚Aion : http://bit.ly/1yPYSn1
➚Nosgoth : http://bit.ly/1MVmDiF
➚Echo Of Soul : http://bit.ly/1ChoPs6
➚Star War's The Old Republic : http://bit.ly/1MUbrB1
➚Tera : http://bit.ly/1VBVxmv
➚World Of Metin2 :
http://bit.ly/1xrsfGs (Reino Amarelo) !
➚Mt2 Portugalia :
http://bit.ly/1AM1AV8 (Reino Azul)
➚League Of Legends :
➚Não Percas Um Vídeo Com Esta Aplicação : http://bit.ly/1wPvaxH
Fiquem Bem Pessoal ! ❤
- published: 19 Dec 2015
- views: 62270
Presenting Fnatic League of Legends 2016
Join us in welcoming the 2016 Fnatic League of Legends team! Read the full announcement here: http://ow.ly/W21uu
Join us in welcoming the 2016 Fnatic League of Legends team! Read the full announcement here: http://ow.ly/W21uu
Tracks used:
Epic Emotional by bdProductions
Final Moment by Solar Studio
The Epic Music by puzzle music
Modern Wonder by apelayonmusic
wn.com/Presenting Fnatic League Of Legends 2016
Join us in welcoming the 2016 Fnatic League of Legends team! Read the full announcement here: http://ow.ly/W21uu
Tracks used:
Epic Emotional by bdProductions
Final Moment by Solar Studio
The Epic Music by puzzle music
Modern Wonder by apelayonmusic
- published: 18 Dec 2015
- views: 81017
Um video com Wesley Savraudão fazendo varias jogadas engraçadas no League Of Legends
Redes Sociais:
Um video com Wesley Savraudão fazendo varias jogadas engraçadas no League Of Legends
Redes Sociais:
Snap: yeetz21
Link para Stream:
Link APP:
Equipamento gamer e na game7!
Compre jogos utilizando o código yetz, 3% de desconto!
Compre na loja da Keyd utilizando o cupom yetz, e ganhe 10% de desconto.
compre sua dxracer com 5% de desconto utilizando o cupom yetz:
Compre seu headset da Sennheiser na e-store!
Edição Villamarim
wn.com/Safadão Do League Of Legends || League Of Legends
Um video com Wesley Savraudão fazendo varias jogadas engraçadas no League Of Legends
Redes Sociais:
Snap: yeetz21
Link para Stream:
Link APP:
Equipamento gamer e na game7!
Compre jogos utilizando o código yetz, 3% de desconto!
Compre na loja da Keyd utilizando o cupom yetz, e ganhe 10% de desconto.
compre sua dxracer com 5% de desconto utilizando o cupom yetz:
Compre seu headset da Sennheiser na e-store!
Edição Villamarim
- published: 17 Dec 2015
- views: 87120
League of Legends - Devourer Braum Jungle - Full Gameplay With Joe
Devourer Jungle Braum with Joe. I could see this working better with cinderhulk
Joe's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/C00LStoryJoe
Playing League of Leg...
Devourer Jungle Braum with Joe. I could see this working better with cinderhulk
Joe's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/C00LStoryJoe
Playing League of Legends as Braum
Masteries: 12/18/0
Runes: hp quints AS marks armor seals mr/lvl glyphs
Sign up for Lootcrate: http://www.lootcrate.com/Anklespankin and make sure to use promo code "ANKLE" for 10% off c:
Sign up for league: http://tinyurl.com/ctw2lev
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/youtubeanklespankin
Follow me on Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/anklespankin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Anklespankin
Song used in intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqZ5iLOUOGA (credit to Noisestorm and Monstercat)
wn.com/League Of Legends Devourer Braum Jungle Full Gameplay With Joe
Devourer Jungle Braum with Joe. I could see this working better with cinderhulk
Joe's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/C00LStoryJoe
Playing League of Legends as Braum
Masteries: 12/18/0
Runes: hp quints AS marks armor seals mr/lvl glyphs
Sign up for Lootcrate: http://www.lootcrate.com/Anklespankin and make sure to use promo code "ANKLE" for 10% off c:
Sign up for league: http://tinyurl.com/ctw2lev
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/youtubeanklespankin
Follow me on Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/anklespankin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Anklespankin
Song used in intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqZ5iLOUOGA (credit to Noisestorm and Monstercat)
- published: 19 Dec 2015
- views: 22173
League of Legends Top 5 Plays Week 222
*Skill Capped is an excellent resource to improve your game quickly no matter what elo you are. The site is filled with in-depth guide videos created by Diamond...
*Skill Capped is an excellent resource to improve your game quickly no matter what elo you are. The site is filled with in-depth guide videos created by Diamond 1, Challenger, and ex-LCS pro players to help you master a specific champion or even to just improve your general gameplay.
*Main website - https://www.skill-capped.com/lol/
*Check out 2 minute previews of ANY of their videos - https://www.skill-capped.com/lol/videos
*Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/skillcapped
*Twitter - https://twitter.com/skillcapped
*LootCrate signup link - http://Lootcrate.com/Protatomonster
*Use the code PROTATO1 for a 10% off discount :D!
*To Purchase HyperX Cloud 2 Headset - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00SAYCXWG/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=1789&creative;=9325&creativeASIN;=B00SAYCXWG&linkCode;=as2&tag;=httpwwwyou045-20&linkId;=ISENR6655BBIDCSM
*To Purchase HyperX FURY Pro Gaming MousePad - http://www.amazon.com/HyperX-FURY-Pro-Gaming-MousePad/dp/B00TY6A5OC/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&m;=ATVPDKIKX0DER&s;=pc&pf;_rd_p=2094718462&pf;_rd_s=center-5&pf;_rd_t=101&pf;_rd_i=11444280011&pf;_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf;_rd_r=1NH0333BQ7KNBPEHVS6P&linkCode;=sl1&tag;=protatomonster-20&linkId;=JMD7VIW5R7PQPSQM
*Link To Purchase HyperX Cloud Headset (The original headset) (53% off!) - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JJNQG98/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=1789&creative;=9325&creativeASIN;=B00JJNQG98&linkCode;=as2&tag;=protatomonster-20&linkId;=HGWO7KWHURQ62KGN
*AlphaDraft - Win Cash For Drafting Top Fantasy LCS Teams: https://alphadraft.com/?protatomonster
~Sign up for League @ http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4de9ac1e0f8d2343455063
~Submit: http://protatomonster.com/upload
~Website: http://www.Protatomonster.com/
~FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/Protatomonster
~Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Protatomonster
~Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/Protatomonster
1- Rave on Gnar
2- BOBSUN on Azir
3- Project Rio on Thresh
4- Strive like 5IV3 on Orianna
5- I Famez I on Amumu
Bonus- Roronoah Zorro on Braum
~Please send your League of Legend Replays to http://www.protatomonster.com/upload for a chance to be in our video of the week in the future.
~Sign up for league of legends at http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4de9ac1e0f8d2343455063
Where can I submit a replay?
You can use our form on our website http://www.protatomonster.com/upload
Do I send in the whole replay?
Yes, send in the whole replay and we'll do the rest. If you're sending in a pre-recorded file, then just send us just the part you want us to look at.
It says a champions spell was on cooldown, yet they used it?
It's a common bug with LoL replay. It's caused by the fast forward feature. Cooldowns don't register that the time has been sped up, which is why you'll see many plays in our videos in which don't have correct cooldown timers.
What programs do you use to make your videos?
For the effects, we use Adobe After Effects and to composite everything together, we use Adobe Premiere.
How will I receive the $25/$10 worth of RP?
We'll send you a code for a Paysafe card worth the amount you won. You'll be able to redeem the money value via the League of Legends store as well as any other game that accepts Paysafe cards.
Music Supplied by Monstercat:
Title: Laszlo - Closer
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9pBlWyW1z4
Purchase Link : http://music.monstercat.com/album/closer-ep
Label Channel: http://www.youtube.com/monstercat
*Protatomonster is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.
wn.com/League Of Legends Top 5 Plays Week 222
*Skill Capped is an excellent resource to improve your game quickly no matter what elo you are. The site is filled with in-depth guide videos created by Diamond 1, Challenger, and ex-LCS pro players to help you master a specific champion or even to just improve your general gameplay.
*Main website - https://www.skill-capped.com/lol/
*Check out 2 minute previews of ANY of their videos - https://www.skill-capped.com/lol/videos
*Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/skillcapped
*Twitter - https://twitter.com/skillcapped
*LootCrate signup link - http://Lootcrate.com/Protatomonster
*Use the code PROTATO1 for a 10% off discount :D!
*To Purchase HyperX Cloud 2 Headset - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00SAYCXWG/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=1789&creative;=9325&creativeASIN;=B00SAYCXWG&linkCode;=as2&tag;=httpwwwyou045-20&linkId;=ISENR6655BBIDCSM
*To Purchase HyperX FURY Pro Gaming MousePad - http://www.amazon.com/HyperX-FURY-Pro-Gaming-MousePad/dp/B00TY6A5OC/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&m;=ATVPDKIKX0DER&s;=pc&pf;_rd_p=2094718462&pf;_rd_s=center-5&pf;_rd_t=101&pf;_rd_i=11444280011&pf;_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf;_rd_r=1NH0333BQ7KNBPEHVS6P&linkCode;=sl1&tag;=protatomonster-20&linkId;=JMD7VIW5R7PQPSQM
*Link To Purchase HyperX Cloud Headset (The original headset) (53% off!) - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JJNQG98/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=1789&creative;=9325&creativeASIN;=B00JJNQG98&linkCode;=as2&tag;=protatomonster-20&linkId;=HGWO7KWHURQ62KGN
*AlphaDraft - Win Cash For Drafting Top Fantasy LCS Teams: https://alphadraft.com/?protatomonster
~Sign up for League @ http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4de9ac1e0f8d2343455063
~Submit: http://protatomonster.com/upload
~Website: http://www.Protatomonster.com/
~FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/Protatomonster
~Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Protatomonster
~Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/Protatomonster
1- Rave on Gnar
2- BOBSUN on Azir
3- Project Rio on Thresh
4- Strive like 5IV3 on Orianna
5- I Famez I on Amumu
Bonus- Roronoah Zorro on Braum
~Please send your League of Legend Replays to http://www.protatomonster.com/upload for a chance to be in our video of the week in the future.
~Sign up for league of legends at http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4de9ac1e0f8d2343455063
Where can I submit a replay?
You can use our form on our website http://www.protatomonster.com/upload
Do I send in the whole replay?
Yes, send in the whole replay and we'll do the rest. If you're sending in a pre-recorded file, then just send us just the part you want us to look at.
It says a champions spell was on cooldown, yet they used it?
It's a common bug with LoL replay. It's caused by the fast forward feature. Cooldowns don't register that the time has been sped up, which is why you'll see many plays in our videos in which don't have correct cooldown timers.
What programs do you use to make your videos?
For the effects, we use Adobe After Effects and to composite everything together, we use Adobe Premiere.
How will I receive the $25/$10 worth of RP?
We'll send you a code for a Paysafe card worth the amount you won. You'll be able to redeem the money value via the League of Legends store as well as any other game that accepts Paysafe cards.
Music Supplied by Monstercat:
Title: Laszlo - Closer
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9pBlWyW1z4
Purchase Link : http://music.monstercat.com/album/closer-ep
Label Channel: http://www.youtube.com/monstercat
*Protatomonster is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.
- published: 14 Jun 2015
- views: 16231
® Top 10 Moments | All-Stars 2015 (League of Legends)
► Never miss a video, subscribe here! http://goo.gl/A3y0TW
► Watch the last episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzlB6iHl8tM
► Here are the top ten moments ...
► Never miss a video, subscribe here! http://goo.gl/A3y0TW
► Watch the last episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzlB6iHl8tM
► Here are the top ten moments from League of Legends AllStar 2015 event featuring best plays, biggest fails, Deficio in pajama and Froggen's super duper powerful magical journey.
► Music from:
JJD - Halcyon
► Presented by:
Follow the guys who manage Realm, our personal Twitters:
► Shibby: https://twitter.com/shibby2142
► Hundar: https://twitter.com/HungryHundar
► Remember to like and subscribe to Realm for more content every day!
► Realm Twitter: https://twitter.com/MachinimaRealm
► Realm Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MachinimaRealm
► Please flag negative, spam or hateful comments. We are all here to have some fun, be positive and enjoy ourselves and the games we play!
► If you notice an issue in the title or description or credits for a play / music, please tweet me @Shibby2142. We are here to help and make sure the right play-makers and artists are given the proper credit.
wn.com/® Top 10 Moments | All Stars 2015 (League Of Legends)
► Never miss a video, subscribe here! http://goo.gl/A3y0TW
► Watch the last episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzlB6iHl8tM
► Here are the top ten moments from League of Legends AllStar 2015 event featuring best plays, biggest fails, Deficio in pajama and Froggen's super duper powerful magical journey.
► Music from:
JJD - Halcyon
► Presented by:
Follow the guys who manage Realm, our personal Twitters:
► Shibby: https://twitter.com/shibby2142
► Hundar: https://twitter.com/HungryHundar
► Remember to like and subscribe to Realm for more content every day!
► Realm Twitter: https://twitter.com/MachinimaRealm
► Realm Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MachinimaRealm
► Please flag negative, spam or hateful comments. We are all here to have some fun, be positive and enjoy ourselves and the games we play!
► If you notice an issue in the title or description or credits for a play / music, please tweet me @Shibby2142. We are here to help and make sure the right play-makers and artists are given the proper credit.
- published: 14 Dec 2015
- views: 90516
® Random LoL Moments | Episode 406 (League of Legends)
► Never miss a video, subscribe here! http://goo.gl/A3y0TW
► Watch the last episode: https://youtu.be/NWXtO4ekzOc
► Have an epic clip or play that should be on ...
► Never miss a video, subscribe here! http://goo.gl/A3y0TW
► Watch the last episode: https://youtu.be/NWXtO4ekzOc
► Have an epic clip or play that should be on Realm? You should include a high-quality YouTube upload of the clip (no music please), a replay file of the clip if you have it, and any other information you would like to include. Be sure to include your player name and a short description of the clip if you would like to go above-and-beyond. You can submit your play to randomlolmoments@machinima.com.
-Replay 1 sent by Berger https://youtu.be/JvlVKY1NV6I
Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwBceO22gcMIHI1o65rJanw
-Replay 2 sent by jerkosaur https://youtu.be/HwcTcVB5adQ
Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIpoZ7ZHjNKvMugWod44oIA
-Replay 3 sent by Mariya_Shidou https://youtu.be/MWxKvGPTqOc
Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAN-dixwl0CVAHM9CGyJr9Q
-Replay 4 sent by Jonyk11 https://youtu.be/tD3YJTel7EE
Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp-xkEgMbk92rc0j3JA4tUQ
-Replay 5 sent by Omnifinity https://youtu.be/gKXxPl8IMnU
Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8GvlDLKtEH6zCyUN0gd6NA
► Music from:
+ Pixelland Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
+ Paradise - Original Mix by Stephen Stripling
is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence.
► Presented by:
Follow the guys who manage Realm, our personal Twitters:
► Shibby: https://twitter.com/shibby2142
► Hundar: https://twitter.com/HungryHundar
► Remember to like and subscribe to Realm for more content every day!
► Realm Twitter: https://twitter.com/MachinimaRealm
► Realm Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MachinimaRealm
► Please flag negative, spam or hateful comments. We are all here to have some fun, be positive and enjoy ourselves and the games we play!
► If you notice an issue in the title or description or credits for a play / music, please tweet me @Shibby2142. We are here to help and make sure the right play-makers and artists are given the proper credit.
wn.com/® Random Lol Moments | Episode 406 (League Of Legends)
► Never miss a video, subscribe here! http://goo.gl/A3y0TW
► Watch the last episode: https://youtu.be/NWXtO4ekzOc
► Have an epic clip or play that should be on Realm? You should include a high-quality YouTube upload of the clip (no music please), a replay file of the clip if you have it, and any other information you would like to include. Be sure to include your player name and a short description of the clip if you would like to go above-and-beyond. You can submit your play to randomlolmoments@machinima.com.
-Replay 1 sent by Berger https://youtu.be/JvlVKY1NV6I
Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwBceO22gcMIHI1o65rJanw
-Replay 2 sent by jerkosaur https://youtu.be/HwcTcVB5adQ
Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIpoZ7ZHjNKvMugWod44oIA
-Replay 3 sent by Mariya_Shidou https://youtu.be/MWxKvGPTqOc
Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAN-dixwl0CVAHM9CGyJr9Q
-Replay 4 sent by Jonyk11 https://youtu.be/tD3YJTel7EE
Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp-xkEgMbk92rc0j3JA4tUQ
-Replay 5 sent by Omnifinity https://youtu.be/gKXxPl8IMnU
Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8GvlDLKtEH6zCyUN0gd6NA
► Music from:
+ Pixelland Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
+ Paradise - Original Mix by Stephen Stripling
is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence.
► Presented by:
Follow the guys who manage Realm, our personal Twitters:
► Shibby: https://twitter.com/shibby2142
► Hundar: https://twitter.com/HungryHundar
► Remember to like and subscribe to Realm for more content every day!
► Realm Twitter: https://twitter.com/MachinimaRealm
► Realm Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MachinimaRealm
► Please flag negative, spam or hateful comments. We are all here to have some fun, be positive and enjoy ourselves and the games we play!
► If you notice an issue in the title or description or credits for a play / music, please tweet me @Shibby2142. We are here to help and make sure the right play-makers and artists are given the proper credit.
- published: 17 Dec 2015
- views: 43605
League of Legends - Kalista ADC - Full Gameplay Commentary
Championship Kalista. Fuck that lane phase :(
Playing League of Legends as Kalista
Masteries: 12/18/0
Runes: ad marks armor seals mr/lvl glyphs AS quints
Championship Kalista. Fuck that lane phase :(
Playing League of Legends as Kalista
Masteries: 12/18/0
Runes: ad marks armor seals mr/lvl glyphs AS quints
Sign up for Lootcrate: http://www.lootcrate.com/Anklespankin and make sure to use promo code "ANKLE" for 10% off c:
Sign up for league: http://tinyurl.com/ctw2lev
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/youtubeanklespankin
Follow me on Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/anklespankin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Anklespankin
Song used in intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqZ5iLOUOGA (credit to Noisestorm and Monstercat)
wn.com/League Of Legends Kalista Adc Full Gameplay Commentary
Championship Kalista. Fuck that lane phase :(
Playing League of Legends as Kalista
Masteries: 12/18/0
Runes: ad marks armor seals mr/lvl glyphs AS quints
Sign up for Lootcrate: http://www.lootcrate.com/Anklespankin and make sure to use promo code "ANKLE" for 10% off c:
Sign up for league: http://tinyurl.com/ctw2lev
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/youtubeanklespankin
Follow me on Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/anklespankin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Anklespankin
Song used in intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqZ5iLOUOGA (credit to Noisestorm and Monstercat)
- published: 18 Dec 2015
- views: 19043
Justice League: Crisis - Final Trailer (Fan Made)
- Follow me on Twitter!: https://twitter.com/UltraSargent
Well here we are, the final trailer for Justice League: Crisis. As I said in the description of the p...
- Follow me on Twitter!: https://twitter.com/UltraSargent
Well here we are, the final trailer for Justice League: Crisis. As I said in the description of the previous two trailers, this is loosely based on the "Crisis on Infinite Earths" storyline, but my take on it. If this were a real storyline, this would be a FLASH storyline, he would be the main focus and most likely the reason for the black hole being opened.
I also used new colour correction techniques on this trailer, so if you see a shot and think "that looks more colourful" then that's why. Let me know if it works!
Before you ask "where is [insert character name]", I wanted to include everyone, believe me. But with the older shows not being in HD, it becomes very difficult to include all incarnations. It's actually quite difficult to find useable quality clips of Smallville and Lois & Clark unless you have them on DVD like myself.
"As a singularity opens connecting different universes, heroes scattered across these dimensions must join forces to defeat their united villains."
Thank you to Adeel of Steel for several scenes:
Thank you to AListProduction for several scenes:
Hi-Finesse - Play Prelude to the Apocalypse
Tom Player - Takedown
In for the Kill - Ghostwriter
Really Slow Motion - Bionic Souls
Hi-Finesse - Butterfly Effect
Hi-Finesse - Vantage
wn.com/Justice League Crisis Final Trailer (Fan Made)
- Follow me on Twitter!: https://twitter.com/UltraSargent
Well here we are, the final trailer for Justice League: Crisis. As I said in the description of the previous two trailers, this is loosely based on the "Crisis on Infinite Earths" storyline, but my take on it. If this were a real storyline, this would be a FLASH storyline, he would be the main focus and most likely the reason for the black hole being opened.
I also used new colour correction techniques on this trailer, so if you see a shot and think "that looks more colourful" then that's why. Let me know if it works!
Before you ask "where is [insert character name]", I wanted to include everyone, believe me. But with the older shows not being in HD, it becomes very difficult to include all incarnations. It's actually quite difficult to find useable quality clips of Smallville and Lois & Clark unless you have them on DVD like myself.
"As a singularity opens connecting different universes, heroes scattered across these dimensions must join forces to defeat their united villains."
Thank you to Adeel of Steel for several scenes:
Thank you to AListProduction for several scenes:
Hi-Finesse - Play Prelude to the Apocalypse
Tom Player - Takedown
In for the Kill - Ghostwriter
Really Slow Motion - Bionic Souls
Hi-Finesse - Butterfly Effect
Hi-Finesse - Vantage
- published: 18 Dec 2015
- views: 494
FilthyFrank League of Legends Announcer Pack (by /u/Howdoudolife)
Made by NoahTheAsian/Howdoudolife
Download Link:
Link to Noah's post, instructions are i...
Made by NoahTheAsian/Howdoudolife
Download Link:
Link to Noah's post, instructions are in the post:
wn.com/Filthyfrank League Of Legends Announcer Pack (By U Howdoudolife)
Made by NoahTheAsian/Howdoudolife
Download Link:
Link to Noah's post, instructions are in the post:
- published: 18 Dec 2015
- views: 1741
TOP 10 Melhores Skins - League of Legends
video do TOP 10 das melhores skins do league of legends disponíveis pra venda na loja
Vc gosta do meu conteúdo e quer dar uma ajudinha? faça uma doação pro can...
video do TOP 10 das melhores skins do league of legends disponíveis pra venda na loja
Vc gosta do meu conteúdo e quer dar uma ajudinha? faça uma doação pro canal, :D
Seja um patrão do canal: https://goo.gl/cXx0wo
►veja como funciona no video: https://youtu.be/svLcoz7PNRc
►doe pelo site: https://www.patreon.com/josigamer
►pagseguro, doe por boleto: http://youtube.vlog.br/josi/
►meu site: http://josigamer.com.br
►compre na loja: http://josigamer.com.br/loja
Baixe o Jogo League of Legends Online Game Gratuito:
Minhas Playlists:
►Patch 6.1: https://goo.gl/G6sNQj
►Illaoi, a Sacerdotisa Cráquem; https://goo.gl/DDQ94q
►Patch 5.24, poppy rework: goo.gl/twgdLC
►Arauto de Summoner's Rift: https://goo.gl/DDQ94q
►Patch 5.23: https://goo.gl/j4o3Dt
►Pré temporada 2016: https://goo.gl/RnT0Re
►Kindred: https://goo.gl/yt2Yo4
►Playlist do PBE: https://goo.gl/ZVgmU9
►Pré-Temporada 2016: https://goo.gl/KiOahv
►mais videos fails moments/ lol troll: https://goo.gl/ERZgwf
►top 5 bugs/ League of Bug: https://goo.gl/3RrNa1
►top 10 league of legends: https://goo.gl/5Gp2fD
►daily vlog: https://goo.gl/RAABkk
►Curiosidades League of Legends: https://goo.gl/2yqE2a
►CBLOL 2015: https://goo.gl/DWgoYj
►Temas de Login: https://goo.gl/lOVIgu
►Chromas Packs: https://goo.gl/rkL2Lv
►Tutoriais: https://goo.gl/ZE8bo4
►Vlogs: https://goo.gl/YLTOKI
►Gameplays: https://goo.gl/cw7h1c
►Skins Teaser: https://goo.gl/Ovr1yf
►Trailer Skins: https://goo.gl/l9A7AR
►quer ver suas jogadas aqui no canal ?
envie suas jogadas em boa qualidade HD (1080x920) :D
para: http://josigamer.com.br/envie-sua-jogada/
Me siga nas minhas redes sociais:
►Inscreva-se em meu canal: http://goo.gl/LFYlT7
►Facebook: http://www.facebook.com.br/josigameroficial
►Instagram: http://instagram.com/josigamer
►Twitter: https://twitter.com/JosiGamerBr
wn.com/Top 10 Melhores Skins League Of Legends
video do TOP 10 das melhores skins do league of legends disponíveis pra venda na loja
Vc gosta do meu conteúdo e quer dar uma ajudinha? faça uma doação pro canal, :D
Seja um patrão do canal: https://goo.gl/cXx0wo
►veja como funciona no video: https://youtu.be/svLcoz7PNRc
►doe pelo site: https://www.patreon.com/josigamer
►pagseguro, doe por boleto: http://youtube.vlog.br/josi/
►meu site: http://josigamer.com.br
►compre na loja: http://josigamer.com.br/loja
Baixe o Jogo League of Legends Online Game Gratuito:
Minhas Playlists:
►Patch 6.1: https://goo.gl/G6sNQj
►Illaoi, a Sacerdotisa Cráquem; https://goo.gl/DDQ94q
►Patch 5.24, poppy rework: goo.gl/twgdLC
►Arauto de Summoner's Rift: https://goo.gl/DDQ94q
►Patch 5.23: https://goo.gl/j4o3Dt
►Pré temporada 2016: https://goo.gl/RnT0Re
►Kindred: https://goo.gl/yt2Yo4
►Playlist do PBE: https://goo.gl/ZVgmU9
►Pré-Temporada 2016: https://goo.gl/KiOahv
►mais videos fails moments/ lol troll: https://goo.gl/ERZgwf
►top 5 bugs/ League of Bug: https://goo.gl/3RrNa1
►top 10 league of legends: https://goo.gl/5Gp2fD
►daily vlog: https://goo.gl/RAABkk
►Curiosidades League of Legends: https://goo.gl/2yqE2a
►CBLOL 2015: https://goo.gl/DWgoYj
►Temas de Login: https://goo.gl/lOVIgu
►Chromas Packs: https://goo.gl/rkL2Lv
►Tutoriais: https://goo.gl/ZE8bo4
►Vlogs: https://goo.gl/YLTOKI
►Gameplays: https://goo.gl/cw7h1c
►Skins Teaser: https://goo.gl/Ovr1yf
►Trailer Skins: https://goo.gl/l9A7AR
►quer ver suas jogadas aqui no canal ?
envie suas jogadas em boa qualidade HD (1080x920) :D
para: http://josigamer.com.br/envie-sua-jogada/
Me siga nas minhas redes sociais:
►Inscreva-se em meu canal: http://goo.gl/LFYlT7
►Facebook: http://www.facebook.com.br/josigameroficial
►Instagram: http://instagram.com/josigamer
►Twitter: https://twitter.com/JosiGamerBr
- published: 18 Dec 2015
- views: 10941
League of Myths - Poppy ULTS - League of Legends - Episode 58
→Best Yasuo Season 6 Build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SPpX...
→Is New Poppy OP? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxHGZ...
→More League of Myths: http://fu...
→Best Yasuo Season 6 Build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SPpX...
→Is New Poppy OP? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxHGZ...
→More League of Myths: http://full.sc/1maui0q
→Subscribe Here: http://full.sc/1gukNqq
Follow me here!
→STREAM ENDED: http://www.twitch.tv/RedmercyLoL
→Twitter: http://twitter.com/RedmercyLoL
→Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedmercyLoL
→My Instagram: http://instagram.com/redmercylol
→2nd YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/redmercygaming
Redmercy Merchandising Now Available!
→Redmercy Store: http://tinyurl.com/qb3zjdc
Music Used:
Poppy's Login Screen
→FREE 30 Day Trial for Crunchyroll Premium: http://bit.ly/redAnime
Hope you enjoy and please sub rate and comment!!! :)
wn.com/League Of Myths Poppy Ults League Of Legends Episode 58
→Best Yasuo Season 6 Build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SPpX...
→Is New Poppy OP? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxHGZ...
→More League of Myths: http://full.sc/1maui0q
→Subscribe Here: http://full.sc/1gukNqq
Follow me here!
→STREAM ENDED: http://www.twitch.tv/RedmercyLoL
→Twitter: http://twitter.com/RedmercyLoL
→Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedmercyLoL
→My Instagram: http://instagram.com/redmercylol
→2nd YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/redmercygaming
Redmercy Merchandising Now Available!
→Redmercy Store: http://tinyurl.com/qb3zjdc
Music Used:
Poppy's Login Screen
→FREE 30 Day Trial for Crunchyroll Premium: http://bit.ly/redAnime
Hope you enjoy and please sub rate and comment!!! :)
- published: 15 Dec 2015
- views: 118159
LoL Epic Moments #52 - Best Ezreal 1vs3 Outplay | League of Legends
LoL Epic Moments #52 - Best Ezreal 1vs3 Outplay | League of Legends
➥ Help me reach to 100,000 subscribers: https://goo.gl/fcZWUW
☛ Please click the "SHOW MORE"...
LoL Epic Moments #52 - Best Ezreal 1vs3 Outplay | League of Legends
➥ Help me reach to 100,000 subscribers: https://goo.gl/fcZWUW
☛ Please click the "SHOW MORE" for more information music name, Original/Credits Videos, Playlists and contacts. Thank you !!!
♥ Original Videos:
Channel: [Ranged kill] → https://youtu.be/hnKm1ceveDg
Channel: [Irelia Feeds You] → https://youtu.be/ypAFc4fY3mU
Channel: [IKER LASSO] → https://youtu.be/V9yuQt_HRQw
Channel: [Rob Malecki] → https://youtu.be/0qessecR5tk
Channel: [Simox death] → https://youtu.be/Z2VXTQ2ZUBs
Channel: [League Outplay] → https://youtu.be/JzR9yZ56VQQ
Channel: [XynergyLoL] → https://youtu.be/z_SVW2J09xY
Channel: [Theo Wedel] → https://youtu.be/muajnkAAoFk
Channel: [XynergyLoL] → https://youtu.be/jtsiJ86DiAI
Channel: [League Outplay] → https://youtu.be/f2ScMBSPqng
Channel: [Suwfi] → https://youtu.be/m_fxuPs15ZY
Channel: [Sygenysis Charts and FCs] → https://youtu.be/MWxKvGPTqOc
Channel: [isaiaas91] → https://youtu.be/EzJuMPhJDf4
Channel: [Theo Wedel] → https://youtu.be/1pfCCjNWB-o
♫ Music Intro: Cash Cash - Overtime [https://youtu.be/PKAw0EJzZM8]
♫ Music Outro: Janji - Together (Feat. Vivien) [https://youtu.be/HB4i1MOz2A0]
♫ Music Game: Halvorsen - She Got Me Like []
♫ Music Game: Louis Vivet - Save Tonight ft. Gavrielle & Nick Goldston (Win & Woo Remix) []
♫ Music Game: Axero - Beginning []
➥This is my channel: League of Legends/리그오브레전드
➥ My Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/SoloMiDChannelYoutube
➥ Gmail: sp.solomidchannel@gmail.com
☛ We are here make video about: Top 5 Best Plays, Funny, Troll game, Montages, Highlight, Best plays of all times, etc.
☛ Do you have any big plays or fantastic fails you want to show the community? Send your video to Gmail me or Message Fan Page
☛ Please flag negative, spam or hateful comments. We are all here to have some fun, be positive and enjoy ourselves and the games we play!
☛ If you notice an issue in the title or description or credits for a play / music, please contact Gmail me or my fanpage.
We are here to help and make sure the right play-makers and artists are given the proper credit.
------------------------▂ ▄ ▅ ▇ █ Playlist █ ▇ ▆ ▄ ▂------------------------
➥Epic Moments: https://goo.gl/R3Qy5H
➥Best Combo: https://goo.gl/Uy33eJ
➥Top Pentakill: https://goo.gl/kRbDK7
➥Best 1vs5 OutPlays - Pentakill: https://goo.gl/TGtvfF
➥Champion Montage: https://goo.gl/xeWpEo
➥Funny/Fail Montage: https://goo.gl/YyEkJf
➥Bug Game: https://goo.gl/wmy4dW
✖ Don't forget to subscribe my channel. :D ✖
♥Thank for watching.♥
wn.com/Lol Epic Moments 52 Best Ezreal 1Vs3 Outplay | League Of Legends
LoL Epic Moments #52 - Best Ezreal 1vs3 Outplay | League of Legends
➥ Help me reach to 100,000 subscribers: https://goo.gl/fcZWUW
☛ Please click the "SHOW MORE" for more information music name, Original/Credits Videos, Playlists and contacts. Thank you !!!
♥ Original Videos:
Channel: [Ranged kill] → https://youtu.be/hnKm1ceveDg
Channel: [Irelia Feeds You] → https://youtu.be/ypAFc4fY3mU
Channel: [IKER LASSO] → https://youtu.be/V9yuQt_HRQw
Channel: [Rob Malecki] → https://youtu.be/0qessecR5tk
Channel: [Simox death] → https://youtu.be/Z2VXTQ2ZUBs
Channel: [League Outplay] → https://youtu.be/JzR9yZ56VQQ
Channel: [XynergyLoL] → https://youtu.be/z_SVW2J09xY
Channel: [Theo Wedel] → https://youtu.be/muajnkAAoFk
Channel: [XynergyLoL] → https://youtu.be/jtsiJ86DiAI
Channel: [League Outplay] → https://youtu.be/f2ScMBSPqng
Channel: [Suwfi] → https://youtu.be/m_fxuPs15ZY
Channel: [Sygenysis Charts and FCs] → https://youtu.be/MWxKvGPTqOc
Channel: [isaiaas91] → https://youtu.be/EzJuMPhJDf4
Channel: [Theo Wedel] → https://youtu.be/1pfCCjNWB-o
♫ Music Intro: Cash Cash - Overtime [https://youtu.be/PKAw0EJzZM8]
♫ Music Outro: Janji - Together (Feat. Vivien) [https://youtu.be/HB4i1MOz2A0]
♫ Music Game: Halvorsen - She Got Me Like []
♫ Music Game: Louis Vivet - Save Tonight ft. Gavrielle & Nick Goldston (Win & Woo Remix) []
♫ Music Game: Axero - Beginning []
➥This is my channel: League of Legends/리그오브레전드
➥ My Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/SoloMiDChannelYoutube
➥ Gmail: sp.solomidchannel@gmail.com
☛ We are here make video about: Top 5 Best Plays, Funny, Troll game, Montages, Highlight, Best plays of all times, etc.
☛ Do you have any big plays or fantastic fails you want to show the community? Send your video to Gmail me or Message Fan Page
☛ Please flag negative, spam or hateful comments. We are all here to have some fun, be positive and enjoy ourselves and the games we play!
☛ If you notice an issue in the title or description or credits for a play / music, please contact Gmail me or my fanpage.
We are here to help and make sure the right play-makers and artists are given the proper credit.
------------------------▂ ▄ ▅ ▇ █ Playlist █ ▇ ▆ ▄ ▂------------------------
➥Epic Moments: https://goo.gl/R3Qy5H
➥Best Combo: https://goo.gl/Uy33eJ
➥Top Pentakill: https://goo.gl/kRbDK7
➥Best 1vs5 OutPlays - Pentakill: https://goo.gl/TGtvfF
➥Champion Montage: https://goo.gl/xeWpEo
➥Funny/Fail Montage: https://goo.gl/YyEkJf
➥Bug Game: https://goo.gl/wmy4dW
✖ Don't forget to subscribe my channel. :D ✖
♥Thank for watching.♥
- published: 17 Dec 2015
- views: 4796
Sony super battery, New owner of League of Legends, EK Waterblock for mini ITX
Sony might have come up with a way to make batteries last longer. League of Legends has a new Chinese owner. EK makes a new waterblock for an Asus motherboard. ...
Sony might have come up with a way to make batteries last longer. League of Legends has a new Chinese owner. EK makes a new waterblock for an Asus motherboard. All this plus a leaked steam sale on today's Netlinked Daily.
Comment for Fans With Benefits!
Check out the HO-HO-HO Holiday Giveaway!
See news sources + discuss on our Forums: Coming Soon!
Social Media:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/ncixdotcom/
Twitter (Official NCIX): https://twitter.com/ncixdotcom/
Twitter (NCIX Tech Tips): https://twitter.com/ncixtechtips
Facebook: https://facebook.com/ncixdotcom/
Episode Credits:
Host: Julia Zhang
Writer: Jack Sui
Editor: Barret Murdock
wn.com/Sony Super Battery, New Owner Of League Of Legends, Ek Waterblock For Mini Itx
Sony might have come up with a way to make batteries last longer. League of Legends has a new Chinese owner. EK makes a new waterblock for an Asus motherboard. All this plus a leaked steam sale on today's Netlinked Daily.
Comment for Fans With Benefits!
Check out the HO-HO-HO Holiday Giveaway!
See news sources + discuss on our Forums: Coming Soon!
Social Media:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/ncixdotcom/
Twitter (Official NCIX): https://twitter.com/ncixdotcom/
Twitter (NCIX Tech Tips): https://twitter.com/ncixtechtips
Facebook: https://facebook.com/ncixdotcom/
Episode Credits:
Host: Julia Zhang
Writer: Jack Sui
Editor: Barret Murdock
- published: 18 Dec 2015
- views: 13361
Hearthstone: League of Explorers - Hall of Explorers: Class Challenges
Hearthstone gets its third and possibly coolest Solo Adventure yet in League of Explorers! We'll accompany a group of adventurers, archaeologists and explorers ...
Hearthstone gets its third and possibly coolest Solo Adventure yet in League of Explorers! We'll accompany a group of adventurers, archaeologists and explorers as we hunt down the Staff of Origination, unlocking cool encounters and neat cards along the way!
● Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-eyFfAVda8&list;=PLGr99HIJUZkVKsev0yQWtNTo_bNwNP6k5&index;=61
● Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/Rythian
● Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/IAmRythian
● Tumblr - http://rythian.tumblr.com
● Yogscast Merchandise - http://store.yogscast.com/rythian
● Gametee Merchandise - http://rythian.gametee.co.uk
wn.com/Hearthstone League Of Explorers Hall Of Explorers Class Challenges
Hearthstone gets its third and possibly coolest Solo Adventure yet in League of Explorers! We'll accompany a group of adventurers, archaeologists and explorers as we hunt down the Staff of Origination, unlocking cool encounters and neat cards along the way!
● Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-eyFfAVda8&list;=PLGr99HIJUZkVKsev0yQWtNTo_bNwNP6k5&index;=61
● Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/Rythian
● Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/IAmRythian
● Tumblr - http://rythian.tumblr.com
● Yogscast Merchandise - http://store.yogscast.com/rythian
● Gametee Merchandise - http://rythian.gametee.co.uk
- published: 18 Dec 2015
- views: 10879
Rocket League :)
A disfrutar y yasta
Pröpper & Bruma over PSV, Roda JC en Champions League
Na de eerste training ná de heroische wedstrijd tegen CSKA Moskou werd er op trainingscomplex De herdgang nog volop teruggeblikt op het het Champions League-succes van PSV. Voorlopig voor het laatst, want bij PSV leeft het besef dat de blik nu op de eerstvolgende wedstrijd tegen Roda JC gericht moet zijn.
Henan vs Beijing | 17 Nov 2015 | 2015-2016 Women's Chinese Volleyball League
The Chinese Volleyball League, often abbreviated to the CVL, is the pre-eminent men's and women's professional volleyball leagues in China.
【LoL】初心者がゴールドを目指す生放送 #004 / League of Legends Season6
League of Legends
Shadow Play
LOGICOOL ワイヤレス ゲーミングマウス G602
AFC Champions League 2016: Official Draw
The Official Draw for the 2016 AFC Champions League Group Stage
Follow all the action from the AFC Champions League:
Facebook: http://goo.gl/b8Qj7E
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Live de rocket league
Valencia vs Lyon 0-2 Highlights & Goals 2015-16 Champions League 09-12-2015
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Valencia vs Lyon 0-2 Highlights & Goals 2015-16 Champions League 09.12.2015
Valencia vs Lyon 0-2
Valencia vs Lyon 0-2 highlights
M. Cornet 37'A. Lacazette 76'
Thank you for watching! Please like the video and subscribe!
My Channel: https:/
NBA D-League: Canton Charge @ Iowa Energy 2015-12-09
The NBA Development League, the NBA's official minor league, is now on YouTube, showing over 400 live games on the NBA D-League YouTube Channel and NBADLeague.com. Fans can get a glimpse at the players, coaches and officials competing to ascend to the NBA's ranks. More than 40% of players drafted into the NBA since 2005 have played in the NBA D-League.
With 26 percent of players boasting NBA D-L
UEFA Champions League Highligts - Chelsea vs. Port.F.C & more , 09.12.2015 HD
Facebook - facebook.com/FullMatchesAndShows
Presenter - Gary Linekar
Guests Pundits - Steven Gerrard , Rio Ferdinand & Ian Wright
Match order -
Chelsea vs.FC Porto,
Dynamo Kiev vs.M'bi Tel-Aviv,
Olympiakos vs.Arsenal,
Dinamo Zagreb vs.Bayern Munich,
Bayer Levkusen vs. Barcelona,
Roma vs.FC BATE Borisov
NBA D-League: Texas Legends @ Idaho Stampede 2015-12-09
The NBA Development League, the NBA's official minor league, is now on YouTube, showing over 400 live games on the NBA D-League YouTube Channel and NBADLeague.com. Fans can get a glimpse at the players, coaches and officials competing to ascend to the NBA's ranks. More than 40% of players drafted into the NBA since 2005 have played in the NBA D-League.
With 26 percent of players boasting NBA D-L
West Ham vs Stoke 12/12/15 | Premier League Match Betting
Sportsbook Review's Natalie Rydstrom previews and offers free betting predictions for the week 16 BPL English Premier League football match West Ham vs Stoke playing on Saturday 12th December 2015 and highlights the best betting odds and football match tips with guest Martin Green.
Destiny Taken King Ep #9 - SRL Sparrow Racing League Exotic Helm Engram! (HD)
In this HD Video, we Play my 2nd Sparrow Racing League Race, Pop a 3 of Coins before Racing and get an Exotic Helm Engram along with a Cool Shader! :)
Previous Destiny Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SY4LTR4_-0
Subscribe for More: http://full.sc/1mYTqWC
Destiny Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH5T8P3MBjQ
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/PoolSharkWizard
Twitch: ht
Olympiacos vs Arsenal 0-3 || All Goals & Highlights || Champions League
An Olivier Giroud hat-trick was enough to see Arsenal progress to the knockout stages of the Champions League at Olympiacos' expense this evening.
Visit our infotainment partner : http://Wirally.com
Subscribe For More Videos: http://bit.ly/InfotainmentFocus
Source: http://dailym.ai/1jOT5as
Chelsea vs Porto 2-0 || All Goals & Highlights || Champions League
Chelsea forgot their domestic woes by easing into the Champions League knockout stage with a routine victory which eliminated opponents Porto.
Visit our infotainment partner : http://Wirally.com
Subscribe For More Videos: http://bit.ly/InfotainmentFocus
Source: http://dailym.ai/1OTZoos
Bayer Leverkusen vs Barcelona 1-1 || All Goals & Highlights || Champions League
Bayer Leverkusen gave all they had but were unable to pick up the win they required to progress in a 1-1 draw against Barcelona.
Visit our infotainment partner : http://Wirally.com
Subscribe For More Videos: http://bit.ly/InfotainmentFocus
Source: http://dailym.ai/1HVttV2
Jon LaJoie at "The League: A Fond Farewell" series finale event at The Paley Center
Mingle Media TV's Red Carpet Report host Kathy Hopkins were invited to come out to cover The Paley Center for Media's exclusive PaleyLive LA series finale with the stars and creators of FXX’s critically acclaimed series, The League, in Beverly Hills.
For video interviews and other Red Carpet Report coverage, please visit http://www.redcarpetreporttv.com and follo
Katie Aselton at "The League: A Fond Farewell" series finale event at The Paley Center
Mingle Media TV's Red Carpet Report host Kathy Hopkins were invited to come out to cover The Paley Center for Media's exclusive PaleyLive LA series finale with the stars and creators of FXX’s critically acclaimed series, The League, in Beverly Hills.
For video interviews and other Red Carpet Report coverage, please visit http://www.redcarpetreporttv.com and follo
Rob Huebel at "The League: A Fond Farewell" series finale event at The Paley Center
Mingle Media TV's Red Carpet Report host Kathy Hopkins were invited to come out to cover The Paley Center for Media's exclusive PaleyLive LA series finale with the stars and creators of FXX’s critically acclaimed series, The League, in Beverly Hills.
For video interviews and other Red Carpet Report coverage, please visit http://www.redcarpetreporttv.com and follo
Clash of Clans - ALL WALLBREAKERS DESTROY A VILLAGE!! "Funny Moments+ Champion League TROLLING"!
Clash Of Clans Gameplay/Funny Clash Of Clans Commentary! Hey Clash Of Clans
Comedy here! And If You Love Clash of Clans! Then Subscribe For More Content!
DOWNLOAD KAMCORD HERE - https://www.kamcord.com/download/coleson
® Top 5 LoL Plays | Episode 86 (League of Legends)
► Never miss a video, subscribe here! http://goo.gl/A3y0TW
► Watch the last episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7Gf21FFUec
► You can submit your plays to randomlolmoments@machinima.com. Your Email should include a high-quality YouTube upload of the play (or mp4), the replay file (.lrf) if you have one and a short description.
#5 - Juraj T.
#4 - Yulo
#3 - League of Delight
#2 - iSul
#1 - Clu
[HIGHLIGHTS] UEFA YOUTH LEAGUE: Bayer Leverkusen - FC Barcelona (0-1)
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NBA D-League: Fort Wayne Mad Ants @ Delaware 87ers 2015-12-09
The NBA Development League, the NBA's official minor league, is now on YouTube, showing over 400 live games on the NBA D-League YouTube Channel and NBADLeague.com. Fans can get a glimpse at the players, coaches and officials competing to ascend to the NBA's ranks. More than 40% of players drafted into the NBA since 2005 have played in the NBA D-League.
With 26 percent of players boasting NBA D-L
Rocket League :)
A disfrutar y yasta...
A disfrutar y yasta
wn.com/Rocket League )
A disfrutar y yasta
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 9
Pröpper & Bruma over PSV, Roda JC en Champions League
Na de eerste training ná de heroische wedstrijd tegen CSKA Moskou werd er op trainingscomplex De herdgang nog volop teruggeblikt op het het Champions League-suc...
Na de eerste training ná de heroische wedstrijd tegen CSKA Moskou werd er op trainingscomplex De herdgang nog volop teruggeblikt op het het Champions League-succes van PSV. Voorlopig voor het laatst, want bij PSV leeft het besef dat de blik nu op de eerstvolgende wedstrijd tegen Roda JC gericht moet zijn.
wn.com/Pröpper Bruma Over Psv, Roda Jc En Champions League
Na de eerste training ná de heroische wedstrijd tegen CSKA Moskou werd er op trainingscomplex De herdgang nog volop teruggeblikt op het het Champions League-succes van PSV. Voorlopig voor het laatst, want bij PSV leeft het besef dat de blik nu op de eerstvolgende wedstrijd tegen Roda JC gericht moet zijn.
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 1088
Henan vs Beijing | 17 Nov 2015 | 2015-2016 Women's Chinese Volleyball League
The Chinese Volleyball League, often abbreviated to the CVL, is the pre-eminent men's and women's professional volleyball leagues in China....
The Chinese Volleyball League, often abbreviated to the CVL, is the pre-eminent men's and women's professional volleyball leagues in China.
wn.com/Henan Vs Beijing | 17 Nov 2015 | 2015 2016 Women's Chinese Volleyball League
The Chinese Volleyball League, often abbreviated to the CVL, is the pre-eminent men's and women's professional volleyball leagues in China.
- published: 09 Dec 2015
- views: 139
【LoL】初心者がゴールドを目指す生放送 #004 / League of Legends Season6
League of Legends
Shadow Play
LOGICOOL ワイヤレス ゲーミングマウス G602
ワイヤレス7.1サラウンド ゲーミング ヘッドセット
このチャンネルで使用しているマイクは、すべてRODE STEREO VIDEOMICとなっています。
wn.com/【Lol】初心者がゴールドを目指す生放送 004 League Of Legends Season6
League of Legends
Shadow Play
LOGICOOL ワイヤレス ゲーミングマウス G602
ワイヤレス7.1サラウンド ゲーミング ヘッドセット
このチャンネルで使用しているマイクは、すべてRODE STEREO VIDEOMICとなっています。
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 473
AFC Champions League 2016: Official Draw
The Official Draw for the 2016 AFC Champions League Group Stage
Follow all the action from the AFC Champions League:
Facebook: http://goo.gl/b8Qj7E
Instagram: ...
The Official Draw for the 2016 AFC Champions League Group Stage
Follow all the action from the AFC Champions League:
Facebook: http://goo.gl/b8Qj7E
Instagram: http://goo.gl/9Wtf2G
Twitter: http://goo.gl/sLR1eK
Follow all the action from the AFC Cup
Facebook: http://goo.gl/4BPx6G
Instagram: http://goo.gl/9Wtf2G
Twitter: http://goo.gl/6oRMQq
wn.com/Afc Champions League 2016 Official Draw
The Official Draw for the 2016 AFC Champions League Group Stage
Follow all the action from the AFC Champions League:
Facebook: http://goo.gl/b8Qj7E
Instagram: http://goo.gl/9Wtf2G
Twitter: http://goo.gl/sLR1eK
Follow all the action from the AFC Cup
Facebook: http://goo.gl/4BPx6G
Instagram: http://goo.gl/9Wtf2G
Twitter: http://goo.gl/6oRMQq
- published: 08 Dec 2015
- views: 0
Live de rocket league
wn.com/Live De Rocket League
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 96
Valencia vs Lyon 0-2 Highlights & Goals 2015-16 Champions League 09-12-2015
Support us with donation https://www.paypal.me/mygoalteam/10
Valencia vs Lyon 0-2 Highlights & Goals 2015-16 Champions League 09.12.2015
Valencia vs Lyon 0-2
Support us with donation https://www.paypal.me/mygoalteam/10
Valencia vs Lyon 0-2 Highlights & Goals 2015-16 Champions League 09.12.2015
Valencia vs Lyon 0-2
Valencia vs Lyon 0-2 highlights
M. Cornet 37'A. Lacazette 76'
Thank you for watching! Please like the video and subscribe!
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wn.com/Valencia Vs Lyon 0 2 Highlights Goals 2015 16 Champions League 09 12 2015
Support us with donation https://www.paypal.me/mygoalteam/10
Valencia vs Lyon 0-2 Highlights & Goals 2015-16 Champions League 09.12.2015
Valencia vs Lyon 0-2
Valencia vs Lyon 0-2 highlights
M. Cornet 37'A. Lacazette 76'
Thank you for watching! Please like the video and subscribe!
My Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu9lOPDrtdzqZBhJ8Zbj7ag
Can not find a video? You can find more here:
Check out our facebook page:
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 121
NBA D-League: Canton Charge @ Iowa Energy 2015-12-09
The NBA Development League, the NBA's official minor league, is now on YouTube, showing over 400 live games on the NBA D-League YouTube Channel and NBADLeague.c...
The NBA Development League, the NBA's official minor league, is now on YouTube, showing over 400 live games on the NBA D-League YouTube Channel and NBADLeague.com. Fans can get a glimpse at the players, coaches and officials competing to ascend to the NBA's ranks. More than 40% of players drafted into the NBA since 2005 have played in the NBA D-League.
With 26 percent of players boasting NBA D-League experience when the NBA tipped off the 2014-15 campaign in October, the NBA D-League YouTube Channel is the best place to see the future now.
The NBA D-League consists of 18 teams for the 2014-15 season: Austin Spurs, Bakersfield Jam, Canton Charge, Delaware 87ers, Erie BayHawks, Fort Wayne Mad Ants, Grand Rapids Drive, Idaho Stampede, Iowa Energy, Los Angeles D-Fenders, Maine Red Claws, Oklahoma City Blue, Reno Bighorns, Rio Grande Valley Vipers, Sioux Falls Skyforce, Santa Cruz Warriors, Texas Legends and Westchester Knicks.
Subscribe on YouTube:
Visit us on the web: http://www.nba.com/dleague
Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nbadleague
Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/nbadleague
wn.com/Nba D League Canton Charge Iowa Energy 2015 12 09
The NBA Development League, the NBA's official minor league, is now on YouTube, showing over 400 live games on the NBA D-League YouTube Channel and NBADLeague.com. Fans can get a glimpse at the players, coaches and officials competing to ascend to the NBA's ranks. More than 40% of players drafted into the NBA since 2005 have played in the NBA D-League.
With 26 percent of players boasting NBA D-League experience when the NBA tipped off the 2014-15 campaign in October, the NBA D-League YouTube Channel is the best place to see the future now.
The NBA D-League consists of 18 teams for the 2014-15 season: Austin Spurs, Bakersfield Jam, Canton Charge, Delaware 87ers, Erie BayHawks, Fort Wayne Mad Ants, Grand Rapids Drive, Idaho Stampede, Iowa Energy, Los Angeles D-Fenders, Maine Red Claws, Oklahoma City Blue, Reno Bighorns, Rio Grande Valley Vipers, Sioux Falls Skyforce, Santa Cruz Warriors, Texas Legends and Westchester Knicks.
Subscribe on YouTube:
Visit us on the web: http://www.nba.com/dleague
Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nbadleague
Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/nbadleague
- published: 23 Nov 2015
- views: 0
UEFA Champions League Highligts - Chelsea vs. Port.F.C & more , 09.12.2015 HD
Facebook - facebook.com/FullMatchesAndShows
Presenter - Gary Linekar
Guests Pundits - Steven Gerrard , Rio Ferdinand & Ian Wright
Match order -
Chelsea vs...
Facebook - facebook.com/FullMatchesAndShows
Presenter - Gary Linekar
Guests Pundits - Steven Gerrard , Rio Ferdinand & Ian Wright
Match order -
Chelsea vs.FC Porto,
Dynamo Kiev vs.M'bi Tel-Aviv,
Olympiakos vs.Arsenal,
Dinamo Zagreb vs.Bayern Munich,
Bayer Levkusen vs. Barcelona,
Roma vs.FC BATE Borisov
wn.com/Uefa Champions League Highligts Chelsea Vs. Port.F.C More , 09.12.2015 Hd
Facebook - facebook.com/FullMatchesAndShows
Presenter - Gary Linekar
Guests Pundits - Steven Gerrard , Rio Ferdinand & Ian Wright
Match order -
Chelsea vs.FC Porto,
Dynamo Kiev vs.M'bi Tel-Aviv,
Olympiakos vs.Arsenal,
Dinamo Zagreb vs.Bayern Munich,
Bayer Levkusen vs. Barcelona,
Roma vs.FC BATE Borisov
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 1506
NBA D-League: Texas Legends @ Idaho Stampede 2015-12-09
The NBA Development League, the NBA's official minor league, is now on YouTube, showing over 400 live games on the NBA D-League YouTube Channel and NBADLeague.c...
The NBA Development League, the NBA's official minor league, is now on YouTube, showing over 400 live games on the NBA D-League YouTube Channel and NBADLeague.com. Fans can get a glimpse at the players, coaches and officials competing to ascend to the NBA's ranks. More than 40% of players drafted into the NBA since 2005 have played in the NBA D-League.
With 26 percent of players boasting NBA D-League experience when the NBA tipped off the 2014-15 campaign in October, the NBA D-League YouTube Channel is the best place to see the future now.
The NBA D-League consists of 18 teams for the 2014-15 season: Austin Spurs, Bakersfield Jam, Canton Charge, Delaware 87ers, Erie BayHawks, Fort Wayne Mad Ants, Grand Rapids Drive, Idaho Stampede, Iowa Energy, Los Angeles D-Fenders, Maine Red Claws, Oklahoma City Blue, Reno Bighorns, Rio Grande Valley Vipers, Sioux Falls Skyforce, Santa Cruz Warriors, Texas Legends and Westchester Knicks.
Subscribe on YouTube:
Visit us on the web: http://www.nba.com/dleague
Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nbadleague
Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/nbadleague
wn.com/Nba D League Texas Legends Idaho Stampede 2015 12 09
The NBA Development League, the NBA's official minor league, is now on YouTube, showing over 400 live games on the NBA D-League YouTube Channel and NBADLeague.com. Fans can get a glimpse at the players, coaches and officials competing to ascend to the NBA's ranks. More than 40% of players drafted into the NBA since 2005 have played in the NBA D-League.
With 26 percent of players boasting NBA D-League experience when the NBA tipped off the 2014-15 campaign in October, the NBA D-League YouTube Channel is the best place to see the future now.
The NBA D-League consists of 18 teams for the 2014-15 season: Austin Spurs, Bakersfield Jam, Canton Charge, Delaware 87ers, Erie BayHawks, Fort Wayne Mad Ants, Grand Rapids Drive, Idaho Stampede, Iowa Energy, Los Angeles D-Fenders, Maine Red Claws, Oklahoma City Blue, Reno Bighorns, Rio Grande Valley Vipers, Sioux Falls Skyforce, Santa Cruz Warriors, Texas Legends and Westchester Knicks.
Subscribe on YouTube:
Visit us on the web: http://www.nba.com/dleague
Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nbadleague
Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/nbadleague
- published: 23 Nov 2015
- views: 0
West Ham vs Stoke 12/12/15 | Premier League Match Betting
Sportsbook Review's Natalie Rydstrom previews and offers free betting predictions for the week 16 BPL English Premier League football match West Ham vs Stoke pl...
Sportsbook Review's Natalie Rydstrom previews and offers free betting predictions for the week 16 BPL English Premier League football match West Ham vs Stoke playing on Saturday 12th December 2015 and highlights the best betting odds and football match tips with guest Martin Green.
wn.com/West Ham Vs Stoke 12 12 15 | Premier League Match Betting
Sportsbook Review's Natalie Rydstrom previews and offers free betting predictions for the week 16 BPL English Premier League football match West Ham vs Stoke playing on Saturday 12th December 2015 and highlights the best betting odds and football match tips with guest Martin Green.
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 16
Destiny Taken King Ep #9 - SRL Sparrow Racing League Exotic Helm Engram! (HD)
In this HD Video, we Play my 2nd Sparrow Racing League Race, Pop a 3 of Coins before Racing and get an Exotic Helm Engram along with a Cool Shader! :)
In this HD Video, we Play my 2nd Sparrow Racing League Race, Pop a 3 of Coins before Racing and get an Exotic Helm Engram along with a Cool Shader! :)
Previous Destiny Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SY4LTR4_-0
Subscribe for More: http://full.sc/1mYTqWC
Destiny Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH5T8P3MBjQ
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/PoolSharkWizard
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/poolsharkwizard
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/ThePoolSharkWizard
Facebook: http://full.sc/1mN5ypK
PSW T-Shirts: http://poolsharkwizard.spreadshirt.com/
Destiny Mayhem: http://full.sc/1yNTug1
GTA 5 Online: http://full.sc/1scWTW5
Gran Turismo 6: http://full.sc/1umcHBs
PGA Tour Playlist: http://full.sc/1Ki4V2J
Star Wars Pinball: http://full.sc/1vuse1Y
Pool Playing Games: http://full.sc/1vZW5pz
Minecraft Horses: http://full.sc/1l5i7RS
Minecraft Tutorials: http://full.sc/1mN95oa
FTB Block Party: http://full.sc/1mN4RwK
Mad Pack: http://full.sc/1l5fakc
My Controller Settings in Destiny for SRL Racing:
Select Mirror and Swap Buttons for R2 Bumper Gas (Aim Down Sites)!
Enjoy the video and please continue to let me know, what you want to see in Upcoming Videos, Thank you for Watching! :)
Please Subscribe, Like and Comment on my Videos (I do Read them all), if you like what you see and want to see more! :) _________________________________________________
Royalty Free Music from:
Sound Effects by http://audiomicro.com/sound-effects
Thanks Fullscreen Inc!
wn.com/Destiny Taken King Ep 9 Srl Sparrow Racing League Exotic Helm Engram (Hd)
In this HD Video, we Play my 2nd Sparrow Racing League Race, Pop a 3 of Coins before Racing and get an Exotic Helm Engram along with a Cool Shader! :)
Previous Destiny Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SY4LTR4_-0
Subscribe for More: http://full.sc/1mYTqWC
Destiny Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH5T8P3MBjQ
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/PoolSharkWizard
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/poolsharkwizard
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/ThePoolSharkWizard
Facebook: http://full.sc/1mN5ypK
PSW T-Shirts: http://poolsharkwizard.spreadshirt.com/
Destiny Mayhem: http://full.sc/1yNTug1
GTA 5 Online: http://full.sc/1scWTW5
Gran Turismo 6: http://full.sc/1umcHBs
PGA Tour Playlist: http://full.sc/1Ki4V2J
Star Wars Pinball: http://full.sc/1vuse1Y
Pool Playing Games: http://full.sc/1vZW5pz
Minecraft Horses: http://full.sc/1l5i7RS
Minecraft Tutorials: http://full.sc/1mN95oa
FTB Block Party: http://full.sc/1mN4RwK
Mad Pack: http://full.sc/1l5fakc
My Controller Settings in Destiny for SRL Racing:
Select Mirror and Swap Buttons for R2 Bumper Gas (Aim Down Sites)!
Enjoy the video and please continue to let me know, what you want to see in Upcoming Videos, Thank you for Watching! :)
Please Subscribe, Like and Comment on my Videos (I do Read them all), if you like what you see and want to see more! :) _________________________________________________
Royalty Free Music from:
Sound Effects by http://audiomicro.com/sound-effects
Thanks Fullscreen Inc!
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 77
Olympiacos vs Arsenal 0-3 || All Goals & Highlights || Champions League
An Olivier Giroud hat-trick was enough to see Arsenal progress to the knockout stages of the Champions League at Olympiacos' expense this evening.
Visit our in...
An Olivier Giroud hat-trick was enough to see Arsenal progress to the knockout stages of the Champions League at Olympiacos' expense this evening.
Visit our infotainment partner : http://Wirally.com
Subscribe For More Videos: http://bit.ly/InfotainmentFocus
Source: http://dailym.ai/1jOT5as
wn.com/Olympiacos Vs Arsenal 0 3 || All Goals Highlights || Champions League
An Olivier Giroud hat-trick was enough to see Arsenal progress to the knockout stages of the Champions League at Olympiacos' expense this evening.
Visit our infotainment partner : http://Wirally.com
Subscribe For More Videos: http://bit.ly/InfotainmentFocus
Source: http://dailym.ai/1jOT5as
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 34
Chelsea vs Porto 2-0 || All Goals & Highlights || Champions League
Chelsea forgot their domestic woes by easing into the Champions League knockout stage with a routine victory which eliminated opponents Porto.
Visit our infota...
Chelsea forgot their domestic woes by easing into the Champions League knockout stage with a routine victory which eliminated opponents Porto.
Visit our infotainment partner : http://Wirally.com
Subscribe For More Videos: http://bit.ly/InfotainmentFocus
Source: http://dailym.ai/1OTZoos
wn.com/Chelsea Vs Porto 2 0 || All Goals Highlights || Champions League
Chelsea forgot their domestic woes by easing into the Champions League knockout stage with a routine victory which eliminated opponents Porto.
Visit our infotainment partner : http://Wirally.com
Subscribe For More Videos: http://bit.ly/InfotainmentFocus
Source: http://dailym.ai/1OTZoos
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 38
Bayer Leverkusen vs Barcelona 1-1 || All Goals & Highlights || Champions League
Bayer Leverkusen gave all they had but were unable to pick up the win they required to progress in a 1-1 draw against Barcelona.
Visit our infotainment partner...
Bayer Leverkusen gave all they had but were unable to pick up the win they required to progress in a 1-1 draw against Barcelona.
Visit our infotainment partner : http://Wirally.com
Subscribe For More Videos: http://bit.ly/InfotainmentFocus
Source: http://dailym.ai/1HVttV2
wn.com/Bayer Leverkusen Vs Barcelona 1 1 || All Goals Highlights || Champions League
Bayer Leverkusen gave all they had but were unable to pick up the win they required to progress in a 1-1 draw against Barcelona.
Visit our infotainment partner : http://Wirally.com
Subscribe For More Videos: http://bit.ly/InfotainmentFocus
Source: http://dailym.ai/1HVttV2
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 115
Jon LaJoie at "The League: A Fond Farewell" series finale event at The Paley Center
Mingle Media TV's Red Carpet Report host Kathy Hopkins were invited to come out to cover The Paley Center for Media's exclusiv...
Mingle Media TV's Red Carpet Report host Kathy Hopkins were invited to come out to cover The Paley Center for Media's exclusive PaleyLive LA series finale with the stars and creators of FXX’s critically acclaimed series, The League, in Beverly Hills.
For video interviews and other Red Carpet Report coverage, please visit http://www.redcarpetreporttv.com and follow us on Twitter and Facebook at:
About The League on Wednesday Nights on FXX
FXX’s The League is a comedy about six friends and their consuming passion for fantasy football. The series remains one of TV’s best and most original ensemble comedies. The League was created by the husband-and-wife team of Jeff Schaffer and Jackie Marcus Schaffer who serve as executive producers and directors. The series is produced by FX Productions. https://www.facebook.com/theleagueFXX http://www.twitter.com/theleaguefx http://www.fxx.com/theleague
About The Paley Center for Media:
The Paley Center for Media seeks to preserve the past, illuminate the present, and envision the future through the lens of media. With the nation’s foremost public archive of television, radio, and Internet programming, the Paley Center produces programs and forums for the public, industry professionals, thought leaders, and the creative community to explore the evolving ways in which we create, consume, and share news and entertainment. The Paley Center for Media was founded in 1975 by William S. Paley, a pioneering innovator in the industry. For more information, please visit www.paleycenter.org.
For more of Mingle Media TV’s Red Carpet Report coverage, please visit our website and follow us on Twitter and Facebook here:
Follow our host Kathy on Twitter at https://twitter.com/cheesyg
wn.com/Jon Lajoie At The League A Fond Farewell Series Finale Event At The Paley Center
Mingle Media TV's Red Carpet Report host Kathy Hopkins were invited to come out to cover The Paley Center for Media's exclusive PaleyLive LA series finale with the stars and creators of FXX’s critically acclaimed series, The League, in Beverly Hills.
For video interviews and other Red Carpet Report coverage, please visit http://www.redcarpetreporttv.com and follow us on Twitter and Facebook at:
About The League on Wednesday Nights on FXX
FXX’s The League is a comedy about six friends and their consuming passion for fantasy football. The series remains one of TV’s best and most original ensemble comedies. The League was created by the husband-and-wife team of Jeff Schaffer and Jackie Marcus Schaffer who serve as executive producers and directors. The series is produced by FX Productions. https://www.facebook.com/theleagueFXX http://www.twitter.com/theleaguefx http://www.fxx.com/theleague
About The Paley Center for Media:
The Paley Center for Media seeks to preserve the past, illuminate the present, and envision the future through the lens of media. With the nation’s foremost public archive of television, radio, and Internet programming, the Paley Center produces programs and forums for the public, industry professionals, thought leaders, and the creative community to explore the evolving ways in which we create, consume, and share news and entertainment. The Paley Center for Media was founded in 1975 by William S. Paley, a pioneering innovator in the industry. For more information, please visit www.paleycenter.org.
For more of Mingle Media TV’s Red Carpet Report coverage, please visit our website and follow us on Twitter and Facebook here:
Follow our host Kathy on Twitter at https://twitter.com/cheesyg
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 37
Katie Aselton at "The League: A Fond Farewell" series finale event at The Paley Center
Mingle Media TV's Red Carpet Report host Kathy Hopkins were invited to come out to cover The Paley Center for Media's exclusiv...
Mingle Media TV's Red Carpet Report host Kathy Hopkins were invited to come out to cover The Paley Center for Media's exclusive PaleyLive LA series finale with the stars and creators of FXX’s critically acclaimed series, The League, in Beverly Hills.
For video interviews and other Red Carpet Report coverage, please visit http://www.redcarpetreporttv.com and follow us on Twitter and Facebook at:
About The League on Wednesday Nights on FXX
FXX’s The League is a comedy about six friends and their consuming passion for fantasy football. The series remains one of TV’s best and most original ensemble comedies. The League was created by the husband-and-wife team of Jeff Schaffer and Jackie Marcus Schaffer who serve as executive producers and directors. The series is produced by FX Productions. https://www.facebook.com/theleagueFXX http://www.twitter.com/theleaguefx http://www.fxx.com/theleague
About The Paley Center for Media:
The Paley Center for Media seeks to preserve the past, illuminate the present, and envision the future through the lens of media. With the nation’s foremost public archive of television, radio, and Internet programming, the Paley Center produces programs and forums for the public, industry professionals, thought leaders, and the creative community to explore the evolving ways in which we create, consume, and share news and entertainment. The Paley Center for Media was founded in 1975 by William S. Paley, a pioneering innovator in the industry. For more information, please visit www.paleycenter.org.
For more of Mingle Media TV’s Red Carpet Report coverage, please visit our website and follow us on Twitter and Facebook here:
Follow our host Kathy on Twitter at https://twitter.com/cheesyg
wn.com/Katie Aselton At The League A Fond Farewell Series Finale Event At The Paley Center
Mingle Media TV's Red Carpet Report host Kathy Hopkins were invited to come out to cover The Paley Center for Media's exclusive PaleyLive LA series finale with the stars and creators of FXX’s critically acclaimed series, The League, in Beverly Hills.
For video interviews and other Red Carpet Report coverage, please visit http://www.redcarpetreporttv.com and follow us on Twitter and Facebook at:
About The League on Wednesday Nights on FXX
FXX’s The League is a comedy about six friends and their consuming passion for fantasy football. The series remains one of TV’s best and most original ensemble comedies. The League was created by the husband-and-wife team of Jeff Schaffer and Jackie Marcus Schaffer who serve as executive producers and directors. The series is produced by FX Productions. https://www.facebook.com/theleagueFXX http://www.twitter.com/theleaguefx http://www.fxx.com/theleague
About The Paley Center for Media:
The Paley Center for Media seeks to preserve the past, illuminate the present, and envision the future through the lens of media. With the nation’s foremost public archive of television, radio, and Internet programming, the Paley Center produces programs and forums for the public, industry professionals, thought leaders, and the creative community to explore the evolving ways in which we create, consume, and share news and entertainment. The Paley Center for Media was founded in 1975 by William S. Paley, a pioneering innovator in the industry. For more information, please visit www.paleycenter.org.
For more of Mingle Media TV’s Red Carpet Report coverage, please visit our website and follow us on Twitter and Facebook here:
Follow our host Kathy on Twitter at https://twitter.com/cheesyg
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 152
Rob Huebel at "The League: A Fond Farewell" series finale event at The Paley Center
Mingle Media TV's Red Carpet Report host Kathy Hopkins were invited to come out to cover The Paley Center for Media's exclusiv...
Mingle Media TV's Red Carpet Report host Kathy Hopkins were invited to come out to cover The Paley Center for Media's exclusive PaleyLive LA series finale with the stars and creators of FXX’s critically acclaimed series, The League, in Beverly Hills.
For video interviews and other Red Carpet Report coverage, please visit http://www.redcarpetreporttv.com and follow us on Twitter and Facebook at:
About The League on Wednesday Nights on FXX
FXX’s The League is a comedy about six friends and their consuming passion for fantasy football. The series remains one of TV’s best and most original ensemble comedies. The League was created by the husband-and-wife team of Jeff Schaffer and Jackie Marcus Schaffer who serve as executive producers and directors. The series is produced by FX Productions. https://www.facebook.com/theleagueFXX http://www.twitter.com/theleaguefx http://www.fxx.com/theleague
About The Paley Center for Media:
The Paley Center for Media seeks to preserve the past, illuminate the present, and envision the future through the lens of media. With the nation’s foremost public archive of television, radio, and Internet programming, the Paley Center produces programs and forums for the public, industry professionals, thought leaders, and the creative community to explore the evolving ways in which we create, consume, and share news and entertainment. The Paley Center for Media was founded in 1975 by William S. Paley, a pioneering innovator in the industry. For more information, please visit www.paleycenter.org.
For more of Mingle Media TV’s Red Carpet Report coverage, please visit our website and follow us on Twitter and Facebook here:
Follow our host Kathy on Twitter at https://twitter.com/cheesyg
wn.com/Rob Huebel At The League A Fond Farewell Series Finale Event At The Paley Center
Mingle Media TV's Red Carpet Report host Kathy Hopkins were invited to come out to cover The Paley Center for Media's exclusive PaleyLive LA series finale with the stars and creators of FXX’s critically acclaimed series, The League, in Beverly Hills.
For video interviews and other Red Carpet Report coverage, please visit http://www.redcarpetreporttv.com and follow us on Twitter and Facebook at:
About The League on Wednesday Nights on FXX
FXX’s The League is a comedy about six friends and their consuming passion for fantasy football. The series remains one of TV’s best and most original ensemble comedies. The League was created by the husband-and-wife team of Jeff Schaffer and Jackie Marcus Schaffer who serve as executive producers and directors. The series is produced by FX Productions. https://www.facebook.com/theleagueFXX http://www.twitter.com/theleaguefx http://www.fxx.com/theleague
About The Paley Center for Media:
The Paley Center for Media seeks to preserve the past, illuminate the present, and envision the future through the lens of media. With the nation’s foremost public archive of television, radio, and Internet programming, the Paley Center produces programs and forums for the public, industry professionals, thought leaders, and the creative community to explore the evolving ways in which we create, consume, and share news and entertainment. The Paley Center for Media was founded in 1975 by William S. Paley, a pioneering innovator in the industry. For more information, please visit www.paleycenter.org.
For more of Mingle Media TV’s Red Carpet Report coverage, please visit our website and follow us on Twitter and Facebook here:
Follow our host Kathy on Twitter at https://twitter.com/cheesyg
- published: 10 Dec 2015
- views: 9
Clash of Clans - ALL WALLBREAKERS DESTROY A VILLAGE!! "Funny Moments+ Champion League TROLLING"!
Clash Of Clans Gameplay/Funny Clash Of Clans Commentary! Hey Clash Of Clans
Comedy here! And If You Love Clash of Clans! Then Subscribe For More Content!
Clash Of Clans Gameplay/Funny Clash Of Clans Commentary! Hey Clash Of Clans
Comedy here! And If You Love Clash of Clans! Then Subscribe For More Content!
DOWNLOAD KAMCORD HERE - https://www.kamcord.com/download/coleson
WATCH MY LIVE STREAMS HERE --https://www.kamcord.com/live/coleson
Take A Moment To DESTROY The LIKE Button! New Clash Of Clans Videos Every Day!
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Clash of Clans is an addictive mixture of strategic planning and competitive
fast-paced combats. Raise an army of Barbarians, War Wizards, Dragons and
other mighty fighters. Join a clan of players and rise through the ranks, or
create your own Clan to contest ownership of the Realm. Driving back the
goblins is just the first step - your quest isn't over until your clan reigns
supreme over all others!
Category: Games
Updated: 10 June 2014
Version: 6.108.5
Size: 53.3 MB
Languages: English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese
Developer: Supercell Oy
(C) 2012 Supercell
Rated 9+ for the following:
Infrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy Violence
Compatibility: Requires iOS 4.3 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and
iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.
wn.com/Clash Of Clans All Wallbreakers Destroy A Village Funny Moments Champion League Trolling
Clash Of Clans Gameplay/Funny Clash Of Clans Commentary! Hey Clash Of Clans
Comedy here! And If You Love Clash of Clans! Then Subscribe For More Content!
DOWNLOAD KAMCORD HERE - https://www.kamcord.com/download/coleson
WATCH MY LIVE STREAMS HERE --https://www.kamcord.com/live/coleson
Take A Moment To DESTROY The LIKE Button! New Clash Of Clans Videos Every Day!
Follow me on Twitter
Follow me on Instagram
Follow me on google+https://plus.google.com/u/1/102019902006903880403/posts
Clash of Clans is an addictive mixture of strategic planning and competitive
fast-paced combats. Raise an army of Barbarians, War Wizards, Dragons and
other mighty fighters. Join a clan of players and rise through the ranks, or
create your own Clan to contest ownership of the Realm. Driving back the
goblins is just the first step - your quest isn't over until your clan reigns
supreme over all others!
Category: Games
Updated: 10 June 2014
Version: 6.108.5
Size: 53.3 MB
Languages: English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese
Developer: Supercell Oy
(C) 2012 Supercell
Rated 9+ for the following:
Infrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy Violence
Compatibility: Requires iOS 4.3 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and
iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.
- published: 09 Dec 2015
- views: 31932
® Top 5 LoL Plays | Episode 86 (League of Legends)
► Never miss a video, subscribe here! http://goo.gl/A3y0TW
► Watch the last episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7Gf21FFUec
► You can submit your plays to ...
► Never miss a video, subscribe here! http://goo.gl/A3y0TW
► Watch the last episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7Gf21FFUec
► You can submit your plays to randomlolmoments@machinima.com. Your Email should include a high-quality YouTube upload of the play (or mp4), the replay file (.lrf) if you have one and a short description.
#5 - Juraj T.
#4 - Yulo
#3 - League of Delight
#2 - iSul
#1 - ClubA
► Music from:
AVTV - Sound Of Northern Lights
► Presented by:
Follow the guys who manage Realm, our personal Twitters:
► Shibby: https://twitter.com/shibby2142
► Hundar: https://twitter.com/HungryHundar
► Remember to like and subscribe to Realm for more content every day!
► Realm Twitter: https://twitter.com/MachinimaRealm
► Realm Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MachinimaRealm
► Please flag negative, spam or hateful comments. We are all here to have some fun, be positive and enjoy ourselves and the games we play!
► If you notice an issue in the title or description or credits for a play / music, please tweet me @Shibby2142. We are here to help and make sure the right play-makers and artists are given the proper credit.
wn.com/® Top 5 Lol Plays | Episode 86 (League Of Legends)
► Never miss a video, subscribe here! http://goo.gl/A3y0TW
► Watch the last episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7Gf21FFUec
► You can submit your plays to randomlolmoments@machinima.com. Your Email should include a high-quality YouTube upload of the play (or mp4), the replay file (.lrf) if you have one and a short description.
#5 - Juraj T.
#4 - Yulo
#3 - League of Delight
#2 - iSul
#1 - ClubA
► Music from:
AVTV - Sound Of Northern Lights
► Presented by:
Follow the guys who manage Realm, our personal Twitters:
► Shibby: https://twitter.com/shibby2142
► Hundar: https://twitter.com/HungryHundar
► Remember to like and subscribe to Realm for more content every day!
► Realm Twitter: https://twitter.com/MachinimaRealm
► Realm Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MachinimaRealm
► Please flag negative, spam or hateful comments. We are all here to have some fun, be positive and enjoy ourselves and the games we play!
► If you notice an issue in the title or description or credits for a play / music, please tweet me @Shibby2142. We are here to help and make sure the right play-makers and artists are given the proper credit.
- published: 09 Dec 2015
- views: 72189
[HIGHLIGHTS] UEFA YOUTH LEAGUE: Bayer Leverkusen - FC Barcelona (0-1)
FC Barcelona on Social Media
Subscribe to our official channel http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=fcbarcelona
Facebook: http://www.faceboo...
FC Barcelona on Social Media
Subscribe to our official channel http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=fcbarcelona
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/fcbarcelona
Twitter: http://twitter.com/FCBarcelona
Google+: http://plus.google.com/+FCBarcelona
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/FCBarcelona
wn.com/Highlights Uefa Youth League Bayer Leverkusen Fc Barcelona (0 1)
FC Barcelona on Social Media
Subscribe to our official channel http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=fcbarcelona
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/fcbarcelona
Twitter: http://twitter.com/FCBarcelona
Google+: http://plus.google.com/+FCBarcelona
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/FCBarcelona
- published: 09 Dec 2015
- views: 2150
NBA D-League: Fort Wayne Mad Ants @ Delaware 87ers 2015-12-09
The NBA Development League, the NBA's official minor league, is now on YouTube, showing over 400 live games on the NBA D-League YouTube Channel and NBADLeague.c...
The NBA Development League, the NBA's official minor league, is now on YouTube, showing over 400 live games on the NBA D-League YouTube Channel and NBADLeague.com. Fans can get a glimpse at the players, coaches and officials competing to ascend to the NBA's ranks. More than 40% of players drafted into the NBA since 2005 have played in the NBA D-League.
With 26 percent of players boasting NBA D-League experience when the NBA tipped off the 2014-15 campaign in October, the NBA D-League YouTube Channel is the best place to see the future now.
The NBA D-League consists of 18 teams for the 2014-15 season: Austin Spurs, Bakersfield Jam, Canton Charge, Delaware 87ers, Erie BayHawks, Fort Wayne Mad Ants, Grand Rapids Drive, Idaho Stampede, Iowa Energy, Los Angeles D-Fenders, Maine Red Claws, Oklahoma City Blue, Reno Bighorns, Rio Grande Valley Vipers, Sioux Falls Skyforce, Santa Cruz Warriors, Texas Legends and Westchester Knicks.
Subscribe on YouTube:
Visit us on the web: http://www.nba.com/dleague
Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nbadleague
Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/nbadleague
wn.com/Nba D League Fort Wayne Mad Ants Delaware 87Ers 2015 12 09
The NBA Development League, the NBA's official minor league, is now on YouTube, showing over 400 live games on the NBA D-League YouTube Channel and NBADLeague.com. Fans can get a glimpse at the players, coaches and officials competing to ascend to the NBA's ranks. More than 40% of players drafted into the NBA since 2005 have played in the NBA D-League.
With 26 percent of players boasting NBA D-League experience when the NBA tipped off the 2014-15 campaign in October, the NBA D-League YouTube Channel is the best place to see the future now.
The NBA D-League consists of 18 teams for the 2014-15 season: Austin Spurs, Bakersfield Jam, Canton Charge, Delaware 87ers, Erie BayHawks, Fort Wayne Mad Ants, Grand Rapids Drive, Idaho Stampede, Iowa Energy, Los Angeles D-Fenders, Maine Red Claws, Oklahoma City Blue, Reno Bighorns, Rio Grande Valley Vipers, Sioux Falls Skyforce, Santa Cruz Warriors, Texas Legends and Westchester Knicks.
Subscribe on YouTube:
Visit us on the web: http://www.nba.com/dleague
Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nbadleague
Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/nbadleague
- published: 23 Nov 2015
- views: 0
Hearthstone: League of Explorers - Hall of Explorers: Rafaam the Supreme Archaeologist
Hearthstone gets its third and possibly coolest Solo Adventure yet in League of Explorers! We'll accompany a group of adventurers, archaeologists and explorers as we hunt down the Staff of Origination, unlocking cool encounters and neat cards along the way!
● Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-eyFfAVda8&list;=PLGr99HIJUZkVKsev0yQWtNTo_bNwNP6k5&index;=61
● Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/Ry
Hearthstone: League of Explorers - Secret Paladin Deck!
The Secret Paladin was one of the strongest decks before the League of Explorers adventure. Now that the Paladin class challenge is available and the adventure ended we can have add the Keeper of Uldaman. Making a powerful deck even stronger.
League of Explorers Secret Paladin deck list:
- Avenge x2
- Competitive Spirit x1
- Noble Sacrifice x2
- Redemption x1
- Repentance x1
- Secretkeeper x2
- H
League of Legends - Nautilus Jungle - Full Gameplay Commentary
Nautilus jungle, aka the NAUTY DOG.
Playing League of Legends as Nautilus
Masteries: 0/12/18
Runes: AS marks armor seals mr/lvl glyphs hp quints
Sign up for Lootcrate: http://www.lootcrate.com/Anklespankin and make sure to use promo code "ANKLE" for 10% off c:
Sign up for league: http://tinyurl.com/ctw2lev
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/you
CS:GO - Fnatic vs. NaVi [Cbble] - ESL ESEA Pro League Season 2 Finals - Grand Final
It's the Season 2 Finals of ESL ESEA Pro League! The top 8 best teams from Europe and North America compete for their share of a prize pool totaling $250,000!
See more Counter-Strike matches here https://www.youtube.com/user/esltv/playlists?view=50&sort;=dd&shelf;_id=62
For more information, visit http://pro.eslgaming.com/csgo/proleague/
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates!
Batman Teemo is the savage that League of Legends deserves.
►$50 RP GIVEAWAY: https://twitter.com/Brofresco/status/676458812094717952
►►Zelda in League? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDSo-7i7D_0&list;=PL8D2gwBDzIOt92iwF4SNeffpsTl_BNim1
● LIVESTREAM: http://www.twitch.tv/brofresco
►Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/Brofresco
● Snapchat: brofr
[Season 6] Jarvan Jungle Gameplay - League of Legends
See how to play Jarvan in Season 6 with this gameplay commentary.
➥Enjoy the video? SUBSCRIBE → http://bit.ly/1dk5ZIa ←
Red - AD
Yellow - Armour
Blues - Mr
Quints - AS
MASTERIES - 0/18/12 (Thunderlords) or 18/12/0 (Fervor) or 0/12/18 (Strength of Ages or Grasp of the Undying) Keystones
★Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Foxdroplol
★Follow my stream: http://www.twitch.tv/foxdr
League of Legends en 3D? (wtf) + Pentakill Surprise !
League of Legends Pentakill FR surprise sur un ecran en 3d à mes depends xD
► Abonne-toi, et profitez des giveaways ;) ♥ http://bit.ly/SkyyartEtChelxie
►Participe en live avec l'extension Chrome♥: http://goo.gl/PTbYbD ►Firefox: http://goo.gl/tVO8zn
► Rejoins moi sur mes lives du mardi au dimanche ici : http://www.skyyart.fr
► Vos jeux moins cher ici : https://www.g2a.com/r/skyyart ♦ code "Skyyart
NBA D-League: Canton Charge @ Santa Cruz Warriors 2015-12-15
The NBA Development League, the NBA's official minor league, is now on YouTube, showing over 400 live games on the NBA D-League YouTube Channel and NBADLeague.com. Fans can get a glimpse at the players, coaches and officials competing to ascend to the NBA's ranks. More than 40% of players drafted into the NBA since 2005 have played in the NBA D-League.
With 26 percent of players boasting NBA D-L
[Solo Raiding] LEAGUE OF EXPLORERS! - Wing 4, NORMAL!
Oozes & Shadowfiends Merchandise! ►https://www.crowdmade.com/noxious
Came back from Insomnia 56, catching up on Adventures a bit!
G2A Cheap Games ► http://www.g2a.com/r/nox0
Subscribe! ► http://bit.ly/1Qg5zq5
Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/NoxiousGLHF/
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/coL_noxious
Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/noxious_hs
CS:GO - Fnatic vs. NaVi [Dust2] - ESL ESEA Pro League Season 2 Finals - Grand Final
It's the Season 2 Finals of ESL ESEA Pro League! The top 8 best teams from Europe and North America compete for their share of a prize pool totaling $250,000!
See more Counter-Strike matches here https://www.youtube.com/user/esltv/playlists?view=50&sort;=dd&shelf;_id=62
For more information, visit http://pro.eslgaming.com/csgo/proleague/
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates!
NBA D-League: Reno Bighorns @ Oklahoma City Blue 2015-12-15
The NBA Development League, the NBA's official minor league, is now on YouTube, showing over 400 live games on the NBA D-League YouTube Channel and NBADLeague.com. Fans can get a glimpse at the players, coaches and officials competing to ascend to the NBA's ranks. More than 40% of players drafted into the NBA since 2005 have played in the NBA D-League.
With 26 percent of players boasting NBA D-L
Duo - Flame feat. Rumathra | League of Legends [GER]
Bin wieder mal in Leipzig, deshalb keine Content Super Bombe. Aber dafür ein schönes Braum Gameplay mit Rumathra. Ist recht witzig und wenn ihr wollt, könnt ihr auf die am Ende gestelle Frage eingehen :)
Viel Spaß.
Meine Ausrüstung:
League of Legends #207 - "Só disto..."
♦Querem ser Babylicious ? Então passem na W33D:
♦Jogos super baratos e com vários métodos de pagamento
⇛ https://www.g2a.com/r/babyfac3
⇛Código de 3% desconto: "BabyF"
♦Sigam-me nas redes sociais para estarem sempre atualizados:
⇛ Instababy:
League of Legends - Duo Skype CONFIA ft SONECA
▁ ▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ ▇ LEIA A DESCRIÇÃO ▇ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ ▁
Canal do Soneca : https://www.youtube.com/user/SonecaaaaGames/featured
► Minhas Runas e Talentos : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0761ht6ibE
► Loja100Regras - Use o cupom ´´eterno´´ e ganhe 5% de desconto
► STREAM Terça , Quinta , Sábado e Domingo as 18:00 Horas - http://www.twitch.tv/
16th Street Racing League: Texas Motor Speedway
YOLO LEE - #ABFAHRT 81 - League of Legends
#Abfahrt ist ein Format von mir in welchem Ich ausschließlich League of Legends Solo-Que auf dem Elo Master/Challenger spiele!
I love League of Legends!
►Abfahrt Playlist: https://goo.gl/6Y0Fkt
►Musik Playlist: https://goo.gl/yE1Aaj
►Runen: http://goo.gl/GaaCIg
►Masteries: http://goo.gl/OeiqSk
Gear gibt hier! - Der Reim tho:
► PC - http://goo.gl/RjndDH
► Keyboard - http://goo.gl/LD0cla
► Headse
League of Legends - Teemo Top - Full Gameplay With Joe
teemo top? betcha didn't see this one comin.
Joe's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/C00LStoryJoe
Playing League of Legends as Teemo
Masteries: 18/12/0
Runes: hybrid pen marks hp seals mr glyphs ap quints
Sign up for Lootcrate: http://www.lootcrate.com/Anklespankin and make sure to use promo code "ANKLE" for 10% off c:
Sign up for league:
A-Z League of Legends: Caitlyn - Walczymy do końca!
DOŁĄCZ DO TEAM'U ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://bit.ly/X9p34i
WPADNIJ NA FACEBOOK ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://on.fb.me/10b5ipi
GRUPA DLA WIDZÓW ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://facebook.com/groups/krulowie
SNAPCHAT ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) fifinplz
SKLEP ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://flipinski.cupsell.pl/
LIVE STREAM ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://www.twitch.tv/
League of Legends - Sivir ADC - Full Gameplay Commentary
the charity stream place: http://www.twitch.tv/ikasperr follow this, I will be live with my segment on Monday, dec 14th at 6 am EST
Also season 6 sivir adc video.
Playing League of Legends as Sivir
Masteries: 12/18/0
Runes: ad marks AS quints armor seals mr/lvl glyphs
Sign up for Lootcrate: http://www.lootcrate.com/Anklespankin and make sure to
Official Call of Duty® World League - 12/4 North America Qualification Event Live Stream
Watch action from the North America Call of Duty World League Qualification Tournament, as teams compete for one of eight spots in Stage 1 of the Call of Duty: World League Pro Division.
Follow us for the latest in Call of Duty eSports:
Web: http://www.callofduty.com/cwl
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CODWorldLeague
LOVE FOR SQUARE BALLS! (Rocket League Funny Moments)
Rocket League Funny Moments!
► Subscribe: http://goo.gl/RnE9oB
► Jelly Store: http://jellebay.com
My Friends:
Jordi: http://goo.gl/vY6HZP
Josh: http://goo.gl/j2Skqs
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Twitter: https://goo.gl/Y3xoH1
Facebook: http://goo.gl/k7XeI6
Vlogs: http://goo.gl/YCTW24
SO MUSSET KNALLEN - #ABFAHRT 80 - League of Legends
#Abfahrt ist ein Format von mir in welchem Ich ausschließlich League of Legends Solo-Que auf dem Elo Master/Challenger spiele!
I love League of Legends!
►Abfahrt Playlist: https://goo.gl/6Y0Fkt
►Musik Playlist: https://goo.gl/yE1Aaj
►Runen: http://goo.gl/GaaCIg
►Masteries: http://goo.gl/OeiqSk
Gear gibt hier! - Der Reim tho:
► PC - http://goo.gl/RjndDH
► Keyboard - http://goo.gl/LD0cla
► Headse
CS:GO - EnVyUS vs. NaVi [Dust2] - ESL ESEA Pro League Season 2 Finals - Semifinal
It's the Season 2 Finals of ESL ESEA Pro League! The top 8 best teams from Europe and North America compete for their share of a prize pool totaling $250,000!
See more Counter-Strike matches here https://www.youtube.com/user/esltv/playlists?view=50&sort;=dd&shelf;_id=62
For more information, visit http://pro.eslgaming.com/csgo/proleague/
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates!
Hearthstone: League of Explorers - Hall of Explorers: Rafaam the Supreme Archaeologist
Hearthstone gets its third and possibly coolest Solo Adventure yet in League of Explorers! We'll accompany a group of adventurers, archaeologists and explorers ...
Hearthstone gets its third and possibly coolest Solo Adventure yet in League of Explorers! We'll accompany a group of adventurers, archaeologists and explorers as we hunt down the Staff of Origination, unlocking cool encounters and neat cards along the way!
● Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-eyFfAVda8&list;=PLGr99HIJUZkVKsev0yQWtNTo_bNwNP6k5&index;=61
● Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/Rythian
● Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/IAmRythian
● Tumblr - http://rythian.tumblr.com
● Yogscast Merchandise - http://store.yogscast.com/rythian
● Gametee Merchandise - http://rythian.gametee.co.uk
wn.com/Hearthstone League Of Explorers Hall Of Explorers Rafaam The Supreme Archaeologist
Hearthstone gets its third and possibly coolest Solo Adventure yet in League of Explorers! We'll accompany a group of adventurers, archaeologists and explorers as we hunt down the Staff of Origination, unlocking cool encounters and neat cards along the way!
● Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-eyFfAVda8&list;=PLGr99HIJUZkVKsev0yQWtNTo_bNwNP6k5&index;=61
● Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/Rythian
● Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/IAmRythian
● Tumblr - http://rythian.tumblr.com
● Yogscast Merchandise - http://store.yogscast.com/rythian
● Gametee Merchandise - http://rythian.gametee.co.uk
- published: 15 Dec 2015
- views: 3959
Hearthstone: League of Explorers - Secret Paladin Deck!
The Secret Paladin was one of the strongest decks before the League of Explorers adventure. Now that the Paladin class challenge is available and the adventure ...
The Secret Paladin was one of the strongest decks before the League of Explorers adventure. Now that the Paladin class challenge is available and the adventure ended we can have add the Keeper of Uldaman. Making a powerful deck even stronger.
League of Explorers Secret Paladin deck list:
- Avenge x2
- Competitive Spirit x1
- Noble Sacrifice x2
- Redemption x1
- Repentance x1
- Secretkeeper x2
- Haunted Creeper x1
- Ironbeak Owl x1
- Knife Juggler x2
- Shielded Minibot x2
- Coghammer x1
- Divine Favor x1
- Muster for Battle x2
- Trulesilver Champion x1
- Blessing of Kings x1
- Keeper of Uldaman x2
- Piloted Shredder x2
- Sludge Belcher x1
- Mysterious Challenger x2
- Dr. Boom x1
- Tirion Fordring x1
Support LowkoTV on Patreon: http://patreon.com/lowkotv
More Hearthstone: http://goo.gl/gnnhfn
Hearthstone website: http://www.playhearthstone.com
Subscribe for more videos: http://lowko.tv/youtube
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft is a free-to-play digital collectible card game developed by Blizzard Entertainment. It is free-to-play with optional purchases to acquire additional cards and access content quicker.
wn.com/Hearthstone League Of Explorers Secret Paladin Deck
The Secret Paladin was one of the strongest decks before the League of Explorers adventure. Now that the Paladin class challenge is available and the adventure ended we can have add the Keeper of Uldaman. Making a powerful deck even stronger.
League of Explorers Secret Paladin deck list:
- Avenge x2
- Competitive Spirit x1
- Noble Sacrifice x2
- Redemption x1
- Repentance x1
- Secretkeeper x2
- Haunted Creeper x1
- Ironbeak Owl x1
- Knife Juggler x2
- Shielded Minibot x2
- Coghammer x1
- Divine Favor x1
- Muster for Battle x2
- Trulesilver Champion x1
- Blessing of Kings x1
- Keeper of Uldaman x2
- Piloted Shredder x2
- Sludge Belcher x1
- Mysterious Challenger x2
- Dr. Boom x1
- Tirion Fordring x1
Support LowkoTV on Patreon: http://patreon.com/lowkotv
More Hearthstone: http://goo.gl/gnnhfn
Hearthstone website: http://www.playhearthstone.com
Subscribe for more videos: http://lowko.tv/youtube
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft is a free-to-play digital collectible card game developed by Blizzard Entertainment. It is free-to-play with optional purchases to acquire additional cards and access content quicker.
- published: 15 Dec 2015
- views: 3082
League of Legends - Nautilus Jungle - Full Gameplay Commentary
Nautilus jungle, aka the NAUTY DOG.
Playing League of Legends as Nautilus
Masteries: 0/12/18
Runes: AS marks armor seals mr/lvl glyphs hp quints
Nautilus jungle, aka the NAUTY DOG.
Playing League of Legends as Nautilus
Masteries: 0/12/18
Runes: AS marks armor seals mr/lvl glyphs hp quints
Sign up for Lootcrate: http://www.lootcrate.com/Anklespankin and make sure to use promo code "ANKLE" for 10% off c:
Sign up for league: http://tinyurl.com/ctw2lev
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/youtubeanklespankin
Follow me on Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/anklespankin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Anklespankin
Song used in intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqZ5iLOUOGA (credit to Noisestorm and Monstercat)
wn.com/League Of Legends Nautilus Jungle Full Gameplay Commentary
Nautilus jungle, aka the NAUTY DOG.
Playing League of Legends as Nautilus
Masteries: 0/12/18
Runes: AS marks armor seals mr/lvl glyphs hp quints
Sign up for Lootcrate: http://www.lootcrate.com/Anklespankin and make sure to use promo code "ANKLE" for 10% off c:
Sign up for league: http://tinyurl.com/ctw2lev
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/youtubeanklespankin
Follow me on Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/anklespankin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Anklespankin
Song used in intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqZ5iLOUOGA (credit to Noisestorm and Monstercat)
- published: 15 Dec 2015
- views: 10267
CS:GO - Fnatic vs. NaVi [Cbble] - ESL ESEA Pro League Season 2 Finals - Grand Final
It's the Season 2 Finals of ESL ESEA Pro League! The top 8 best teams from Europe and North America compete for their share of a prize pool totaling $250,000!
It's the Season 2 Finals of ESL ESEA Pro League! The top 8 best teams from Europe and North America compete for their share of a prize pool totaling $250,000!
See more Counter-Strike matches here https://www.youtube.com/user/esltv/playlists?view=50&sort;=dd&shelf;_id=62
For more information, visit http://pro.eslgaming.com/csgo/proleague/
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates!
theScore eSports is your destination for full live scoring, stats and news for CS:GO!
Real-time scores, standings, stats and leaders for CS:GO at ESL ESEA Pro League and every major CS:GO league & tournament. Combined with our breaking news and detailed push alerts, theScore eSports has your CS:GO needs covered, along with every other major game, including LOL, Dota, SCII and Hearthstone.
Get it NOW from the App Store and Google Play at http://thesco.re/esportsprolg4
wn.com/Cs Go Fnatic Vs. Navi Cbble Esl Esea Pro League Season 2 Finals Grand Final
It's the Season 2 Finals of ESL ESEA Pro League! The top 8 best teams from Europe and North America compete for their share of a prize pool totaling $250,000!
See more Counter-Strike matches here https://www.youtube.com/user/esltv/playlists?view=50&sort;=dd&shelf;_id=62
For more information, visit http://pro.eslgaming.com/csgo/proleague/
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates!
theScore eSports is your destination for full live scoring, stats and news for CS:GO!
Real-time scores, standings, stats and leaders for CS:GO at ESL ESEA Pro League and every major CS:GO league & tournament. Combined with our breaking news and detailed push alerts, theScore eSports has your CS:GO needs covered, along with every other major game, including LOL, Dota, SCII and Hearthstone.
Get it NOW from the App Store and Google Play at http://thesco.re/esportsprolg4
- published: 14 Dec 2015
- views: 3463
Batman Teemo is the savage that League of Legends deserves.
►$50 RP GIVEAWAY: https://twitter.com/Brofresco/status/676458812094717952
►►Zelda in League? https:/...
Batman Teemo is the savage that League of Legends deserves.
►$50 RP GIVEAWAY: https://twitter.com/Brofresco/status/676458812094717952
►►Zelda in League? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDSo-7i7D_0&list;=PL8D2gwBDzIOt92iwF4SNeffpsTl_BNim1
● LIVESTREAM: http://www.twitch.tv/brofresco
►Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/Brofresco
● Snapchat: brofresco
● Twitter: https://twitter.com/Brofresco
● Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/brofresco
● Facebook: http://www.fb.com/brofrescoyt
● Instagram: http://instagram.com/brofresco
wn.com/Batman Teemo In League Of Legends
Batman Teemo is the savage that League of Legends deserves.
►$50 RP GIVEAWAY: https://twitter.com/Brofresco/status/676458812094717952
►►Zelda in League? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDSo-7i7D_0&list;=PL8D2gwBDzIOt92iwF4SNeffpsTl_BNim1
● LIVESTREAM: http://www.twitch.tv/brofresco
►Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/Brofresco
● Snapchat: brofresco
● Twitter: https://twitter.com/Brofresco
● Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/brofresco
● Facebook: http://www.fb.com/brofrescoyt
● Instagram: http://instagram.com/brofresco
- published: 14 Dec 2015
- views: 156658
[Season 6] Jarvan Jungle Gameplay - League of Legends
See how to play Jarvan in Season 6 with this gameplay commentary.
➥Enjoy the video? SUBSCRIBE → http://bit.ly/1dk5ZIa ←
Red - AD
Yellow - Armour
Blues -...
See how to play Jarvan in Season 6 with this gameplay commentary.
➥Enjoy the video? SUBSCRIBE → http://bit.ly/1dk5ZIa ←
Red - AD
Yellow - Armour
Blues - Mr
Quints - AS
MASTERIES - 0/18/12 (Thunderlords) or 18/12/0 (Fervor) or 0/12/18 (Strength of Ages or Grasp of the Undying) Keystones
★Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Foxdroplol
★Follow my stream: http://www.twitch.tv/foxdrop
★Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Foxdroplol
★Support me with a Donation :) http://bit.ly/17jDWlZ
★Channel artist: Danderlyon (contact: danderlyon.j@gmail.com)
★Intro made by Hyun http://www.youtube.com/user/hyunsdojo
★Intro music: "Bulletproof" from www.freestockmusic.com
wn.com/Season 6 Jarvan Jungle Gameplay League Of Legends
See how to play Jarvan in Season 6 with this gameplay commentary.
➥Enjoy the video? SUBSCRIBE → http://bit.ly/1dk5ZIa ←
Red - AD
Yellow - Armour
Blues - Mr
Quints - AS
MASTERIES - 0/18/12 (Thunderlords) or 18/12/0 (Fervor) or 0/12/18 (Strength of Ages or Grasp of the Undying) Keystones
★Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Foxdroplol
★Follow my stream: http://www.twitch.tv/foxdrop
★Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Foxdroplol
★Support me with a Donation :) http://bit.ly/17jDWlZ
★Channel artist: Danderlyon (contact: danderlyon.j@gmail.com)
★Intro made by Hyun http://www.youtube.com/user/hyunsdojo
★Intro music: "Bulletproof" from www.freestockmusic.com
- published: 14 Dec 2015
- views: 3717
League of Legends en 3D? (wtf) + Pentakill Surprise !
League of Legends Pentakill FR surprise sur un ecran en 3d à mes depends xD
► Abonne-toi, et profitez des giveaways ;) ♥ http://bit.ly/SkyyartEtChelxie
League of Legends Pentakill FR surprise sur un ecran en 3d à mes depends xD
► Abonne-toi, et profitez des giveaways ;) ♥ http://bit.ly/SkyyartEtChelxie
►Participe en live avec l'extension Chrome♥: http://goo.gl/PTbYbD ►Firefox: http://goo.gl/tVO8zn
► Rejoins moi sur mes lives du mardi au dimanche ici : http://www.skyyart.fr
► Vos jeux moins cher ici : https://www.g2a.com/r/skyyart ♦ code "Skyyart" ♦
Masteries : 0/18/12
Runes :
rouge : pen magique
Jaune : armure
bleu : 9 cdr /lv 18
quint : puissance
► Abonne toi ♥ et y'a des cadeaux à gagner : http://bit.ly/SkyyartEtChelxie
► Vos jeux moins cher ici : https://www.g2a.com/r/skyyart ♦ code "Skyyart" ♦
►Mon Site : avec mon planning de stream http://Skyyart.fr !
► Mon Twitter : https://twitter.com/Skyyart
► Mon Facebook ♥ : http://bit.ly/JoinMeBro
Merci à Asus Republic of Gamer pour le partenariat.
wn.com/League Of Legends En 3D (Wtf) Pentakill Surprise
League of Legends Pentakill FR surprise sur un ecran en 3d à mes depends xD
► Abonne-toi, et profitez des giveaways ;) ♥ http://bit.ly/SkyyartEtChelxie
►Participe en live avec l'extension Chrome♥: http://goo.gl/PTbYbD ►Firefox: http://goo.gl/tVO8zn
► Rejoins moi sur mes lives du mardi au dimanche ici : http://www.skyyart.fr
► Vos jeux moins cher ici : https://www.g2a.com/r/skyyart ♦ code "Skyyart" ♦
Masteries : 0/18/12
Runes :
rouge : pen magique
Jaune : armure
bleu : 9 cdr /lv 18
quint : puissance
► Abonne toi ♥ et y'a des cadeaux à gagner : http://bit.ly/SkyyartEtChelxie
► Vos jeux moins cher ici : https://www.g2a.com/r/skyyart ♦ code "Skyyart" ♦
►Mon Site : avec mon planning de stream http://Skyyart.fr !
► Mon Twitter : https://twitter.com/Skyyart
► Mon Facebook ♥ : http://bit.ly/JoinMeBro
Merci à Asus Republic of Gamer pour le partenariat.
- published: 15 Dec 2015
- views: 11760
NBA D-League: Canton Charge @ Santa Cruz Warriors 2015-12-15
The NBA Development League, the NBA's official minor league, is now on YouTube, showing over 400 live games on the NBA D-League YouTube Channel and NBADLeague.c...
The NBA Development League, the NBA's official minor league, is now on YouTube, showing over 400 live games on the NBA D-League YouTube Channel and NBADLeague.com. Fans can get a glimpse at the players, coaches and officials competing to ascend to the NBA's ranks. More than 40% of players drafted into the NBA since 2005 have played in the NBA D-League.
With 26 percent of players boasting NBA D-League experience when the NBA tipped off the 2014-15 campaign in October, the NBA D-League YouTube Channel is the best place to see the future now.
The NBA D-League consists of 18 teams for the 2014-15 season: Austin Spurs, Bakersfield Jam, Canton Charge, Delaware 87ers, Erie BayHawks, Fort Wayne Mad Ants, Grand Rapids Drive, Idaho Stampede, Iowa Energy, Los Angeles D-Fenders, Maine Red Claws, Oklahoma City Blue, Reno Bighorns, Rio Grande Valley Vipers, Sioux Falls Skyforce, Santa Cruz Warriors, Texas Legends and Westchester Knicks.
Subscribe on YouTube:
Visit us on the web: http://www.nba.com/dleague
Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nbadleague
Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/nbadleague
wn.com/Nba D League Canton Charge Santa Cruz Warriors 2015 12 15
The NBA Development League, the NBA's official minor league, is now on YouTube, showing over 400 live games on the NBA D-League YouTube Channel and NBADLeague.com. Fans can get a glimpse at the players, coaches and officials competing to ascend to the NBA's ranks. More than 40% of players drafted into the NBA since 2005 have played in the NBA D-League.
With 26 percent of players boasting NBA D-League experience when the NBA tipped off the 2014-15 campaign in October, the NBA D-League YouTube Channel is the best place to see the future now.
The NBA D-League consists of 18 teams for the 2014-15 season: Austin Spurs, Bakersfield Jam, Canton Charge, Delaware 87ers, Erie BayHawks, Fort Wayne Mad Ants, Grand Rapids Drive, Idaho Stampede, Iowa Energy, Los Angeles D-Fenders, Maine Red Claws, Oklahoma City Blue, Reno Bighorns, Rio Grande Valley Vipers, Sioux Falls Skyforce, Santa Cruz Warriors, Texas Legends and Westchester Knicks.
Subscribe on YouTube:
Visit us on the web: http://www.nba.com/dleague
Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nbadleague
Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/nbadleague
- published: 24 Nov 2015
- views: 0
[Solo Raiding] LEAGUE OF EXPLORERS! - Wing 4, NORMAL!
Oozes & Shadowfiends Merchandise! ►https://www.crowdmade.com/noxious
Came back from Insomnia 56, catching up on Adventures a bit!
G2A Cheap Games ► http://www...
Oozes & Shadowfiends Merchandise! ►https://www.crowdmade.com/noxious
Came back from Insomnia 56, catching up on Adventures a bit!
G2A Cheap Games ► http://www.g2a.com/r/nox0
Subscribe! ► http://bit.ly/1Qg5zq5
Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/NoxiousGLHF/
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/coL_noxious
Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/noxious_hs
wn.com/Solo Raiding League Of Explorers Wing 4, Normal
Oozes & Shadowfiends Merchandise! ►https://www.crowdmade.com/noxious
Came back from Insomnia 56, catching up on Adventures a bit!
G2A Cheap Games ► http://www.g2a.com/r/nox0
Subscribe! ► http://bit.ly/1Qg5zq5
Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/NoxiousGLHF/
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/coL_noxious
Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/noxious_hs
- published: 16 Dec 2015
- views: 10720
CS:GO - Fnatic vs. NaVi [Dust2] - ESL ESEA Pro League Season 2 Finals - Grand Final
It's the Season 2 Finals of ESL ESEA Pro League! The top 8 best teams from Europe and North America compete for their share of a prize pool totaling $250,000!
It's the Season 2 Finals of ESL ESEA Pro League! The top 8 best teams from Europe and North America compete for their share of a prize pool totaling $250,000!
See more Counter-Strike matches here https://www.youtube.com/user/esltv/playlists?view=50&sort;=dd&shelf;_id=62
For more information, visit http://pro.eslgaming.com/csgo/proleague/
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates!
theScore eSports is your destination for full live scoring, stats and news for CS:GO!
Real-time scores, standings, stats and leaders for CS:GO at ESL ESEA Pro League and every major CS:GO league & tournament. Combined with our breaking news and detailed push alerts, theScore eSports has your CS:GO needs covered, along with every other major game, including LOL, Dota, SCII and Hearthstone.
Get it NOW from the App Store and Google Play at http://thesco.re/esportsprolg4
wn.com/Cs Go Fnatic Vs. Navi Dust2 Esl Esea Pro League Season 2 Finals Grand Final
It's the Season 2 Finals of ESL ESEA Pro League! The top 8 best teams from Europe and North America compete for their share of a prize pool totaling $250,000!
See more Counter-Strike matches here https://www.youtube.com/user/esltv/playlists?view=50&sort;=dd&shelf;_id=62
For more information, visit http://pro.eslgaming.com/csgo/proleague/
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates!
theScore eSports is your destination for full live scoring, stats and news for CS:GO!
Real-time scores, standings, stats and leaders for CS:GO at ESL ESEA Pro League and every major CS:GO league & tournament. Combined with our breaking news and detailed push alerts, theScore eSports has your CS:GO needs covered, along with every other major game, including LOL, Dota, SCII and Hearthstone.
Get it NOW from the App Store and Google Play at http://thesco.re/esportsprolg4
- published: 14 Dec 2015
- views: 7298
NBA D-League: Reno Bighorns @ Oklahoma City Blue 2015-12-15
The NBA Development League, the NBA's official minor league, is now on YouTube, showing over 400 live games on the NBA D-League YouTube Channel and NBADLeague.c...
The NBA Development League, the NBA's official minor league, is now on YouTube, showing over 400 live games on the NBA D-League YouTube Channel and NBADLeague.com. Fans can get a glimpse at the players, coaches and officials competing to ascend to the NBA's ranks. More than 40% of players drafted into the NBA since 2005 have played in the NBA D-League.
With 26 percent of players boasting NBA D-League experience when the NBA tipped off the 2014-15 campaign in October, the NBA D-League YouTube Channel is the best place to see the future now.
The NBA D-League consists of 18 teams for the 2014-15 season: Austin Spurs, Bakersfield Jam, Canton Charge, Delaware 87ers, Erie BayHawks, Fort Wayne Mad Ants, Grand Rapids Drive, Idaho Stampede, Iowa Energy, Los Angeles D-Fenders, Maine Red Claws, Oklahoma City Blue, Reno Bighorns, Rio Grande Valley Vipers, Sioux Falls Skyforce, Santa Cruz Warriors, Texas Legends and Westchester Knicks.
Subscribe on YouTube:
Visit us on the web: http://www.nba.com/dleague
Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nbadleague
Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/nbadleague
wn.com/Nba D League Reno Bighorns Oklahoma City Blue 2015 12 15
The NBA Development League, the NBA's official minor league, is now on YouTube, showing over 400 live games on the NBA D-League YouTube Channel and NBADLeague.com. Fans can get a glimpse at the players, coaches and officials competing to ascend to the NBA's ranks. More than 40% of players drafted into the NBA since 2005 have played in the NBA D-League.
With 26 percent of players boasting NBA D-League experience when the NBA tipped off the 2014-15 campaign in October, the NBA D-League YouTube Channel is the best place to see the future now.
The NBA D-League consists of 18 teams for the 2014-15 season: Austin Spurs, Bakersfield Jam, Canton Charge, Delaware 87ers, Erie BayHawks, Fort Wayne Mad Ants, Grand Rapids Drive, Idaho Stampede, Iowa Energy, Los Angeles D-Fenders, Maine Red Claws, Oklahoma City Blue, Reno Bighorns, Rio Grande Valley Vipers, Sioux Falls Skyforce, Santa Cruz Warriors, Texas Legends and Westchester Knicks.
Subscribe on YouTube:
Visit us on the web: http://www.nba.com/dleague
Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nbadleague
Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/nbadleague
- published: 24 Nov 2015
- views: 0
Duo - Flame feat. Rumathra | League of Legends [GER]
Bin wieder mal in Leipzig, deshalb keine Content Super Bombe. Aber dafür ein schönes Braum Gameplay mit Rumathra. Ist recht witzig und wenn ihr wollt, könnt ihr...
Bin wieder mal in Leipzig, deshalb keine Content Super Bombe. Aber dafür ein schönes Braum Gameplay mit Rumathra. Ist recht witzig und wenn ihr wollt, könnt ihr auf die am Ende gestelle Frage eingehen :)
Viel Spaß.
Meine Ausrüstung:
wn.com/Duo Flame Feat. Rumathra | League Of Legends Ger
Bin wieder mal in Leipzig, deshalb keine Content Super Bombe. Aber dafür ein schönes Braum Gameplay mit Rumathra. Ist recht witzig und wenn ihr wollt, könnt ihr auf die am Ende gestelle Frage eingehen :)
Viel Spaß.
Meine Ausrüstung:
- published: 15 Dec 2015
- views: 46450
League of Legends #207 - "Só disto..."
♦Querem ser Babylicious ? Então passem na W33D:
♦Jogos super baratos e com vários métodos de pagamento
♦Querem ser Babylicious ? Então passem na W33D:
♦Jogos super baratos e com vários métodos de pagamento
⇛ https://www.g2a.com/r/babyfac3
⇛Código de 3% desconto: "BabyF"
♦Sigam-me nas redes sociais para estarem sempre atualizados:
⇛ Instababy: https://instagram.com/windbabyface
⇛ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Babyfac_3
♦Mobas épicos:
⇛ Strife: http://tinyurl.com/nqduga4
⇛ League of Legends: http://tinyurl.com/npqjd2e
⇛ Smite: http://tinyurl.com/owgveqb
⇛ Infinite Crisis: http://tinyurl.com/mnbc2pr
♦APP do Canal:
⇛ http://myapp.wips.com/babyfac3-extension
Textura Usada no Minecraft: http://www.mediafire.com/download/96okxql3p0t52gn/My+Friend.7z
wn.com/League Of Legends 207 Só Disto...
♦Querem ser Babylicious ? Então passem na W33D:
♦Jogos super baratos e com vários métodos de pagamento
⇛ https://www.g2a.com/r/babyfac3
⇛Código de 3% desconto: "BabyF"
♦Sigam-me nas redes sociais para estarem sempre atualizados:
⇛ Instababy: https://instagram.com/windbabyface
⇛ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Babyfac_3
♦Mobas épicos:
⇛ Strife: http://tinyurl.com/nqduga4
⇛ League of Legends: http://tinyurl.com/npqjd2e
⇛ Smite: http://tinyurl.com/owgveqb
⇛ Infinite Crisis: http://tinyurl.com/mnbc2pr
♦APP do Canal:
⇛ http://myapp.wips.com/babyfac3-extension
Textura Usada no Minecraft: http://www.mediafire.com/download/96okxql3p0t52gn/My+Friend.7z
- published: 15 Dec 2015
- views: 5996
League of Legends - Duo Skype CONFIA ft SONECA
▁ ▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ ▇ LEIA A DESCRIÇÃO ▇ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ ▁
Canal do Soneca : https://www.youtube.com/user/SonecaaaaGames/featured
► Minhas Runas e Talentos : https://www.youtube...
▁ ▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ ▇ LEIA A DESCRIÇÃO ▇ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ ▁
Canal do Soneca : https://www.youtube.com/user/SonecaaaaGames/featured
► Minhas Runas e Talentos : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0761ht6ibE
► Loja100Regras - Use o cupom ´´eterno´´ e ganhe 5% de desconto
► STREAM Terça , Quinta , Sábado e Domingo as 18:00 Horas - http://www.twitch.tv/lxleternolxl
► Aplicativo do Canal - http://myapp.wips.com/eternolol
► ETERNO LOL Page - https://www.facebook.com/pages/ETerNo-Lol/839065129461315?fref=ts
►Grupo EterNo Lol - https://www.facebook.com/groups/783491658390475/
▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ ▇ PARCEIROS ▇ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ ▁
► Legends Br :
► Esquilo Destruidor : https://www.facebook.com/esquilodestruidor?fref=ts
► LolNews - https://www.facebook.com/lolnews.com.br?fref=ts
► Site LolNews - http://www.lolnews.com.br/
► Lol da Zuera - https://www.facebook.com/LOLdaZuera.oficial
► Este É Alguém - https://www.facebook.com/lolesteealguem
Esse canal é destinado ao jogo League of legends , Espero que gostem dos Videos ,
Intro lalala - A Day to Remember - If It Means A Lot To You
Musica Intro - [Drumstep] - Tristam & Braken - Flight [Monstercat Release]
wn.com/League Of Legends Duo Skype Confia Ft Soneca
▁ ▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ ▇ LEIA A DESCRIÇÃO ▇ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ ▁
Canal do Soneca : https://www.youtube.com/user/SonecaaaaGames/featured
► Minhas Runas e Talentos : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0761ht6ibE
► Loja100Regras - Use o cupom ´´eterno´´ e ganhe 5% de desconto
► STREAM Terça , Quinta , Sábado e Domingo as 18:00 Horas - http://www.twitch.tv/lxleternolxl
► Aplicativo do Canal - http://myapp.wips.com/eternolol
► ETERNO LOL Page - https://www.facebook.com/pages/ETerNo-Lol/839065129461315?fref=ts
►Grupo EterNo Lol - https://www.facebook.com/groups/783491658390475/
▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ ▇ PARCEIROS ▇ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ ▁
► Legends Br :
► Esquilo Destruidor : https://www.facebook.com/esquilodestruidor?fref=ts
► LolNews - https://www.facebook.com/lolnews.com.br?fref=ts
► Site LolNews - http://www.lolnews.com.br/
► Lol da Zuera - https://www.facebook.com/LOLdaZuera.oficial
► Este É Alguém - https://www.facebook.com/lolesteealguem
Esse canal é destinado ao jogo League of legends , Espero que gostem dos Videos ,
Intro lalala - A Day to Remember - If It Means A Lot To You
Musica Intro - [Drumstep] - Tristam & Braken - Flight [Monstercat Release]
- published: 16 Dec 2015
- views: 1782
YOLO LEE - #ABFAHRT 81 - League of Legends
#Abfahrt ist ein Format von mir in welchem Ich ausschließlich League of Legends Solo-Que auf dem Elo Master/Challenger spiele!
I love League of Legends!
#Abfahrt ist ein Format von mir in welchem Ich ausschließlich League of Legends Solo-Que auf dem Elo Master/Challenger spiele!
I love League of Legends!
►Abfahrt Playlist: https://goo.gl/6Y0Fkt
►Musik Playlist: https://goo.gl/yE1Aaj
►Runen: http://goo.gl/GaaCIg
►Masteries: http://goo.gl/OeiqSk
Gear gibt hier! - Der Reim tho:
► PC - http://goo.gl/RjndDH
► Keyboard - http://goo.gl/LD0cla
► Headset - http://goo.gl/XEi0pL
► Mouse - http://goo.gl/u2NSdb
► Mousepad - http://goo.gl/qP8KFp
► 1. Monitor - http://goo.gl/0Ti2qw
► 2. Monitor - http://goo.gl/A6ti8y
► Webcam - http://goo.gl/Kj1BQp
► Videocamera - http://goo.gl/uJL89w
► Vloggingcamera - http://goo.gl/CPYq70
Immer schön aktuell bleiben!
► http://www.facebook.com/NiPkev1n
► http://www.twitch.tv/Kev1nTV
► http://www.twitter.com/Kev1nTV
► http://www.instagram.com/Kev1nTV
wn.com/Yolo Lee Abfahrt 81 League Of Legends
#Abfahrt ist ein Format von mir in welchem Ich ausschließlich League of Legends Solo-Que auf dem Elo Master/Challenger spiele!
I love League of Legends!
►Abfahrt Playlist: https://goo.gl/6Y0Fkt
►Musik Playlist: https://goo.gl/yE1Aaj
►Runen: http://goo.gl/GaaCIg
►Masteries: http://goo.gl/OeiqSk
Gear gibt hier! - Der Reim tho:
► PC - http://goo.gl/RjndDH
► Keyboard - http://goo.gl/LD0cla
► Headset - http://goo.gl/XEi0pL
► Mouse - http://goo.gl/u2NSdb
► Mousepad - http://goo.gl/qP8KFp
► 1. Monitor - http://goo.gl/0Ti2qw
► 2. Monitor - http://goo.gl/A6ti8y
► Webcam - http://goo.gl/Kj1BQp
► Videocamera - http://goo.gl/uJL89w
► Vloggingcamera - http://goo.gl/CPYq70
Immer schön aktuell bleiben!
► http://www.facebook.com/NiPkev1n
► http://www.twitch.tv/Kev1nTV
► http://www.twitter.com/Kev1nTV
► http://www.instagram.com/Kev1nTV
- published: 16 Dec 2015
- views: 2163
League of Legends - Teemo Top - Full Gameplay With Joe
teemo top? betcha didn't see this one comin.
Joe's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/C00LStoryJoe
Playing League of Legends as Teemo
Masteries: 18/12/0
teemo top? betcha didn't see this one comin.
Joe's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/C00LStoryJoe
Playing League of Legends as Teemo
Masteries: 18/12/0
Runes: hybrid pen marks hp seals mr glyphs ap quints
Sign up for Lootcrate: http://www.lootcrate.com/Anklespankin and make sure to use promo code "ANKLE" for 10% off c:
Sign up for league: http://tinyurl.com/ctw2lev
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/youtubeanklespankin
Follow me on Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/anklespankin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Anklespankin
Song used in intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqZ5iLOUOGA (credit to Noisestorm and Monstercat)
wn.com/League Of Legends Teemo Top Full Gameplay With Joe
teemo top? betcha didn't see this one comin.
Joe's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/C00LStoryJoe
Playing League of Legends as Teemo
Masteries: 18/12/0
Runes: hybrid pen marks hp seals mr glyphs ap quints
Sign up for Lootcrate: http://www.lootcrate.com/Anklespankin and make sure to use promo code "ANKLE" for 10% off c:
Sign up for league: http://tinyurl.com/ctw2lev
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/youtubeanklespankin
Follow me on Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/anklespankin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Anklespankin
Song used in intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqZ5iLOUOGA (credit to Noisestorm and Monstercat)
- published: 13 Dec 2015
- views: 9512
A-Z League of Legends: Caitlyn - Walczymy do końca!
DOŁĄCZ DO TEAM'U ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://bit.ly/X9p34i
WPADNIJ NA FACEBOOK ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://on.fb.me/10b5ipi
GRUPA DLA WIDZÓW ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://...
DOŁĄCZ DO TEAM'U ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://bit.ly/X9p34i
WPADNIJ NA FACEBOOK ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://on.fb.me/10b5ipi
GRUPA DLA WIDZÓW ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://facebook.com/groups/krulowie
SNAPCHAT ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) fifinplz
SKLEP ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://flipinski.cupsell.pl/
LIVE STREAM ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://www.twitch.tv/mrflipinski
INSTAGRAM ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://instagram.com/fifinplz/
ASK ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://ask.fm/Flipinski
wn.com/A Z League Of Legends Caitlyn Walczymy Do Końca
DOŁĄCZ DO TEAM'U ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://bit.ly/X9p34i
WPADNIJ NA FACEBOOK ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://on.fb.me/10b5ipi
GRUPA DLA WIDZÓW ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://facebook.com/groups/krulowie
SNAPCHAT ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) fifinplz
SKLEP ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://flipinski.cupsell.pl/
LIVE STREAM ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://www.twitch.tv/mrflipinski
INSTAGRAM ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://instagram.com/fifinplz/
ASK ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://ask.fm/Flipinski
- published: 14 Dec 2015
- views: 16621
League of Legends - Sivir ADC - Full Gameplay Commentary
the charity stream place: http://www.twitch.tv/ikasperr follow this, I will be live with my segment on Monday, dec 14th at 6 am EST
Also season 6 sivir adc vid...
the charity stream place: http://www.twitch.tv/ikasperr follow this, I will be live with my segment on Monday, dec 14th at 6 am EST
Also season 6 sivir adc video.
Playing League of Legends as Sivir
Masteries: 12/18/0
Runes: ad marks AS quints armor seals mr/lvl glyphs
Sign up for Lootcrate: http://www.lootcrate.com/Anklespankin and make sure to use promo code "ANKLE" for 10% off c:
Sign up for league: http://tinyurl.com/ctw2lev
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/youtubeanklespankin
Follow me on Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/anklespankin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Anklespankin
Song used in intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqZ5iLOUOGA (credit to Noisestorm and Monstercat)
wn.com/League Of Legends Sivir Adc Full Gameplay Commentary
the charity stream place: http://www.twitch.tv/ikasperr follow this, I will be live with my segment on Monday, dec 14th at 6 am EST
Also season 6 sivir adc video.
Playing League of Legends as Sivir
Masteries: 12/18/0
Runes: ad marks AS quints armor seals mr/lvl glyphs
Sign up for Lootcrate: http://www.lootcrate.com/Anklespankin and make sure to use promo code "ANKLE" for 10% off c:
Sign up for league: http://tinyurl.com/ctw2lev
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/youtubeanklespankin
Follow me on Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/anklespankin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Anklespankin
Song used in intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqZ5iLOUOGA (credit to Noisestorm and Monstercat)
- published: 13 Dec 2015
- views: 41809
Official Call of Duty® World League - 12/4 North America Qualification Event Live Stream
Watch action from the North America Call of Duty World League Qualification Tournament, as teams compete for one of eight spots in Stage 1 of the Call of Duty: ...
Watch action from the North America Call of Duty World League Qualification Tournament, as teams compete for one of eight spots in Stage 1 of the Call of Duty: World League Pro Division.
Follow us for the latest in Call of Duty eSports:
Web: http://www.callofduty.com/cwl
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CODWorldLeague
wn.com/Official Call Of Duty® World League 12 4 North America Qualification Event Live Stream
Watch action from the North America Call of Duty World League Qualification Tournament, as teams compete for one of eight spots in Stage 1 of the Call of Duty: World League Pro Division.
Follow us for the latest in Call of Duty eSports:
Web: http://www.callofduty.com/cwl
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CODWorldLeague
- published: 01 Dec 2015
- views: 27622
LOVE FOR SQUARE BALLS! (Rocket League Funny Moments)
Rocket League Funny Moments!
► Subscribe: http://goo.gl/RnE9oB
► Jelly Store: http://jellebay.com
My Friends:
Jordi: http://goo.gl/vY6HZP
Josh: http://goo.gl/...
Rocket League Funny Moments!
► Subscribe: http://goo.gl/RnE9oB
► Jelly Store: http://jellebay.com
My Friends:
Jordi: http://goo.gl/vY6HZP
Josh: http://goo.gl/j2Skqs
Pewds: http://youtube.com/pewdiepie
Instagram: https://goo.gl/ulI40S
Twitter: https://goo.gl/Y3xoH1
Facebook: http://goo.gl/k7XeI6
Vlogs: http://goo.gl/YCTW24
wn.com/Love For Square Balls (Rocket League Funny Moments)
Rocket League Funny Moments!
► Subscribe: http://goo.gl/RnE9oB
► Jelly Store: http://jellebay.com
My Friends:
Jordi: http://goo.gl/vY6HZP
Josh: http://goo.gl/j2Skqs
Pewds: http://youtube.com/pewdiepie
Instagram: https://goo.gl/ulI40S
Twitter: https://goo.gl/Y3xoH1
Facebook: http://goo.gl/k7XeI6
Vlogs: http://goo.gl/YCTW24
- published: 12 Dec 2015
- views: 20741
SO MUSSET KNALLEN - #ABFAHRT 80 - League of Legends
#Abfahrt ist ein Format von mir in welchem Ich ausschließlich League of Legends Solo-Que auf dem Elo Master/Challenger spiele!
I love League of Legends!
#Abfahrt ist ein Format von mir in welchem Ich ausschließlich League of Legends Solo-Que auf dem Elo Master/Challenger spiele!
I love League of Legends!
►Abfahrt Playlist: https://goo.gl/6Y0Fkt
►Musik Playlist: https://goo.gl/yE1Aaj
►Runen: http://goo.gl/GaaCIg
►Masteries: http://goo.gl/OeiqSk
Gear gibt hier! - Der Reim tho:
► PC - http://goo.gl/RjndDH
► Keyboard - http://goo.gl/LD0cla
► Headset - http://goo.gl/XEi0pL
► Mouse - http://goo.gl/u2NSdb
► Mousepad - http://goo.gl/qP8KFp
► 1. Monitor - http://goo.gl/0Ti2qw
► 2. Monitor - http://goo.gl/A6ti8y
► Webcam - http://goo.gl/Kj1BQp
► Videocamera - http://goo.gl/uJL89w
► Vloggingcamera - http://goo.gl/CPYq70
Immer schön aktuell bleiben!
► http://www.facebook.com/NiPkev1n
► http://www.twitch.tv/Kev1nTV
► http://www.twitter.com/Kev1nTV
► http://www.instagram.com/Kev1nTV
wn.com/So Musset Knallen Abfahrt 80 League Of Legends
#Abfahrt ist ein Format von mir in welchem Ich ausschließlich League of Legends Solo-Que auf dem Elo Master/Challenger spiele!
I love League of Legends!
►Abfahrt Playlist: https://goo.gl/6Y0Fkt
►Musik Playlist: https://goo.gl/yE1Aaj
►Runen: http://goo.gl/GaaCIg
►Masteries: http://goo.gl/OeiqSk
Gear gibt hier! - Der Reim tho:
► PC - http://goo.gl/RjndDH
► Keyboard - http://goo.gl/LD0cla
► Headset - http://goo.gl/XEi0pL
► Mouse - http://goo.gl/u2NSdb
► Mousepad - http://goo.gl/qP8KFp
► 1. Monitor - http://goo.gl/0Ti2qw
► 2. Monitor - http://goo.gl/A6ti8y
► Webcam - http://goo.gl/Kj1BQp
► Videocamera - http://goo.gl/uJL89w
► Vloggingcamera - http://goo.gl/CPYq70
Immer schön aktuell bleiben!
► http://www.facebook.com/NiPkev1n
► http://www.twitch.tv/Kev1nTV
► http://www.twitter.com/Kev1nTV
► http://www.instagram.com/Kev1nTV
- published: 14 Dec 2015
- views: 20203
CS:GO - EnVyUS vs. NaVi [Dust2] - ESL ESEA Pro League Season 2 Finals - Semifinal
It's the Season 2 Finals of ESL ESEA Pro League! The top 8 best teams from Europe and North America compete for their share of a prize pool totaling $250,000!
It's the Season 2 Finals of ESL ESEA Pro League! The top 8 best teams from Europe and North America compete for their share of a prize pool totaling $250,000!
See more Counter-Strike matches here https://www.youtube.com/user/esltv/playlists?view=50&sort;=dd&shelf;_id=62
For more information, visit http://pro.eslgaming.com/csgo/proleague/
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates!
theScore eSports is your destination for full live scoring, stats and news for CS:GO!
Real-time scores, standings, stats and leaders for CS:GO at ESL ESEA Pro League and every major CS:GO league & tournament. Combined with our breaking news and detailed push alerts, theScore eSports has your CS:GO needs covered, along with every other major game, including LOL, Dota, SCII and Hearthstone.
Get it NOW from the App Store and Google Play at http://thesco.re/esportsprolg4
wn.com/Cs Go Envyus Vs. Navi Dust2 Esl Esea Pro League Season 2 Finals Semifinal
It's the Season 2 Finals of ESL ESEA Pro League! The top 8 best teams from Europe and North America compete for their share of a prize pool totaling $250,000!
See more Counter-Strike matches here https://www.youtube.com/user/esltv/playlists?view=50&sort;=dd&shelf;_id=62
For more information, visit http://pro.eslgaming.com/csgo/proleague/
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates!
theScore eSports is your destination for full live scoring, stats and news for CS:GO!
Real-time scores, standings, stats and leaders for CS:GO at ESL ESEA Pro League and every major CS:GO league & tournament. Combined with our breaking news and detailed push alerts, theScore eSports has your CS:GO needs covered, along with every other major game, including LOL, Dota, SCII and Hearthstone.
Get it NOW from the App Store and Google Play at http://thesco.re/esportsprolg4
- published: 13 Dec 2015
- views: 6527