Category Theory: The Beginner’s Introduction (Lesson 1 Video 1)
Lesson 1 is concerned with defining the category of Abstract Sets and Arbitrary Mappings. We also define our first Limit and Co-Limit: The Terminal Object, and the Initial Object.
Other topics discussed include Duality and the Opposite (or Mirror) Category.
These videos will be discussed in the Facebook group: http://is.gd/SJlp7I
Martin Codrington
Category Theory: The Beginner’s Introduction (Lesson 1 Video 2)
Lesson 1 is concerned with defining the category of Abstract Sets and Arbitrary Mappings. We also define our first Limit and Co-Limit: The Terminal Object, and the Initial Object.
Other topics discussed include Duality and the Opposite (or Mirror) Category.
Follow me on Twitter: @mjmcodrington
g+: google.com/+MJMCodrington
The Facebook Group is: http://is.gd/SJlp7I
Martin Codrington
Category Theory by Tom LaGatta
Read more information here: http://www.hakkalabs.co/articles/mathematics-lectures-for-software-engineers-category-theory-by-tom-lagatta Filmed at the March 1...
Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 1
Steve Awodey - Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 1, Oregon Programming Languages Summer School 2012, University of Oregon
Homework excercises are available here: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/awodey/SummerSchool/HW/
Topics covered in this lecture:
Definition of a category
Examples of categories (Set, Pos, Mon, Cat, others...)
Constructions (functors, product categories, arrow ca
Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 2
Steve Awodey - Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 2, Oregon Programming Languages Summer School 2012, University of Oregon
Homework excercises are available here: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/awodey/SummerSchool/HW/
Topics covered in this lecture:
Universal Mapping Property
Products, Coproducts (Examples: in Set, poset-categories)
Exponentials (Examples: in Set, Pos)
Cartesian Closed Categor
Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 3
Steve Awodey - Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 3, Oregon Programming Languages Summer School 2012, University of Oregon
Homework excercises are available here: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/awodey/SummerSchool/HW/
Topics covered in this lecture:
Functor categories, presheaves (arrow categories, product categories, graphs)
Hom functors, Yoneda embedding, Yoneda lemma
Proofs using
Category Theory Lulz - Ken Scambler
Why do functional programmers talk about Category Theory so much? What could this horrifyingly abstract branch of maths have to offer the rest of us?
Ken will answer these questions and more, explaining the basic terminology and concepts of Category Theory, and how it exposes deep underlying patterns in our software.
No prior knowledge required!
2015-09 Category Theory in Functional Programming
The main talk starts at 10:16
This month, Angelo Genovese will introduce a few of the structures in functional programming that came out of category theory and show that they can be implemented in Java. He will also introduce coffee-cats, the port of the Scala cats library that he is working on.
Category theory: a framework for reasoning
Category Theory, The essence of interface-based design - Erik Meijer
Category Theory is the Mathematicians' interpretation of interface-based design, so whenever you hack together a new API in your favourite OO language, it is always a smart idea to ask the question x -LT "What would x do?" applied to the Category Theorist that worked on your same problem already decades ago. Since lambda expressions are the new hot topic all across programming language land these
Introduction to Category Theory 1
Lectures on elementary category theory: part 1
John Bender: Faster JavaScript with Category Theory
Math: It's certainly not something you expect to see at a conference about JavaScript, but even this far from its ivory towers it has an important role to pl...
PNWS 2014 - What every (Scala) programmer should know about category theory
By, Gabriel Claramunt
Aren't you tired of just nodding along when your friends starts talking about morphisms? Do you feel left out when your coworkers discuss a coproduct endofunctor? From the dark corners of mathematics to a programming language near you, category theory offers a compact but powerful set of tools to build and reason about programs. What's a category? What's a functor? This talk
Category Theory - Dr Richard Garner - Macquarie University
http://www.mq.edu.au/ Dr Garner's research is in the mathematical discipline of category theory. Category theory seeks to understand the forms of high-level ...
Field of Rationality and Category Theory, Michał Heller
The field of rationality idea was put forward by Joseph Życiński as a context in which the questions: "How do mathematical objects exist?" and "Why is mathematics so effective in the physical sciences?" could be better understood. The idea never went beyond its seminal stage. In the present study I try to make it less fuzzy by relating it to the ontologically interpreted category theory, where "on
funconf: James Earl Douglas, Hands-On Category Theory
James explores category theory concepts in Scala REPL.
Dominic Verity on Category Theory (Part 2)
Talk at Functional Programming Sydney given on Thursday, 16 June 2011 Part 1 of the talk can be found at - http://vimeo.com/17207564.
PiTP 2015 - "Category Theory and the Kitaev 16 Fold Way" - Bogdan Bernevig
FilMat - Brice Halimi "Category Theory and Set Theory"
First international conference of the Italian Network for the Philosophy of Mathematics - FilMat
May, 29-31 2014
Philosophy of mathematics: objectivity, cognition, and proof
Category theory for JavaScript programmers #5: the "Maybe" functor
Category theory for JavaScript programmers #24: monoidal functors
Category theory for JavaScript programmers #28: algebras and control flow
A new writers blog - Episode 7 - Conceptual Metaphors, Category Theory, Mathematics, and Fiction
Category Theory: The Beginner’s Introduction (Lesson 1 Video 1)
Lesson 1 is concerned with defining the category of Abstract Sets and Arbitrary Mappings. We also define our first Limit and Co-Limit: The Terminal Object, and ...
Lesson 1 is concerned with defining the category of Abstract Sets and Arbitrary Mappings. We also define our first Limit and Co-Limit: The Terminal Object, and the Initial Object.
Other topics discussed include Duality and the Opposite (or Mirror) Category.
These videos will be discussed in the Facebook group: http://is.gd/SJlp7I
Martin Codrington
wn.com/Category Theory The Beginner’S Introduction (Lesson 1 Video 1)
Lesson 1 is concerned with defining the category of Abstract Sets and Arbitrary Mappings. We also define our first Limit and Co-Limit: The Terminal Object, and the Initial Object.
Other topics discussed include Duality and the Opposite (or Mirror) Category.
These videos will be discussed in the Facebook group: http://is.gd/SJlp7I
Martin Codrington
- published: 14 Jun 2015
- views: 232
Category Theory: The Beginner’s Introduction (Lesson 1 Video 2)
Lesson 1 is concerned with defining the category of Abstract Sets and Arbitrary Mappings. We also define our first Limit and Co-Limit: The Terminal Object, and ...
Lesson 1 is concerned with defining the category of Abstract Sets and Arbitrary Mappings. We also define our first Limit and Co-Limit: The Terminal Object, and the Initial Object.
Other topics discussed include Duality and the Opposite (or Mirror) Category.
Follow me on Twitter: @mjmcodrington
g+: google.com/+MJMCodrington
The Facebook Group is: http://is.gd/SJlp7I
Martin Codrington
wn.com/Category Theory The Beginner’S Introduction (Lesson 1 Video 2)
Lesson 1 is concerned with defining the category of Abstract Sets and Arbitrary Mappings. We also define our first Limit and Co-Limit: The Terminal Object, and the Initial Object.
Other topics discussed include Duality and the Opposite (or Mirror) Category.
Follow me on Twitter: @mjmcodrington
g+: google.com/+MJMCodrington
The Facebook Group is: http://is.gd/SJlp7I
Martin Codrington
- published: 14 Jun 2015
- views: 101
Category Theory by Tom LaGatta
Read more information here: http://www.hakkalabs.co/articles/mathematics-lectures-for-software-engineers-category-theory-by-tom-lagatta Filmed at the March 1......
Read more information here: http://www.hakkalabs.co/articles/mathematics-lectures-for-software-engineers-category-theory-by-tom-lagatta Filmed at the March 1...
wn.com/Category Theory By Tom Lagatta
Read more information here: http://www.hakkalabs.co/articles/mathematics-lectures-for-software-engineers-category-theory-by-tom-lagatta Filmed at the March 1...
- published: 02 Apr 2014
- views: 6070
author: Hakka Labs
Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 1
Steve Awodey - Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 1, Oregon Programming Languages Summer School 2012, University of Oregon
Homework excercises are available ...
Steve Awodey - Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 1, Oregon Programming Languages Summer School 2012, University of Oregon
Homework excercises are available here: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/awodey/SummerSchool/HW/
Topics covered in this lecture:
Definition of a category
Examples of categories (Set, Pos, Mon, Cat, others...)
Constructions (functors, product categories, arrow categories, slice categories)
Duality (opposite category, co- vs contravariant functors)
Examples of duality (functors into exponentials, representable functors)
For more info about the summer school please visit http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/summerschool/summer12/
wn.com/Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 1
Steve Awodey - Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 1, Oregon Programming Languages Summer School 2012, University of Oregon
Homework excercises are available here: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/awodey/SummerSchool/HW/
Topics covered in this lecture:
Definition of a category
Examples of categories (Set, Pos, Mon, Cat, others...)
Constructions (functors, product categories, arrow categories, slice categories)
Duality (opposite category, co- vs contravariant functors)
Examples of duality (functors into exponentials, representable functors)
For more info about the summer school please visit http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/summerschool/summer12/
- published: 22 Nov 2013
- views: 21402
Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 2
Steve Awodey - Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 2, Oregon Programming Languages Summer School 2012, University of Oregon
Homework excercises are available ...
Steve Awodey - Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 2, Oregon Programming Languages Summer School 2012, University of Oregon
Homework excercises are available here: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/awodey/SummerSchool/HW/
Topics covered in this lecture:
Universal Mapping Property
Products, Coproducts (Examples: in Set, poset-categories)
Exponentials (Examples: in Set, Pos)
Cartesian Closed Categories (lambda calculus, CCC-completeness)
For more info about the summer school please visit http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/summerschool/summer12/
wn.com/Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 2
Steve Awodey - Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 2, Oregon Programming Languages Summer School 2012, University of Oregon
Homework excercises are available here: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/awodey/SummerSchool/HW/
Topics covered in this lecture:
Universal Mapping Property
Products, Coproducts (Examples: in Set, poset-categories)
Exponentials (Examples: in Set, Pos)
Cartesian Closed Categories (lambda calculus, CCC-completeness)
For more info about the summer school please visit http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/summerschool/summer12/
- published: 22 Nov 2013
- views: 5172
Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 3
Steve Awodey - Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 3, Oregon Programming Languages Summer School 2012, University of Oregon
Homework excercises are available ...
Steve Awodey - Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 3, Oregon Programming Languages Summer School 2012, University of Oregon
Homework excercises are available here: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/awodey/SummerSchool/HW/
Topics covered in this lecture:
Functor categories, presheaves (arrow categories, product categories, graphs)
Hom functors, Yoneda embedding, Yoneda lemma
Proofs using the Yoneda lemma
For more info about the summer school please visit http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/summerschool/summer12/
wn.com/Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 3
Steve Awodey - Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 3, Oregon Programming Languages Summer School 2012, University of Oregon
Homework excercises are available here: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/awodey/SummerSchool/HW/
Topics covered in this lecture:
Functor categories, presheaves (arrow categories, product categories, graphs)
Hom functors, Yoneda embedding, Yoneda lemma
Proofs using the Yoneda lemma
For more info about the summer school please visit http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/summerschool/summer12/
- published: 22 Nov 2013
- views: 2803
Category Theory Lulz - Ken Scambler
Why do functional programmers talk about Category Theory so much? What could this horrifyingly abstract branch of maths have to offer the rest of us?
Ken wi...
Why do functional programmers talk about Category Theory so much? What could this horrifyingly abstract branch of maths have to offer the rest of us?
Ken will answer these questions and more, explaining the basic terminology and concepts of Category Theory, and how it exposes deep underlying patterns in our software.
No prior knowledge required!
wn.com/Category Theory Lulz Ken Scambler
Why do functional programmers talk about Category Theory so much? What could this horrifyingly abstract branch of maths have to offer the rest of us?
Ken will answer these questions and more, explaining the basic terminology and concepts of Category Theory, and how it exposes deep underlying patterns in our software.
No prior knowledge required!
- published: 07 May 2015
- views: 11
2015-09 Category Theory in Functional Programming
The main talk starts at 10:16
This month, Angelo Genovese will introduce a few of the structures in functional programming that came out of category theory and...
The main talk starts at 10:16
This month, Angelo Genovese will introduce a few of the structures in functional programming that came out of category theory and show that they can be implemented in Java. He will also introduce coffee-cats, the port of the Scala cats library that he is working on.
wn.com/2015 09 Category Theory In Functional Programming
The main talk starts at 10:16
This month, Angelo Genovese will introduce a few of the structures in functional programming that came out of category theory and show that they can be implemented in Java. He will also introduce coffee-cats, the port of the Scala cats library that he is working on.
- published: 25 Sep 2015
- views: 78
Category Theory, The essence of interface-based design - Erik Meijer
Category Theory is the Mathematicians' interpretation of interface-based design, so whenever you hack together a new API in your favourite OO language, it is al...
Category Theory is the Mathematicians' interpretation of interface-based design, so whenever you hack together a new API in your favourite OO language, it is always a smart idea to ask the question x -LT "What would x do?" applied to the Category Theorist that worked on your same problem already decades ago. Since lambda expressions are the new hot topic all across programming language land these days, we will invoke our question of conscience with "Joachim Lambek" and learn that Java 8 lambdas and method references are simply a Cartesian Closed Category, proving yet again that interfaces are the OO developers' interpretation of Category Theory.
wn.com/Category Theory, The Essence Of Interface Based Design Erik Meijer
Category Theory is the Mathematicians' interpretation of interface-based design, so whenever you hack together a new API in your favourite OO language, it is always a smart idea to ask the question x -LT "What would x do?" applied to the Category Theorist that worked on your same problem already decades ago. Since lambda expressions are the new hot topic all across programming language land these days, we will invoke our question of conscience with "Joachim Lambek" and learn that Java 8 lambdas and method references are simply a Cartesian Closed Category, proving yet again that interfaces are the OO developers' interpretation of Category Theory.
- published: 10 Sep 2015
- views: 234
Introduction to Category Theory 1
Lectures on elementary category theory: part 1...
Lectures on elementary category theory: part 1
wn.com/Introduction To Category Theory 1
Lectures on elementary category theory: part 1
- published: 27 Sep 2015
- views: 3
John Bender: Faster JavaScript with Category Theory
Math: It's certainly not something you expect to see at a conference about JavaScript, but even this far from its ivory towers it has an important role to pl......
Math: It's certainly not something you expect to see at a conference about JavaScript, but even this far from its ivory towers it has an important role to pl...
wn.com/John Bender Faster Javascript With Category Theory
Math: It's certainly not something you expect to see at a conference about JavaScript, but even this far from its ivory towers it has an important role to pl...
- published: 16 Nov 2012
- views: 2914
author: JSConf
PNWS 2014 - What every (Scala) programmer should know about category theory
By, Gabriel Claramunt
Aren't you tired of just nodding along when your friends starts talking about morphisms? Do you feel left out when your coworkers discuss...
By, Gabriel Claramunt
Aren't you tired of just nodding along when your friends starts talking about morphisms? Do you feel left out when your coworkers discuss a coproduct endofunctor? From the dark corners of mathematics to a programming language near you, category theory offers a compact but powerful set of tools to build and reason about programs. What's a category? What's a functor? This talks aims to present the basic concepts and why they matter to everyday coding.
Next time, you too can be the soul of the party and impress your friends with category theory!*
*(results may vary)
Help us caption & translate this video!
wn.com/Pnws 2014 What Every (Scala) Programmer Should Know About Category Theory
By, Gabriel Claramunt
Aren't you tired of just nodding along when your friends starts talking about morphisms? Do you feel left out when your coworkers discuss a coproduct endofunctor? From the dark corners of mathematics to a programming language near you, category theory offers a compact but powerful set of tools to build and reason about programs. What's a category? What's a functor? This talks aims to present the basic concepts and why they matter to everyday coding.
Next time, you too can be the soul of the party and impress your friends with category theory!*
*(results may vary)
Help us caption & translate this video!
- published: 15 Dec 2014
- views: 113
Category Theory - Dr Richard Garner - Macquarie University
http://www.mq.edu.au/ Dr Garner's research is in the mathematical discipline of category theory. Category theory seeks to understand the forms of high-level ......
http://www.mq.edu.au/ Dr Garner's research is in the mathematical discipline of category theory. Category theory seeks to understand the forms of high-level ...
wn.com/Category Theory Dr Richard Garner Macquarie University
http://www.mq.edu.au/ Dr Garner's research is in the mathematical discipline of category theory. Category theory seeks to understand the forms of high-level ...
Field of Rationality and Category Theory, Michał Heller
The field of rationality idea was put forward by Joseph Życiński as a context in which the questions: "How do mathematical objects exist?" and "Why is mathemati...
The field of rationality idea was put forward by Joseph Życiński as a context in which the questions: "How do mathematical objects exist?" and "Why is mathematics so effective in the physical sciences?" could be better understood. The idea never went beyond its seminal stage. In the present study I try to make it less fuzzy by relating it to the ontologically interpreted category theory, where "ontological interpretation" should be understood "in the sense of Quine". Roughly speaking, the ontology in the sense of Quine does not aspire to establish what does exist, but rather what a given theory or doctrine assumes there exists. To construct such an ontology, one should paraphrase a given doctrine into the first order logical calculus and look for those variables that are bound by the existential quantifiers. Only those entities that correspond to such variables are postulated to exist. However, in principle each topos has its own "internal logic". Consequently, we should apply Quine's program to each such category individually (by employing its own internal logic), and speak about the ontology in the sense of Quine characteristic for a given category in terms of a given logical calculus (if Quine's program is realisable in this logic). However, the Quine ontological program does not directly refer to the internal logic of a given theory, but rather to the logic with the help of which we are interpreting this theory (the external or meta-logic), and this is expected to be the standard classical logic. This is also the case with respect to category theory. When developing this theory, for instance by proving theorems, we are using standard logical laws of inference. This is why we seem entitled to ontologically interpret category theory strictly following Quine's recipe (i.e. with the help of the first order logical calculus), but we should be aware that this could be conditioned by the fact that our brain is a macroscopic object embedded into the world having the ontology characteristic for the category of sets. Having these caveats in mind I sketch "ontological commitments" of category theory and briefly signal some underlying philosophical problems.
This talk was delivered during the conference “The Limits of Physics and Cosmology” organized by Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies.
There exist various kinds of limits which are inherent in cosmological research and physics.
The most conspicuous one is connected with scientific method itself. It manifests itself during attempts to construct (or discover) suitable mathematical structures to model the physical world. However, this limit may be even more profound. Over the past 300 years we have become accustomed to the mathematical and empirical method which has proven to be uncannily successful in describing the enclosing universe. But is there a fundamental limit to the method itself which is intrinsic to the structure of the world?
Another group of limits which are more connected to ourselves – as human beings – are conceptual ones. The two monumental theories of physics of the 20th century – General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics - are incompatible and this inconsistency is not only on the mathematical level, but also on the conceptual. Usually scientists believe that the reconciliation between the relativist and quantum realms is possible. But is there a conceptual limit within ourselves as elements of the world?
wn.com/Field Of Rationality And Category Theory, Michał Heller
The field of rationality idea was put forward by Joseph Życiński as a context in which the questions: "How do mathematical objects exist?" and "Why is mathematics so effective in the physical sciences?" could be better understood. The idea never went beyond its seminal stage. In the present study I try to make it less fuzzy by relating it to the ontologically interpreted category theory, where "ontological interpretation" should be understood "in the sense of Quine". Roughly speaking, the ontology in the sense of Quine does not aspire to establish what does exist, but rather what a given theory or doctrine assumes there exists. To construct such an ontology, one should paraphrase a given doctrine into the first order logical calculus and look for those variables that are bound by the existential quantifiers. Only those entities that correspond to such variables are postulated to exist. However, in principle each topos has its own "internal logic". Consequently, we should apply Quine's program to each such category individually (by employing its own internal logic), and speak about the ontology in the sense of Quine characteristic for a given category in terms of a given logical calculus (if Quine's program is realisable in this logic). However, the Quine ontological program does not directly refer to the internal logic of a given theory, but rather to the logic with the help of which we are interpreting this theory (the external or meta-logic), and this is expected to be the standard classical logic. This is also the case with respect to category theory. When developing this theory, for instance by proving theorems, we are using standard logical laws of inference. This is why we seem entitled to ontologically interpret category theory strictly following Quine's recipe (i.e. with the help of the first order logical calculus), but we should be aware that this could be conditioned by the fact that our brain is a macroscopic object embedded into the world having the ontology characteristic for the category of sets. Having these caveats in mind I sketch "ontological commitments" of category theory and briefly signal some underlying philosophical problems.
This talk was delivered during the conference “The Limits of Physics and Cosmology” organized by Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies.
There exist various kinds of limits which are inherent in cosmological research and physics.
The most conspicuous one is connected with scientific method itself. It manifests itself during attempts to construct (or discover) suitable mathematical structures to model the physical world. However, this limit may be even more profound. Over the past 300 years we have become accustomed to the mathematical and empirical method which has proven to be uncannily successful in describing the enclosing universe. But is there a fundamental limit to the method itself which is intrinsic to the structure of the world?
Another group of limits which are more connected to ourselves – as human beings – are conceptual ones. The two monumental theories of physics of the 20th century – General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics - are incompatible and this inconsistency is not only on the mathematical level, but also on the conceptual. Usually scientists believe that the reconciliation between the relativist and quantum realms is possible. But is there a conceptual limit within ourselves as elements of the world?
- published: 04 May 2015
- views: 1
Dominic Verity on Category Theory (Part 2)
Talk at Functional Programming Sydney given on Thursday, 16 June 2011 Part 1 of the talk can be found at - http://vimeo.com/17207564....
Talk at Functional Programming Sydney given on Thursday, 16 June 2011 Part 1 of the talk can be found at - http://vimeo.com/17207564.
wn.com/Dominic Verity On Category Theory (Part 2)
Talk at Functional Programming Sydney given on Thursday, 16 June 2011 Part 1 of the talk can be found at - http://vimeo.com/17207564.
FilMat - Brice Halimi "Category Theory and Set Theory"
First international conference of the Italian Network for the Philosophy of Mathematics - FilMat
May, 29-31 2014
Philosophy of mathematics: objectivity, cognit...
First international conference of the Italian Network for the Philosophy of Mathematics - FilMat
May, 29-31 2014
Philosophy of mathematics: objectivity, cognition, and proof
wn.com/Filmat Brice Halimi Category Theory And Set Theory
First international conference of the Italian Network for the Philosophy of Mathematics - FilMat
May, 29-31 2014
Philosophy of mathematics: objectivity, cognition, and proof
- published: 15 Jul 2014
- views: 5