Maribor, Slovenia
Motion, Pict. 2011 - I feel SloveNIA The city and the scenic road to Maribor. European Capital of Culture in 2012. Drava river, Old Town, Town Hall, Old Brid...
Maribor z oblakov - Maribor from Above
Podjetje Soundbiro predstavlja svoj prvi Qmovie promo film, kjer se predstavi različne tehnike snemanja iz zraka in različne tehnike v post produkciji. Brand Qmovie je nastal iz entuziazma in želje po kvalitetnih posnetkih za lastno uporabo in promocijo podjetja Soundbiro.
The company Soundbiro introduces its first Qmovie film where several video recording and post-production techniques are being
5.11.2014, Maribor, stadion Ljudski vrt. UEFA Champions League, skupina G, četrti krog. 12.650 gledalcev. Glavni sodnik: Daniele Orsato.
Strelca: 1:0 Ibraimi (50.), 1:1 Matić (74.)
Pranks in Maribor City!
WATCHING AVAIBLE ONLY ON COMPUTERS!Couple of different pranks, social experiments. We are not pro, and we know that! Made with friends for fun. We had a great time!
NK Maribor 4 - 1 Zeljeznicar 18/7/2012 Champions League
Gledaj preko165 ex YU Tv kanal uzivo, bez satelitske opreme ili kablovske! Ne propusti vise ni jednu utakmicu, film ili seriju! Sve sto je potrebno je intern...
MOJ MARIBOR - Vinko Šimek in Edvin Fliser /pomlad 1986 Umatic/
Pesem totemu našemu, takrat veliko prijaznejšemu in zagnanemu mestu, sta odo odpela v enem delovnem dnevu od Mestnega vrha do Glavnega trga pa od Piramide do...
19.9.2015 Zavrč, športni park. Prva Liga Telekom Slovenije, 10. krog. 1800 gledalcev. Glavni sodnik: Rade Obrenović (Ljubljana).
Strelci: 1:0 Šuler (37, avtogol), 1:1 Bohar (76), 2:1 Kabha (86, avtogol)
31.10.2015 Maribor, stadion Ljudski vrt. Prva Liga Telekom Slovenije, 16. krog. 3000 gledalcev. Glavni sodnik: Damir Skomina (Koper).
Strelci: 0:1 Trifković (2), 1:1 Ibraimi (4), 2:1 Bajde (30), 3:1 Tavares (38), 4:1 Tavares (39), 5:1 Filipović (45), 6:1 Sallalich (50), 7:1 Mendy (89).
Schalke - NK Maribor -- Slowenischer Support
Das 1:1 zwischen Schalke 04 und NK Maribor im zweiten Gruppenspiel der Champions-League-Saison 2014/15 sahen 49.997 Fans in der Veltins Arena Gelsenkirchen. Darunter waren etwa 1300 Gästefans, die einen ordentlichen Support ablieferten, aber das Tor zum 1:0 mit Pyro feierten. Dabei fackelten sie fast ihre eigene Zaunfahne ab. So sah das aus. (Mehr zum Spiel und zu Schalke im Blog: http://schalkewe
Kao mali učen sam -Maribor 2006
u jednoj ex republici jedne godine novog milenijuma...
Pohod Viol na stadion -MARIBOR-olimpija,mi smo MARIBOR
neuradni posnetek pohoda Mariborskih navijačev na misiji 14.-sta zvezdica proti olimpički 16.8.2015
14. krog: Celje - Maribor / GOL Agim Ibraimi
Pharrell Williams - HAPPY MARIBOR (Slovenia)
The project which connected a town. Shot in 3 days, on 31 locations and around 1000 people danced to one choreography on the main square of the town, on the ...
16.8.2015 Maribor, stadion Ljudski vrt. PrvaLiga Telekom Slovenije, 6. krog. 10.000 gledalcev. Glavni sodnik: Damir Skomina (Koper).
Strelca: 0:1 Henty (4), 0:2 Henty (26), 0:3 Šporar (90)
Het mirakel van Maribor
Beelden van sporza Club Brugge wint zijn 250ste Europese match na een fantastische terugkeer van een 3-0 achterstand naar een 3-4 voorsprong, op het veld van...
16. krog: Maribor - Rudar 7:1, Prva liga Telekom Slovenije 2015/16
Medieval Mayhem- [Maribor, Slovenia]
Family time in Maribor, Slovenia. Plus a visit to the the medieval Predjama Castle in a Cave, and the Oldest Vine in the World. Read more at: http://www.heyn...
maribor himna
maribor himna.
NK Maribor B - NK Radlje
Vrhunci tekme Maribor - Olimpija
6. krog Prve lige Telekom Slovenije, 16.08.2015
-Vrhunci tekme Maribor - Olimpija
-Ante Šimundža odstopil z mesta trenerja Maribora
-Športni direktor Zlatko Zahović komentira odstop Anteja Šimundže
MARIBOR, Eslovenia / MARBURG Slovenia / Turismo tourism travel tour visit Estiria Mariborsko Pohorje
Turismo por Eslovenia / Slovenia Travel
Maribor, la segunda ciudad de Eslovenia, será Capital Europea de la Cultura 2012. La capital de la regiónde la Baja Estiria cuenta con lugares turísticos importantes en la plaza Mayor, donde está el Ayuntamiento y la columna de la peste, y la plaza de la Libertad, donde están la iglesia franciscana, la bodega Vinag (la más antigua d
Slovenska mladinska liga: NK Maribor - NK Aluminij
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/futbolconkarma
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First HalfMaribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015,
Maribor, Slovenia
Motion, Pict. 2011 - I feel SloveNIA The city and the scenic road to Maribor. European Capital of Culture in 2012. Drava river, Old Town, Town Hall, Old Brid......
Motion, Pict. 2011 - I feel SloveNIA The city and the scenic road to Maribor. European Capital of Culture in 2012. Drava river, Old Town, Town Hall, Old Brid...
wn.com/Maribor, Slovenia
Motion, Pict. 2011 - I feel SloveNIA The city and the scenic road to Maribor. European Capital of Culture in 2012. Drava river, Old Town, Town Hall, Old Brid...
- published: 19 Mar 2012
- views: 21270
author: kidaimon
Maribor z oblakov - Maribor from Above
Podjetje Soundbiro predstavlja svoj prvi Qmovie promo film, kjer se predstavi različne tehnike snemanja iz zraka in različne tehnike v post produkciji. Brand Qm...
Podjetje Soundbiro predstavlja svoj prvi Qmovie promo film, kjer se predstavi različne tehnike snemanja iz zraka in različne tehnike v post produkciji. Brand Qmovie je nastal iz entuziazma in želje po kvalitetnih posnetkih za lastno uporabo in promocijo podjetja Soundbiro.
The company Soundbiro introduces its first Qmovie film where several video recording and post-production techniques are being presented. The Qmovie brand is a result of enthusiasm and the search for quality video material for Soundbiro's internal use and self-promotion.
Music: Tim Mcmorris
wn.com/Maribor Z Oblakov Maribor From Above
Podjetje Soundbiro predstavlja svoj prvi Qmovie promo film, kjer se predstavi različne tehnike snemanja iz zraka in različne tehnike v post produkciji. Brand Qmovie je nastal iz entuziazma in želje po kvalitetnih posnetkih za lastno uporabo in promocijo podjetja Soundbiro.
The company Soundbiro introduces its first Qmovie film where several video recording and post-production techniques are being presented. The Qmovie brand is a result of enthusiasm and the search for quality video material for Soundbiro's internal use and self-promotion.
Music: Tim Mcmorris
- published: 03 Aug 2014
- views: 0
5.11.2014, Maribor, stadion Ljudski vrt. UEFA Champions League, skupina G, četrti krog. 12.650 gledalcev. Glavni sodnik: Daniele Orsato.
5.11.2014, Maribor, stadion Ljudski vrt. UEFA Champions League, skupina G, četrti krog. 12.650 gledalcev. Glavni sodnik: Daniele Orsato.
Strelca: 1:0 Ibraimi (50.), 1:1 Matić (74.)
wn.com/Nk Maribor Chelsea Fc
5.11.2014, Maribor, stadion Ljudski vrt. UEFA Champions League, skupina G, četrti krog. 12.650 gledalcev. Glavni sodnik: Daniele Orsato.
Strelca: 1:0 Ibraimi (50.), 1:1 Matić (74.)
- published: 07 Nov 2014
- views: 2447
Pranks in Maribor City!
WATCHING AVAIBLE ONLY ON COMPUTERS!Couple of different pranks, social experiments. We are not pro, and we know that! Made with friends for fun. We had a great t...
WATCHING AVAIBLE ONLY ON COMPUTERS!Couple of different pranks, social experiments. We are not pro, and we know that! Made with friends for fun. We had a great time!
wn.com/Pranks In Maribor City
WATCHING AVAIBLE ONLY ON COMPUTERS!Couple of different pranks, social experiments. We are not pro, and we know that! Made with friends for fun. We had a great time!
- published: 17 Nov 2014
- views: 6909
NK Maribor 4 - 1 Zeljeznicar 18/7/2012 Champions League
Gledaj preko165 ex YU Tv kanal uzivo, bez satelitske opreme ili kablovske! Ne propusti vise ni jednu utakmicu, film ili seriju! Sve sto je potrebno je intern......
Gledaj preko165 ex YU Tv kanal uzivo, bez satelitske opreme ili kablovske! Ne propusti vise ni jednu utakmicu, film ili seriju! Sve sto je potrebno je intern...
wn.com/Nk Maribor 4 1 Zeljeznicar 18 7 2012 Champions League
Gledaj preko165 ex YU Tv kanal uzivo, bez satelitske opreme ili kablovske! Ne propusti vise ni jednu utakmicu, film ili seriju! Sve sto je potrebno je intern...
MOJ MARIBOR - Vinko Šimek in Edvin Fliser /pomlad 1986 Umatic/
Pesem totemu našemu, takrat veliko prijaznejšemu in zagnanemu mestu, sta odo odpela v enem delovnem dnevu od Mestnega vrha do Glavnega trga pa od Piramide do......
Pesem totemu našemu, takrat veliko prijaznejšemu in zagnanemu mestu, sta odo odpela v enem delovnem dnevu od Mestnega vrha do Glavnega trga pa od Piramide do...
wn.com/Moj Maribor Vinko Šimek In Edvin Fliser Pomlad 1986 Umatic
Pesem totemu našemu, takrat veliko prijaznejšemu in zagnanemu mestu, sta odo odpela v enem delovnem dnevu od Mestnega vrha do Glavnega trga pa od Piramide do...
- published: 12 Sep 2009
- views: 19190
author: totibastard
19.9.2015 Zavrč, športni park. Prva Liga Telekom Slovenije, 10. krog. 1800 gledalcev. Glavni sodnik: Rade Obrenović (Ljubljana).
NK ZAVRČ - NK MARIBOR 2:1 (1:0...
19.9.2015 Zavrč, športni park. Prva Liga Telekom Slovenije, 10. krog. 1800 gledalcev. Glavni sodnik: Rade Obrenović (Ljubljana).
Strelci: 1:0 Šuler (37, avtogol), 1:1 Bohar (76), 2:1 Kabha (86, avtogol)
wn.com/Nk Zavrč Nk Maribor
19.9.2015 Zavrč, športni park. Prva Liga Telekom Slovenije, 10. krog. 1800 gledalcev. Glavni sodnik: Rade Obrenović (Ljubljana).
Strelci: 1:0 Šuler (37, avtogol), 1:1 Bohar (76), 2:1 Kabha (86, avtogol)
- published: 20 Sep 2015
- views: 7927
31.10.2015 Maribor, stadion Ljudski vrt. Prva Liga Telekom Slovenije, 16. krog. 3000 gledalcev. Glavni sodnik: Damir Skomina (Koper).
31.10.2015 Maribor, stadion Ljudski vrt. Prva Liga Telekom Slovenije, 16. krog. 3000 gledalcev. Glavni sodnik: Damir Skomina (Koper).
Strelci: 0:1 Trifković (2), 1:1 Ibraimi (4), 2:1 Bajde (30), 3:1 Tavares (38), 4:1 Tavares (39), 5:1 Filipović (45), 6:1 Sallalich (50), 7:1 Mendy (89).
wn.com/Nk Maribor Nk Rudar
31.10.2015 Maribor, stadion Ljudski vrt. Prva Liga Telekom Slovenije, 16. krog. 3000 gledalcev. Glavni sodnik: Damir Skomina (Koper).
Strelci: 0:1 Trifković (2), 1:1 Ibraimi (4), 2:1 Bajde (30), 3:1 Tavares (38), 4:1 Tavares (39), 5:1 Filipović (45), 6:1 Sallalich (50), 7:1 Mendy (89).
- published: 01 Nov 2015
- views: 2806
Schalke - NK Maribor -- Slowenischer Support
Das 1:1 zwischen Schalke 04 und NK Maribor im zweiten Gruppenspiel der Champions-League-Saison 2014/15 sahen 49.997 Fans in der Veltins Arena Gelsenkirchen. Dar...
Das 1:1 zwischen Schalke 04 und NK Maribor im zweiten Gruppenspiel der Champions-League-Saison 2014/15 sahen 49.997 Fans in der Veltins Arena Gelsenkirchen. Darunter waren etwa 1300 Gästefans, die einen ordentlichen Support ablieferten, aber das Tor zum 1:0 mit Pyro feierten. Dabei fackelten sie fast ihre eigene Zaunfahne ab. So sah das aus. (Mehr zum Spiel und zu Schalke im Blog: http://schalkeweb.wordpress.com)
wn.com/Schalke Nk Maribor Slowenischer Support
Das 1:1 zwischen Schalke 04 und NK Maribor im zweiten Gruppenspiel der Champions-League-Saison 2014/15 sahen 49.997 Fans in der Veltins Arena Gelsenkirchen. Darunter waren etwa 1300 Gästefans, die einen ordentlichen Support ablieferten, aber das Tor zum 1:0 mit Pyro feierten. Dabei fackelten sie fast ihre eigene Zaunfahne ab. So sah das aus. (Mehr zum Spiel und zu Schalke im Blog: http://schalkeweb.wordpress.com)
- published: 30 Sep 2014
- views: 9189
Kao mali učen sam -Maribor 2006
u jednoj ex republici jedne godine novog milenijuma......
u jednoj ex republici jedne godine novog milenijuma...
wn.com/Kao Mali Učen Sam Maribor 2006
u jednoj ex republici jedne godine novog milenijuma...
- published: 06 Dec 2014
- views: 484
Pohod Viol na stadion -MARIBOR-olimpija,mi smo MARIBOR
neuradni posnetek pohoda Mariborskih navijačev na misiji 14.-sta zvezdica proti olimpički 16.8.2015...
neuradni posnetek pohoda Mariborskih navijačev na misiji 14.-sta zvezdica proti olimpički 16.8.2015
wn.com/Pohod Viol Na Stadion Maribor Olimpija,Mi Smo Maribor
neuradni posnetek pohoda Mariborskih navijačev na misiji 14.-sta zvezdica proti olimpički 16.8.2015
- published: 19 Aug 2015
- views: 3282
Pharrell Williams - HAPPY MARIBOR (Slovenia)
The project which connected a town. Shot in 3 days, on 31 locations and around 1000 people danced to one choreography on the main square of the town, on the ......
The project which connected a town. Shot in 3 days, on 31 locations and around 1000 people danced to one choreography on the main square of the town, on the ...
wn.com/Pharrell Williams Happy Maribor (Slovenia)
The project which connected a town. Shot in 3 days, on 31 locations and around 1000 people danced to one choreography on the main square of the town, on the ...
- published: 01 Apr 2014
- views: 134255
author: BKTVkanal
16.8.2015 Maribor, stadion Ljudski vrt. PrvaLiga Telekom Slovenije, 6. krog. 10.000 gledalcev. Glavni sodnik: Damir Skomina (Koper).
16.8.2015 Maribor, stadion Ljudski vrt. PrvaLiga Telekom Slovenije, 6. krog. 10.000 gledalcev. Glavni sodnik: Damir Skomina (Koper).
Strelca: 0:1 Henty (4), 0:2 Henty (26), 0:3 Šporar (90)
wn.com/Nk Maribor Nk Olimpija
16.8.2015 Maribor, stadion Ljudski vrt. PrvaLiga Telekom Slovenije, 6. krog. 10.000 gledalcev. Glavni sodnik: Damir Skomina (Koper).
Strelca: 0:1 Henty (4), 0:2 Henty (26), 0:3 Šporar (90)
- published: 17 Aug 2015
- views: 2824
Het mirakel van Maribor
Beelden van sporza Club Brugge wint zijn 250ste Europese match na een fantastische terugkeer van een 3-0 achterstand naar een 3-4 voorsprong, op het veld van......
Beelden van sporza Club Brugge wint zijn 250ste Europese match na een fantastische terugkeer van een 3-0 achterstand naar een 3-4 voorsprong, op het veld van...
wn.com/Het Mirakel Van Maribor
Beelden van sporza Club Brugge wint zijn 250ste Europese match na een fantastische terugkeer van een 3-0 achterstand naar een 3-4 voorsprong, op het veld van...
Medieval Mayhem- [Maribor, Slovenia]
Family time in Maribor, Slovenia. Plus a visit to the the medieval Predjama Castle in a Cave, and the Oldest Vine in the World. Read more at: http://www.heyn......
Family time in Maribor, Slovenia. Plus a visit to the the medieval Predjama Castle in a Cave, and the Oldest Vine in the World. Read more at: http://www.heyn...
wn.com/Medieval Mayhem Maribor, Slovenia
Family time in Maribor, Slovenia. Plus a visit to the the medieval Predjama Castle in a Cave, and the Oldest Vine in the World. Read more at: http://www.heyn...
- published: 15 Feb 2013
- views: 8995
author: Hey Nadine
Vrhunci tekme Maribor - Olimpija
6. krog Prve lige Telekom Slovenije, 16.08.2015
-Vrhunci tekme Maribor - Olimpija
-Ante Šimundža odstopil z mesta trenerja Maribora
-Športni direktor Zlatko Z...
6. krog Prve lige Telekom Slovenije, 16.08.2015
-Vrhunci tekme Maribor - Olimpija
-Ante Šimundža odstopil z mesta trenerja Maribora
-Športni direktor Zlatko Zahović komentira odstop Anteja Šimundže
wn.com/Vrhunci Tekme Maribor Olimpija
6. krog Prve lige Telekom Slovenije, 16.08.2015
-Vrhunci tekme Maribor - Olimpija
-Ante Šimundža odstopil z mesta trenerja Maribora
-Športni direktor Zlatko Zahović komentira odstop Anteja Šimundže
- published: 17 Aug 2015
- views: 39
MARIBOR, Eslovenia / MARBURG Slovenia / Turismo tourism travel tour visit Estiria Mariborsko Pohorje
Turismo por Eslovenia / Slovenia Travel
Maribor, la segunda ciudad de Eslovenia, será Capital Europea de la Cultura 2012. La capital d...
Turismo por Eslovenia / Slovenia Travel
Maribor, la segunda ciudad de Eslovenia, será Capital Europea de la Cultura 2012. La capital de la regiónde la Baja Estiria cuenta con lugares turísticos importantes en la plaza Mayor, donde está el Ayuntamiento y la columna de la peste, y la plaza de la Libertad, donde están la iglesia franciscana, la bodega Vinag (la más antigua de Maribor y la quinta más grande de Europa) y el Monumento Conmemorativo NOB, al que los habitantes de Maribor lo llaman cariñosamente Kojak porque les recuerda a la cabeza del detective que interpretara Telly Savalas.
A orillas del Drava, río que recorre la ciudad se encuentra el barrio de Lent y la vid más antigua del mundo (Stara trta). La producción de vino es muy popular en Maribor, sobre todo, el que se cultiva en las vides de la sierra de Pohorje. Aquí se encuentra la bodega Meranovo.
Por último, Maribor está rodeada de zonas verdes y espacios naturales que se pueden disfrutar en cualquier época del año. En las laderas de Pohorje se pueden practicar todo tipo de deportes al aire libre además de gozar de una intensa jornada en su Parque de Adrenalina o en el Bike Park.
Con el soporte audiovisual:
wn.com/Maribor, Eslovenia Marburg Slovenia Turismo Tourism Travel Tour Visit Estiria Mariborsko Pohorje
Turismo por Eslovenia / Slovenia Travel
Maribor, la segunda ciudad de Eslovenia, será Capital Europea de la Cultura 2012. La capital de la regiónde la Baja Estiria cuenta con lugares turísticos importantes en la plaza Mayor, donde está el Ayuntamiento y la columna de la peste, y la plaza de la Libertad, donde están la iglesia franciscana, la bodega Vinag (la más antigua de Maribor y la quinta más grande de Europa) y el Monumento Conmemorativo NOB, al que los habitantes de Maribor lo llaman cariñosamente Kojak porque les recuerda a la cabeza del detective que interpretara Telly Savalas.
A orillas del Drava, río que recorre la ciudad se encuentra el barrio de Lent y la vid más antigua del mundo (Stara trta). La producción de vino es muy popular en Maribor, sobre todo, el que se cultiva en las vides de la sierra de Pohorje. Aquí se encuentra la bodega Meranovo.
Por último, Maribor está rodeada de zonas verdes y espacios naturales que se pueden disfrutar en cualquier época del año. En las laderas de Pohorje se pueden practicar todo tipo de deportes al aire libre además de gozar de una intensa jornada en su Parque de Adrenalina o en el Bike Park.
Con el soporte audiovisual:
- published: 07 Jun 2011
- views: 17153
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/futbolconkarma
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, Fi...
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/futbolconkarma
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First HalfMaribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First HalfMaribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First HalfMaribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First HalfMaribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First HalfMaribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
wn.com/Maribor Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/futbolconkarma
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First HalfMaribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First HalfMaribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First HalfMaribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
Maribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First HalfMaribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First HalfMaribor - Olimpija. Slovenian Eternal Derby 2015, First Half
- published: 16 Aug 2015
- views: 167
Maribor Slovenia Travel and City Guide, Hotel Guide
http://www.CheckMyCity.com - Driving through 2nd largest city of Slovenia - Maribor. Beautiful day, Maribor is worth visiting.
Slovenia Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Slovenia.
Half of Slovenia's colorful area is covered by forests, but the country also has another part, a tiny, but very nice coastal area on the Adriatic Sea, with such venetian style cities as Izola, Piran and Portoroz, as well as 2,800 meters high mountains and ski resorts.
The picturesque lakes Bled and Bohinj both lie in a wonderful landscape. The gem of the k
Maribor, Slovenia
Maribor is the European Capital of Culture for 2012, and it's a lovely little city to explore. Plus, it's in the middle of a wine region, which is always a g...
Travel Slovenia: An Excursion to Maribor
The weather had warmed up nicely on June 5, 2010 and it was a perfect day for visiting the market in my home town of Weiz. Fresh local produce, farm-fresh eg...
Travel Slovenia: An Excursion to Maribor
The weather had warmed up nicely on June 5, 2010 and it was a perfect day for visiting the market in my home town of Weiz. Fresh local produce, farm-fresh eggs, rye bread with a crisp crust...
Travel Slovenia: An Excursion to Maribor
The weather had warmed up nicely on June 5, 2010 and it was a perfect day for visiting the market in my home town of Weiz. Fresh local produce, farm-fresh eg...
Travel Slovenia: An Excursion to Maribor
The weather had warmed up nicely on June 5, 2010 and it was a perfect day for visiting the market in my home town of Weiz. Fresh local produce, farm-fresh eg...
Travel Slovenia: An Excursion to Maribor
The weather had warmed up nicely on June 5, 2010 and it was a perfect day for visiting the market in my home town of Weiz. Fresh local produce, farm-fresh eg...
Travel Slovenia: An Excursion to Maribor
The weather had warmed up nicely on June 5, 2010 and it was a perfect day for visiting the market in my home town of Weiz. Fresh local produce, farm-fresh eggs, rye bread with a crisp crust...
Travel from Maribor to Sofia in 3D
Association of Municipalities and Towns of Slovenia presenting 3D spatial planning (http://www.3Dprostor.si) project at "E-GOVERNMENT - from National e-Gover...
Exploring Maribor: Slovenia Travel Vlog Part 2 (VEDA DAY 8)
Day 2 in Maribor
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Academy for Young Travel Journalists, Maribor Slovenia, June 2012
Theme watched: Culture and Sustainable Tourism (Culture, the Greenest Segment of Tourism), under the umbrella of World Tourism Organization UNWATO. The organ...
Maribor as destination
The company Terme Maribor is an important tourist service provider in Slovenia. A rich and versatile tourist offer enables us to satisfy even the most demanding wishes and needs. The hotels (Habakuk, Piramida, Bellevue, Orel, and Uni hotel), Travel Shops at state border crossings and catering service “Pri treh ribnikih” Restaurant provide hotel offer, congress activities, medical activities, welln
Maribor Slovenia City Guide
http://www.CheckMyCity.com - And one more of Maribor, Slovenia. Going to a festival Ritem duha. Explore Maribor.
13. krog: Maribor - Koper 4:0, Prva liga Telekom Slovenije 2015/16
Maribor In Your Pocket - The Old Vine & The Old Vine House
http://wwww.inyourpocket.com Where the oldest vine in the world can be found winding its way up the front of the building, the house is now a museum dedicate...
Kranjska Gora (Slovenia) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Vacation travel video about destination Kranjska Gora in Slovenia
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Soca (Slovenia) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Vacation travel video about destination Soca in Slovenia.
The Julian Alps are rugged karst mountains located on the sunny side of the Alps not far from the Mediterranean, and are one of the wildest, untouched regions in Slovenia.The Trenta Valley is the source of one of the most beautiful rivers in the Alps, the Soča in Slovenia, becoming the Isonzo in Italy - that flows from a mountain cave. In
Koper (Istria) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Vacation travel video about destination Koper in Istria.
Koper is a major harbour city in Istria which is located on the Slovenian Riviera.The old town can be entered through the last of the twelve gates of the city’s former defensive wall. A stone coat of arms, various reliefs and inscriptions highlight the long history of the city in which for five hundred years Venetian rule shaped its destiny.
4 minute guide to Slovenia
There's so much to see and do in Slovenia and I've hit the highlights here in just 4 minutes! For more, see minibeartravels.com
Maribor Slovenia Travel and City Guide, Hotel Guide
http://www.CheckMyCity.com - Driving through 2nd largest city of Slovenia - Maribor. Beautiful day, Maribor is worth visiting....
http://www.CheckMyCity.com - Driving through 2nd largest city of Slovenia - Maribor. Beautiful day, Maribor is worth visiting.
wn.com/Maribor Slovenia Travel And City Guide, Hotel Guide
http://www.CheckMyCity.com - Driving through 2nd largest city of Slovenia - Maribor. Beautiful day, Maribor is worth visiting.
Slovenia Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Slovenia.
Half of Slovenia's colorful area is covered by forests, but the country also has another part, a tiny, but very nice co...
Travel video about destination Slovenia.
Half of Slovenia's colorful area is covered by forests, but the country also has another part, a tiny, but very nice coastal area on the Adriatic Sea, with such venetian style cities as Izola, Piran and Portoroz, as well as 2,800 meters high mountains and ski resorts.
The picturesque lakes Bled and Bohinj both lie in a wonderful landscape. The gem of the karstic area is the Postojna cave.
The tiny country has plenty of wild rivers suitable for rafting and healing waters. Golf, mountineering, diving, mountain biking and rock climbing are also warmly welcomed in Slovenia.
The Lippizan is well known all around the globe. All of this is completed by such medieval towns as Maribor, Skofja Loka and Ljubljana, and such romantic castles as the Predjama.
wn.com/Slovenia Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Slovenia.
Half of Slovenia's colorful area is covered by forests, but the country also has another part, a tiny, but very nice coastal area on the Adriatic Sea, with such venetian style cities as Izola, Piran and Portoroz, as well as 2,800 meters high mountains and ski resorts.
The picturesque lakes Bled and Bohinj both lie in a wonderful landscape. The gem of the karstic area is the Postojna cave.
The tiny country has plenty of wild rivers suitable for rafting and healing waters. Golf, mountineering, diving, mountain biking and rock climbing are also warmly welcomed in Slovenia.
The Lippizan is well known all around the globe. All of this is completed by such medieval towns as Maribor, Skofja Loka and Ljubljana, and such romantic castles as the Predjama.
- published: 21 Mar 2014
- views: 35479
Maribor, Slovenia
Maribor is the European Capital of Culture for 2012, and it's a lovely little city to explore. Plus, it's in the middle of a wine region, which is always a g......
Maribor is the European Capital of Culture for 2012, and it's a lovely little city to explore. Plus, it's in the middle of a wine region, which is always a g...
wn.com/Maribor, Slovenia
Maribor is the European Capital of Culture for 2012, and it's a lovely little city to explore. Plus, it's in the middle of a wine region, which is always a g...
Travel Slovenia: An Excursion to Maribor
The weather had warmed up nicely on June 5, 2010 and it was a perfect day for visiting the market in my home town of Weiz. Fresh local produce, farm-fresh eg......
The weather had warmed up nicely on June 5, 2010 and it was a perfect day for visiting the market in my home town of Weiz. Fresh local produce, farm-fresh eg...
wn.com/Travel Slovenia An Excursion To Maribor
The weather had warmed up nicely on June 5, 2010 and it was a perfect day for visiting the market in my home town of Weiz. Fresh local produce, farm-fresh eg...
Travel Slovenia: An Excursion to Maribor
The weather had warmed up nicely on June 5, 2010 and it was a perfect day for visiting the market in my home town of Weiz. Fresh local produce, farm-fresh eggs,...
The weather had warmed up nicely on June 5, 2010 and it was a perfect day for visiting the market in my home town of Weiz. Fresh local produce, farm-fresh eggs, rye bread with a crisp crust...
wn.com/Travel Slovenia An Excursion To Maribor
The weather had warmed up nicely on June 5, 2010 and it was a perfect day for visiting the market in my home town of Weiz. Fresh local produce, farm-fresh eggs, rye bread with a crisp crust...
Travel Slovenia: An Excursion to Maribor
The weather had warmed up nicely on June 5, 2010 and it was a perfect day for visiting the market in my home town of Weiz. Fresh local produce, farm-fresh eg......
The weather had warmed up nicely on June 5, 2010 and it was a perfect day for visiting the market in my home town of Weiz. Fresh local produce, farm-fresh eg...
wn.com/Travel Slovenia An Excursion To Maribor
The weather had warmed up nicely on June 5, 2010 and it was a perfect day for visiting the market in my home town of Weiz. Fresh local produce, farm-fresh eg...
Travel Slovenia: An Excursion to Maribor
The weather had warmed up nicely on June 5, 2010 and it was a perfect day for visiting the market in my home town of Weiz. Fresh local produce, farm-fresh eg......
The weather had warmed up nicely on June 5, 2010 and it was a perfect day for visiting the market in my home town of Weiz. Fresh local produce, farm-fresh eg...
wn.com/Travel Slovenia An Excursion To Maribor
The weather had warmed up nicely on June 5, 2010 and it was a perfect day for visiting the market in my home town of Weiz. Fresh local produce, farm-fresh eg...
Travel Slovenia: An Excursion to Maribor
The weather had warmed up nicely on June 5, 2010 and it was a perfect day for visiting the market in my home town of Weiz. Fresh local produce, farm-fresh eg......
The weather had warmed up nicely on June 5, 2010 and it was a perfect day for visiting the market in my home town of Weiz. Fresh local produce, farm-fresh eg...
wn.com/Travel Slovenia An Excursion To Maribor
The weather had warmed up nicely on June 5, 2010 and it was a perfect day for visiting the market in my home town of Weiz. Fresh local produce, farm-fresh eg...
Travel Slovenia: An Excursion to Maribor
The weather had warmed up nicely on June 5, 2010 and it was a perfect day for visiting the market in my home town of Weiz. Fresh local produce, farm-fresh eggs,...
The weather had warmed up nicely on June 5, 2010 and it was a perfect day for visiting the market in my home town of Weiz. Fresh local produce, farm-fresh eggs, rye bread with a crisp crust...
wn.com/Travel Slovenia An Excursion To Maribor
The weather had warmed up nicely on June 5, 2010 and it was a perfect day for visiting the market in my home town of Weiz. Fresh local produce, farm-fresh eggs, rye bread with a crisp crust...
Travel from Maribor to Sofia in 3D
Association of Municipalities and Towns of Slovenia presenting 3D spatial planning (http://www.3Dprostor.si) project at "E-GOVERNMENT - from National e-Gover......
Association of Municipalities and Towns of Slovenia presenting 3D spatial planning (http://www.3Dprostor.si) project at "E-GOVERNMENT - from National e-Gover...
wn.com/Travel From Maribor To Sofia In 3D
Association of Municipalities and Towns of Slovenia presenting 3D spatial planning (http://www.3Dprostor.si) project at "E-GOVERNMENT - from National e-Gover...
- published: 23 Feb 2012
- views: 75
author: gaeaplus
Exploring Maribor: Slovenia Travel Vlog Part 2 (VEDA DAY 8)
Day 2 in Maribor
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Day 2 in Maribor
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Thanks for watching :)
wn.com/Exploring Maribor Slovenia Travel Vlog Part 2 (Veda Day 8)
Day 2 in Maribor
Blog http://ireadboooks.wordpress.com/
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Thanks for watching :)
- published: 08 Aug 2015
- views: 31
Academy for Young Travel Journalists, Maribor Slovenia, June 2012
Theme watched: Culture and Sustainable Tourism (Culture, the Greenest Segment of Tourism), under the umbrella of World Tourism Organization UNWATO. The organ......
Theme watched: Culture and Sustainable Tourism (Culture, the Greenest Segment of Tourism), under the umbrella of World Tourism Organization UNWATO. The organ...
wn.com/Academy For Young Travel Journalists, Maribor Slovenia, June 2012
Theme watched: Culture and Sustainable Tourism (Culture, the Greenest Segment of Tourism), under the umbrella of World Tourism Organization UNWATO. The organ...
Maribor as destination
The company Terme Maribor is an important tourist service provider in Slovenia. A rich and versatile tourist offer enables us to satisfy even the most demanding...
The company Terme Maribor is an important tourist service provider in Slovenia. A rich and versatile tourist offer enables us to satisfy even the most demanding wishes and needs. The hotels (Habakuk, Piramida, Bellevue, Orel, and Uni hotel), Travel Shops at state border crossings and catering service “Pri treh ribnikih” Restaurant provide hotel offer, congress activities, medical activities, wellness, catering service and shopping opportunities
wn.com/Maribor As Destination
The company Terme Maribor is an important tourist service provider in Slovenia. A rich and versatile tourist offer enables us to satisfy even the most demanding wishes and needs. The hotels (Habakuk, Piramida, Bellevue, Orel, and Uni hotel), Travel Shops at state border crossings and catering service “Pri treh ribnikih” Restaurant provide hotel offer, congress activities, medical activities, wellness, catering service and shopping opportunities
- published: 02 Oct 2014
- views: 6
Maribor Slovenia City Guide
http://www.CheckMyCity.com - And one more of Maribor, Slovenia. Going to a festival Ritem duha. Explore Maribor....
http://www.CheckMyCity.com - And one more of Maribor, Slovenia. Going to a festival Ritem duha. Explore Maribor.
wn.com/Maribor Slovenia City Guide
http://www.CheckMyCity.com - And one more of Maribor, Slovenia. Going to a festival Ritem duha. Explore Maribor.
Maribor In Your Pocket - The Old Vine & The Old Vine House
http://wwww.inyourpocket.com Where the oldest vine in the world can be found winding its way up the front of the building, the house is now a museum dedicate......
http://wwww.inyourpocket.com Where the oldest vine in the world can be found winding its way up the front of the building, the house is now a museum dedicate...
wn.com/Maribor In Your Pocket The Old Vine The Old Vine House
http://wwww.inyourpocket.com Where the oldest vine in the world can be found winding its way up the front of the building, the house is now a museum dedicate...
Kranjska Gora (Slovenia) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Vacation travel video about destination Kranjska Gora in Slovenia
Watch more travel videos ► http://goo.gl/HYQdhg
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Vacation travel video about destination Kranjska Gora in Slovenia
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Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
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wn.com/Kranjska Gora (Slovenia) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Vacation travel video about destination Kranjska Gora in Slovenia
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Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
- published: 26 Sep 2015
- views: 388
Soca (Slovenia) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Vacation travel video about destination Soca in Slovenia.
The Julian Alps are rugged karst mountains located on the sunny side of the Alps not far from the Med...
Vacation travel video about destination Soca in Slovenia.
The Julian Alps are rugged karst mountains located on the sunny side of the Alps not far from the Mediterranean, and are one of the wildest, untouched regions in Slovenia.The Trenta Valley is the source of one of the most beautiful rivers in the Alps, the Soča in Slovenia, becoming the Isonzo in Italy - that flows from a mountain cave. In Trnovo the river flows into a narrow white-water gorge and large chunks of rock, the result of various earthquakes, lie on the riverbed. Many tributaries feed the Soča, along with the Tolminka River whose sixty metre deep gorge can be seen from the Devil's Bridge. On a trail through the gorge are a variety of plants and insects which Dr. Julius Kugy, a mountaineer and writer, once recorded in meticulous detail. It is believed that famous Italian poet, Dante Alighieri, once visited the Tolimka Canyons while staying in Tolmin and that the locality inspired his vision of the Underworld in his, Divina Comedia. The largest stone railway bridge in the world crosses the pristine Soča which finally becomes, in Italy, the Isonzo River, situated within a delta in the Adriatic Sea.
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Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
wn.com/Soca (Slovenia) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Vacation travel video about destination Soca in Slovenia.
The Julian Alps are rugged karst mountains located on the sunny side of the Alps not far from the Mediterranean, and are one of the wildest, untouched regions in Slovenia.The Trenta Valley is the source of one of the most beautiful rivers in the Alps, the Soča in Slovenia, becoming the Isonzo in Italy - that flows from a mountain cave. In Trnovo the river flows into a narrow white-water gorge and large chunks of rock, the result of various earthquakes, lie on the riverbed. Many tributaries feed the Soča, along with the Tolminka River whose sixty metre deep gorge can be seen from the Devil's Bridge. On a trail through the gorge are a variety of plants and insects which Dr. Julius Kugy, a mountaineer and writer, once recorded in meticulous detail. It is believed that famous Italian poet, Dante Alighieri, once visited the Tolimka Canyons while staying in Tolmin and that the locality inspired his vision of the Underworld in his, Divina Comedia. The largest stone railway bridge in the world crosses the pristine Soča which finally becomes, in Italy, the Isonzo River, situated within a delta in the Adriatic Sea.
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Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
- published: 10 Aug 2015
- views: 283
Koper (Istria) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Vacation travel video about destination Koper in Istria.
Koper is a major harbour city in Istria which is located on the Slovenian Riviera.The old town can be e...
Vacation travel video about destination Koper in Istria.
Koper is a major harbour city in Istria which is located on the Slovenian Riviera.The old town can be entered through the last of the twelve gates of the city’s former defensive wall. A stone coat of arms, various reliefs and inscriptions highlight the long history of the city in which for five hundred years Venetian rule shaped its destiny. An archway in the Praetorian Palace leads to a classic Venetian square, the Titov Trg which dates back to the fifteenth century. The Piazza is one of the most beautiful Venetian squares of the entire Adriatic region and the cathedral which frames the square has numerous architectural styles. Brollo, an area just beyond the centre of the city, served as a collecting basin for rainwater which was drawn by two wells from a cistern below. The Gothic, Fontico, was used for the storage of surplus grain which was distributed to the people in years of hardship. Today Koper is Slovenia’s window to the world and the country’s only seaport.
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Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
wn.com/Koper (Istria) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Vacation travel video about destination Koper in Istria.
Koper is a major harbour city in Istria which is located on the Slovenian Riviera.The old town can be entered through the last of the twelve gates of the city’s former defensive wall. A stone coat of arms, various reliefs and inscriptions highlight the long history of the city in which for five hundred years Venetian rule shaped its destiny. An archway in the Praetorian Palace leads to a classic Venetian square, the Titov Trg which dates back to the fifteenth century. The Piazza is one of the most beautiful Venetian squares of the entire Adriatic region and the cathedral which frames the square has numerous architectural styles. Brollo, an area just beyond the centre of the city, served as a collecting basin for rainwater which was drawn by two wells from a cistern below. The Gothic, Fontico, was used for the storage of surplus grain which was distributed to the people in years of hardship. Today Koper is Slovenia’s window to the world and the country’s only seaport.
Watch more travel videos ► http://goo.gl/HYQdhg
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Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
- published: 10 Oct 2015
- views: 76
4 minute guide to Slovenia
There's so much to see and do in Slovenia and I've hit the highlights here in just 4 minutes! For more, see minibeartravels.com...
There's so much to see and do in Slovenia and I've hit the highlights here in just 4 minutes! For more, see minibeartravels.com
wn.com/4 Minute Guide To Slovenia
There's so much to see and do in Slovenia and I've hit the highlights here in just 4 minutes! For more, see minibeartravels.com
- published: 26 Jul 2013
- views: 39