Monthly Archives: September 2013

Six years on: The mysterious crash of Cocaine2

Six years ago this week an American-registered luxury jet, a Gulfstream II—later dubbed “Cocaine 2”—crashed just before dawn in the middle of the jungle in Mexico’s Yucatan carrying four tons of cocaine. The event, and its aftermath, changed forever an … Continue reading

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The FBI took a powder: Things you never knew about 9/11

If the Bush Administration lied to justify waging a war against Iraq, what truths still lie buried beneath the official explanation for what happened on September 11 2001? Before discussion about 9/11 was squeezed—in a pincer movement worthy of Hitler’s Panzer divisions—between … Continue reading

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War in Syria, Yogi Berra, & the two John Kerry’s

Why is the debate over air strikes on Syria like America’s decades-long Drug War? Because, if you’re one of those Americans unlucky enough to have left your security clearance in your other pair of pants, questions about either receive essentially … Continue reading

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