
Amnesty condemns Aboriginal policy

GOVERNMENT policies are driving Aborigines from the homelands where they stand the best chance of healthy fulfilling lives, a deeply critical report has found.

Two days after the release of a scathing internal government report, which found spending on indigenous projects ''has yielded dismally poor returns to date'', Amnesty International has found the policies of the Gillard and Northern Territory governments ''fall below international human rights standards''.

In the report, to be released this morning, Amnesty finds the government's ''Closing the Gap'' policies make it more difficult for many Aborigines to stay on their traditional lands.

The report highlights ''the egregious state of housing'' in homelands north of Alice Springs, and blames ''years of under-investment''.

Amnesty's national director Claire Mallinson said the report reveals an alarming ''mismatch of resource allocation'' driving indigenous Australians out of the Northern Territory's smaller homeland communities and into 21 ''growth towns''.

She said the government spent $1.7 billion last financial year in towns where less than one-quarter of the NT's indigenous population lives. Yet almost one-third of the population - those living in the more remote homelands - received just a tiny faction of the assistance: about $7 million.

''Aboriginal people live healthier and more fulfilling lives on homelands,'' she said.

Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin yesterday admitted failures of ''successive governments'' had been highlighted in the government report. But she stood by the ''Closing the Gap'' strategy.

Indigenous housing figures, to be released today, show the government exceeded its targets for the first time in the last financial year with 490 new houses built and 2288 refurbished. The target was 463 new houses and 2012 refurbishments.