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On the Recent Massacre in Suruç, Turkish Kurdistan

category greece / turkey / cyprus | imperialism / war | feature author Wednesday July 22, 2015 00:42author by International Secretary – Black Rose Anarchist Federation - Black Rose Anarchist Federation / Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra (BRRN) Report this post to the editors

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Bombing in Suruç

At noon, in the border town of Suruç in Turkish Kurdistan, a bomb ripped through the bodies of communists, socialists, and anarchists who were on their way to assist in the rebuilding of Kobanê. Tens of people were killed, many more injured. One Black Rose member was present assisting in preparations for a campaign to support the rebuilding of Kobanê and Rojava, but was uninjured in the blast.

This demonstrates the attitude of the state and is indicative of a sad reality: Turkey is continuing its murderous policy towards the Kurds and this attack can be seen as a fulfillment of Erdogan’s promise to stop Rojava by any means necessary. In the coming months, Black Rose will continue to broaden the scope in organizing committees and networks in solidarity with Rojava. We hope for your support.

[Castellano] [ Português] [Ελληνικά] [Italiano]

See also:

On the Recent Massacre in Suruç, Turkish Kurdistan

Today we mourn the loss of friends and comrades and renewing our commitment to an international revolutionary struggle in their memory.

At noon, in the border town of Suruç in Turkish Kurdistan, a bomb ripped through the bodies of communists, socialists, and anarchists who were on their way to assist in the rebuilding of Kobanê. Tens of people were killed, many more injured. One Black Rose member was present assisting in preparations for a campaign to support the rebuilding of Kobanê and Rojava, but was uninjured in the blast.

A half an hour after the bombing, the city of Suruç shook once more as a second massive bomb hit the border in Kobanê. News reports indicate that this was a car bomb attack that was stopped by self-defense forces which minimized causalties.

The trip to Kobanê was organized by the Marxist-Leninist organization Sosyalist Gençlik Dernekleri Federasyonunun (SGDF). They brought together youth–entire families–from across Turkey and beyond to give revolutionary support to the developing social revolution in Syrian Kurdistan. Up to 300 people were preparing to cross the embargoed border to help rebuild the city, learn about its political developments, and link the struggles of the Turkish left with the Kurdish movement.

After the bombing, the first to respond was armored military vehicles of the occupying Turkish state that rolled down the street in front of the Amara Cultural Center to block the street and point their guns at the recently injured and trauma-ridden revolutionaries. It took ambulances so long to arrive on the scene that private cars had to be organized to take the injured to the hospital. The military and police were on the scene in minutes, managing to form a line of riot police before the first ambulances arrived. Their alertness should come as no surprise since they had been actively harassing the bus loads of revolutionaries coming to Suruc that morning, monitoring many of them, and had made calls to their families telling them that their young relative was going to join terrorists in Rojava.

This demonstrates the attitude of the state and is indicative of a sad reality: Turkey is continuing its murderous policy towards the Kurds and this attack can be seen as a fulfillment of Erdogan’s promise to stop Rojava by any means necessary. In the coming months, Black Rose will continue to broaden the scope in organizing committees and networks in solidarity with Rojava. We hope for your support.

Biji Rojava! Rojava Lives!

International Secretary
Black Rose Anarchist Federation / Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra (BRRN)

Related Link:
author by mazen kamalmazpublication date Mon Jul 27, 2015 14:24Report this post to the editors

our full solidarity comrades .. we have to keep on the fight to defeat the monster

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Sun 06 Mar, 02:13

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ypg_support_poster_by_party9999999d8kih0n.png imageYPG: We have no connection to the Ankara bombing. Turkey prepares the ground to attack Rojava 06:57 Fri 19 Feb by 2 comments

The General Command of the People's Defence Units (YPG) has released a statement in response to Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu who blamed the YPG for yesterday's attack in the heart of Turkish capital Ankara which left 28 people dead and 64 others wounded.

174555_600.jpg imagePeople in Diyarbakir protest Merkel visit in Turkey 21:34 Tue 09 Feb by Mesopotamian Ecology Movement 0 comments

Today (8.2.2016) a group has gathered in the Sümerpark area in the city of Diyarbakir in order to protest the German chancellor Mrs. Angela Merkel who is visiting Turkey. The protestors criticized Merkel for her double faced policy on the refugee crisis and particularly the deal of the EU with Turkey.

tacanka_ankara.jpg imageWe know those responsible for the Ankara bombing 20:04 Wed 14 Oct by Various 0 comments

They painted our red and black flags and banners with blood and flesh of our comrades. Those responsible for the massacre are out there. We know them from Haymarket, Bloody Sunday, Mayday 1977 Istanbul Massacre, Reyhanli, Gezi Uprising, Roboski Massacre, Diyarbakir Dungeons and Suruç. We know them from the daily exploitation of a thousand year. They stand before us merciless, smirking.

Although it has been orchestrated by the hands of ISIS gang, we know that, just like the Suruç Massacre, state and AKP who is holding state power in their hands are those who are in fact responsible for this massacre. We have seen once again that AKP is capable of doing everything not to lose the power and weaker it gets, more brutal it will get.

Below are two further statements from anarchists groups in the Turkish state on the Ankara bombing.

11760166_1645652792317271_2694342465056829967_n.jpg imageOur Sadness Will Be Our Anger, Kobanê Will Reconstructure 00:33 Wed 22 Jul by Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet 0 comments

Yesterday, nearly three hundred people set off from different cities, with the call of Federation of Socialist Youth Associations; in order to rebuilt Kobanê, which was tried to be looted by the ISIS. Today, arriving Suruç (Pîrsus), just before leaving for Kobane, these young people made a press release in front of the Amara Culture Center in Suruç (Pîrsus). At the end of the press release, a bomb exploding in the middle of the crowd, silenced many hearts which had been beating with the hope of reconstruction.

uluderekatliami_1.jpg imageDevrimci Anarsist Faaliyet's on the Turkish State's Massacre in Sirnak 23:50 Sat 31 Dec by Devrimci Anarsist Faaliyet (DAF) 0 comments

There were no cold barrel behind them, it was not an avalanche that would fall from the mountains. They were running away from the fear of imprisonment, from genderme who has just stopped them, that was not snow that would pour down from the sky, it was bombs of F16s. There were no time to reach a ridge for shelter, F16s were much more faster then them and they sheltered behind the first rocks that they saw…

uluderekatliami.jpg imageDeclaration for the Turkish state's massacre in Kurdistan 19:07 Sat 31 Dec by Lise Anarsist Faaliyet (LAF) 0 comments

35 people were murdered (whose ages between 16-18) with the bombings of turkish state.

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Conscientous/Total Objector Mehmet Tarhan’s Demands Granted. Tarhan ended hunger strike on day 34 (in 3 Noevmber 2005).

textOn the explosions in London 07:10 Thu 21 Jul by OAE (OADE) - Greece 0 comments

Statement of Federation of Anarchists of Greece (OAE) on the terrorist attacks in London, agreed in its 8th General Assemply.

textTarhan hunger strike ended 11:07 Thu 23 Jun by War Resisters' International 0 comments

From Athens Indymedia

textOADE on nationalist parades 12:24 Wed 18 May by dmitri 0 comments

Leaflet distributed by OADE this 25th of March against the nationalistic ghosts of the Great Greece

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imageThe Massacre of Kurds in Sirnak: Turkish State Terror in Action Jan 03 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D. 1 comments

This unjustifiable carnage has again exposed the true face of state terrorism in Turkey. This slaughter exposes the hypocrisy of Erdogan, whose regime has its hands soaked in Kurdish blood while he speaks cynically of human rights in other countries. But it also highlights the hypocrisy of an "international community" that is shocked by the repression in Syria, while it assists the silent slaughter of the Kurdish people. The Kurdish people are now mobilized to define their political project of liberation and to resist the four States which occupy them and oppress them (Syria, Turkey, Iran and Iraq). The slightest sense of decency and humanity should impel us to show solidarity with them. [Castellano] [Français] [العربية]

textLetter From anarchist prisoner Feb 12 by Volkan Sevinç 0 comments

The guards have brought your letters when I was in the open-air-area. The guard gave the letters which are full of love and comrades’ salutes. “There are so many letters that our eyes hurt when reading them all.” he said jokingly. I said, “I am a political prisoner, it seems like you will get tired of the letters I receive.”

textThe Kurdish Question Dec 13 by Michael Schmidt & Lucien van der Walt 3 comments

This study of recent anti-imperialist resistance in Kurdistan, looking back to the anarchist resistance in the Ottoman heartland in the period before the formation of the Turkish state, consists of extracts – kindly proof-read in part by Will Firth – from the forthcoming book by Schmidt & van der Walt, Global Fire: 150 Fighting Years of International Anarchism & Syndicalism, Counter-power Vol.2, AK Press, USA, scheduled for release in about 2011.

textThe national army and the exemption papers Jan 22 by OAE (Press Office) 0 comments

The initial title of this statement was “For the national army and exemption papers (I5) from it”

textANZAC Day is Nothing to celebrate Apr 27 by Sally Darity 0 comments

The attempted invasion of Turkey by the ANZACs and other Alied forces in 1915 was a typical episode in World War 1. "Defending Australia" had nothing to do with it. The war was fought between two rival imperial alliances, each out to gain territory, colonies and markets.

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imageYPG: We have no connection to the Ankara bombing. Turkey prepares the ground to attack Rojava Feb 19 2 comments

The General Command of the People's Defence Units (YPG) has released a statement in response to Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu who blamed the YPG for yesterday's attack in the heart of Turkish capital Ankara which left 28 people dead and 64 others wounded.

textOn the explosions in London Jul 21 0 comments

Statement of Federation of Anarchists of Greece (OAE) on the terrorist attacks in London, agreed in its 8th General Assemply.

textTarhan hunger strike ended Jun 23 0 comments

From Athens Indymedia

textOADE on nationalist parades May 18 OADE - Greece 0 comments

Leaflet distributed by OADE this 25th of March against the nationalistic ghosts of the Great Greece

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