- published: 21 May 2015
- views: 3158
Miercurea Ciuc (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈmjerkure̯a t͡ʃjuk]; listen, Hungarian: Csíkszereda, Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈt͡ʃiːksɛrɛdɒ]; German: Szeklerburg) is the county seat of Harghita County, Romania. It lies in the Székely Land, an ethno-cultural region in eastern Transylvania, and is situated in the Olt River valley. The city administers three villages:
According to the census of 2011, there were 37,980 people living in the city. Of this population, 81.39% are ethnic Hungarians, while 17.4% are ethnic Romanians, 0.9% are ethnic Romani and 0.33% declare other nationalities.
According to the census of 2002, there were 42,029 people living in the city. Of this population, 81.75% are ethnic Hungarians, while 17.3% are ethnic Romanians, 0.62% are ethnic Romani and 0.33% declare other nationalities.
Demographic movements according to census data:
Roman Catholicism is the majority religion of Miercurea Ciuc, its adherents numbering 74.06% of the total population. Romanian Orthodox (14.99%), Hungarian Reformed (7.41%), and Unitarian (2.05%) adherents represent the most significant other religious groups.
Klaus Werner Iohannis (Romanian: [ˈkla.us joˈhanis], German: [ˈklaʊ̯s joˈhanɪs]; also spelled Johannis; born June 13, 1959) is the current President of Romania. He became leader of the National Liberal Party in 2014, after having served as leader of the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania from 2002 to 2013. Iohannis was a physics teacher and a school inspector before entering full-time politics.
Iohannis was first elected mayor of the city of Sibiu in 2000, representing the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania. Although the German population of the once predominantly German-speaking city of Sibiu has declined to a tiny minority, Iohannis won a surprise victory and was re-elected by landslides in 2004, 2008 and 2012. Iohannis is credited with turning his city into one of Romania's most popular tourist destinations, and the city was declared the European Capital of Culture in 2007. In February 2013, Iohannis became a member of the National Liberal Party, accepting an invitation from Liberal leader Crin Antonescu, and was immediately elected the party's First Vice President, becoming the party's President the following year.
Acest clip a fost creat pentru cei care sunt departe de casa, pentru cei care vor sa mai vada cateva imagini de pe meleagurile natale! Pozele au fost preluate de la profiul adminului facebook Miercurea Ciuc si din cadrul grupului cu acelasi nume!
Președintele Klaus Iohannis efectuează marți o vizită de lucru în județele Harghita, Covasna. Şeful statului a fost întâmpinat la Miercurea Ciuc cu imnul secuiesc şi cu mesaje autonomiste. http://www.facebook.com/fantvr1 http://www.tvr.ro http://www.tvrplus.ro http://youtube.com/tvrcanaluloficial
La 43 de ani, mijlocașul cu peste 300 de jocuri în Liga I, încă evoluează în a treia divizie din România. El este antrenor-jucător la AFK Csikszereda Miercurea Ciuc, echipă care luptă pentru promovarea în L2.
filmari aeriene realizate de www.skycam.ro
Nu mai ninge, nu viscoleşte, dar. a venit îngheţul peste noi. Miercurea Ciuc a încremenit azi noapte într-un nou record negativ. Ora 01:00 a adus cea mai scăzută temperatură din ţară: minus 25,3 grade Celsius. Prea frig? Nici vorbă. Nu pentru localnici., Stiri, Antena 1, 03-02-2014
MiVue 528 test video
Iohannis, la Miercurea Ciuc: „Am venit să vă ascult cu foarte mare atenție”, Previziuni, 18-07-2017
„Cred ca este potrivit, daca este sa avem un parteneriat strategic, eu sa va las in amintire tricolorul nostru, al tuturor”, a spus presedintele. Primarul din Miercurea-Ciuc, Raduly Robert Kalman, a tinut sa ii ofere presedintelui Klaus Iohannis steagul Tinutului Secuiesc, subliniind ca acest gest este o dovada a „parteneriatului strategic” dintre Presedintie si maghiari. Presedintele a avut o reactie care nu da posibilitate altor interpretari: i-a oferit in schimb primarului maghiar un drapel tricolor. Citeste mai mult: http://www.aktual24.ro/miscare-fabuloasa-a-lui-klaus-iohannis-dupa-ce-primarul-maghiar-din-miercurea-ciuc-a-tinut-sa-ii-ofere-cadou-steagul-tinutului-secuiesc/ Antena3.ro https://www.antena3.ro/actualitate/iohannis-la-miercurea-ciuc-dintr-o-oarecare-eroare-ati-folosit-stea...
Președintele Klaus Iohannis a ținut să transmită, la dezbaterea cu aleşii locali din Covasna si Harghita, că autonomia pe criterii etnice nu este de dorit şi a sugerat politicinilor să renunţe la mesajele care ating sensibilităţi istorice., Previziuni, 18-07-2017
Vezi jurnalul de știri pe Antena Play: https://goo.gl/1GtmpL Câte bunătăţi se pot pregăti din carnea de berbec? Au răspuns provocării sute de gospodari din peste şase judeţe, care şi-au dat întâlnire la Miercurea Ciuc., Stiri, 30-07-2017
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"Aventura urbană” ajunge în Miercurea Ciuc. Reporterul Gabriel Geamănu vorbeşte cu dublul campion mondial la paraciclism Edy Novak, apoi merge la patinoarul Vakar Lajos. Se deplasează cu sania pentru o întîlnire cu curajoşii care fac skijoring, sport în care schiorul e tras de cal. Vizitează impresionanta mănăstire franciscană unde îl cunoaşte pe fruntaşul secuilor. Îi găseşte pe constructorii de case harghitene, celebre în toată lumea şi, în final, încearcă să înţeleagă cum se fabrică berea locală. La Cluj-Napoca, Irina Luca îl întîlneşte pe cel mai tînăr profesor universitar din ţară, medicul nurochirurg Ştefan Florian, născut în Miercurea Ciuc. Reportaje de Gabriel Geamănu Redactor Anda Docea Producător Lidia Voicu Realizator / Moderator Irina Luca http://www.facebook.com/fantvr1 ...
Iohannis, la Miercurea Ciuc, Previziuni, 18-07-2017
Director : Flomanescu & MC Luk Imagine : Ferenczi Gyozo Editare video : Ferenczi Gyozo Make-up artist : Moldovan Edit MULȚUMIRI :APM Harghita - DOMOKOS László József , WEBBIKE , INRAINBOWS , RADIO FUN FM , CSIKI CSOBBANO Distribuție (în ordinea apariției): Floman Livia Baciu Görbe Zoltán Kedves Monika Păncescu Alin Bogdy Dy Palaghiu Daciana Gina Stefan Simonffy Andrea Zaiba Anikó Vișan Andreea Parfeni Patricia Păncescu Daniel Ficz Csaba - Radio FUN FM Dragoș Creangă Marin Florin Simon Csongor Țurcanu Daniela Kelemen Zsolt Gabor Toth Larisa Iliyes Robert - în special Moldovan Camelia Iesan Mariana Ciontea Daniel Olaru Alexandru Dănilă Liviu Moldovan Edit Adolf Bobo Ne cerem scuze dar unii figuranti nu ...
Potato Festival, The fifteenth edition, August 1, 2015 Miercurea Ciuc, Harghita County, Romania The potato is representative for the Ciuc Depression. This daily food is sometimes treated with an undeserved indifference, actually the potato possesing some special gastronomic possibilities of exploitation. The annual Potato Festival has been organized since 2001. Held in first weekend in August, it is the main event of City Days. The objective of the festival has remained the same since the first edition: recreation, preservation and popularization of traditions specific to Ciuc area and presentation of special dishes - worthy of this wonderful food, of which depends the very existence of entire community. Stew masters compete each year at the Potato Festival in Miercurea Ciuc. Variou...
Enable English subtitle ! - Activaţi subtitrarea în româneşte! Paleokastritsa is one of the most popular resorts of Corfu, situated on the west coast of the island. It is located about 30 km from the capital Corfu Town, surrounded by green hills on the background of brilliant blue sea. It is considered to be the most beautiful resort of Corfu. It consists of six different bays and beaches with crystal blue sea water. Situated aobove, on the mountain, Bella Vista belvedere point overlooks the famous Paleokastritsa resort view with its magnificent bays and the famous monastery of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Above the main coast on a hillside full of wild trees and olive trees facing the deep blue sea stand this monastery who was built around 12th century. Inside there are a museum with Byzanti...
Ezer Székely Leány Napja Ezer Székely Leány Találkozó 1000 de fete secuience The festival “1000 Szekler Girls” is an annual holiday of port and customs specific to the Szekler (Székely) people. People arrive by foot or in carts from all over Szeklerland in Transylvania, all wearing the typical Szekler dresses. They gather in the center of Miercurea Ciuc. After a round dance, all head to the Sumuleu (Csiksomlyó) Hill, where the festival continues. They are filled with a sense of pride and safety in by the transmission of traditional Szekler values from generation to generation. The Festival is an unique opportunity for the presentation, preservation and perpetuation of the special traditions of these lands. This is the day of the annual festival of the “Ezer Székely Leány Találkozó” (The G...
Otherwise known as “Campiello,” this area is the fascinating maze of narrow streets, alleyways and steps that are squeezed between the Old Fort - Old Port - New Fort. It is like a miniature Venice with much of its appeal being the residential atmosphere. In centuries gone by this area was surrounded by city walls, long since torn down, but the only way to expand the living quarters was to go upwards. Therefore it is full of high buildings and you can often see laundry strung across the alleyways. This is a lovely part of the town worth visiting. Corfu Old Town is a shopper's paradise. Being in the Old Town of Corfu (Kerkyra) trully is amazing. It has a fascinating road network, complemented by small squares which also developed naturally. They are mainly found in front of churches, and apa...
Plimbare pe acoperisul lumii bucovinice The Rarau Mountains are part of the Eastern Carpathians and offer fantastic hiking opportunities. The region’s main base for hikers is Cabana Rarau, located at an elevation of 1536 meters, near the town of Campulung Moldovenesc. There’s a small restaurant and provisions shop there too. Enter Campulung Moldovenesc from the east, look out for the sign on the left (‘Cabana Rarau 14km’) and you’re on your way. Do not attempt to drive this route in bad weather unless you have a 4WD. Indeed, even in good weather, it’s no treat; the road is narrow and extremely pot-holed and rocky in places. Hiking takes three to four hours (follow the red circles). A second, good and new modernized road (County road 175B, Pojorata-Rarau, 14 Km) leads up to the cabana from ...
Oraşul australian Perth este, zilele acestea, cel mai fierbinte loc de pe planetă. Aici au fost ieri 45 de grade Celsius, cea mai ridicată temperatură înregistrată pe Pământ într-o zi de decembrie., Stiri, Antena 1, 29-12-2015
Enable subtitle - Activati subtitrarea ! The Achilleion Palace was built by Empress of Austria Elisabeth of Bavaria, also known as Sisi. Elisabeth was a woman obsessed with beauty. She had a very powerful, but tragically vulnerable character since the loss of her only son, Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria in 1889. A year later in 1890, she built a summer palace in Corfu island, about ten kilometres to the south of the city of Corfu. The central theme of the palace is the mythical hero Achilles. Elisabeth spoke fluent Greek and expressed a desire to further immerse herself in the Greek culture. The palace was designed by Italian architect Raffaele Caritto. Ernst Herter, a famous German sculptor, was commissioned to create works inspired from Greek mythology. His famous sculpture Dying Achill...
The Monastery of Virgin Mary of Paleokastritsa is located in the Greek island of Corfu, 25 kilometers outside of the City of Corfu. On the rocky bluff above the beaches, the beautiful, whitewashed Paleokastritsa's Monastery (also known as the Panagia or Theotokos Monastery) is believed to have been established in the thirteenth century, though the current buildings date from the eighteenth. The small monastery church, set amidst an attractive complex of courtyards, archways, monks' cells, oil presses and storerooms, has a number of impressive icons, including depictions of St George and the dragon and an atmospheric Last Judgement, while the ceiling features a woodcarving of the Tree of Life. There's also a museum, resplendent with further icons, most notably a beautiful Dormition of the V...
Welcome to Romania. I flew out of Geneva and landed in Bucharest... Music Errol Flynn by Jinja Safari Talk Shit (Feat. Mike Burns, Doctor Tuesday, & Hand Habits) by KARATE Connect with me: Website: http://edwardmgreene.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/EdwardMGreene Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/643449
Enable subtitles A small hike through the less visible part of the resort Paleokastritsa (Corfu), the place where the mountain falls into the sea. With its seven differently colored water bays, the most beautiful resort of Corfu, it reveals some of its beauties during a small hike on a narrow winding street, located in hillside that dominates the sea. O mică drumeție prin partea mai puțin vizibilă a stațiunii Paleokastritsa (Corfu), locul unde muntele se prăbușește în mare. Cu ale sale șapte golfuri cu apa diferit colorată, cea mai frumoasă stațiune a Insulei Corfu, iși dezvăluie o parte din frumusețile sale montane parcursul unei mici plimbări pe o străduță îngustă și întortocheată, situată în versantul ce domină marea.
Enable English subtitles ! - Activaţi subtitrarea în româneşte ! Kanoni is the most beautiful viewspot of Corfu (Kerkyra) Town. While drinking your coffee or beer you can watch the landing and taking off of planes. From that spot you can see the picturesque azure blue waters bay with Pontikonisi Island (Mouse Island) and Vlacherna Monastery. This worldwide famous place is only 3,5 km away from Corfu downtown. The view from Kanoni actually serves as Corfu's visual signature; you'll see copies of it everywhere on postcards and in magazines. Kanoni was named after the battery of artillery established by the French in 1798. One of the battery's cannons still stands at the tourist kiosk found on the site. Kanoni is cut off from the rest of the island on the west side by Halikiopoulou, a swampy ...
Visited sights: Colosseo (Collosseum), Arco di Constatine (Arch of Constantine), Via Sacra (Sacred Road), Foro Romano (Roman Forum), Foro di Traiano (Trajan's Forum), Colonna Traiana (Trajan's Column), Altare della Patria - Monumento Nationale a Vittorio Emanuele II (Altar of the Fatherland - National Monument to Victor Emmanuel II), Fontana di Trevi (Trevi Fountain), Panteon (Pantheon), Piazza Navona et Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (Navona Square and Fountain of the Four Rivers), Palazzo Madama (Madama Palace - Italian Senat)
Enable subtitle The train and the music are named after Hutsul, the ethnic goup living in this area of Bukovina. The route of Hutulca begins in Moldovita village (in Bukovina region, Romania) and it continues near the river with the same name. Along the entire route (10.5 Km) you will be able to admire the picturesque landscape of Bukovina, dominated by gentle hills, haystacks collected from the large fields and old settlements built using local architectural model. The "mocanita" (narrow railways train) Hutulca is today a charming tourist attraction of the whole region and brings joy to both those passionate about steam locomotives, as well as those who want to relax admiring the beauty of wild nature. Narrow gauge railway from Moldovita was built by Louis Ortieb, a sawmill owner in Munic...
Bagasem Banditul la iernat de vreo 3 saptamani. Apoi am avut un weekend cu 15 grade, asa ca ne-am strans o mana de oameni si am pornit la plimbare. Pe drum ne-a prins ploaia, asa ca am abandonat mersul la Sighisoara si am facut dreapta spre Miercurea Ciuc. Unde am dat de ceata si lapovita. Am inghetat toti, dar macar am avut parte de niste peisaje foarte misto. Da, asta a fost ultima tura pe anul asta. Dar mai postez cate ceva. Video-urile Enduro ale Cosminei: https://www.youtube.com/user/crisancosmina Melodie video: Vinnie Maniscalco-TaKillya Melodie outro: Goran Bregovic-Gas Gas CU CE FILMEZ: - Camera- http://profitshare.ro/l/2833307 - Microfon- http://profitshare.ro/l/2833311 Editez cu Final Cut PRO X. Melodia intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGCSD6AHv5U Facebook: https://ww...
Take a tour of Brasov Council Square in Brasov, Romania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. At the center of Brasov, Romania, visitors will find the Council Square, a civic backbone. This ancient square has been hosting annual markets since the 14th century. A local legend purports that when the Pied Piper of Hamlin sent children underground, they reappeared near this famous square. In the center of Council Square is the Council House, a striking city feature which has survived almost 600 years. Surrounding Brasov's Council Square are the town's architecturally exquisite medieval buildings. This is an ideal place to stop for an afternoon picnic before exploring the rest of Brasov.
Enable English subtitle ! - Activați subtitrarea în românește ! Sighisoara Fortress is a medieval complex of military architecture, civil and ecclesiastical, included in UNESCO patrimony. It is the oldest and continuously entirety inhabited citadel in Southeast Europe. The fortress and medieval burgh were built by Saxon settlers beginning in the twelfth century. The settlement has developed rapidly, so that already in the fifteenth century reached the form that we see today. Flourishing city is largely due to guilds system. The guilds were also responsible for raising and maintaining the city walls (totaling 930 m long) and the 14 towers (of which remained 9). The most important of the towers, the Clock Tower, defend the main gate of the fortress and is its symbol. If it was in the mediev...