scandal cu cutite si pumni in club baia mare actualmm
FCM Baia Mare - Steaua Bucuresti 1-1 (1-4) Cupa Romaniei 29.10.2015
FCM Baia Mare - Steaua Bucuresti 1-1 (1-4 pen.) Cupa Romaniei 29.10.2015
david simba - aici e Baia Mare
o melodie care prezinta orasul Baia Mare..multumiri find aduse celor care au participat la realizarea acestui videoclip.Produsa de CNF RECORDS STUDIO Baia Mare contact : 0740762035
Film documentar - Piata Cetatii, Turnul Stefan - Baia Mare
Film documentar realizat in cadrul proiecului "Reabilitarea si promovarea identitatii culturale si istorice Piata Cetatii – Turnul lui Stefan", beneficiar Municipiul Baia Mare, proiect cofinantat de Uniunea Europeana prin Fondul European pentru Dezvoltare Regionala.
Imagine si montaj: Ioan Teglas
Scenariu si documentare: Emanuel Luca
Voce: Sandu Barbu (Sendi)
O productie Inside Media, 2014
bataie baia mare
bataie in local baia mare actualmm
Baia Mare - Steaua 1 - 1 ( 1 - 4 d.p ) Cupa Romaniei 29.10.2015
Foarte greu sa calificat Steaua
Armwrestling Gold Plaza Baia Mare 2012
Armwrestling contest at Gold Plaza Baia Mare, July 27, 2012. Concurs de skandenberg la Gold Plaza Baia Mare, 27 iulie 2012.
Baia Mare orașul aurului - film documentar - în curând
Baia Mare orașul aurului - film documentar
Music: Broke For Free - 02 - Summer Spliffs
1. Baia Mare 2010 - imagini din drona octocopter
Serie de fotografii capturate de la altitudine cu orasul Baia Mare si imprejurimi.
music: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music
FCM Baia Mare 1-1 Steaua (1-4 penalty-uri) / Rezumat Cupa Romaniei
FCM Baia Mare 1-1 FC Steaua Bucureşti (1-4 după penalty-uri)
Optimi Cupa României Timişoreana
Baia Mare, Maramures, Rumania
Mi ciudad natal (my home town - orasul meu natal) , Baia Mare, Maramures, Rumania. Please visit !! You won't be desapointed ! Merece la pena la visita, es un...
sosire steaua bucuresti in baia mare actualmm
Nelson Mondialu '' aripioare de pe Baia-Mare ''
fotbal fcm baia mare fc brasov actualmm
Bataie crunta intre interlopi intr-un mall din Baia Mare 15 NOIEMBRIE 2011
Romania nu este impartita in judete ci in clanuri de interlopi Cand nu se bat cu legea gruparile isi regleaza conturile. Oricand si oriunde. Membrii a doua clanuri din Baia Mare s-au incaierat intr-un mall din oras. Este doar inca o lupta a unui...
Tuning Expo Baia Mare
Eveniment cu profil auto axat in special pe Tuning si Car Audio. Au fost expuse masini modificate, participanti in competitii si alte exemple interesante din lumea auto-moto
HCM Baia Mare - Larvik HK
Turn Combinat Baia Mare
H = 351,5m
Speranța - Sens Unic Spre Cer [ Baia Mare ]
FCM Baia Mare - Steaua Bucuresti -PENALTI
Penalti FCM Baia Mare - Steaua Bucuresti 2015 cupa ROMANIEI
scandal bilete fcm baia mare steaua bucuresti actualmm
Baia Mare - Steaua Cupa Romaniei 2015
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/DeadlyGaming266
- Sunt doar cateva momente , nu am filmat tot timpul pentru ca a fost o atmosfera geniala ar fi fost pacat sa stau si sa tot filmez ...
FCM Baia Mare - Steaua Bucuresti 1-1 (1-4) Cupa Romaniei 29.10.2015
FCM Baia Mare - Steaua Bucuresti 1-1 (1-4 pen.) Cupa Romaniei 29.10.2015...
FCM Baia Mare - Steaua Bucuresti 1-1 (1-4 pen.) Cupa Romaniei 29.10.2015
wn.com/Fcm Baia Mare Steaua Bucuresti 1 1 (1 4) Cupa Romaniei 29.10.2015
FCM Baia Mare - Steaua Bucuresti 1-1 (1-4 pen.) Cupa Romaniei 29.10.2015
- published: 29 Oct 2015
- views: 1734
david simba - aici e Baia Mare
o melodie care prezinta orasul Baia Mare..multumiri find aduse celor care au participat la realizarea acestui videoclip.Produsa de CNF RECORDS STUDIO Baia Mare ...
o melodie care prezinta orasul Baia Mare..multumiri find aduse celor care au participat la realizarea acestui videoclip.Produsa de CNF RECORDS STUDIO Baia Mare contact : 0740762035
wn.com/David Simba Aici E Baia Mare
o melodie care prezinta orasul Baia Mare..multumiri find aduse celor care au participat la realizarea acestui videoclip.Produsa de CNF RECORDS STUDIO Baia Mare contact : 0740762035
- published: 03 Jul 2015
- views: 6821
Film documentar - Piata Cetatii, Turnul Stefan - Baia Mare
Film documentar realizat in cadrul proiecului "Reabilitarea si promovarea identitatii culturale si istorice Piata Cetatii – Turnul lui Stefan", beneficiar Munic...
Film documentar realizat in cadrul proiecului "Reabilitarea si promovarea identitatii culturale si istorice Piata Cetatii – Turnul lui Stefan", beneficiar Municipiul Baia Mare, proiect cofinantat de Uniunea Europeana prin Fondul European pentru Dezvoltare Regionala.
Imagine si montaj: Ioan Teglas
Scenariu si documentare: Emanuel Luca
Voce: Sandu Barbu (Sendi)
O productie Inside Media, 2014
wn.com/Film Documentar Piata Cetatii, Turnul Stefan Baia Mare
Film documentar realizat in cadrul proiecului "Reabilitarea si promovarea identitatii culturale si istorice Piata Cetatii – Turnul lui Stefan", beneficiar Municipiul Baia Mare, proiect cofinantat de Uniunea Europeana prin Fondul European pentru Dezvoltare Regionala.
Imagine si montaj: Ioan Teglas
Scenariu si documentare: Emanuel Luca
Voce: Sandu Barbu (Sendi)
O productie Inside Media, 2014
- published: 12 Jan 2015
- views: 5
Armwrestling Gold Plaza Baia Mare 2012
Armwrestling contest at Gold Plaza Baia Mare, July 27, 2012. Concurs de skandenberg la Gold Plaza Baia Mare, 27 iulie 2012....
Armwrestling contest at Gold Plaza Baia Mare, July 27, 2012. Concurs de skandenberg la Gold Plaza Baia Mare, 27 iulie 2012.
wn.com/Armwrestling Gold Plaza Baia Mare 2012
Armwrestling contest at Gold Plaza Baia Mare, July 27, 2012. Concurs de skandenberg la Gold Plaza Baia Mare, 27 iulie 2012.
- published: 31 Jul 2012
- views: 15062
author: Alex Nicol
Baia Mare orașul aurului - film documentar - în curând
Baia Mare orașul aurului - film documentar
Music: Broke For Free - 02 - Summer Spliffs...
Baia Mare orașul aurului - film documentar
Music: Broke For Free - 02 - Summer Spliffs
wn.com/Baia Mare Orașul Aurului Film Documentar În Curând
Baia Mare orașul aurului - film documentar
Music: Broke For Free - 02 - Summer Spliffs
- published: 21 Sep 2014
- views: 301
1. Baia Mare 2010 - imagini din drona octocopter
Serie de fotografii capturate de la altitudine cu orasul Baia Mare si imprejurimi.
music: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music...
Serie de fotografii capturate de la altitudine cu orasul Baia Mare si imprejurimi.
music: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music
wn.com/1. Baia Mare 2010 Imagini Din Drona Octocopter
Serie de fotografii capturate de la altitudine cu orasul Baia Mare si imprejurimi.
music: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music
- published: 10 May 2015
- views: 87
FCM Baia Mare 1-1 Steaua (1-4 penalty-uri) / Rezumat Cupa Romaniei
FCM Baia Mare 1-1 FC Steaua Bucureşti (1-4 după penalty-uri)
Optimi Cupa României Timişoreana...
FCM Baia Mare 1-1 FC Steaua Bucureşti (1-4 după penalty-uri)
Optimi Cupa României Timişoreana
wn.com/Fcm Baia Mare 1 1 Steaua (1 4 Penalty Uri) Rezumat Cupa Romaniei
FCM Baia Mare 1-1 FC Steaua Bucureşti (1-4 după penalty-uri)
Optimi Cupa României Timişoreana
- published: 30 Oct 2015
- views: 1253
Baia Mare, Maramures, Rumania
Mi ciudad natal (my home town - orasul meu natal) , Baia Mare, Maramures, Rumania. Please visit !! You won't be desapointed ! Merece la pena la visita, es un......
Mi ciudad natal (my home town - orasul meu natal) , Baia Mare, Maramures, Rumania. Please visit !! You won't be desapointed ! Merece la pena la visita, es un...
wn.com/Baia Mare, Maramures, Rumania
Mi ciudad natal (my home town - orasul meu natal) , Baia Mare, Maramures, Rumania. Please visit !! You won't be desapointed ! Merece la pena la visita, es un...
Bataie crunta intre interlopi intr-un mall din Baia Mare 15 NOIEMBRIE 2011
Romania nu este impartita in judete ci in clanuri de interlopi Cand nu se bat cu legea gruparile isi regleaza conturile. Oricand si oriunde. Membrii a doua clan...
Romania nu este impartita in judete ci in clanuri de interlopi Cand nu se bat cu legea gruparile isi regleaza conturile. Oricand si oriunde. Membrii a doua clanuri din Baia Mare s-au incaierat intr-un mall din oras. Este doar inca o lupta a unui...
wn.com/Bataie Crunta Intre Interlopi Intr Un Mall Din Baia Mare 15 Noiembrie 2011
Romania nu este impartita in judete ci in clanuri de interlopi Cand nu se bat cu legea gruparile isi regleaza conturile. Oricand si oriunde. Membrii a doua clanuri din Baia Mare s-au incaierat intr-un mall din oras. Este doar inca o lupta a unui...
- published: 15 Feb 2015
- views: 100
Tuning Expo Baia Mare
Eveniment cu profil auto axat in special pe Tuning si Car Audio. Au fost expuse masini modificate, participanti in competitii si alte exemple interesante din lu...
Eveniment cu profil auto axat in special pe Tuning si Car Audio. Au fost expuse masini modificate, participanti in competitii si alte exemple interesante din lumea auto-moto
wn.com/Tuning Expo Baia Mare
Eveniment cu profil auto axat in special pe Tuning si Car Audio. Au fost expuse masini modificate, participanti in competitii si alte exemple interesante din lumea auto-moto
- published: 06 Jun 2015
- views: 10
Turn Combinat Baia Mare
H = 351,5m
H = 351,5m
wn.com/Turn Combinat Baia Mare
H = 351,5m
- published: 13 Oct 2015
- views: 1383
FCM Baia Mare - Steaua Bucuresti -PENALTI
Penalti FCM Baia Mare - Steaua Bucuresti 2015 cupa ROMANIEI...
Penalti FCM Baia Mare - Steaua Bucuresti 2015 cupa ROMANIEI
wn.com/Fcm Baia Mare Steaua Bucuresti Penalti
Penalti FCM Baia Mare - Steaua Bucuresti 2015 cupa ROMANIEI
- published: 29 Oct 2015
- views: 110
Baia Mare - Steaua Cupa Romaniei 2015
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/DeadlyGaming266
- Sunt doar cateva momente , nu am filmat tot timpul pentru ca a fost o atmosfera geniala ar fi fost pacat s...
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/DeadlyGaming266
- Sunt doar cateva momente , nu am filmat tot timpul pentru ca a fost o atmosfera geniala ar fi fost pacat sa stau si sa tot filmez ...
wn.com/Baia Mare Steaua Cupa Romaniei 2015
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/DeadlyGaming266
- Sunt doar cateva momente , nu am filmat tot timpul pentru ca a fost o atmosfera geniala ar fi fost pacat sa stau si sa tot filmez ...
- published: 04 Nov 2015
- views: 1799
Salvador Da Bahia - Brazil Trip 2015
Salvador Da Bahia, Brazil Trip 2015 - Tourism & Vacation in Salvador Da Bahia, Brazil
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Salvador is the capital of the state of Bahia, Brazil. With a charming Old Town (a World Heritage Site), a vibrant musical scene and popular Carnival celebrations, it is considered one of the birthplaces of Brazil
Madeira Island - Travel Guide Part#1 HD 1080p
The Vereda da Ponta de São Lourenço walk (PR8) is a 8 KM hike that takes about 3 to 5h. Follow the windig trail from Baia d´Abra across the cliffs with the breathtaking scenery to Cais do Sardinha on Madeiras eastern peninsula.
The highest altitude is on his walk is 110 m and you get the chance to see plenty of Madeiran lizards, which are the islands only reptile.
The Trail takes you to one
Travel Sardinia: Swimming at Baia di Chia
Travel Sardinia! Welcome to my travelogues of the italian island Sardinia. Today we went to Baia di Chia to have a swim!
►Watch my previous travel videos!►
Stay tuned for more of my trip!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Yaiyasmin1
Cabo Verde Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Cabo Verde. Cape Verde is an exotic island world, an archipelago off the coast of West Africa it combines the flair of the Can...
Passeio de veleiro na baia de Guanabara ao anoitecer
Paseo en velero en la bahía de Guanabara al caer la noche
rio de janeiro brazil, rio de janeiro brasil, o que fazer no rio de janeiro, viagem, travel, dicas, tips, viagens, travel guide, Destination, Tourist Destination, adventure, rio de janeiro
Salvador da Bahia, Brazil
BlackAtlas Travel Expert-at-Large Nelson George takes you on a tour of Salvador da Bahia, Brazil.
Baia Mare, Romania Vacations, Tourism, Guides, Hotels
Baia Mare, Romania Vacations, Tourism, Guides, Hotels Baia Mare, Romania Vacations, Tourism, Guides, Hotels Baia Mare, Romania Vacations, Tourism, Guides, Ho...
Salvador Bahia Brazil
BOOK YOUR HOTEL HERE: http://www.salvadorbahiaguide.com/ Better than Rio de Janeiro, Salvador Bahia Brazil is the largest city on the northeast coast of Braz...
Salvador Bahia - Brazil
Salvador da Bahia is a city on the northeast coast of Brazil and the capital of the Northeastern Brazilian state of Bahia. Salvador is also known as Brazil's...
Sardinia Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
The second largest island of the Mediterranean managed to keep some of its natural, untouched beauty, which is more and more rare in modern Europe. Large herds of goat and sheep are grazing on the scarcely inhabited Campidoro plain. Here thearchaic patoral culture still lives on. In the Giara di Gesturi National Park a stud of 1500 horses lives completely free. There are almost 8 thousand ‘nurages
Greece Travel Guide
Explore the most popular destinations in Greece (Athens, Mykonos, and Santorini) in this quick 3 minute overview. Whether your clients want to experience luxury accommodations and spa’s, or prefer to dive into the authentic countryside, Greece is a paradise for everyone.
Find out more about planning Greek itineraries in this Webinar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUbOwnlZw0M
Outside views of Baia Lara Hotel, Lara Beach, Antalya, Turkey Tripadvisor top hotel 2012 and 2013
Walking from reception to the sea passing all the pools This hotel just keeps winning awards on Tripadvisor and other travel websites. Built in 2009 we thoug...
Baia Sancho | Fernando de Noronha, Brazil | the world's most beautiful beaches
Baia Sancho, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil, the world's most beautiful beaches
Travel Baia Sancho, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil
Travel Brazil, Travel Brazil 2015
Detailed room review at Baia lara Hotel Lara Beach Antalya Turkey Tripadvisors top hotel 2012 / 2013
This hotel just keeps winning awards on Tripadvisor and other travel websites. Built in 2009 we thought we would pay it a visit. This is a 5 ***** Platinum all inclusive spa resort. Tripadvisors top hotel 2012 and 2013.
The hotel is very impressive,and like many of the top hotels it's the staff that give it the edge. Room safe, room minibar are free. Air-conditioning is only on in the summer, and
Hotel Baia Cristal, Carvoeiro
A superb 4-star hotel located in one of the most beautiful places in the Algarve, on a cliff top, the Hotel Baía Cristal offers a peaceful atmosphere with a fantastic sea view.
Upon the beach of Vale Centeanes and 1700 m from Carvoeiro beach.
Vale de Centeanes, Praia de Carvoeiro, Lagoa, Algarve, Portugal
The Historic Center of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil in HD
Salvador was founded in 1549 and was Brazil's capital until 1763. The Historic Center of Salvador is Unesco World Heritage site. Recorded March 2013 in HD wi...
Bahia is much more
A Bahia é muito mais - versão em inglês.
Varigotti - La Baia dei Saraceni - Liguria - Italy
Una perla della Liguria vista da un drone con immagini uniche...
Production by ImmaginAria ----- seguimi su Facebook
Baía da Barca - Travel by boat in the triangle
Baía da Barca - Ilha do Pico Design Hotel 4 Estrelas http://www.baiadabarca.com.
【日本百景】御浜鬼ヶ城(三重県)(Bay/ 만/ baie/ bahía/ خليج/ 海湾/ залив/ baía/ Bucht/ खाड़ी/ מפרץ)
チャンネル登録お願いします(Registration of this channel, please!)→https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh2v4qq1YBAwIdKAZdUIKTg
(Bay/ 만/ baie/ bahía/ خليج/ 海湾/ залив/ baía/ Bucht/ खाड़ी/מפרץ)
We will introduce the Japanese superb view.
일본의 절경을 소개합니다.
Nous allons présenter la superbe vue japonais.
Vamos a introducir la magnífica vista japonés.
وسوف أعرض على منظر
Info on Ponta do Ouro, Mozambique. Travel guide.
Where the sun rises over the Indian Ocean, only 5 km from Kosi Bay on the Southern tip of Mozambique, you will find Ponta do Ouro, "Point of Gold". Self Driv...
Most Beautiful Beaches Brazil, 8 Best Beaches in Brazil
Most Beautiful Beaches Brazil, 8 Best Beaches in Brazil. (CNN) -- Brazil and beaches go together like bossa nova and "The Girl From Ipanema," which, of course, put the country on the map as a hub of sun and sand and the eternally tanned and lovely.
With 4,650 miles of mostly tropical coastline, Brazil can lay claim to one of the biggest collections of balmy shores on the planet, Most beautiful bea
Salvador Da Bahia - Brazil Trip 2015
Salvador Da Bahia, Brazil Trip 2015 - Tourism & Vacation in Salvador Da Bahia, Brazil
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_...
Salvador Da Bahia, Brazil Trip 2015 - Tourism & Vacation in Salvador Da Bahia, Brazil
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Salvador is the capital of the state of Bahia, Brazil. With a charming Old Town (a World Heritage Site), a vibrant musical scene and popular Carnival celebrations, it is considered one of the birthplaces of Brazilian culture.
Do in Salvador Da Bahia - Brazil
You'll find a huge variety of things to do in Salvador. Some of the popular activities include:
Day tour of Salvador
Salvador Parks
Salvador golf courses
Salvador music festivals
Surf trips
A good brazil tour guide in Salvador, known as a guia de Salvador, will be able to show you around lots of the attractions and activities if you want to explore on your own. A good option to get a general idea and find your way around in the city is the "Salvador Bus", an open-top tour bus passing by the main points of interest and offering explanation on the way.
See in Salvador Da Bahia - Brazil
At the center of the Cidade Alta there are the 2 large squares Praça da Sé and the Terreiro de Jesus which are connected at the corner by the cathedral. The latter is probably the most lively part of town, with food carts and stalls through the day and revelers in the evening hours. The slick, L-shaped Praça da Sé has cool fountains and the fenced-off ruins of the foundations of its namesake church. At the far end of the plaza, the 1874 funicular railway Plano Inclinado Gonçalves used to send 30-passenger cars between Cidade Alta and Cidade Baixa on terrifyingly steep tracks – it's been out of service since 2011, though plans to restore the train are in the works. A colourful intersection of vendors, tourists, capoeiristas and colourful locals, the Terreiro de Jesus is a historic site of religious celebrations, and is ringed by four churches, as well as the XIX century Faculdade de Medicina Building . The plaza feeds into the Cruzeiro de São Francisco , named for the cross in the square’s center.
Praça Municipal (City Square), Praça Tomé de Souza. Once the political seat of colonial Brazil, it is now a lively place to people-watch and see panoramic views over the bay. Overlooking the plaza, note the impressive Palácio Rio Branco, reconstructed in 1919; the original 1549 structure housed the offices of Tomé de Souza, Brazil’s first governor general.
Largo do Pelourinho — A fairly small triangular plaza, is among the oldest parts of town. You can guess from its name meaning "plaza of the pillory" what went on around there.
Mercado Modelo — The city's main market located in the lower town is and a good place for crafts and other souvenirs. In the adjacent square you can often see young men performing capoeira, the famous martial arts dance which originates from the area.
Solar do Unhão — The best place in Salvador to watch the sunset. It is an old style house located at the Baía de Todos os Santos. Inside there is a small museum (Museu de Arte Moderna) with local art pieces. Sometimes on Saturday evening there is a jazz concert.
Forte de Santo Antônio da Barra ((Farol da Barra for the lighthouse)), Largo do Farol da Barra - Barra BA, Brasil, ☎ +55 71 3264-3296, [2]. is Bahia’s oldest fort was built in 1698. In addition to having superb views, the fort houses an excellent nautical museum, with relics and displays from the days of Portuguese seafaring. As you catch the sunset here – from the grassy ledge behind the fort or from the museum’s gorgeous terrace café – realize that Salvador’s peninsula is the only location in Brazil where the sun appears to set over the ocean.
Elevador Lacerda, Rua da Conceição da Praia, Salvador, Bahia, Brasil (near the Comércio), ☎ +55 71 3103-3103. 7am-11pm, extended hours summer weekends & Carnaval. The beautifully restored, art deco Elevador Lacerda connects the Cidade Alta with Comércio via 4 elevators traveling 72 m in about 30 sec. The Jesuits installed the 1st manual rope-and-pulley elevator around 1610 to transport goods and passengers from the port to the settlement. In 1868 an iron structure with clanking steam elevators was inaugurated, replaced by an electric system in 1928. Facing the elevator are the impressive arches of the Câmara Municipal, the XVII century city hall, which occasionally puts on cultural exhibitions. R$0.15.
wn.com/Salvador Da Bahia Brazil Trip 2015
Salvador Da Bahia, Brazil Trip 2015 - Tourism & Vacation in Salvador Da Bahia, Brazil
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Salvador is the capital of the state of Bahia, Brazil. With a charming Old Town (a World Heritage Site), a vibrant musical scene and popular Carnival celebrations, it is considered one of the birthplaces of Brazilian culture.
Do in Salvador Da Bahia - Brazil
You'll find a huge variety of things to do in Salvador. Some of the popular activities include:
Day tour of Salvador
Salvador Parks
Salvador golf courses
Salvador music festivals
Surf trips
A good brazil tour guide in Salvador, known as a guia de Salvador, will be able to show you around lots of the attractions and activities if you want to explore on your own. A good option to get a general idea and find your way around in the city is the "Salvador Bus", an open-top tour bus passing by the main points of interest and offering explanation on the way.
See in Salvador Da Bahia - Brazil
At the center of the Cidade Alta there are the 2 large squares Praça da Sé and the Terreiro de Jesus which are connected at the corner by the cathedral. The latter is probably the most lively part of town, with food carts and stalls through the day and revelers in the evening hours. The slick, L-shaped Praça da Sé has cool fountains and the fenced-off ruins of the foundations of its namesake church. At the far end of the plaza, the 1874 funicular railway Plano Inclinado Gonçalves used to send 30-passenger cars between Cidade Alta and Cidade Baixa on terrifyingly steep tracks – it's been out of service since 2011, though plans to restore the train are in the works. A colourful intersection of vendors, tourists, capoeiristas and colourful locals, the Terreiro de Jesus is a historic site of religious celebrations, and is ringed by four churches, as well as the XIX century Faculdade de Medicina Building . The plaza feeds into the Cruzeiro de São Francisco , named for the cross in the square’s center.
Praça Municipal (City Square), Praça Tomé de Souza. Once the political seat of colonial Brazil, it is now a lively place to people-watch and see panoramic views over the bay. Overlooking the plaza, note the impressive Palácio Rio Branco, reconstructed in 1919; the original 1549 structure housed the offices of Tomé de Souza, Brazil’s first governor general.
Largo do Pelourinho — A fairly small triangular plaza, is among the oldest parts of town. You can guess from its name meaning "plaza of the pillory" what went on around there.
Mercado Modelo — The city's main market located in the lower town is and a good place for crafts and other souvenirs. In the adjacent square you can often see young men performing capoeira, the famous martial arts dance which originates from the area.
Solar do Unhão — The best place in Salvador to watch the sunset. It is an old style house located at the Baía de Todos os Santos. Inside there is a small museum (Museu de Arte Moderna) with local art pieces. Sometimes on Saturday evening there is a jazz concert.
Forte de Santo Antônio da Barra ((Farol da Barra for the lighthouse)), Largo do Farol da Barra - Barra BA, Brasil, ☎ +55 71 3264-3296, [2]. is Bahia’s oldest fort was built in 1698. In addition to having superb views, the fort houses an excellent nautical museum, with relics and displays from the days of Portuguese seafaring. As you catch the sunset here – from the grassy ledge behind the fort or from the museum’s gorgeous terrace café – realize that Salvador’s peninsula is the only location in Brazil where the sun appears to set over the ocean.
Elevador Lacerda, Rua da Conceição da Praia, Salvador, Bahia, Brasil (near the Comércio), ☎ +55 71 3103-3103. 7am-11pm, extended hours summer weekends & Carnaval. The beautifully restored, art deco Elevador Lacerda connects the Cidade Alta with Comércio via 4 elevators traveling 72 m in about 30 sec. The Jesuits installed the 1st manual rope-and-pulley elevator around 1610 to transport goods and passengers from the port to the settlement. In 1868 an iron structure with clanking steam elevators was inaugurated, replaced by an electric system in 1928. Facing the elevator are the impressive arches of the Câmara Municipal, the XVII century city hall, which occasionally puts on cultural exhibitions. R$0.15.
- published: 03 Jan 2015
- views: 5470
Madeira Island - Travel Guide Part#1 HD 1080p
The Vereda da Ponta de São Lourenço walk (PR8) is a 8 KM hike that takes about 3 to 5h. Follow the windig trail from Baia d´Abra across the cliffs with the brea...
The Vereda da Ponta de São Lourenço walk (PR8) is a 8 KM hike that takes about 3 to 5h. Follow the windig trail from Baia d´Abra across the cliffs with the breathtaking scenery to Cais do Sardinha on Madeiras eastern peninsula.
The highest altitude is on his walk is 110 m and you get the chance to see plenty of Madeiran lizards, which are the islands only reptile.
The Trail takes you to one of Madeiras finest beaches, be prepared to have your swimsuit packed.
Also take care to have plenty of water with you, during the daytime it is very hot. Best time to do the track is in the morning or evening.
Music: A Day To Remember by Notes Productions
Licensed by PremiumBeat.com
Camera: Panasonic HDC-SD300
wn.com/Madeira Island Travel Guide Part 1 Hd 1080P
The Vereda da Ponta de São Lourenço walk (PR8) is a 8 KM hike that takes about 3 to 5h. Follow the windig trail from Baia d´Abra across the cliffs with the breathtaking scenery to Cais do Sardinha on Madeiras eastern peninsula.
The highest altitude is on his walk is 110 m and you get the chance to see plenty of Madeiran lizards, which are the islands only reptile.
The Trail takes you to one of Madeiras finest beaches, be prepared to have your swimsuit packed.
Also take care to have plenty of water with you, during the daytime it is very hot. Best time to do the track is in the morning or evening.
Music: A Day To Remember by Notes Productions
Licensed by PremiumBeat.com
Camera: Panasonic HDC-SD300
- published: 13 May 2015
- views: 58
Travel Sardinia: Swimming at Baia di Chia
Travel Sardinia! Welcome to my travelogues of the italian island Sardinia. Today we went to Baia di Chia to have a swim!
►Watch my previous ...
Travel Sardinia! Welcome to my travelogues of the italian island Sardinia. Today we went to Baia di Chia to have a swim!
►Watch my previous travel videos!►
Stay tuned for more of my trip!
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Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/yaiyasmin
Canon EOS 600D (Rebel T3i in America)
GoXtreme Race
Here are the links to my YouTube travel video playlists:
Egypt: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7987A2E1E8343D8E
South Africa: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL514E9CBFA5AFE6EE
Andalucia, Spain: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL53864B8A2E28B96A
Madrid, Spain: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6C220C5F0D0CB5E5
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UK & USA:http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwIzBATUbr9D58bn-eUtPKOuBTguGepmU
♡ I hope you have a wonderful trip wherever in the world you're going! ♡
wn.com/Travel Sardinia Swimming At Baia Di Chia
Travel Sardinia! Welcome to my travelogues of the italian island Sardinia. Today we went to Baia di Chia to have a swim!
►Watch my previous travel videos!►
Stay tuned for more of my trip!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Yaiyasmin1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Yaiyasmin
Instagram: http://instagram.com/yaiyasmin
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/yaiyasmin
Canon EOS 600D (Rebel T3i in America)
GoXtreme Race
Here are the links to my YouTube travel video playlists:
Egypt: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7987A2E1E8343D8E
South Africa: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL514E9CBFA5AFE6EE
Andalucia, Spain: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL53864B8A2E28B96A
Madrid, Spain: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6C220C5F0D0CB5E5
Pakistan: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6DFF4CD24DB18363
UK & USA:http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwIzBATUbr9D58bn-eUtPKOuBTguGepmU
♡ I hope you have a wonderful trip wherever in the world you're going! ♡
- published: 14 Sep 2014
- views: 702
Cabo Verde Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Cabo Verde. Cape Verde is an exotic island world, an archipelago off the coast of West Africa it combines the flair of the Can......
Travel video about destination Cabo Verde. Cape Verde is an exotic island world, an archipelago off the coast of West Africa it combines the flair of the Can...
wn.com/Cabo Verde Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Cabo Verde. Cape Verde is an exotic island world, an archipelago off the coast of West Africa it combines the flair of the Can...
Passeio de veleiro na baia de Guanabara ao anoitecer
Paseo en velero en la bahía de Guanabara al caer la noche
Passeio de veleiro na baia de Guanabara ao anoitecer
Paseo en velero en la bahía de Guanabara al caer la noche
rio de janeiro brazil, rio de janeiro brasil, o que fazer no rio de janeiro, viagem, travel, dicas, tips, viagens, travel guide, Destination, Tourist Destination, adventure, rio de janeiro, brasil, brazil, rio de janeiro (city/town/village), pão de açucar, urca, Olympic Games 2016,
wn.com/Sailing , Guanabara Bay , Rio De Janeiro Brazil, Old Dog Travel Tips,
Passeio de veleiro na baia de Guanabara ao anoitecer
Paseo en velero en la bahía de Guanabara al caer la noche
rio de janeiro brazil, rio de janeiro brasil, o que fazer no rio de janeiro, viagem, travel, dicas, tips, viagens, travel guide, Destination, Tourist Destination, adventure, rio de janeiro, brasil, brazil, rio de janeiro (city/town/village), pão de açucar, urca, Olympic Games 2016,
- published: 10 Jul 2015
- views: 2
Salvador da Bahia, Brazil
BlackAtlas Travel Expert-at-Large Nelson George takes you on a tour of Salvador da Bahia, Brazil....
BlackAtlas Travel Expert-at-Large Nelson George takes you on a tour of Salvador da Bahia, Brazil.
wn.com/Salvador Da Bahia, Brazil
BlackAtlas Travel Expert-at-Large Nelson George takes you on a tour of Salvador da Bahia, Brazil.
- published: 17 Mar 2010
- views: 38321
Baia Mare, Romania Vacations, Tourism, Guides, Hotels
Baia Mare, Romania Vacations, Tourism, Guides, Hotels Baia Mare, Romania Vacations, Tourism, Guides, Hotels Baia Mare, Romania Vacations, Tourism, Guides, Ho......
Baia Mare, Romania Vacations, Tourism, Guides, Hotels Baia Mare, Romania Vacations, Tourism, Guides, Hotels Baia Mare, Romania Vacations, Tourism, Guides, Ho...
wn.com/Baia Mare, Romania Vacations, Tourism, Guides, Hotels
Baia Mare, Romania Vacations, Tourism, Guides, Hotels Baia Mare, Romania Vacations, Tourism, Guides, Hotels Baia Mare, Romania Vacations, Tourism, Guides, Ho...
- published: 27 Jul 2014
- views: 7
author: beautycity
Salvador Bahia Brazil
BOOK YOUR HOTEL HERE: http://www.salvadorbahiaguide.com/ Better than Rio de Janeiro, Salvador Bahia Brazil is the largest city on the northeast coast of Braz......
BOOK YOUR HOTEL HERE: http://www.salvadorbahiaguide.com/ Better than Rio de Janeiro, Salvador Bahia Brazil is the largest city on the northeast coast of Braz...
wn.com/Salvador Bahia Brazil
BOOK YOUR HOTEL HERE: http://www.salvadorbahiaguide.com/ Better than Rio de Janeiro, Salvador Bahia Brazil is the largest city on the northeast coast of Braz...
Salvador Bahia - Brazil
Salvador da Bahia is a city on the northeast coast of Brazil and the capital of the Northeastern Brazilian state of Bahia. Salvador is also known as Brazil's......
Salvador da Bahia is a city on the northeast coast of Brazil and the capital of the Northeastern Brazilian state of Bahia. Salvador is also known as Brazil's...
wn.com/Salvador Bahia Brazil
Salvador da Bahia is a city on the northeast coast of Brazil and the capital of the Northeastern Brazilian state of Bahia. Salvador is also known as Brazil's...
Sardinia Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
The second largest island of the Mediterranean managed to keep some of its natural, untouched beauty, which is more and more rare in modern Europe. Large herds ...
The second largest island of the Mediterranean managed to keep some of its natural, untouched beauty, which is more and more rare in modern Europe. Large herds of goat and sheep are grazing on the scarcely inhabited Campidoro plain. Here thearchaic patoral culture still lives on. In the Giara di Gesturi National Park a stud of 1500 horses lives completely free. There are almost 8 thousand ‘nurages’, ancient megalithic stone buildings built around 2000 BC. The black diorite, polished by the sea and the wind and the grey granite rocks stand out ouf the blue sea. The island is covered with macchia, a fragrant bush, between them there is myrtle, thyme, rosemary and lavender. The landscape is full of olive trees, cork, almond trees and grape. The narrow alleys of the old towns are edged by Sardinian and Toscan style buildings. If we add to this the beautiful stalactite caves, the monuments of Cagliari, the wild coast of Costa Smeralda, and the magnificent beaches, we can say that Sardinia is the nature lovers’ paradise and a place for an idillic vacation.
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Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
wn.com/Sardinia Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
The second largest island of the Mediterranean managed to keep some of its natural, untouched beauty, which is more and more rare in modern Europe. Large herds of goat and sheep are grazing on the scarcely inhabited Campidoro plain. Here thearchaic patoral culture still lives on. In the Giara di Gesturi National Park a stud of 1500 horses lives completely free. There are almost 8 thousand ‘nurages’, ancient megalithic stone buildings built around 2000 BC. The black diorite, polished by the sea and the wind and the grey granite rocks stand out ouf the blue sea. The island is covered with macchia, a fragrant bush, between them there is myrtle, thyme, rosemary and lavender. The landscape is full of olive trees, cork, almond trees and grape. The narrow alleys of the old towns are edged by Sardinian and Toscan style buildings. If we add to this the beautiful stalactite caves, the monuments of Cagliari, the wild coast of Costa Smeralda, and the magnificent beaches, we can say that Sardinia is the nature lovers’ paradise and a place for an idillic vacation.
Watch more travel videos ► http://goo.gl/HYQdhg
Join us. Subscribe now! ► http://goo.gl/QHWi2p
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Thanks for all your support, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated!
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Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
- published: 08 May 2015
- views: 98
No494 VIDEO OF HOTEL BAIA LARA , LARA BEACH , ANTALYA , TURKEY . BY M CONNOLLY , 13/06/2014 - 24/06/2014 ....
wn.com/Hotel Baia Lara , Lara Beach , Antalya , Turkey 2014 Hd
- published: 30 Jun 2014
- views: 4501
author: miar2006
Greece Travel Guide
Explore the most popular destinations in Greece (Athens, Mykonos, and Santorini) in this quick 3 minute overview. Whether your clients want to experience luxury...
Explore the most popular destinations in Greece (Athens, Mykonos, and Santorini) in this quick 3 minute overview. Whether your clients want to experience luxury accommodations and spa’s, or prefer to dive into the authentic countryside, Greece is a paradise for everyone.
Find out more about planning Greek itineraries in this Webinar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUbOwnlZw0M
wn.com/Greece Travel Guide
Explore the most popular destinations in Greece (Athens, Mykonos, and Santorini) in this quick 3 minute overview. Whether your clients want to experience luxury accommodations and spa’s, or prefer to dive into the authentic countryside, Greece is a paradise for everyone.
Find out more about planning Greek itineraries in this Webinar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUbOwnlZw0M
- published: 27 Aug 2014
- views: 9474
Outside views of Baia Lara Hotel, Lara Beach, Antalya, Turkey Tripadvisor top hotel 2012 and 2013
Walking from reception to the sea passing all the pools This hotel just keeps winning awards on Tripadvisor and other travel websites. Built in 2009 we thoug......
Walking from reception to the sea passing all the pools This hotel just keeps winning awards on Tripadvisor and other travel websites. Built in 2009 we thoug...
wn.com/Outside Views Of Baia Lara Hotel, Lara Beach, Antalya, Turkey Tripadvisor Top Hotel 2012 And 2013
Walking from reception to the sea passing all the pools This hotel just keeps winning awards on Tripadvisor and other travel websites. Built in 2009 we thoug...
- published: 24 Jan 2014
- views: 3521
author: MGTRACEY
Baia Sancho | Fernando de Noronha, Brazil | the world's most beautiful beaches
Baia Sancho, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil, the world's most beautiful beaches
Travel Baia Sancho, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil
Travel Brazil, Travel Brazil 2015...
Baia Sancho, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil, the world's most beautiful beaches
Travel Baia Sancho, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil
Travel Brazil, Travel Brazil 2015
wn.com/Baia Sancho | Fernando De Noronha, Brazil | The World's Most Beautiful Beaches
Baia Sancho, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil, the world's most beautiful beaches
Travel Baia Sancho, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil
Travel Brazil, Travel Brazil 2015
- published: 26 May 2015
- views: 3
Detailed room review at Baia lara Hotel Lara Beach Antalya Turkey Tripadvisors top hotel 2012 / 2013
This hotel just keeps winning awards on Tripadvisor and other travel websites. Built in 2009 we thought we would pay it a visit. This is a 5 ***** Platinum all ...
This hotel just keeps winning awards on Tripadvisor and other travel websites. Built in 2009 we thought we would pay it a visit. This is a 5 ***** Platinum all inclusive spa resort. Tripadvisors top hotel 2012 and 2013.
The hotel is very impressive,and like many of the top hotels it's the staff that give it the edge. Room safe, room minibar are free. Air-conditioning is only on in the summer, and is at the manager discretion, making it hot at night in your room here which is a real problem. Many things are scaled down in winter but the price reflects tat at £500 approx for two people for 1 week including flights and transfers from the UK. One a la cart restaurant is open currently, its 10 euros each cover charge. One outdoor pool is heated in winter with one indoor heated pool. Germany accounts for 50% of guests with 15% coming from the U.K. Make sure you ask for a sea-view room, and if you want to be near a friend arrange it before you travel, reception in Turkey don't seem to be able to do this on site. Rooms are smoking ! Euros seem to be preferred over Turkish Lira here even at the markets. Good entertainment, as well as Disco and 10 pin bowling, see other videos we have shot on the hotel. A local bus is 2 lira (60p) irrespective of distance traveled. Odd system to pay the driver, you give the money to the people in the seat in front, they pass it on to the next until the driver sends back change the same way. Amazing !! Let me know how you found this resort of Turkey in general. - Tracey. PS - As many have asked you can't drink the water
wn.com/Detailed Room Review At Baia Lara Hotel Lara Beach Antalya Turkey Tripadvisors Top Hotel 2012 2013
This hotel just keeps winning awards on Tripadvisor and other travel websites. Built in 2009 we thought we would pay it a visit. This is a 5 ***** Platinum all inclusive spa resort. Tripadvisors top hotel 2012 and 2013.
The hotel is very impressive,and like many of the top hotels it's the staff that give it the edge. Room safe, room minibar are free. Air-conditioning is only on in the summer, and is at the manager discretion, making it hot at night in your room here which is a real problem. Many things are scaled down in winter but the price reflects tat at £500 approx for two people for 1 week including flights and transfers from the UK. One a la cart restaurant is open currently, its 10 euros each cover charge. One outdoor pool is heated in winter with one indoor heated pool. Germany accounts for 50% of guests with 15% coming from the U.K. Make sure you ask for a sea-view room, and if you want to be near a friend arrange it before you travel, reception in Turkey don't seem to be able to do this on site. Rooms are smoking ! Euros seem to be preferred over Turkish Lira here even at the markets. Good entertainment, as well as Disco and 10 pin bowling, see other videos we have shot on the hotel. A local bus is 2 lira (60p) irrespective of distance traveled. Odd system to pay the driver, you give the money to the people in the seat in front, they pass it on to the next until the driver sends back change the same way. Amazing !! Let me know how you found this resort of Turkey in general. - Tracey. PS - As many have asked you can't drink the water
- published: 23 Jan 2014
- views: 4904
Hotel Baia Cristal, Carvoeiro
A superb 4-star hotel located in one of the most beautiful places in the Algarve, on a cliff top, the Hotel Baía Cristal offers a pea...
A superb 4-star hotel located in one of the most beautiful places in the Algarve, on a cliff top, the Hotel Baía Cristal offers a peaceful atmosphere with a fantastic sea view.
Upon the beach of Vale Centeanes and 1700 m from Carvoeiro beach.
Vale de Centeanes, Praia de Carvoeiro, Lagoa, Algarve, Portugal
wn.com/Hotel Baia Cristal, Carvoeiro
A superb 4-star hotel located in one of the most beautiful places in the Algarve, on a cliff top, the Hotel Baía Cristal offers a peaceful atmosphere with a fantastic sea view.
Upon the beach of Vale Centeanes and 1700 m from Carvoeiro beach.
Vale de Centeanes, Praia de Carvoeiro, Lagoa, Algarve, Portugal
- published: 11 Dec 2012
- views: 2693
The Historic Center of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil in HD
Salvador was founded in 1549 and was Brazil's capital until 1763. The Historic Center of Salvador is Unesco World Heritage site. Recorded March 2013 in HD wi......
Salvador was founded in 1549 and was Brazil's capital until 1763. The Historic Center of Salvador is Unesco World Heritage site. Recorded March 2013 in HD wi...
wn.com/The Historic Center Of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil In Hd
Salvador was founded in 1549 and was Brazil's capital until 1763. The Historic Center of Salvador is Unesco World Heritage site. Recorded March 2013 in HD wi...
Bahia is much more
A Bahia é muito mais - versão em inglês....
A Bahia é muito mais - versão em inglês.
wn.com/Bahia Is Much More
A Bahia é muito mais - versão em inglês.
Varigotti - La Baia dei Saraceni - Liguria - Italy
Una perla della Liguria vista da un drone con immagini uniche...
Production by ImmaginAria ----- seguimi su Facebook...
Una perla della Liguria vista da un drone con immagini uniche...
Production by ImmaginAria ----- seguimi su Facebook
wn.com/Varigotti La Baia Dei Saraceni Liguria Italy
Una perla della Liguria vista da un drone con immagini uniche...
Production by ImmaginAria ----- seguimi su Facebook
- published: 08 Aug 2015
- views: 207
Baía da Barca - Travel by boat in the triangle
Baía da Barca - Ilha do Pico Design Hotel 4 Estrelas http://www.baiadabarca.com....
Baía da Barca - Ilha do Pico Design Hotel 4 Estrelas http://www.baiadabarca.com.
wn.com/Baía Da Barca Travel By Boat In The Triangle
Baía da Barca - Ilha do Pico Design Hotel 4 Estrelas http://www.baiadabarca.com.
- published: 20 Nov 2012
- views: 17
author: Baía Barca
【日本百景】御浜鬼ヶ城(三重県)(Bay/ 만/ baie/ bahía/ خليج/ 海湾/ залив/ baía/ Bucht/ खाड़ी/ מפרץ)
チャンネル登録お願いします(Registration of this channel, please!)→https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh2v4qq1YBAwIdKAZdUIKTg
(Bay/ 만/ ...
チャンネル登録お願いします(Registration of this channel, please!)→https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh2v4qq1YBAwIdKAZdUIKTg
(Bay/ 만/ baie/ bahía/ خليج/ 海湾/ залив/ baía/ Bucht/ खाड़ी/מפרץ)
We will introduce the Japanese superb view.
일본의 절경을 소개합니다.
Nous allons présenter la superbe vue japonais.
Vamos a introducir la magnífica vista japonés.
وسوف أعرض على منظر رائع الياباني.
Введем японский превосходный вид.
Vamos introduzir a soberba vista japonês.
Wir werden die japanischen herrlichen Blick einzuführen.
हम जापानी शानदार दृश्य को लागू करेगा।
אנחנו נציג את ההשקפה נהדרת היפנית.
wn.com/【日本百景】御浜鬼ヶ城(三重県)(Bay 만 Baie Bahía خليج 海湾 Залив Baía Bucht खाड़ी מפרץ)
チャンネル登録お願いします(Registration of this channel, please!)→https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh2v4qq1YBAwIdKAZdUIKTg
(Bay/ 만/ baie/ bahía/ خليج/ 海湾/ залив/ baía/ Bucht/ खाड़ी/מפרץ)
We will introduce the Japanese superb view.
일본의 절경을 소개합니다.
Nous allons présenter la superbe vue japonais.
Vamos a introducir la magnífica vista japonés.
وسوف أعرض على منظر رائع الياباني.
Введем японский превосходный вид.
Vamos introduzir a soberba vista japonês.
Wir werden die japanischen herrlichen Blick einzuführen.
हम जापानी शानदार दृश्य को लागू करेगा।
אנחנו נציג את ההשקפה נהדרת היפנית.
- published: 03 Aug 2015
- views: 6
Info on Ponta do Ouro, Mozambique. Travel guide.
Where the sun rises over the Indian Ocean, only 5 km from Kosi Bay on the Southern tip of Mozambique, you will find Ponta do Ouro, "Point of Gold". Self Driv......
Where the sun rises over the Indian Ocean, only 5 km from Kosi Bay on the Southern tip of Mozambique, you will find Ponta do Ouro, "Point of Gold". Self Driv...
wn.com/Info On Ponta Do Ouro, Mozambique. Travel Guide.
Where the sun rises over the Indian Ocean, only 5 km from Kosi Bay on the Southern tip of Mozambique, you will find Ponta do Ouro, "Point of Gold". Self Driv...
Most Beautiful Beaches Brazil, 8 Best Beaches in Brazil
Most Beautiful Beaches Brazil, 8 Best Beaches in Brazil. (CNN) -- Brazil and beaches go together like bossa nova and "The Girl From Ipanema," which, of course, ...
Most Beautiful Beaches Brazil, 8 Best Beaches in Brazil. (CNN) -- Brazil and beaches go together like bossa nova and "The Girl From Ipanema," which, of course, put the country on the map as a hub of sun and sand and the eternally tanned and lovely.
With 4,650 miles of mostly tropical coastline, Brazil can lay claim to one of the biggest collections of balmy shores on the planet, Most beautiful beaches brazil, best beach brazil, most beautiful places brazil, best resort brazil, best beach world, best places world, beautiful place in the word, travel, traveler, travel guide, traveler guide, little of it known outside Brazil.
in the Northeast states of Maranao and Rio Grande do Norte, to the rugged shores of Bahia, to secluded coves on the southern island of Santa Catarina, Brazil's best beaches make the place a shore lover's nirvana.
Brazilians take their coastal assets seriously, and beach culture is a big part of the lifestyle.
Beachgoers in Rio de Janeiro have been known to break into applause as the sun sets after a particularly fine day of bronzing.
Yes, Rio has its share of world-class city beaches, but Brazil's best beaches, the ones that get you away from it all, are found elsewhere.
There are dozens of breathtaking stretches of golden sand up and down the long coast of Brazil.
Given that distances are vast and infrastructure not always on the same page you are, let's narrow the list down to Brazil's best beaches that you're most likely to get to without a trekking guide.
Ipanema, Zona Sul, Rio de Janeiro
Most travelers will see their first beaches in Rio, which does have some remarkable, if crowded shores.
Praia dos Carneiros, Pernambuco
About an hour south of Recife, Tamandare is an unpretentious beach town with a shore you can wander for miles and explore nearby wetlands.
Caraiva, Bahia
With almost 700 miles of coastline, and smack in the tropical zone, the state of Bahia is loaded with sleepy fishing villages and spectacular beaches.
Taipus de Fora, Bahia
Few colors have the power of translucent turquoise to stop humans in their tracks.
Porto da Barra, Salvador, Bahia
In many ways, Porto da Barra is to Salvador (capital of the state of Bahia) what Bondi is to Sydney and Venice Beach is to Los Angeles.
Praia da Pipa, Rio Grande do Norte
A backwater fishing village until backpackers discovered it in the 1970s, Praia da Pipa is a favorite weekend retreat for locals in nearby large cities such as Recife and a respected Northeast Brazil stop for global travelers as well.
Praia do Sancho, Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco
Often voted Brazil's best beach, Praia do Sancho is a bay on the island of Fernando de Noronha, facing the coast of Brazil rather than out into the Atlantic Ocean.
Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco
For those whose tastes run to popular beach resorts, Brazil has mass tourism sites beyond Rio, the biggest including Paraty and Buzios.
Most Beautiful Beaches Brazil, 8 Best Beaches in Brazil. Most beautiful beaches brazil, best beach brazil, most beautiful places brazil, best resort brazil, best beach world, best places world, beautiful place in the word, travel, traveler, travel guide, traveler guide, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_BmXJox1b4
wn.com/Most Beautiful Beaches Brazil, 8 Best Beaches In Brazil
Most Beautiful Beaches Brazil, 8 Best Beaches in Brazil. (CNN) -- Brazil and beaches go together like bossa nova and "The Girl From Ipanema," which, of course, put the country on the map as a hub of sun and sand and the eternally tanned and lovely.
With 4,650 miles of mostly tropical coastline, Brazil can lay claim to one of the biggest collections of balmy shores on the planet, Most beautiful beaches brazil, best beach brazil, most beautiful places brazil, best resort brazil, best beach world, best places world, beautiful place in the word, travel, traveler, travel guide, traveler guide, little of it known outside Brazil.
in the Northeast states of Maranao and Rio Grande do Norte, to the rugged shores of Bahia, to secluded coves on the southern island of Santa Catarina, Brazil's best beaches make the place a shore lover's nirvana.
Brazilians take their coastal assets seriously, and beach culture is a big part of the lifestyle.
Beachgoers in Rio de Janeiro have been known to break into applause as the sun sets after a particularly fine day of bronzing.
Yes, Rio has its share of world-class city beaches, but Brazil's best beaches, the ones that get you away from it all, are found elsewhere.
There are dozens of breathtaking stretches of golden sand up and down the long coast of Brazil.
Given that distances are vast and infrastructure not always on the same page you are, let's narrow the list down to Brazil's best beaches that you're most likely to get to without a trekking guide.
Ipanema, Zona Sul, Rio de Janeiro
Most travelers will see their first beaches in Rio, which does have some remarkable, if crowded shores.
Praia dos Carneiros, Pernambuco
About an hour south of Recife, Tamandare is an unpretentious beach town with a shore you can wander for miles and explore nearby wetlands.
Caraiva, Bahia
With almost 700 miles of coastline, and smack in the tropical zone, the state of Bahia is loaded with sleepy fishing villages and spectacular beaches.
Taipus de Fora, Bahia
Few colors have the power of translucent turquoise to stop humans in their tracks.
Porto da Barra, Salvador, Bahia
In many ways, Porto da Barra is to Salvador (capital of the state of Bahia) what Bondi is to Sydney and Venice Beach is to Los Angeles.
Praia da Pipa, Rio Grande do Norte
A backwater fishing village until backpackers discovered it in the 1970s, Praia da Pipa is a favorite weekend retreat for locals in nearby large cities such as Recife and a respected Northeast Brazil stop for global travelers as well.
Praia do Sancho, Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco
Often voted Brazil's best beach, Praia do Sancho is a bay on the island of Fernando de Noronha, facing the coast of Brazil rather than out into the Atlantic Ocean.
Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco
For those whose tastes run to popular beach resorts, Brazil has mass tourism sites beyond Rio, the biggest including Paraty and Buzios.
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- published: 28 Nov 2014
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