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These pages, named after a book by Garrett Hardin, are for socio-political thinkers unfettered by submission to the power of the pejorative. Such labels as racist, fascist, communist, and reductionist have little power here. If you are interested in exploring the important issues of the day without the limiting fear of words or labels, then consider yourself our honored guest.

The function of language is twofold: to facilitate communication, understanding, and thought, or to prevent it. This site makes no attempt either to be politically correct, or to offend, nor will we use language to prevent communication, understanding, and thought, though a number of such examples will be provided. Your emotional responses to the ideas and comments found here are solely your own, explore and enjoy!

Read about the 2004 monograph by the webmaster.
North Carolina's Demographic Transformation: The Impact of Race and Immigration

Stalking the Wild Taboo and its webmaster get honorable mention from Carl Pope in
Sierra Magazine (May/June 2004)

VDare.com publishes the webmaster's response to Carl Pope (July 6-7, 2004)

