Muslim rape rampage in Cologne

Cologne exposes a crisis in our continent, yet parliament is debating Donald Trump

As the whole world now knows, on New Year’s Eve in Cologne, dozens of German women were sexually assaulted, apparently by some of that country’s more recent arrivals. For days the media across Europe declined to even report the story. It was only because of new media that the story began to get out at all. Then when the media did get around to reporting the story they covered it in that now-familiar way which suggests their job is not so much to report the facts as to negotiate between the facts and their fear over how the general public might react to those facts. Perhaps we should be grateful that there is any coverage a week after the attacks. After all, it took more than a decade for 1500 rapes in the north of England to make much news.

Charlie Hebdo rally

One year after Charlie Hebdo, my friend tells me: ‘This just isn’t the same Paris’

In Place de la République, the Paris square that embodies France and calls to her in her hours of need, the country’s biggest rock star is to play an anthem called Une Dimanche de Janvier (A January Sunday).

Johnny Hallyday’s song is about that unforgettable Sunday following the Charlie Hebdo massacre a year ago. Millions marched, outraged and defiant, against the slaughter, in an outpouring of national unity. But what a long difficult French year it became, culminating in the horrors of 13 November(and the prospect of further killing last week when a fugitive gunman from that second wave was shot on Thursday). The Socialist president, François Hollande, deploys the term “national cohesion”, but only panicked tactical voting – national unity of sorts – in a second round of regional elections prevented the divisive forces of the Front National from taking up to six departments it had won in the first.

“There has to be tolerance for attitudes that may be seen as immoral by some traditional or religious norms.”

“There’s no single cultural code to say what is good or bad behaviour because we want a free society,” she said. “There has to be tolerance for attitudes that may be seen as immoral by some traditional or religious norms.”

Tell that to this young lady. She met up with some Muslim “attitude” in Stuttgart on New Year’s Eve.

Now you go ahead and and tolerate yourself to death.


How long before Europe burns?

h/t ZD

Paris metro

Woman flees attempted gang rape by Muslim “Refugees” on Paris train

A woman has made a lucky escape after a group of men sexually assaulted and attempted to rape her on a Paris train, reports say.

The 28-year-old woman was initially travelling in an empty carriage on an RER train in Paris on the night of December 9th when around ten men had got on the train at Montparnasse station.
The woman started to feel uncomfortable and decided to sit elsewhere, reported Le Parisien newspaper.
Three of the men, reported to be Afghan refugees, followed her and soon began to assault her. One of them strangled her with her scarf and another held a knife to her face while the three men began to undress her, reported the paper.
By chance at the next station another passenger boarded the train and intervened to protect the victim. He managed to scare off the attackers.
This is Islam 11

Mass Muslim Immigration Will Bring Islam’s Problems Here

To hear the Left tell it, the debate over mass Muslim immigration — especially from conflict zones — is a simple contest between compassionate tolerance and cowardly xenophobia. They claim their opponents are cowards because the percentage of refugees or immigrants who are terrorists is very small (your bathtub is more dangerous than a Muslim immigrant), and they’re xenophobes because they have no understanding or appreciation for the blessings and benefits of diversity. Conservatives are all fear and no heart.

Sophie Kasliki Jihadi wannabe

Duh… ‘I went to join Isis in Syria, taking my four-year-old. It was a journey into hell’

Sophie Kasiki stared at the photograph of a young English-speaking boy in a camouflage uniform and black bandana covered in Arabic calling for unbelievers to be killed in the latest Islamic State propaganda.

Her eyes welled and she swallowed hard. “That could have been my son,” she said, her firm voice wavering. “That’s hard for me to say and makes me want to cry. I would have killed us both rather than let him become a killer, rather than let him fall into the claws of those monsters.”


A best of #einearmlaenge


In Your Heart, You Know He’s Right: Trump and Muslim Immigration

Interspersed with news of the mass sexual harassment and rape of women in Cologne by “asylum seekers” from Syria and their other resident Muslim colleagues and the near assassination of a cop in Philadelphia by a man who, according to that city’s police commissioner, “…believed that the police defend laws that are contrary to the teachings of the Quran” comes a Pew study informing us that Islam will be the second-largest religion of the USA before 2040.

Excuse me if I’m not amused. Or should I say… trigger warning: Islamophobia?

Algerian immigrant sexually assaulted young women & girls for 2 years after judge ordered him deported from Britain

AlgerianAn Algerian immigrant sexually assaulted young women and girls after he was released from prison and two years after a judge ordered he should be deported from Britain.

Ismail Dehdouh, 35, stalked teenagers for ‘hugs and kisses’ which led to one four-year-old boy being ‘psychologically scarred’.

Clinton Bill

It’s a Bad Day for the Clintons When Vox Fairly Explains the Rape Allegation Against Bill

I must admit, when I clicked this morning on Vox’s ”explainer” of Juanita Broaddrick’s rape allegation against Bill Clinton, I expected a whitewash. I was wrong. Not only did Dylan Matthews do an excellent job laying out the story, he reminded me of a number of details I’d forgotten.

Her story is infuriating, painting a picture of casual, callous brutality.

Gulf states will not accept Muslim refugees.

Oops there goes the narrative… Sponsors seeking homes for Syrian refugees instead find closed doors

For retired librarian Sandra Onufryk, finding affordable rental housing for the Al Balkhi family – Syrian refugees she helped privately sponsor – meant stepping into the Greater Toronto Area’s red-hot real estate market and experiencing the bitter sting of disappointment.

She called 15 landlords around Oakville, Ont. – an area west of Toronto with a vacancy rate hovering around 1.6 per cent.

The conversations started off well. “And then when I mentioned seven people and Syrian refugees, the tone changed. So we didn’t even go and look,” she said.


I had assumed housing had to be arranged in advance by the “private sponsors”.

Surely they didn’t expect private landlords to throw open the doors without concern or that the tax payer be ultimately made to pay the freight for their “feel-good” moment.


Racism, real and imagined

“…In Toronto, some disgruntled cab drivers argue the reason neither municipalities nor police are moving quickly to take on Uber is racism, because many cab drivers today are recently-arrived visible minority immigrants.

The cabbies contend Mayor John Tory and Police Chief Mark Saunders would be more responsive to the crisis in their industry if they had been born in Canada.

As a periodic cab user for over 45 years I know, along with most Torontonians, that the cab industry has never been a limousine service and often not a very good transportation service.

This dissatisfaction has been exploited by Uber, but the Uber/taxi war has nothing to do with racism by the mayor or the police chief…”


Racism? I dunno other than Allah works in mysterious ways…


Is Europe Giving Up?

The migrants know what laws are — there are plenty of them under Islamic sharia law. In the West, there is another type of law in their new host countries, which have welcomed them as guests. In the Middle East, “host countries” with “guests” is also a familiar concept. Virtually all the monarchies and emirates hold the view that the state is their “house” and newcomers their guests; so if a guest cannot behave the way the host expects, he is escorted out. No one would expect a host to put up with a guest who trashed his house.


Will 2016 Be the Year of Abbas Diplomacy?

Any early-January look ahead to the year in international politics would be incomplete without acknowledging the boldest diplomatic move of the year just ended. That move came when Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas stole the spotlight from far more visible diplomats John Kerry, Mohammed Zarif and Sergey Lavrov by threatening unilateral withdrawal from the Oslo Accords. Speaking to the United Nations’ General Assembly on September 30, Abbas announced, “We cannot continue to be bound by these signed agreements.” His speech was met withskepticism, laughter and counter-threats, but also a serious question: “When did the Palestinian Authority ever adhere to the Oslo Accords?”

muhammad and aisha

Sweden: “Have the Taliban Come to Town?”

In Sweden it is illegal to engage in sex with children under the age of 15. It is considered as rape, even if it is consensual. But that apparently did not stop a Middle Eastern man, while living in the country, from impregnating his 14-year-old wife. Instead of prison, the husband, as well as the girl’s parents, have all been rewarded with the permanent residency status.

A suspected British boy (pictured) has threatened the UK with new terror attacks in a depraved ISIS execution video.jpg

What made a devout Christian Briton turn her four-year-old into…JIHADI JUNIOR?

The chilling words are delivered in a barely discernible English accent. ‘We will kill the kuffar [non-believers],’ warns the tiny figure in the latest Islamic State execution video.

Behind the military-style fatigues and black bandana, we now know, is Isa Dare, four, from South London.

Isa, whose name means Jesus in Arabic, appears in the final seconds of the ten-minute film in which the so-called new Jihadi John (step forward prime suspect Siddhartha Dhar, a former bouncy castle salesman from East London) presides over the murder of five ‘spies’.

Cologne cleanser

Cologne Rapefest: The Top Five Best Liberal Excuses…

For the first week after New Year, liberal progressive types responded to the orgy of rape and sexual molestation by Muslim immigrants in Cologne (and other European cities) by pretending it never happened. Now that the overwhelming weight of evidence has shown it definitely did happen, the bleeding hearts have been forced to change their tune.

Here are the best excuses so far.