
Inside Higher Ed values and vows to protect your privacy. We guarantee that we will not, under any circumstances, sell, trade or make public your personal information, unless you specifically designate otherwise (participants in our credentials database, for instance, can request that we provide information about them to specific employers). We'll keep confidential all personal information that you give us. In addition, you will always have the option to edit the information you've given us or to have your personal information removed from our records.

Traffic Data

When you visit Inside Higher Ed, our systems collect basic information about your computer, including IP address (your computer's unique signature), operating system, browser software, or Internet service provider. We also collect information about what our readers view on the site. This information is designed to help us understand the needs and preferences of the Inside Higher Ed audience as a whole.

Use of Cookies and Clear gifs

Inside Higher Ed employs cookies - small text files placed on your computer's hard drive - to track the type of content and sites to which our users link, the length of time they spend at any particular site and the Inside Higher Ed services they use. Cookies also help us diagnose problems with our server. Your own computer browser program will allow you to stop accepting cookies from this site or any other one. You are not required to accept cookies in order to browse the Inside Higher Ed site or to take advantage of many of the site's features.

To help us understand the effectiveness of our efforts to market our site, Inside Higher Ed makes use of a software technology called clear gifs (a.k.a. Web beacons, Web bugs or 1x1 pixel images). Clear gifs are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, similar in function to cookies, and are used to track the online movements of Web users (for example when a user clicks from an ad for Inside Higher Ed on Google to the Inside Higher Ed site itself). Clear gifs are not tied to users' personally identifiable information.

Inside Higher Ed may employ a hosted service, such as WebTrends, which uses 1st party cookies and images for the purposes of gathering Web site usage information (also known as Web analytics). These tracking images and cookies cannot identify you personally when you visit our site.

Inside Higher Ed does not use third-party cookies - cookies that come from domains other than our own - anywhere on this site. In addition, Inside Higher Ed provides hyperlinks to Web sites not under our control. Under such circumstances, Inside Higher Ed is not responsible for the privacy policies or any other practices of these sites.

When you provide information to any public or private area of Inside Higher Ed, we will not build lists, collate that information, or extract usernames and passwords, to sell, rent, release or give away to third party vendors for marketing purposes.

If you have questions about the privacy policy at Inside Higher Ed, please send an e-mail to

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