Higher Education Webinars

Academic Minute

Inside Higher Ed is pleased to bring you The Academic Minute. The brainchild of Albany's WAMC and its president, Alan Chartock, The Academic Minute features professors from top institutions around the country, delving into topics from the serious to the light-hearted, keeping listeners abreast of what's new and exciting in the academy with topics ranging from updates on groundbreaking scientific research to an explanation of how the board game Monopoly can help explain the economic recession.

The Academic Minute features a different professor every day, drawing experts from institutions within WAMC's listening area and across the country. Each segment is introduced by Lynn Pasquerella, president of Mount Holyoke College. Pasquerella is also a professor of philosophy at Mount Holyoke, specializing in medical and legal ethics.

Are you a professor who would like to record an Academic Minute? Let us know about your latest research at academicminute@wamc.org

The Theme: The Academic Minute opens with a selection by WAMC contributor and renowned cellist Yehuda Hanani, who appears on Classical Music According to Yehuda during The Roundtable. The piece is Bach's Suite No. 2 in D Minor.

Production support for The Academic Minute comes from Mount Holyoke College.


December 22, 2015
Can advertising help explain the rise of Donald Trump? In today's Academic Minute, the University of Florida's Jon Morris discusses how the candidate is making his case by engaging with voter’s emotions.
December 21, 2015
Black colleges can suffer from a negative perception from their peers. In today's Academic Minute, Melissa E. Wooten of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst has more on how this view should be changed.
December 18, 2015
Is Tesla channeling its inner Henry Ford? In today's Academic Minute, Miami University's W. Rocky Newman explores the differences and similarities between these automakers, which changed the game nearly 100 years apart.


December 17, 2015
Should we change how we measure things? In today's Academic Minute, the University of Queensland's Thomas Stace explains why the definition of some standard units could use some updating.
December 16, 2015
Alcohol dependence is tough to treat effectively. In today's Academic Minute, Pia Steensland of the Karolinska Institutet details her research into a new treatment option.
December 15, 2015
Does being obese protect you from acquiring certain diseases? In today's Academic Minute, Boston University's Andrew Stokes explains why this misconception can finally be put to rest.
December 14, 2015
Overburdening children with caregiving responsibilities can have negative affects in adulthood. In today's Academic Minute, Michigan State University's Amy Nuttall describes her research in this area.
December 11, 2015
Is there a dangerous amount of arsenic in your favorite wine? In today's Academic Minute, the University of Washington's Denise Wilson explores the increase of arsenic in our food supply.


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