- published: 15 Oct 2009
- views: 4539
Perry is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented pears, similar to the way cider is made from apples. It has been common for centuries in England, particularly in the Three Counties (Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire); it is also made in parts of South Wales and France, especially Normandy and Anjou.
In more recent years, commercial perry has also been referred to as "pear cider", but some organisations (such as CAMRA) do not accept this as a name for the traditional drink. The National Association of Cider Makers, on the other hand, disagrees, insisting that the terms perry and pear cider are interchangeable. An over twenty-fold increase of sales of industrially manufactured "pear cider" produced from often imported concentrate makes the matter especially contentious.
As with cider apples, special pear cultivars are used to make Perry. Perry pears are thought to be descended from wild hybrids, known as wildings, between the cultivated pear Pyrus communis subsp. communis, brought to northern Europe by the Romans, and the now-rare wild pear Pyrus communis subsp. pyraster. Perry pears are higher in tannin and acid than eating or cooking pears, and are generally smaller.
Black and white, often abbreviated B/W or B&W, and hyphenated black-and-white when used as an adjective, is any of several monochrome forms in visual arts.
Black-and-white images are not usually starkly contrasted black and white. They combine black and white in a continuum producing a range of shades of gray. Further, many monochrome prints in still photography, especially those produced earlier in its development, were in sepia (mainly for archival stability), which yielded richer, subtler shading than reproductions in plain black-and-white.
Some popular black-and-white media of the past include:
Y.G Family - 흑과 백
[2집] 원타임 - 흑과백 kpop 韓國歌謠
[무료 동영상강의]박코치 소리영어 훈련소 CF로 무료훈련 02 Black and White
망치부인(전반전 2016. 10. 03) 박지원의 전두환 공천과 훈장! 이승만 동지회와 안창호 흥사단 그리고 무한도전! 북한 선제 타격 북핵 해법 아니다!
[AUDIO] YG Family - S T P
박하선, 정채연 덕분에(?) 폭풍오열 tvN혼술남녀 3화
Jinusean - Holding Down
Zoo - (Napsz.Rg, Gotti, Donzy) YG FAMILY.
최근 이나영와 결혼한 원빈! 그의 외모만큼이나 엄청난 효도 스케일은?! 명단공개 67화
[2집] 원타임 - 흑과백 kpop 韓國歌謠
회색과 보라색에 대한 이야기입니다.단색의 자기 칼라만 옳다고 고집하면 혼합색은 의미가 없는 걸까요?????
Black and White, Right and wrong 1. Black and White : 흑과백, 흑백논리 Ex) Have you ever seen a black and white flim? 2. Right and wrong Ex) I know what 's right and wrong. When it comes to, Sexual assault 1. When it comes to : ~에 관해서라면 EX) When it comes to English, I 'm confidence of it. 2. Sexual assault : 성폭행 어학원 바로가기 http://j.mp/UcjMCW
망치부인 방송. (2016. 10. 03) 인트로 - 박피디의 비협조? 스테이크 식사. 1. 김영란법과 별풍선 적둉 범위! 국민 협박법으로 변질! 2. 박지원의 정세균 방지법 발의! 박지원의 전두환 공천과 훈장! 3. 호남 정서 국민의당 누가 새누리 2중대 하라고 했나! 4. 박시장을 대선 후보로 확정? 3명 대선 후보 중에 미정! 5. 내가 정하면 찍어 줄거야? 너무나 천박한 질문! 6. 미국 방문의 의미? 민주주의의 회복. 평화의 회복. 신앙(복음)의 회복. 7. 뉴욕우리교회 목사님이 뉴욕 한인사회를 하나로 묶어낼 단결의 핵이 될것! 8. 뉴욕한인교회 79주년을 회고하며... 발제문! 9. 미주지역 독립운동 이승만 동지회. 안창호의 흥사단. 10. 안창호 특집으로 무한도전 폐지론 대두. 11. 제인 하먼 "美, 핵·미사일 동결 목표로 北과 직접대화 나서야" 12. 윌리엄 페리 전 미 국방 “선제 타격 북핵 해법 못돼”
박하선, 정채역 덕분에(?) 폭풍 오열! 과연 그 이유는? [혼술남녀] 매주 월화 밤 11시 tvN