- published: 10 Jan 2014
- views: 2284
Esrange Space Center (short form Esrange) is a rocket range and research centre located outside the town of Kiruna in northern Sweden. It is a base for scientific research with high altitude balloons, investigation of the aurora borealis, sounding rocket launches, and satellite tracking, among other things. Located 200 km north of the Arctic Circle and surrounded by a vast wilderness, its geographic location is ideal for many of these purposes.
Esrange was built in 1964 by ESRO, the European Space Research Organisation, which later became European Space Agency by merging with ELDO, the European Launcher Development Organisation. In 1972, ownership was transferred to the newly started Swedish Space Corporation.
In the 1960s ESRANGE was established as an ESRO sounding rocket launching range located in Kiruna (Sweden). This location was chosen because it was generally agreed that it was important to carry out a sounding rocket programme in the auroral zone, and for this reason it was essential that ESRO equip itself with a suitable range in the northern latitudes. Access to Kiruna was good by air, road and rail, and the launching range was relatively close to the town of Kiruna. Finally and perhaps decisively, ESRANGE could be located near Kiruna Geophysical Observatory (subsequently renamed to Swedish Institute of Space Physics). In 1972 ownership and operations of the range was transferred to the Swedish Space Corporation.
Esrange Space Center - den svenska rymdbasen med internationell verksamhet
PoGO+ Launch from Esrange, 12 July, 2016
Launch of TEXUS 53 from Esrange Space Center
Esrange Space Center in Sweden
HyEnD: First Launch of the HEROS Hybrid Sounding Rocket from ESRANGE Sweden, October 2015
Esrange Space Center - a hotspot above the arctic circle
Launch of Sunrise from Esrange, 2009 Part Two
Upplev en rymdfärd med en sondraket från Esrange
CRYOFENIX Launch, Esrange 20150222
Northern Lights over ESRANGE - Kiruna
PoGO+, the light-weight Polarized Gamma-ray Observer, was launched Tuesday morning on 12 July at 03:17 UTC. The scientific gondola is carried by a balloon on its way to Canada, where it is expected to land in a few days. The experiment is designed to measure the polarization of soft gamma rays in the 25 keV - 80 keV energy range. The PoGo+ project is a collaborative project between Swedish and Japanese scientific teams.
TEXUS 53 was launched from Esrange Space Center 2016-01-23 at 09.30 local time
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A film presenting the Swedish space center.
From Esrange in northern Sweden (near Kiruna), I watched the launching a science balloon from the top of the nearby "radar hill" summit. While my group was preparing AESOP and LEE, in the next building a colaboration was preparing a solar telescope called Sunrise. See http://star.mpae.gwdg.de/Sunrise/ for information about Sunrise and http://www.ssc.se/?id=5104&cid;=14642&DivId;=&Year;=2009 for information about the launch. This was a beautiful launch into a nice partly cloudy sky.
Den här sju minuter långa videon spelades in med en videokamera ombord på sondraketen Maser-11 som sändes upp från Esrange kl 0800 svensk sommartid den 15 maj 2008. Maser-11 förde med sig instrument för forskning i tyngdlöshet och hade utvecklats av Rymdbolaget åt den europeiska rymdorgansiationen ESA. Raketen nådde 258 km höjd och gav sex minuter i tyngdlöshet. Den första Maser-raketen sändes upp från Esrange den 19 mars 1987.
Successful launch of cryogenic liquid experiment For the first time in Europe, an experiment studying the behavior of liquid hydrogen in microgravity was carried out in space. On Sunday 22th of February at 07.52 UTC, the microgravity rocket Cryofenix was launched from SSC’s launching facility Esrange Space Center using a two-stage VSB30 rocket. Cryofenix reached an apogee of 265 km and the payload spent X minutes in microgravity. The experiment Cryofenix studied the behavior of cryogenic liquids as part of the French space agency CNES’ launcher technology program. Cryofenix completed the validation of various simulations of the behavior of fluids in the ballistic phase, which for ten years have been developed by Air Liquide Advanced Technologies (ALAT) and CNES within the framework of...
Aurora borealis during BEXUS 20/21 launch campaign. Foto timelapses taken 3-6.10.2015. Camera: Nikon D300s Author: Jędrzej Kowalewski