Unix Tutorial for Beginners
Unix Tutorial for Beginners. Topics covered in this tutorial are Introduction, Navigating the Filesystem, Viewing & Modifying Files.
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor). The owner of this video is http://www.youtube.com/user/mickstarify
Mainframes and the Unix Revolution - Computerphile
No internet, no networking; just a screen and a keyboard, or a pile of cards to punch holes in; mainframes were a world apart from today's smartphones and integrated circuits. Professor Brailsford remembers the Unix revolution.
To hear about the omission of Gnu and Richard Stallman: http://youtu.be/Wi326Leuemg
ICL computer photographs courtesy of couperus.org
ICL punch-card photographs courtesy
AT&T; Archives: The UNIX Operating System
Watch new AT&T; Archive films every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at http://techchannel.att.com/archives
In the late 1960s, Bell Laboratories computer scientists Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson started work on a project that was inspired by an operating system called Multics, a joint project of MIT, GE, and Bell Labs. The host and narrator of this film, Victor Vyssotsky, also had worked on the Mu
UNIX Tutorial
Original Credits go to Bilal Zafar and Gandhi Puvvada for providing this tutorial Had been very helpful and was available publicly. Please notice it does not include any of my works. I just shared this to help people learn about this wonderful Unix OS.
Power Use of UNIX • Dan North
This presentation was recorded at GOTO Aarhus 2013
Check out our upcoming conferences at http://gotocon.com
Thus begins an old, and sadly lost in the mists of Usenet, love story about Vi and Ed (who becomes her "ex"), told entirely in Unix commands. I had no idea when I started learning these arcane (guess how the "dd" command got its name) and cryptic (what about "grep"?) Unix commands
UNI(x) - Tak Berhenti Tersenyum (Official Video)
Uni(x) adalah sebuah Grup Vokal (Trio) yang terdiri dari 3 gadis remaja yang cantik yang memiliki karakter vokal yang kuat sehingga menimbulkan ciri khas tersendiri di setiap penampilannya. Beranggotakan Kalya, Adjani, dan Karin, Uni(x) menampilkan sesuatu yang jarang ditemui di grup vokal yang lain. Perbedaan karakter dan musikalitas menjadikan “senjata” tersendiri dan pembeda dengan grup vokal y
Introduction to Basic Unix System Administration (1.What is Unix?)
Introduction to the UNIX Operating System. What is UNIX? Files and processes; The Directory Structure; Starting an UNIX terminal ...
Basic Unix Commands
An introduction to working in Unix. The tutorial covers GUIs vs. command line interfaces, absolute vs. relative paths, how to start Terminal, the parts of a Unix command prompt, and six Unix commands: pwd, ls, ls -l, cd, mkdir, mv, cp, and rm.
Written and Produced by Christina Bergey.
1. Basic Commands | Free Unix Tutorials Series | Also Linux Tutorials with Learn With Pranshu
Free Video Tutorial Series on Unix Command Line.
Commands Taught : pwd, ls, man, cd, mkdir, vi text editor to create a new file, cat, mv, rm, rmdir
LearnWithPranshu is the best online Ethical Hacking Learning Platform on Youtube.
Any one can find and Linux Tutorials in it.
The Following are the other topics you will find here.
Unix Tutorials
Linux Tutorials
Ethical Hacking
Unix Commands
UNIX: Basic UNIX commands you should know! Beginners guide.
This video goes over commands like cat, cp, more, echo, ls, pwd and many more.
If you enjoyed this video, please consider clicking on the subscribe button. It's FREE and all it takes is one click! If you don't like the videos later, you can unsubscribe just as easily! :)
I upload regular videos about how to write UNIX scripts, networking, Perl and much more!
UNIX: Making Computers Easier To Use -- AT&T; Archives film from 1982, Bell Laboratories
For more from the AT&T; Archives, visit http://techchannel.att.com/archives
The Unix System: Making Computers Easier to Use - 1982
This 23-minute film about UNIX was designed for students with an interest in engineering, math, computer science or other sciences. The film was made available to the public in December 1982. It covers different ways that UNIX could be employed practically in a comput
UNIX Special: Profs Kernighan & Brailsford - Computerphile
BWK, Professor Brian Kernighan visited Nottingham, so Professor Brailsford couldn't resist an 'on-camera' chat about Unix, Bell Labs and other aspects of Brian's glittering career.
Brian Kerninghan on Bell Labs: https://youtu.be/QFK6RG47bww
"C" Programming Language: Brian Kernighan: https://youtu.be/de2Hsvxaf8M
The Great 202 Jailbreak: https://youtu.be/CVxeuwlvf8w
Computer That Changed Everythin
Unix Pipeline (Brian Kernighan) - Computerphile
Just what is a pipeline in the computer science sense? We asked Computer Science guru Professor Brian Kernighan
Why Asimov's Laws of Robotics Don't Work: https://youtu.be/7PKx3kS7f4A
Brian Kerninghan on Bell Labs: https://youtu.be/QFK6RG47bww
Don Knuth on Email: https://youtu.be/QS8qwMna8_o
Computer That Changed Everything: https://youtu.be/6LYRgrqJgDc
Unix Commands Tutorial for Beginners - 1
Unix Commands Tutorial for Beginners - 1. Basic UNIX commands covered in this lecture are Users & System, File Sytems, File Content, Handling, Archiving, File Transfer
Why Unix is Better than Windows
Can you tell me why Unix is better than Windows?
Fewer security holes due to a complicated and cluttered operating system.
I'm sure there are still viruses and malware for it.
Both Unix and Linux have far better security than Windows. Between Unix and Linux, there are perhaps 200 to 300 viruses overall whereas Windows sees that many new viruses a year.
So it is not big enough to attract malwar
End of Time (Unix) - Numberphile
Time will "end" for 32-bit computers on 19 January, 2038.
James Clewett explains.
We love this real time Unix clock: http://www.coolepochcountdown.com/
Website: http://www.numberphile.com/
Numberphile on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/numberphile
Numberphile tweets: https://twitter.com/numberphile
Google Plus: http://bit.ly/numberGplus
Videos by Brady Haran
Unix System
A look at the many new versions of Unix and its challenge to DOS and OS/2.
Guests: Rick Davis, Frame Technology; Karen Lusardi, Sun Microsystem; Janet Dobbs, Hewlett Packard; Bill Jacobs, Apple; Karen Christian, Wiesel Lab; Doug Michels, SCOMichael Karels, UC Berkeley
Products/Demos: Sun 386i Unix Workstation; Sun; Write; Sun; Paint; Sun; Draw; Sun File Manager; Open Look; OSF/Motif; HP 9000 360
Unix system calls (1/2)
Part of a larger series teaching programming. See http://codeschool.org
Unix & Linux - Fast Tech Skills
Learn to Make Money With Apps: http://30daylabs.com/o5rn
Unix and Linux are two of the most famous computer OS out there. The similarities in the name sometimes confuses people and make them ask what is the difference between these two?
This video aims to address these two amazing technologies as well as explain how different they are from each other.
Watch the video to learn exactly what each
It's a unix system
I know this
Tutoriel vidéo : Apprendre les lignes de commandes Unix
Dans cette seconde formation vidéo dédié aux commandes Unix, vous allez apprendre des commandes Unix vraiment indispensable.
Unix (Linux) Interview Questions and Answers-Part 1
Unix Based Interview Questions. I hope this video will help someone, somewhere in this universe :) Please subscribe to get more and more interesting videos. Do not forget, sharing is caring.
01 Presentacion y brevisima historia de UNIX
Introducción a la serie de videos sobre Unix, Unix - Like y Programación.
Qué es un sistema operativo?
Una breve historia sobre UNIX y Unix - Like
Principios de seguridad de Unix y Unix-Like. Por qué los virus sólo afectan al sistema operativo del gigante de las ventanitas?
Unix Tutorial for Beginners
Unix Tutorial for Beginners. Topics covered in this tutorial are Introduction, Navigating the Filesystem, Viewing & Modifying Files.
I created this video with ...
Unix Tutorial for Beginners. Topics covered in this tutorial are Introduction, Navigating the Filesystem, Viewing & Modifying Files.
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor). The owner of this video is http://www.youtube.com/user/mickstarify
wn.com/Unix Tutorial For Beginners
Unix Tutorial for Beginners. Topics covered in this tutorial are Introduction, Navigating the Filesystem, Viewing & Modifying Files.
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor). The owner of this video is http://www.youtube.com/user/mickstarify
- published: 28 Nov 2011
- views: 185924
Mainframes and the Unix Revolution - Computerphile
No internet, no networking; just a screen and a keyboard, or a pile of cards to punch holes in; mainframes were a world apart from today's smartphones and integ...
No internet, no networking; just a screen and a keyboard, or a pile of cards to punch holes in; mainframes were a world apart from today's smartphones and integrated circuits. Professor Brailsford remembers the Unix revolution.
To hear about the omission of Gnu and Richard Stallman: http://youtu.be/Wi326Leuemg
ICL computer photographs courtesy of couperus.org
ICL punch-card photographs courtesy of yesterdaystechnology.com
Professor Brailsford's discussion on the origin of Computer Science in academia http://youtu.be/uNuFVq5QeRk
This video was filmed and edited by Sean Riley.
Computer Science at the University of Nottingham: http://bit.ly/nottscomputer
Computerphile is a sister project to Brady Haran's Numberphile. See the full list of Brady's video projects at:http://periodicvideos.blogspot.co.uk/...
wn.com/Mainframes And The Unix Revolution Computerphile
No internet, no networking; just a screen and a keyboard, or a pile of cards to punch holes in; mainframes were a world apart from today's smartphones and integrated circuits. Professor Brailsford remembers the Unix revolution.
To hear about the omission of Gnu and Richard Stallman: http://youtu.be/Wi326Leuemg
ICL computer photographs courtesy of couperus.org
ICL punch-card photographs courtesy of yesterdaystechnology.com
Professor Brailsford's discussion on the origin of Computer Science in academia http://youtu.be/uNuFVq5QeRk
This video was filmed and edited by Sean Riley.
Computer Science at the University of Nottingham: http://bit.ly/nottscomputer
Computerphile is a sister project to Brady Haran's Numberphile. See the full list of Brady's video projects at:http://periodicvideos.blogspot.co.uk/...
- published: 19 Jul 2013
- views: 171406
AT&T; Archives: The UNIX Operating System
Watch new AT&T; Archive films every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at http://techchannel.att.com/archives
In the late 1960s, Bell Laboratories computer scientis...
Watch new AT&T; Archive films every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at http://techchannel.att.com/archives
In the late 1960s, Bell Laboratories computer scientists Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson started work on a project that was inspired by an operating system called Multics, a joint project of MIT, GE, and Bell Labs. The host and narrator of this film, Victor Vyssotsky, also had worked on the Multics project. Ritchie and Thompson, recognizing some of the problems with the Multics OS, set out to create a more useful, flexible, and portable system for programmers to work with.
What's fascinating about the growth of UNIX is the long amount of time that it was given to develop, almost organically, and based on the needs of the users and programmers. The first installation of the program was done as late as 1972 (on a NY Telephone branch computer). It was in conjunction with the refinement of the C programming language, principally designed by Dennis Ritchie.
Because the Bell System had limitations placed by the government that prevented them from selling software, UNIX was made available under license to universities and the government. This helped further its development, as well as making it a more "open" system.
This film "The UNIX System: Making Computers More Productive", is one of two that Bell Labs made in 1982 about UNIX's significance, impact and usability. Even 10 years after its first installation, it's still an introduction to the system. The other film, "The UNIX System: Making Computers Easier to Use", is roughly the same, only a little shorter. The former film was geared towards software developers and computer science students, the latter towards programmers specifically.
The film contains interviews with primary developers Ritchie, Thompson, Brian Kernighan, and many others.
While widespread use of UNIX has waned, most modern operating systems have at least a conceptual foundation in UNIX.
Footage courtesy of AT&T; Archives and History Center, Warren, NJ
wn.com/At T Archives The Unix Operating System
Watch new AT&T; Archive films every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at http://techchannel.att.com/archives
In the late 1960s, Bell Laboratories computer scientists Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson started work on a project that was inspired by an operating system called Multics, a joint project of MIT, GE, and Bell Labs. The host and narrator of this film, Victor Vyssotsky, also had worked on the Multics project. Ritchie and Thompson, recognizing some of the problems with the Multics OS, set out to create a more useful, flexible, and portable system for programmers to work with.
What's fascinating about the growth of UNIX is the long amount of time that it was given to develop, almost organically, and based on the needs of the users and programmers. The first installation of the program was done as late as 1972 (on a NY Telephone branch computer). It was in conjunction with the refinement of the C programming language, principally designed by Dennis Ritchie.
Because the Bell System had limitations placed by the government that prevented them from selling software, UNIX was made available under license to universities and the government. This helped further its development, as well as making it a more "open" system.
This film "The UNIX System: Making Computers More Productive", is one of two that Bell Labs made in 1982 about UNIX's significance, impact and usability. Even 10 years after its first installation, it's still an introduction to the system. The other film, "The UNIX System: Making Computers Easier to Use", is roughly the same, only a little shorter. The former film was geared towards software developers and computer science students, the latter towards programmers specifically.
The film contains interviews with primary developers Ritchie, Thompson, Brian Kernighan, and many others.
While widespread use of UNIX has waned, most modern operating systems have at least a conceptual foundation in UNIX.
Footage courtesy of AT&T; Archives and History Center, Warren, NJ
- published: 22 Feb 2012
- views: 281898
UNIX Tutorial
Original Credits go to Bilal Zafar and Gandhi Puvvada for providing this tutorial Had been very helpful and was available publicly. Please notice it does not i...
Original Credits go to Bilal Zafar and Gandhi Puvvada for providing this tutorial Had been very helpful and was available publicly. Please notice it does not include any of my works. I just shared this to help people learn about this wonderful Unix OS.
wn.com/Unix Tutorial
Original Credits go to Bilal Zafar and Gandhi Puvvada for providing this tutorial Had been very helpful and was available publicly. Please notice it does not include any of my works. I just shared this to help people learn about this wonderful Unix OS.
- published: 18 Jan 2012
- views: 298935
Power Use of UNIX • Dan North
This presentation was recorded at GOTO Aarhus 2013
Check out our upcoming conferences at http://gotocon.com
Thus begins an old, and sadly lost in the...
This presentation was recorded at GOTO Aarhus 2013
Check out our upcoming conferences at http://gotocon.com
Thus begins an old, and sadly lost in the mists of Usenet, love story about Vi and Ed (who becomes her "ex"), told entirely in Unix commands. I had no idea when I started learning these arcane (guess how the "dd" command got its name) and cryptic (what about "grep"?) Unix commands how incredibly useful they would become over the next two decades. If your primary OS is Linux or OSX on the desktop, and maybe iOS or Android on the move, you'll find this 40-something year joke ("Unix" itself was a bad pun) has managed to embed itself into every facet of your technological life.
Being comfortable at a shell prompt and having a healthy working knowledge of Unix commands and regular expressions will give you a whole new level of capability. In this fun talk I'll introduce a few commands and shell tricks you should have in your back pocket, and show you how to start taking control of your operating system. If you ask nicely I'll even tell you about the production system I wrote using Makefiles.
GOTO Aarhus is a premier software development conference designed for developers, team leads, architects, and project managers. At GOTO, the program is created by developers for developers
wn.com/Power Use Of Unix • Dan North
This presentation was recorded at GOTO Aarhus 2013
Check out our upcoming conferences at http://gotocon.com
Thus begins an old, and sadly lost in the mists of Usenet, love story about Vi and Ed (who becomes her "ex"), told entirely in Unix commands. I had no idea when I started learning these arcane (guess how the "dd" command got its name) and cryptic (what about "grep"?) Unix commands how incredibly useful they would become over the next two decades. If your primary OS is Linux or OSX on the desktop, and maybe iOS or Android on the move, you'll find this 40-something year joke ("Unix" itself was a bad pun) has managed to embed itself into every facet of your technological life.
Being comfortable at a shell prompt and having a healthy working knowledge of Unix commands and regular expressions will give you a whole new level of capability. In this fun talk I'll introduce a few commands and shell tricks you should have in your back pocket, and show you how to start taking control of your operating system. If you ask nicely I'll even tell you about the production system I wrote using Makefiles.
GOTO Aarhus is a premier software development conference designed for developers, team leads, architects, and project managers. At GOTO, the program is created by developers for developers
- published: 27 Oct 2015
- views: 2541
UNI(x) - Tak Berhenti Tersenyum (Official Video)
Uni(x) adalah sebuah Grup Vokal (Trio) yang terdiri dari 3 gadis remaja yang cantik yang memiliki karakter vokal yang kuat sehingga menimbulkan ciri khas tersen...
Uni(x) adalah sebuah Grup Vokal (Trio) yang terdiri dari 3 gadis remaja yang cantik yang memiliki karakter vokal yang kuat sehingga menimbulkan ciri khas tersendiri di setiap penampilannya. Beranggotakan Kalya, Adjani, dan Karin, Uni(x) menampilkan sesuatu yang jarang ditemui di grup vokal yang lain. Perbedaan karakter dan musikalitas menjadikan “senjata” tersendiri dan pembeda dengan grup vokal yang lain.
Keharmonisan vokal 3 remaja cantik ini selalu membius hati para penikmat musik. Didukung dengan penampilan yang menarik dan lagu yang bergenre Pop penampilan Uni(x) selalu enak dinikmati.
Uni(x) resmi dibentuk pada Desember 2013 setelah ke-3 gadis ini memenangkan medali emas pada International Choir Competition di Italy. Semua personilnya merupakan Rohali Family. Kalya sendiri merupakan adik dari penyanyi cantik Alika Islamadina, sedangkan Adjani adalah anak dari artis cantik sekaligus pemenang Putri Indonesia tahun 1996, Alya Rohali. Dan Karin merupakan keponakan dari Alya Rohali sendiri.
Nama Uni(x) sendiri adalah gabungan dari ‘Uni’ yang dalam bahasa Sains artinya kumpulan, sedangkan ‘X’ adalah symbol dari perempuan, jadi arti dari Uni(x) adalah kumpulan perempuan dengan keunikan vokal nya.
Di tahun 2015 ini, Uni(x) resmi mengeluarkan single perdana mereka yang berjudul
“Tak Berhenti Tersenyum” dengan Alika sebagai Eksekutif Produser nya.
Single ini diciptakan oleh Bianca Nelwan yang menceritakan tentang perasaan hati anak jaman sekarang ketika pertama kali bertemu dengan pujaan hatinya.
Dengan bermodalkan single “Tak Berhenti Tersenyum”. Uni(x) berharap single ini bisa diterima dengan baik dan disukai oleh masyarakat Indonesia pada umumnya, dan rekan-rekan media yang selama ini turut mensupport Uni(x) tentunya.
Composer : Bianca Nelwan & Dimas Wibisana
Music & Lyric by: Bianca Nelwan
Vokal Director : Bianca Nelwan
Music Arranger : Dimas Wibisana
Recording Studio : Brotherland Studio
Mixing : Rayendra Sunito
Mastering : Steve Corrao, Sage Audio - Nashville, U.S.A
Ex Producer : Alika Islamadina (ALIKA)
Rec Label : PT. Dignity Musik Multikreasi
Photo Cover : @aanpictures
wn.com/Uni(X) Tak Berhenti Tersenyum (Official Video)
Uni(x) adalah sebuah Grup Vokal (Trio) yang terdiri dari 3 gadis remaja yang cantik yang memiliki karakter vokal yang kuat sehingga menimbulkan ciri khas tersendiri di setiap penampilannya. Beranggotakan Kalya, Adjani, dan Karin, Uni(x) menampilkan sesuatu yang jarang ditemui di grup vokal yang lain. Perbedaan karakter dan musikalitas menjadikan “senjata” tersendiri dan pembeda dengan grup vokal yang lain.
Keharmonisan vokal 3 remaja cantik ini selalu membius hati para penikmat musik. Didukung dengan penampilan yang menarik dan lagu yang bergenre Pop penampilan Uni(x) selalu enak dinikmati.
Uni(x) resmi dibentuk pada Desember 2013 setelah ke-3 gadis ini memenangkan medali emas pada International Choir Competition di Italy. Semua personilnya merupakan Rohali Family. Kalya sendiri merupakan adik dari penyanyi cantik Alika Islamadina, sedangkan Adjani adalah anak dari artis cantik sekaligus pemenang Putri Indonesia tahun 1996, Alya Rohali. Dan Karin merupakan keponakan dari Alya Rohali sendiri.
Nama Uni(x) sendiri adalah gabungan dari ‘Uni’ yang dalam bahasa Sains artinya kumpulan, sedangkan ‘X’ adalah symbol dari perempuan, jadi arti dari Uni(x) adalah kumpulan perempuan dengan keunikan vokal nya.
Di tahun 2015 ini, Uni(x) resmi mengeluarkan single perdana mereka yang berjudul
“Tak Berhenti Tersenyum” dengan Alika sebagai Eksekutif Produser nya.
Single ini diciptakan oleh Bianca Nelwan yang menceritakan tentang perasaan hati anak jaman sekarang ketika pertama kali bertemu dengan pujaan hatinya.
Dengan bermodalkan single “Tak Berhenti Tersenyum”. Uni(x) berharap single ini bisa diterima dengan baik dan disukai oleh masyarakat Indonesia pada umumnya, dan rekan-rekan media yang selama ini turut mensupport Uni(x) tentunya.
Composer : Bianca Nelwan & Dimas Wibisana
Music & Lyric by: Bianca Nelwan
Vokal Director : Bianca Nelwan
Music Arranger : Dimas Wibisana
Recording Studio : Brotherland Studio
Mixing : Rayendra Sunito
Mastering : Steve Corrao, Sage Audio - Nashville, U.S.A
Ex Producer : Alika Islamadina (ALIKA)
Rec Label : PT. Dignity Musik Multikreasi
Photo Cover : @aanpictures
- published: 30 Apr 2015
- views: 56749
Introduction to Basic Unix System Administration (1.What is Unix?)
Introduction to the UNIX Operating System. What is UNIX? Files and processes; The Directory Structure; Starting an UNIX terminal ......
Introduction to the UNIX Operating System. What is UNIX? Files and processes; The Directory Structure; Starting an UNIX terminal ...
wn.com/Introduction To Basic Unix System Administration (1.What Is Unix )
Introduction to the UNIX Operating System. What is UNIX? Files and processes; The Directory Structure; Starting an UNIX terminal ...
- published: 10 Jun 2013
- views: 43264
Basic Unix Commands
An introduction to working in Unix. The tutorial covers GUIs vs. command line interfaces, absolute vs. relative paths, how to start Terminal, the parts of a Uni...
An introduction to working in Unix. The tutorial covers GUIs vs. command line interfaces, absolute vs. relative paths, how to start Terminal, the parts of a Unix command prompt, and six Unix commands: pwd, ls, ls -l, cd, mkdir, mv, cp, and rm.
Written and Produced by Christina Bergey.
wn.com/Basic Unix Commands
An introduction to working in Unix. The tutorial covers GUIs vs. command line interfaces, absolute vs. relative paths, how to start Terminal, the parts of a Unix command prompt, and six Unix commands: pwd, ls, ls -l, cd, mkdir, mv, cp, and rm.
Written and Produced by Christina Bergey.
- published: 14 Jul 2010
- views: 122723
1. Basic Commands | Free Unix Tutorials Series | Also Linux Tutorials with Learn With Pranshu
Free Video Tutorial Series on Unix Command Line.
Commands Taught : pwd, ls, man, cd, mkdir, vi text editor to create a new file, cat, mv, rm, rmdir
Free Video Tutorial Series on Unix Command Line.
Commands Taught : pwd, ls, man, cd, mkdir, vi text editor to create a new file, cat, mv, rm, rmdir
LearnWithPranshu is the best online Ethical Hacking Learning Platform on Youtube.
Any one can find and Linux Tutorials in it.
The Following are the other topics you will find here.
Unix Tutorials
Linux Tutorials
Ethical Hacking
Unix Commands
Linux Commands
Learn Unix
For More Detail Visit : http://www.lifeofpentester.blogspot.com
Please Subscribe to Our Channel for More Useful Videos.
wn.com/1. Basic Commands | Free Unix Tutorials Series | Also Linux Tutorials With Learn With Pranshu
Free Video Tutorial Series on Unix Command Line.
Commands Taught : pwd, ls, man, cd, mkdir, vi text editor to create a new file, cat, mv, rm, rmdir
LearnWithPranshu is the best online Ethical Hacking Learning Platform on Youtube.
Any one can find and Linux Tutorials in it.
The Following are the other topics you will find here.
Unix Tutorials
Linux Tutorials
Ethical Hacking
Unix Commands
Linux Commands
Learn Unix
For More Detail Visit : http://www.lifeofpentester.blogspot.com
Please Subscribe to Our Channel for More Useful Videos.
- published: 06 Jan 2013
- views: 65697
UNIX: Basic UNIX commands you should know! Beginners guide.
This video goes over commands like cat, cp, more, echo, ls, pwd and many more.
If you enjoyed this video, please consider clicking on the subscribe button. It...
This video goes over commands like cat, cp, more, echo, ls, pwd and many more.
If you enjoyed this video, please consider clicking on the subscribe button. It's FREE and all it takes is one click! If you don't like the videos later, you can unsubscribe just as easily! :)
I upload regular videos about how to write UNIX scripts, networking, Perl and much more!
wn.com/Unix Basic Unix Commands You Should Know Beginners Guide.
This video goes over commands like cat, cp, more, echo, ls, pwd and many more.
If you enjoyed this video, please consider clicking on the subscribe button. It's FREE and all it takes is one click! If you don't like the videos later, you can unsubscribe just as easily! :)
I upload regular videos about how to write UNIX scripts, networking, Perl and much more!
- published: 10 May 2014
- views: 7397
UNIX: Making Computers Easier To Use -- AT&T; Archives film from 1982, Bell Laboratories
For more from the AT&T; Archives, visit http://techchannel.att.com/archives
The Unix System: Making Computers Easier to Use - 1982
This 23-minute film about UN...
For more from the AT&T; Archives, visit http://techchannel.att.com/archives
The Unix System: Making Computers Easier to Use - 1982
This 23-minute film about UNIX was designed for students with an interest in engineering, math, computer science or other sciences. The film was made available to the public in December 1982. It covers different ways that UNIX could be employed practically in a computing environment. Another film about UNIX released at the same time, "The UNIX System: Making Computers More Productive," was aimed at computer science majors and corporate trainees, and presented a more detailed discussion of the UNIX system and its various applications.
Hosted by Victor Vyssotsky in a Carl-Sagan-esque turtleneck sweater, this film includes Dennis Ritchie, one of UNIX's inventors, along with Bell Labs staffers and programmers Brian Kernighan, Catherine Ann Brooks, Lorinda Cherry, Alfred Aho, Nina Macdonald, and John Mashey.
Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson started work on what would become UNIX originally in 1969. They developed it to run on a DEC PDP-7 to begin with; it would eventually be ported to other computers. By 1976, UNIX was used in more than 30 Bell Labs groups, and there were UNIX installations at over 80 universities.
Footage Courtesy of AT&T; Archives and History Center, Warren, NJ
wn.com/Unix Making Computers Easier To Use At T Archives Film From 1982, Bell Laboratories
For more from the AT&T; Archives, visit http://techchannel.att.com/archives
The Unix System: Making Computers Easier to Use - 1982
This 23-minute film about UNIX was designed for students with an interest in engineering, math, computer science or other sciences. The film was made available to the public in December 1982. It covers different ways that UNIX could be employed practically in a computing environment. Another film about UNIX released at the same time, "The UNIX System: Making Computers More Productive," was aimed at computer science majors and corporate trainees, and presented a more detailed discussion of the UNIX system and its various applications.
Hosted by Victor Vyssotsky in a Carl-Sagan-esque turtleneck sweater, this film includes Dennis Ritchie, one of UNIX's inventors, along with Bell Labs staffers and programmers Brian Kernighan, Catherine Ann Brooks, Lorinda Cherry, Alfred Aho, Nina Macdonald, and John Mashey.
Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson started work on what would become UNIX originally in 1969. They developed it to run on a DEC PDP-7 to begin with; it would eventually be ported to other computers. By 1976, UNIX was used in more than 30 Bell Labs groups, and there were UNIX installations at over 80 universities.
Footage Courtesy of AT&T; Archives and History Center, Warren, NJ
- published: 27 Jan 2014
- views: 46516
UNIX Special: Profs Kernighan & Brailsford - Computerphile
BWK, Professor Brian Kernighan visited Nottingham, so Professor Brailsford couldn't resist an 'on-camera' chat about Unix, Bell Labs and other aspects of Brian'...
BWK, Professor Brian Kernighan visited Nottingham, so Professor Brailsford couldn't resist an 'on-camera' chat about Unix, Bell Labs and other aspects of Brian's glittering career.
Brian Kerninghan on Bell Labs: https://youtu.be/QFK6RG47bww
"C" Programming Language: Brian Kernighan: https://youtu.be/de2Hsvxaf8M
The Great 202 Jailbreak: https://youtu.be/CVxeuwlvf8w
Computer That Changed Everything: https://youtu.be/6LYRgrqJgDc
More from BWK on other computer languages at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sg4U4r_AgJU
Thanks to Richard Minkley for holding our 3rd camera, and Dr Steve 'Heartbleed' Bagley for helping out with the microphones!
This video was filmed and edited by Sean Riley.
Computer Science at the University of Nottingham: http://bit.ly/nottscomputer
Computerphile is a sister project to Brady Haran's Numberphile. More at http://www.bradyharan.com
wn.com/Unix Special Profs Kernighan Brailsford Computerphile
BWK, Professor Brian Kernighan visited Nottingham, so Professor Brailsford couldn't resist an 'on-camera' chat about Unix, Bell Labs and other aspects of Brian's glittering career.
Brian Kerninghan on Bell Labs: https://youtu.be/QFK6RG47bww
"C" Programming Language: Brian Kernighan: https://youtu.be/de2Hsvxaf8M
The Great 202 Jailbreak: https://youtu.be/CVxeuwlvf8w
Computer That Changed Everything: https://youtu.be/6LYRgrqJgDc
More from BWK on other computer languages at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sg4U4r_AgJU
Thanks to Richard Minkley for holding our 3rd camera, and Dr Steve 'Heartbleed' Bagley for helping out with the microphones!
This video was filmed and edited by Sean Riley.
Computer Science at the University of Nottingham: http://bit.ly/nottscomputer
Computerphile is a sister project to Brady Haran's Numberphile. More at http://www.bradyharan.com
- published: 30 Sep 2015
- views: 63133
Unix Pipeline (Brian Kernighan) - Computerphile
Just what is a pipeline in the computer science sense? We asked Computer Science guru Professor Brian Kernighan
Why Asimov's Laws of Robotics Don't Work: https...
Just what is a pipeline in the computer science sense? We asked Computer Science guru Professor Brian Kernighan
Why Asimov's Laws of Robotics Don't Work: https://youtu.be/7PKx3kS7f4A
Brian Kerninghan on Bell Labs: https://youtu.be/QFK6RG47bww
Don Knuth on Email: https://youtu.be/QS8qwMna8_o
Computer That Changed Everything: https://youtu.be/6LYRgrqJgDc
This video was filmed and edited by Sean Riley.
Computer Science at the University of Nottingham: http://bit.ly/nottscomputer
Computerphile is a sister project to Brady Haran's Numberphile. More at http://www.bradyharan.com
wn.com/Unix Pipeline (Brian Kernighan) Computerphile
Just what is a pipeline in the computer science sense? We asked Computer Science guru Professor Brian Kernighan
Why Asimov's Laws of Robotics Don't Work: https://youtu.be/7PKx3kS7f4A
Brian Kerninghan on Bell Labs: https://youtu.be/QFK6RG47bww
Don Knuth on Email: https://youtu.be/QS8qwMna8_o
Computer That Changed Everything: https://youtu.be/6LYRgrqJgDc
This video was filmed and edited by Sean Riley.
Computer Science at the University of Nottingham: http://bit.ly/nottscomputer
Computerphile is a sister project to Brady Haran's Numberphile. More at http://www.bradyharan.com
- published: 13 Nov 2015
- views: 82589
Unix Commands Tutorial for Beginners - 1
Unix Commands Tutorial for Beginners - 1. Basic UNIX commands covered in this lecture are Users & System, File Sytems, File Content, Handling, Archiving, File T...
Unix Commands Tutorial for Beginners - 1. Basic UNIX commands covered in this lecture are Users & System, File Sytems, File Content, Handling, Archiving, File Transfer
wn.com/Unix Commands Tutorial For Beginners 1
Unix Commands Tutorial for Beginners - 1. Basic UNIX commands covered in this lecture are Users & System, File Sytems, File Content, Handling, Archiving, File Transfer
- published: 03 Jul 2013
- views: 145025
Why Unix is Better than Windows
Can you tell me why Unix is better than Windows?
Fewer security holes due to a complicated and cluttered operating system.
I'm sure there are still viruses an...
Can you tell me why Unix is better than Windows?
Fewer security holes due to a complicated and cluttered operating system.
I'm sure there are still viruses and malware for it.
Both Unix and Linux have far better security than Windows. Between Unix and Linux, there are perhaps 200 to 300 viruses overall whereas Windows sees that many new viruses a year.
So it is not big enough to attract malware makers, like Apple used to be. How reliable is Unix?
Unix is far more reliable than Windows. Crashing one application won't give you a blue screen of death.
How good are they at fixing the problems they find?
If a security hole is found in Linux, several developers start working on a solution immediately to get fame for being the first to fix it. Bug fixing is slower in proprietary Unix systems than Linux, but it is faster than begging Microsoft to fix something.
Security is high for Apple, too. Why else is Unix better than Windows?
Linux is popular because there are free versions. Unix variations supported by different companies is still cheaper than Windows.
Cheap is certainly attractive. But what about all the MS Office applications and others people can't live without?
There are Unix based office applications for everything from photo editing to spreadsheets to data modeling software.
The only thing worse than trying to learn a new application is trying to figure out how to share the files with others who have not heard of it.
If it cannot run without Microsoft Windows, you can still set up a virtual environment on the Unix machine with Windows and run the application in that contained environment.
That definitely makes Windows better than Unix.
Your little snow globe filled with Microsoft can crash and the rest of the system operates perfectly.
A blue screen of death I can close and ignore with impunity is a dramatic improvement.
That's why Unix and Linux have moved off mainframe servers and increasingly to personal computers.
wn.com/Why Unix Is Better Than Windows
Can you tell me why Unix is better than Windows?
Fewer security holes due to a complicated and cluttered operating system.
I'm sure there are still viruses and malware for it.
Both Unix and Linux have far better security than Windows. Between Unix and Linux, there are perhaps 200 to 300 viruses overall whereas Windows sees that many new viruses a year.
So it is not big enough to attract malware makers, like Apple used to be. How reliable is Unix?
Unix is far more reliable than Windows. Crashing one application won't give you a blue screen of death.
How good are they at fixing the problems they find?
If a security hole is found in Linux, several developers start working on a solution immediately to get fame for being the first to fix it. Bug fixing is slower in proprietary Unix systems than Linux, but it is faster than begging Microsoft to fix something.
Security is high for Apple, too. Why else is Unix better than Windows?
Linux is popular because there are free versions. Unix variations supported by different companies is still cheaper than Windows.
Cheap is certainly attractive. But what about all the MS Office applications and others people can't live without?
There are Unix based office applications for everything from photo editing to spreadsheets to data modeling software.
The only thing worse than trying to learn a new application is trying to figure out how to share the files with others who have not heard of it.
If it cannot run without Microsoft Windows, you can still set up a virtual environment on the Unix machine with Windows and run the application in that contained environment.
That definitely makes Windows better than Unix.
Your little snow globe filled with Microsoft can crash and the rest of the system operates perfectly.
A blue screen of death I can close and ignore with impunity is a dramatic improvement.
That's why Unix and Linux have moved off mainframe servers and increasingly to personal computers.
- published: 23 Jun 2014
- views: 6702
End of Time (Unix) - Numberphile
Time will "end" for 32-bit computers on 19 January, 2038.
James Clewett explains.
We love this real time Unix clock: http://www.coolepochcountdown.com/
Time will "end" for 32-bit computers on 19 January, 2038.
James Clewett explains.
We love this real time Unix clock: http://www.coolepochcountdown.com/
Website: http://www.numberphile.com/
Numberphile on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/numberphile
Numberphile tweets: https://twitter.com/numberphile
Google Plus: http://bit.ly/numberGplus
Videos by Brady Haran
wn.com/End Of Time (Unix) Numberphile
Time will "end" for 32-bit computers on 19 January, 2038.
James Clewett explains.
We love this real time Unix clock: http://www.coolepochcountdown.com/
Website: http://www.numberphile.com/
Numberphile on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/numberphile
Numberphile tweets: https://twitter.com/numberphile
Google Plus: http://bit.ly/numberGplus
Videos by Brady Haran
- published: 29 Jan 2013
- views: 591741
Unix System
A look at the many new versions of Unix and its challenge to DOS and OS/2.
Guests: Rick Davis, Frame Technology; Karen Lusardi, Sun Microsystem; Janet Dobbs, H...
A look at the many new versions of Unix and its challenge to DOS and OS/2.
Guests: Rick Davis, Frame Technology; Karen Lusardi, Sun Microsystem; Janet Dobbs, Hewlett Packard; Bill Jacobs, Apple; Karen Christian, Wiesel Lab; Doug Michels, SCOMichael Karels, UC Berkeley
Products/Demos: Sun 386i Unix Workstation; Sun; Write; Sun; Paint; Sun; Draw; Sun File Manager; Open Look; OSF/Motif; HP 9000 360 Unix Workstation; X Windows with A/UXSCO Xenix
wn.com/Unix System
A look at the many new versions of Unix and its challenge to DOS and OS/2.
Guests: Rick Davis, Frame Technology; Karen Lusardi, Sun Microsystem; Janet Dobbs, Hewlett Packard; Bill Jacobs, Apple; Karen Christian, Wiesel Lab; Doug Michels, SCOMichael Karels, UC Berkeley
Products/Demos: Sun 386i Unix Workstation; Sun; Write; Sun; Paint; Sun; Draw; Sun File Manager; Open Look; OSF/Motif; HP 9000 360 Unix Workstation; X Windows with A/UXSCO Xenix
- published: 10 Mar 2013
- views: 13480
Unix system calls (1/2)
Part of a larger series teaching programming. See http://codeschool.org...
Part of a larger series teaching programming. See http://codeschool.org
wn.com/Unix System Calls (1 2)
Part of a larger series teaching programming. See http://codeschool.org
- published: 24 Mar 2011
- views: 88726
Unix & Linux - Fast Tech Skills
Learn to Make Money With Apps: http://30daylabs.com/o5rn
Unix and Linux are two of the most famous computer OS out there. The similarities in the name sometime...
Learn to Make Money With Apps: http://30daylabs.com/o5rn
Unix and Linux are two of the most famous computer OS out there. The similarities in the name sometimes confuses people and make them ask what is the difference between these two?
This video aims to address these two amazing technologies as well as explain how different they are from each other.
Watch the video to learn exactly what each Linux and Unix stand for and why they are very important to the world of computers that exists now!
Read More: http://30daylabs.com/unix-and-linux
Follow me on twitter: http://30DayLabs.com/twitter
Like 30 Day Labs Page: http://30DayLabs.com/facebook
Subscribe to Hooman’s Channel: http://30DayLabs.com/hoomanyt Subscribe to 30 Day Labs Channel: http://30DayLabs.com/youtube
wn.com/Unix Linux Fast Tech Skills
Learn to Make Money With Apps: http://30daylabs.com/o5rn
Unix and Linux are two of the most famous computer OS out there. The similarities in the name sometimes confuses people and make them ask what is the difference between these two?
This video aims to address these two amazing technologies as well as explain how different they are from each other.
Watch the video to learn exactly what each Linux and Unix stand for and why they are very important to the world of computers that exists now!
Read More: http://30daylabs.com/unix-and-linux
Follow me on twitter: http://30DayLabs.com/twitter
Like 30 Day Labs Page: http://30DayLabs.com/facebook
Subscribe to Hooman’s Channel: http://30DayLabs.com/hoomanyt Subscribe to 30 Day Labs Channel: http://30DayLabs.com/youtube
- published: 03 Feb 2015
- views: 13218
It's a unix system
I know this
I know this
wn.com/It's A Unix System
I know this
- published: 15 Feb 2013
- views: 54173
Tutoriel vidéo : Apprendre les lignes de commandes Unix
Dans cette seconde formation vidéo dédié aux commandes Unix, vous allez apprendre des...
Dans cette seconde formation vidéo dédié aux commandes Unix, vous allez apprendre des commandes Unix vraiment indispensable.
wn.com/Tutoriel Vidéo Apprendre Les Lignes De Commandes Unix
Dans cette seconde formation vidéo dédié aux commandes Unix, vous allez apprendre des commandes Unix vraiment indispensable.
- published: 25 Aug 2011
- views: 55617
Unix (Linux) Interview Questions and Answers-Part 1
Unix Based Interview Questions. I hope this video will help someone, somewhere in this universe :) Please subscribe to get more and more interesting videos. Do ...
Unix Based Interview Questions. I hope this video will help someone, somewhere in this universe :) Please subscribe to get more and more interesting videos. Do not forget, sharing is caring.
wn.com/Unix (Linux) Interview Questions And Answers Part 1
Unix Based Interview Questions. I hope this video will help someone, somewhere in this universe :) Please subscribe to get more and more interesting videos. Do not forget, sharing is caring.
- published: 29 Mar 2015
- views: 8133
01 Presentacion y brevisima historia de UNIX
Introducción a la serie de videos sobre Unix, Unix - Like y Programación.
Qué es un sistema operativo?
Una breve historia sobre UNIX y Unix - Like
Introducción a la serie de videos sobre Unix, Unix - Like y Programación.
Qué es un sistema operativo?
Una breve historia sobre UNIX y Unix - Like
Principios de seguridad de Unix y Unix-Like. Por qué los virus sólo afectan al sistema operativo del gigante de las ventanitas?
wn.com/01 Presentacion Y Brevisima Historia De Unix
Introducción a la serie de videos sobre Unix, Unix - Like y Programación.
Qué es un sistema operativo?
Una breve historia sobre UNIX y Unix - Like
Principios de seguridad de Unix y Unix-Like. Por qué los virus sólo afectan al sistema operativo del gigante de las ventanitas?
- published: 20 May 2014
- views: 7675