Super 8 is a 2011 American science fiction-drama thriller film written and directed by J. J. Abrams and produced by Steven Spielberg. The film stars Joel Courtney, Elle Fanning, and Kyle Chandler and was released on June 10, 2011 in conventional and IMAX theaters in the US. The film tells the story of a group of young teenagers who are filming their own Super 8 movie in a small town in 1979 when a train derails, releasing a dangerous presence into their town. The movie was filmed in Weirton, West Virginia and surrounding areas.
The film was released to critical acclaim; being praised for its nostalgia, visual effects, musical score, and for the performances of its young actors, particularly those of Elle Fanning and newcomer Joel Courtney. It was also a commercial success, grossing over $250 million on a $50 million budget. It received several awards and nominations; primarily in technical and special effects categories, as well as for Courtney and Fanning's performances as the film's two young leads.
Take me back, take me home
To the world that never
To the world that never
To the world that never was
Take me back, take me home
To the world that never
To the world that never
To the world that never was
Cones and Roman candles in the sky, Fourth of July
The dog's couched in the basement, Dad was still alive
The fading grain of Super 8 makes everything seem really great
And I look as happy as a clam
Take me back, take me home
To the world that never to the world that never
To the world that never was
Another birthday party with the braces on my legs
The rented clown made cotton candy and animal balloons
It looks like I had lots of friends, they laugh with me into the lens
Hey, there's Carol Fango before she sliced her wrists
Puts his arm around her tenderly
Turning to the camera I can see
The world that never
The world that never
Ich brauch' kein DVD ich bin nicht digital
Ich schau' durch's Objektiv dann bin ich überall
Ich dreh' auf Zelluloid und konservier' die Welt
Dann schneid' ich alles raus was mir nicht ganz gefällt
Ich dreh'auf SUPER 8...
Ich schau' kein Video und brauch' kein Multiplex
Kintop im Hausgebrauch für den Wohnkomplex
Ich sehe tiefenscharf manchmal auch monochrom
Was von Interesse ist - Autozoom
Alle Weichen sind gestellt mein Körper bereit
Feindliche Stimmen in mir, sie sterben
Denn wir denken nach bei Tag und Nacht
Ja wir sind hochmodern - wir dreh'n auf SUPER 8 !
Ich denk' rechtsperforiert und geh' mit meiner Zeit
Die Welt nachcoloriert...8 mm breit
Ich blick durch's Okular und finde was ich such
Ich film' Dich wunderschön...wie Gott Dich schuf !
Ich dreh'auf SUPER 8...
Alle Weichen sind gestellt mein Körper bereit
Feindliche Stimmen in mir sie sterben
Denn wir denken nach bei Tag und Nacht
Denn wir sind hochmodern - wir seh'n in SUPER 8 !
Ich träum' nicht vom T.V ich steh' in rotem Licht
Ich blick mein Leben an...und es entwickelt sich
Ich stell die Leinwand auf und schalt auf Dunkelheit
Dann projizier' ich meine Einsamkeit
Seasons greetings on a shoreline day
Threading it along through a super 8
She sways in the movie, he got something to see
No joy ever after
Don't bring me back to get some more
I can close my eyes and see her
I'm looking at what we were before
I can close my eyes and see her
Paris is waiting in a vacant lot
She wanted something he couldn't figure out
A shot in his pouch, a piece of land
No joy ever after
In one burst of fire she dreamed about escaping
To a place without language, she vanishes the trailer
Every man has his voice in her silent routine
No joy ever after
Don't bring me back to get some more
I can close my eyes and see her
I'm looking at what we were before
I can close my eyes and see her
I'm looking at what we were before