- published: 25 Dec 2006
- views: 2845
The Global Greens is an international network of Green parties and political movements that works to implement the Global Green Charter. It was founded in 2001 in Canberra, Australia at the First Global Greens Congress, where the Global Green Charter was approved. The Second Global Greens Congress was held in 2008 in Sao Paolo, Brazil. The Third Global Greens Congress was held in Dakar, Senegal in 2012.
The Global Greens has a 12-member steering committee called the Global Green Coordination and a network of members called the Global Greens Network.
The Charter of the Global Greens professes "core values" of ecological wisdom, social justice, participatory democracy, nonviolence, sustainability and respect for diversity. Priorities include "reforming the dominant economic model, tackling climate change, ending the hunger crisis, promoting vibrant democracy, working for peace, protecting biodiversity."
The Global Greens are organised into four federations across the world in the Americas, Africa, Europe and Asia-Pacific.