- published: 03 Apr 2016
- views: 498
Manp'o is a city of northwestern Chagang Province, North Korea. As of 2008, it had an estimated population of 116,760. It looks across the border to the city of Ji'an, Jilin province, China.
Manp'o was incorporated as a city in 1961.
Along the shores of the Yalu River and the Kŏnp'o River are the small Kosan Plain and the Kŏnha Plain.
The yearly average temperature is 6.5 °C (43.7 °F); the January average temperature, −14.4 °C (6.1 °F); and the July average temperature, 23.6 °C (74.5 °F). The yearly average rainfall is 947.8 millimetres (37.31 in), generous due to the mountainous terrain.
Manp'o is divided into 11 tong and 15 ri:
Lumber processing and transportation are well developed.
Trailero que baila
Es un manpo guapo🍨🍨🍨🍨
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對我而言,那三天的malikoda(手拉手共舞)是非常重要的,事前準備和事後討論與收尾也相當重要。 slal(年齡階層)在事前準備工作可以學習到傳統技能,阿美族社會如何看待ilisin(祭典)的價值觀與知識等,我們可以跟其他的slal溝通如何舉辦ilisin。這些東西的學習,只有一天是學習不了的。 如果我們ilisin的假期有三天或是一個禮拜,就可以讓青年回到部落,在部落的脈絡與情境中學習自己的文化、自己的知識,與其他部落族人互動。這樣可以凝聚部落向心力,也可以讓青年學習到slal應該怎麼運作、ilisin應該做哪些事情,不只是在malikoda的時候唱歌跳舞,我覺得這是更重要的。 祭典假期如果能從一天變成三天或一個禮拜,那是非常有助於部落文化的傳承,也可以讓老人家更多認識我們年輕人,可以讓部落在一件事情上有更多互動,凝聚向心力。 一天其實很短,跟觀光客沒什麼兩樣。參與事前的準備工作,真的可以把你自己放在部落脈絡裡,展現出我是這個部落的一份子。 ----- 【躍改變台灣,就從原住民做自己的主人開始!】 馬躍.比吼網站:http://www.mayawbiho.tw/ 馬躍.比吼粉絲專頁:http://www.facebook.com/2016mayawbiho 捐款支持:http://www.mayawbiho.tw/donate/
Yunnan - one of China's most colourful provinces (October 2008). The old road from Dali to Lijiang; Lijiang; Jinghong (Xishuangbanna). Shibaoshan monastery, Heilongtan (Black Dragon Pool), Yulongxue Shan, Naxi people and music, Menglun Tropical Gardens, Sanchahe Nature Reserve, White Pagoda. Independent travel in China organised over the internet, using local guides.
【詳しい情報】 http://kyoto.graphic.co.jp/guide/kotabi-higashiyama/ 京都盆地の東に見える緩やかな山の稜線。「ふとん着て 寝たる姿や 東山」江戸時代の俳人・服部嵐雪(らんせつ)が詠んだ東山の風景に、なるほどとうなずきたくなります。この山々は、いつしか「東山三十六峰」と呼ばれるようになりました。とはいえ、京都の町を巡っていても「この山は三十六峰の...」と意識する機会は少ないかもしれません。そこで今回は、南禅寺周辺から銀閣寺方面へ向かう観光コースをご紹介します。その道中で「東山三十六峰」の存在を感じながら歩いてみましょう。
Everything is massive around me
in my private reality
With all this controlling me,
what can I do but
sit and wait
for it all to happen
Sit and wait
for it all to take place
As the night arrives I try
to hold my thoughts,
to keep them tied
I'm kind of looking from the outside,
unable to close my eyes
so I just
sit and wait
for it all to happen
Sit and wait
for it all to take place
The stars look small from here,
like little lamps in the night,
We cannot be seen