Occupy Movement (Occupy Wall Street)

Robert Stolarik for The New York Times
News about Occupy Movement (Occupy Wall Street), including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.

Chronology of Coverage

  1. Sep. 14, 2015

    Occupy Wall Street protesters file false-arrest lawsuit against New York City, claiming that police officers violated their free speech rights during first anniversary of 2011 protests; lawsuit seeks damages and court order that would stop police officers from charging people engaged in First Amendment speech with disorderly conduct absent criminal behavior. MORE

  2. Jul. 7, 2015

    New York City agrees to pay total of $322,500 to six Occupy Wall Street protesters who say they were unjustly pepper-sprayed by Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna, while peacefully corralled behind police netting, in September 2011. MORE

  3. Apr. 3, 2015

    Political activist Michael Pellagatti leads tours of Lower Manhattan that focus on events surrounding Occupy Wall Street movement of 2011. MORE

  4. Dec. 20, 2014

    Treasury Sec Jacob J Lew declares profitable end to banking and automobile bailout that began during administration of Pres George W Bush with final sale of stock from General Motors' former finance arm; debate over government programs, which were designed to prevent economic collapse, had triggered political movements on both right and left, including Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street. MORE

  5. Oct. 12, 2014

    Corey Kilgannon Character Study column profiles Marni Halasa, self-described exhibitionist who dresses in elaborate costumes to participate in Occupy Wall Street-style protests. MORE

  6. Oct. 11, 2014

    Cecily McMillan, Occupy Wall Street participant who served about two months in jail for assaulting a police officer in 2012, is found not guilty of interfering with arrest in Union Square subway station. MORE

  7. Sep. 18, 2014

    Group of Occupy Wall Street activists file lawsuit accusing former comrade of taking control of shared Twitter account; lawsuit says account created by Adbusters was turned over to filmmaker and activist Marisa Holmes, but was taken over by Justin Wedes, who changed passwords and locked out his fellow administrators. MORE

  8. Jul. 18, 2014

    Cecily McMillan, Occupy Wall Street protester, appears in Criminal Court in Manhattan to deal with second case involving confrontation with police; McMillan had been released from prison after serving three-month sentence for felony assault charge against police officer during protests in 2012. MORE

  9. Jun. 11, 2014

    City of New York agrees to pay nearly $600,000 to resolve lawsuit accusing police officers of falsely arresting Occupy Wall Street participants who were walking on a sidewalk in East Village on New Year's Day 2012. MORE

  10. May. 23, 2014

    Unclassified emails and reports obtained through freedom of information requests show federal and state authorities scrutinized a broad range of Occupy protests in 2011 and 2012; there are no apparent indications of surveillance of phones or email; much of material was obtained from social media, public information and reports by police or others. MORE

  11. May. 20, 2014

    Cecily McMillan, convicted of assaulting New York City Police Officer Grantley Bovell in Manhattan's Zuccotti Park during a 2012 Occupy Wall Street protest, is sentenced to three months in jail and five years probation; Justice Ronald A Zweibel imposed jail sentence that prosecutors had requested, rather than release her on probation, but she could have faced a maximum of seven years for the second-degree assault. MORE

  12. May. 19, 2014

    Occupy Wall Street sympathizers are calling for leniency for Cecily McMillan, who was convicted of assaulting a police officer during a Zuccotti Park protest in 2012; most believe that zealous prosecutors had refused to let her plead to a misdemeanor assault charge to avoid jail, but prosecutors maintain that she was offered same bargain as other Occupy protesters accused of hitting police officers. MORE

  13. May. 10, 2014

    Two members of Russian protest group Pussy Riot visit Cecily McMillan, Occupy Wall Street organizer who is awaiting sentencing at Rikers Island; McMillan was convicted of assaulting New York City Police Officer Grantley Bovell in Zuccotti Park, but says she was not part of demonstration taking place that night and does not recall hitting a police officer; second-degree assault charge could bring as much as seven years in prison. MORE

  14. May. 6, 2014

    Jury finds protestor Cecily McMillan guilty of assaulting officer during Occupy Wall Street activities at Zucotti Park in Manhattan in 2012; verdict draws protests from McMillan's supporters in courtroom; second-degree assault on a police officer is a felony that carries penalty of up to seven years in prison. MORE

  15. May. 1, 2014

    Cecily McMillan, Occupy Wall Street protester charged with assaulting New York City Police Officer Grantley Bovell, testifies that she has no recollection of blackening officer's eye with her elbow; stands by her claim that her reaction during protest in 2012 came after Officer Bovell grabbed her breast. MORE

  16. Apr. 17, 2014

    New York City Police Officer Grantley Bovell admits in court that he had fixed several traffic tickets before 2011, but says he is telling truth about being assaulted by Occupy Wall Street protester Cecily McMillan; McMillan has maintained that Bovell groped her breast during demonstration in Manhattan's Zuccotti Park, and that she reacted without knowing he was police officer. MORE

  17. Apr. 15, 2014

    New York Police Officer Grantley Bovell testifies at final court trial resulting from Occupy Wall Street protests in city; trials began in September 2011 and eventually led to more than 2,600 arrests; of those cases, about 700 were dismissed and an additional 1,355 placed in adjournment, meaning those arrested will not have criminal records as long as they stay out of trouble in near future. MORE

  18. Apr. 10, 2014

    Last of criminal trials stemming from Occupy Wall Street protests in Zuccotti Park in 2011 is underway in State Supreme Court in Manhattan; Cecily McMillan is accused of assaulting New York City Police Officer Grantley Bovell, who arrested her on night people gathered to observe founding of movement. MORE

  19. Nov. 28, 2013

    Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna, New York City Police commander whose pepper spraying of several women in 2011 sparked sharp criticism of Police Department’s response to Occupy Wall Street protests, is ordered to appear before investigators and account for his actions; decision represents significant victory for the investigative powers of the Civilian Complaint Review Board. MORE

  20. Oct. 25, 2013

    Occupy group gets temporary permit to write chalk messages on the sidewalk in Ohio city of Defiance after the American Civil Liberties Union reaches deal over a ban. MORE

  21. Oct. 21, 2013

    Last scheduled criminal case from 732 arrests of Occupy Wall Street protesters on the Brooklyn Bridge roadway in 2010 finds its way to Manhattan courtroom; case against Jonathan Stribling-Uss is dismissed, making for a total of 680 dismissals; warrants have been issued for 17 defendants who have failed to show up for court dates, but it is unclear if those cases will be resolved. MORE

  22. Oct. 1, 2013

    Occupy Money Cooperative, group that includes Cornell law professor and former director of Deutsche Bank, has created prepaid Occupy debit card, aiming to make Occupy a recognized financial services brand; Web site promoting the card, suggesting its use might represent a 'protest with every purchase,' has prompted questions about who controls the name and the message of the Occupy movement. MORE

  23. Sep. 28, 2013

    Federal Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald rules that Brookfield Office Properties, real estate company that owns Zuccotti Park, where Occupy Wall Street protesters encamped in 2011, cannot be sued by protesters and journalists who were critical of the police’s response to those protests. MORE

  24. Sep. 14, 2013

    Charles M Blow Op-Ed column holds most Americans remain deeply frustrated with country's vast income inequality, despite fact that Occupy Wall Street protests have faded into memory; cites host of statistics demonstrating issue remains entrenched and politically potent. MORE

  25. May. 1, 2013

    Shift away from Occupy movement's core message of income inequality to one of helping victims of Hurricane Sandy has contributed to growing rift within movement; central question has emerged, whether Occupy Sandy represents a betrayal of Occupy Wall Street, which once seemed poised to become a leftist alternative to the Tea Party, or its future. MORE

  26. Apr. 19, 2013

    One deputy inspector was accused of randomly pepper-spraying Occupy Wall Street protesters, and another was accused of punching a man. MORE

  27. Apr. 10, 2013

    City of New York and Brookfield Properties will pay more than $230,000 to settle lawsuit that assered books and other property, belonging to members of Occupy Wall Street, were damaged or destroyed when Zuccotti Park was cleared in 2011. MORE

  28. Dec. 25, 2012

    Federal Bureau of Investigation records reveal that bureau used counterterrorism agents to investigate the Occupy Wall Street movement; Occupy Wall Street has lost much of its visibility since their occupation of Zuccotti Park in Lower Manhattan, but questions remain about how local and federal law-enforcement officials monitored and treated the protesters. MORE

  29. Dec. 13, 2012

    Malcolm Harris pleads guilty to disorderly conduct after more than a year of arguing in court papers that police officers led Occupy Wall Street marchers onto the roadway of the Brooklyn Bridge and then arrested 700 of them; Harris' Twitter posts showed that he had, in fact, heard warnings from police to stay on the road; says he is appealing critical ruling that gave the government access to thousands of his Twitter messages. MORE

  30. Nov. 17, 2012

    Pair of bogus barriers, like the ones used in an Occupy Wall Street protest, mysteriously appear on the 13th floor of Police Headquarters in New York City; timing roughly coincides with the first anniversary of a minutely planned police raid that cleared protesters from their encampment in Zuccotti Park one year earlier. MORE

  31. Nov. 14, 2012

    Strike Debt, an offshoot of the Occupy Wall Street movement, is trying to buy some of the debt that people have accrued, which lenders often sell for pennies on the dollar to third parties who either try to collect on it or bundle it up for resale; group has already raised enough money to buy $2.5 million worth of steeply marked down defaulted loans, and plans to let those who incurred the debt in the first place know they are off the hook. MORE

  32. Nov. 11, 2012

    Occupy Sandy is a do-it-yourself disaster relief organization established by Occupy Wall Street to respond to victims of Hurricane Sandy; efforts have brought an impromptu renewal of the passions of Zuccotti Park, tapping into the desire of many New York City residents to assist in recovery. MORE

  33. Oct. 15, 2012

    Several supporters of anti-corporate Occupy movement chain themselves to pulpit of St Paul’s Cathedral to mark the anniversary of its now-dismantled protest camp outside the London landmark. MORE

  34. Sep. 28, 2012

    Illinois Judge Thomas Donnelly rules that the arrest of more than 90 Occupy Chicago protesters in October, 2011, was unconstitutional. MORE

  35. Sep. 17, 2012

    Occupy Wall Street protesters plan to celebrate the first anniversary of the protest with rallies over three days, intended to both commemorate and reinvigorate the movement. MORE

  36. Sep. 16, 2012

    New York City police arrest several of the roughly 250 people who march toward Zuccotti Park in the first of three days of events for the one-year anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement. MORE

  37. Sep. 16, 2012

    Dispatch column by literary magazine editor Mark Greif, describes letters addressed to banks by members of the Occupy Wall Street movement, compiled to mark the first anniversary of the movement's encampment in New York City; documents will be published in the book The Trouble Is the Banks: Letters to Wall Street. MORE

  38. Sep. 15, 2012

    Twitter submits messages, written by Occupy Wall Street protester Malcolm Harris during a protest on the Brooklyn Bridge, to Judge Matthew A Sciarrino Jr of Criminal Court in Manhattan in response to subpeona; Harris, arrested along with about 700 other protesters after they walked in the bridge's roadway, has argued that they were purposely led off the pedestrian path by police; case has broader significance for the effect it may have on how much access law enforcement has to material published on social media Web sites. MORE

  39. Sep. 15, 2012

    Joe Nocera Op-Ed column reviews the state of the US economy in light of the 4th anniversary of the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy, event that ushered in the harsh economic reality of the Great Recession; notes that the liberal response to the crisis, the Occupy Wall Street movement, has largely petered out due to a lack of leadership and an effective agenda. MORE

  40. Sep. 14, 2012

    Mystery still surrounds the disappearance of thousands of books from the People's Library in Zuccotti Park, a popular gathering spot for Occupy Wall Street protesters; Occupy members have filed suit against New York City, citing violations of constitutional rights; city officials blame Brookfield Office Properties, the owner of the park, for the disposal of property that was removed after the encampment was ended. MORE

  41. Sep. 12, 2012

    Court officers and police shut down the 306-day-old Occupy Hong Kong protest in the plaza under HSBC's Asia headquarters, spending six hours in a sometimes disorderly confrontation that ends with the removal of the dozen protesters and the seizure of their tents and other possessions. MORE

  42. Aug. 28, 2012

    Handful of Occupy Hong Kong protesters in Hong Kong defy a court-imposed deadline to leave their encampment at HSBC's Asia headquarters; unusual intersection of legal issues, local politics and weather has allowed Occupy Central to defy the authorities longer than similar movements elsewhere. MORE

  43. Aug. 14, 2012

    Hong Kong judge gives a dwindling band of Occupy Hong Kong protesters until August 27 to vacate the space below HSBC's Asian headquarters; if the protesters do not leave, the next step will be for a court bailiff to decide what, if any, action to take. MORE

  44. Aug. 7, 2012

    Police in riot gear dismantle tents at the Frankfurt Occupy encampment at the European Central Bank's doorstep in Frankfurt, ending months of tolerance for the camp, after complaints of a rat infestation. MORE

  45. Aug. 5, 2012

    Occupy movement is still wreaking havoc in Oakland, Calif, despite the fact that the city, almost devoid of financial and corporate institutions, seems like the last place one would find the most stubbornly activist outpost of the movement; persistence of the movement there may be due to fears of what the city may become, and because of the city's radical past. MORE

  46. Jul. 23, 2012

    Baseball Hall of Fame displays a uniform donated by the satirical street theater group the Tax Dodgers, tied to the Occupy Wall Street movement; inclusion is said by the museum to not be a political statement, but a reflection of baseball's prominent place in the national landscape. MORE

  47. Jul. 15, 2012

    Justin Wedes and Rodney Deas, two original members of the Occupy Wall Street movement, open an unsanctioned, unofficial summer camp in a former schoolhouse in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, that follows in the spirit of the movement. MORE

  48. Jul. 12, 2012

    Highly publicized match between DNA found at the scene of the 2004 killing of Julliard student Sarah Fox and DNA taken from a chain placed at the site of an Occupy Wall Street protest in March may be the result of a laboratory error; development has drawn attention to the way DNA collections have become a routine part of investigations for far more than just the most serious of crimes. MORE

  49. Jul. 11, 2012

    DNA recovered from a chain used at the site of an Occupy Wall Street protest in March is linked to the unsolved killing of Juilliard student Sarah Fox in 2004; police investigators are seeking to determine the significance of the discovery, noting that the match may not necessarily lead to the identification of Fox's killer. MORE

  50. Jul. 5, 2012

    Chase Manhattan Plaza in Lower Manhattan has been closed since September, prompting many to wonder if owner JPMorgan Chase made the move to prevent further Occupy Wall Street protests on the public site; lawsuit is filed against the New York City Department of Buildings over a refusal to disclose renovation plans for the plaza, challenging city's assertion that plans must remain secret due to terrorism concerns. MORE

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The Strip

A weekly comic strip featured in the Sunday Review.

January 10, 2016, Sunday

Suit Says Police Violated Occupy Wall Street Protesters’ Constitutional Rights

A new class-action lawsuit says that New York City has a policy and a history of violating protesters’ constitutional rights.

September 14, 2015, Monday

New York City Settles With 6 Occupy Wall Street Protesters Pepper-Sprayed by the Police

The New York City Law Department said the latest settlements, totaling $332,500, were in the city’s best interest.

July 7, 2015, Tuesday

Spain’s New Public Safety Law Has Its Challengers

Demonstrators can face hefty fines under a law that forbids unauthorized gatherings around Parliament, making amateur videos of the police and insulting officers.

July 1, 2015, Wednesday

In Test for Unions and Politicians, a Nationwide Protest on Pay

For activists anticipating the 2016 presidential race, the minimum wage fight, and the challenge it poses to a system they say favors the rich, comes at a pivotal time.

April 16, 2015, Thursday

Before Its Opening, the Whitney Museum Faces a Protest

On Tuesday night, activists staged a performance art-style demonstration about a natural gas pipeline located adjacent to the Whitney’s new building.

April 15, 2015, Wednesday

Occupy Wall Street, the Tour

A participant in the Occupy Wall Street movement offers guided walks of Lower Manhattan to describe what happened in 2011, and why.

April 3, 2015, Friday

Exposing Hedge Fund Politics in New York

The Hedge Clippers activist group works to publicize the ways hedge funds bleed the economy through self-interested practice, then extend the damage through the lavish purchase of political influence.

March 29, 2015, Sunday

Exploring the ‘Occupy’ Protest

A new Occupy Wall Street tour led by Michael Pellagatti will include stops at Zuccotti Park, Bowling Green and Foley Square.

March 20, 2015, Friday

Ferguson’s Other Shooter

How an independent video activist captured, and almost lost, the video of last week’s police shooting.

March 18, 2015, Wednesday


Public Opinion and the Occupy Movement

What are your thoughts about the movement? Do you agree with the protesters methods?

Wall Street Protesters Speak

The young and old on what they hope to accomplish by joining the Occupy Wall Street demonstration in Zuccotti Park.


Occupy Love

An inspiring, cinematic journey to today's history-making hot spots, from the Egyptian Revolution to the Indignados of Spain to Occupy Wall Street, asking the question, 'How can crisis create a love story?' A profound look at a new paradigm of socia

Government Surveillance of the Occupy Protests

The following documents are a selection from among about 4,000 pages of unclassified emails and reports about the Occupy protests distributed by people working with counterterrorism and intelligence-sharing offices known as “fusion centers.”

Bloomberg Legacy: Wealth

Sam Roberts, urban affairs correspondent for The Times, discusses Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s wealth, and its effect on the city’s politics.

Occupy Bakery

An immigrant fights to change working conditions at a Manhattan bakery cafe.

Vows: Faizah and Zaahir

Two young Muslim Americans — he worked in finance, she volunteered with Occupy Wall Street — fell in love despite their differences.

The Week’s Business News in Pictures

The first anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement, deepening gloom in Greece and the much-anticipated release of the iPhone 5 were among the week’s top stories.

First Anniversary of 'Occupy'

Colin Moynihan reports from New York City’s financial district on demonstrations on the anniversary of the start of the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Dear Bankers: Thanks for Wrecking Our Lives...

On the anniversary of Occupy Wall Street’s encampment at Zuccotti Park, excerpts of letters to bank executives.

Dear Bankers: Thanks for Wrecking Our Lives ... Dispatch

On the anniversary of Occupy Wall Street’s encampment at Zuccotti Park, excerpts of letters to bank executives.

The Week’s Business News in Pictures

The Occupy Wall Street protest in Hong Kong ignored a deadline to leave HSBC’s headquarters, European leaders worked again to reassure investors on the debt crisis and Ben S. Bernanke, the Federal Reserve chief, committed to aiding the economy.

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