Americans deserve real solutions for the economic, social and environmental crises we face. But the broken political system is only making things worse.

It's time to build a people's movement to end unemployment and poverty; avert climate catastrophe; build a sustainable, just economy; and recognize the dignity and human rights of every person. The power to create this new world is not in our hopes; it’s not in our dreams — it's in our hands.

Support Jill Stein's people-powered campaign!

Join with thousands of your neighbors to build the momentum for real change. Support Jill Stein's people-powered campaign today!


Why Jill is running for President with the Green Party

We are being battered by unemployment, inequality, poverty, injustice, endless war, impending climate catastrophe, and a broken, corrupt political system. 

There are solutions for all these problems, but they're being blocked by political parties that serve the corporate elite, not the people.

We need a new way forward that puts people, planet and peace over profit.

My campaign is dedicated to empowering the American people to make real the promise of democracy, and set our own course toward a brighter future.

If not now, when? For our families, our communities, and our Earth, let's come together to create the better America we know is possible. It’s in our hands!

About Jill Stein