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Charlie Hebdo, Islam & Imperialism

By J L Samboma

This video was originally published on 12 January 2015. However, I removed it a few days later, prompted by a conversation I had with someone. Essentially, they said that everyone had the right to say whatever they wanted to say – or draw – and that anyone who took issue with it could either suffer in silence, or seek legal redress.

In a word, killing someone because of what they say, write, draw or think – however much we may disagree with them – is plain wrong. I of course agreed with her; it was axiomatic.

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The Bolivarian Revolution - film review

By JL Samboma

Originally published in January 2014, his is a review of the acclaimed documentary film "Viva Venezuela: Fighting for Socialism." Produced by the British-based Revolutionary Communist Group, the RCG, the film recounts the practice and experiences of the Bolivarian revolutionaries and how they are transforming the socio-economic and political landscape of this Latin American nation.

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Fighting Mothers and Friends

By JL Samboma

A short documentary film on the inspiring rebellion by a group of single mothers and their friends and supporters against the British state and its ideologically-driven agenda of austerity cuts aimed at the poor and disadvantaged in society.

Please watch and share.


Mother of the Nation, we mourn with you

from eBeefs

Winnie Madikizela Mandela, Mother of the Nation




Syria: Operation Red Line

By J L Samboma

The latest instalment of "Letting Off Steam," our occasional documentary series, this episode maintains that the chemical attack in Syria, on 21 August, was a ploy by Western imperialism to pave the way for  intervention to effect regime change in that country.

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Denis Macshane, corruption and the hubris of the British political class

By J L Samboma

Former Labour MP Denis MacshaneThe resignation of British politician Denis Macshane from the House of Commons, and his expulsion from the Labour party after being found guilty of corruption, may not rank as high on the scale of tragic ironies as the story of Oedipus Rex, but it sure brings that ancient tale to mind.

Scripted by Sophocles, Oedipus Rex is about a man who slays a traveller he does not know is his father and then goes on to inherit the latter’s throne and wife – who just happens to be his own mother.  One of the many tragic ironies of the tale is that Oedipus then vows to find and punish the man who killed the king – none other than he himself!

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A modest discourse on Received Wisdom

By J L Samboma

Thomas SankaraaIt is inherent in the process of human cognition that we are apt to take a given stimulus, internalise it at face value and then – hey presto! – assume it to be divine truth and subsequently parrot it as our very own origination.  And so it happened to me not long ago, when I chanced upon a statement which, on the surface, seemed to be a self-evident truth, to wit: "Avoid loud and aggressive people."

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The official premiere of The President’s Pressmen

By J L Samboma

The re-editing of my video documentary on press freedom and human rights abuses in Sierra Leone, “The President’s Pressmen,” is now completed and has been posted on youtube.  The original production, which was released at the tail end of 2009, was well-received.  Hopefully, this will be as well.

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The Hijacking of Libya, an eBeefs documentary 

By J L Samboma

The following is a trailer for a documentary on last year's imperialist assault on Libya, during which a sovereign nation was hijacked by the West and their local henchmen, under the guise of bringing "freedom and democracy" to the country. The project is now in post-production, although a few interviews are pending. The aim of this trailer is to provide a taster and to help solicit funds for production costs.

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Bang Bang in Da Manor screening leads to debate on gun and knife crime

By J L Samboma

Britain’s black community must look inward rather than to the wider society for solutions to the increasing black-on-black gun and knife culture and its growing toll on young lives, according to parents, young people and community activists at the recent screening of Bang Bang in Da Manor, a film on the subject.

The screening was organised by A Just Movement for African Unity (AJAMU) and the OMEGA Foundation Society.  Speaking after the documentary show, which took place at the Park View Learning Centre in north London, one concerned parent* said: “We have to take a hard look within ourselves.  We are catastrophically failing our young people.” 

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