Histomat: Adventures in Historical Materialism

'Historical materialism is the theory of the proletarian revolution.' Georg Lukács

Saturday, January 09, 2016

International Socialism #149 out now

The latest issue of International Socialism is now online, and while there is a host of material relating to Marxist theory and history, from debates about the level of class struggle in Britain to the struggle for climate justice, and discussion of figures from Erich Fromm to Leon Trotsky and E.P. Thompson, it leads with Mark L Thomas on the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn, while Jane Hardy looks at debates in radical and Marxist economics. Other key pieces include Anne Alexander writes on ISIS, imperialism and the war in Syria, and Alex Callinicos analyses the strategy and tactics for anti-imperialists in the West as they set about resisting the long war on 'terror' underway, in Britain through re-building the Stop the War Coalition. As he concludes:

One thing is clear, amid the chaos, confusion and bloodshed in the Middle East: imperialism is a key part of the problem there. The US, Britain, France, Russia and the rest, can do no good there. They should get out of the Middle East and leave its peoples to find their own way to the goals of democracy and social justice that inspired the revolutions of 2011. In the meantime, the task of the Western left is to rebuild the anti-war movement, and mobilise as many people as possible in a campaign to force our governments finally to end the long war.

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Monday, December 21, 2015

Start Wars - The Force Awakens

New Labour was defeated five years ago. The Labour Party is now facing a new threat: a new faction named Labour First Order, led by the shadowy Supreme Leader Snoake Watson. Their main mission is to rule the Labour Party and destroy all who oppose them.  One of their commanders is a ruthless, mysterious, powerful figure, Hilaryo Bomb. Hilaryo Bomb has an ambition to find and kill the last Jedi who is able to restore order and revive the Jedi ways, Jez Corbynwalker. Jez's unknown location is also a main concern for General Princess Diane, a leader of the Momentum Resistance that now trying to find him too.  Benn Solo and McDonnellbacca meet some new companions: Burnham, a defective Labour First Order Stormtrooper, and Laurie, a scavenger from the Guardian planet who acquired Jez's location from a droid. This unexpected team is forced not only to fight and resist the Labour First Order, but also to find Jez Corbynwalker. To be continued...

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Don't Bomb Syria

Take action now through the Stop the War Coalition to stop Cameron's drive to war

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Stop the repression of South Korean trade unionists

Please see and sign this statement - thanks

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Paris Attacks and the Abuse of History

A nice take down of Niall Ferguson's latest Islamophobic missive by Mark Humphries

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

#KillTheBill - Trade Union Coordinating Group rally

Another World is Necessary - Marxism in Scotland 2015

Another World is Necessary - Marxism in Scotland 2015

Saturday 31 October, 10am-5.30pm

Renfield St Stephens, 260 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4JP

A day of political debate, analysis and discussion on key questions including:

How can the left unite?

How do we challenge racism and scapegoating?

How can we build resistance to the Tories?

How do we win LGBT and women’s liberation?
What do socialists say about Europe?

Speakers include:

Gail Morrow
Anti Bedroom Tax Federation vice chair

Petros Constantinou
Athens councillor & founder member of KEERFA Greece anti-fascist movement

Judith Orr
author of Marxism & Women's Liberation

Laura Miles
author of Pride, Politics and Protest & UCU Left activist

Plus speakers from Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees and Glasgow home care strikers

Tickets: £3 unwaged, £5 student, £10 waged, free for refugees & asylum seekers

Hosted by the Socialist Workers Party

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Saturday, October 10, 2015

International Socialism # 148 out now

The latest issue of International Socialism is now out, highlights include Panos Garganas on the failure of Syriza, Alex Callinicos on the victory of Jeremy Corbyn) and pieces by Callinicos and John Palmer debating how British socialists should respond the upcoming EU referendum, Fran Cetti on Fortress Europe, Susanne Jeffrey's on capitalism and climate change, Joseph Choonara on Paul Mason's Postcapitalism, and John Newsinger on British counter-insurgency violence and state terror. The ISJ has also grouped together a useful set of theoretical articles for Black History Month - see here.

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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Take on the Tories in Manchester 4 October


The TUC demonstration on 4 October in Manchester outside Tory Party conference looks set to be huge - Join Jeremy Corbyn and thousands of others in Manchester this weekend to say no to austerity - and no to racism.  We say open the borders now - Tories out, refugees in.
