Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

July 14, 2014

A reminder to imbecile trolls

Filed under: imbecile trolls — louisproyect @ 9:30 pm

I have a way of preventing crap like this from appearing as a comment. I only post it now to make a point.

Screen shot 2014-07-14 at 5.19.41 PM

How does it advance the Palestinian cause by baiting me as a “war mongering piece of shit”? Was I expected to approve a message that was so venomous? And from a bogus name and email address? When I flame some blogger, I always make sure to include my name and email address. What’s the pleasure in using a fake name and email address? Afraid that I will track him down in his parent’s basement in Lambeth and piss on his PlayStation? What a pussy.

I got a chuckle out of sp17@gogole.com. This cretin must have been so worked up he couldn’t get it together to spell google correctly. I approved an earlier message from him on the LTV post but only after pruning it of another gratuitous attack. The problem with jerks like him is that they lack the IQ to debate Syria or Ukraine. They are only capable of crude one-liners like the kind you would see on the wall near a latrine in a Mississippi truck stop.


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