The Civil Rights Movement and Television

ABC Bell & Howell Close-up!: Walk in My Shoes

The critically acclaimed and Emmy-nominated documentary Walk in my Shoes, produced, directed, and cowritten by Nicholas Webster (and cowritten by Louis Lomax), candidly and sensitively examined the world of the African American during the early sixties. Jack Gould of the New York Times described this program as “a work of artistry, courage and power... a stunning accomplishment... brilliant... attempted an especially difficult feat and succeeded superbly... inspired use of camera... a sense of reality both powerful and poignant... a human document of admirable dimension and value.” This program gave viewers unprecedented insight into the lives, thoughts, and experiences of those behind and immersed in the civil rights movement. (1961; 52 minutes)


The Civil Rights Movement and Television CONTINUES...

Percy Sutton—lawyer for Malcolm X, Manhattan Borough President, Tuskegee Airman, and civil rights activist aligned with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and Reverend Jesse Jackson’s PUSH Coalition—recalls his decision to join the Freedom Riders, and the conflicting emotions that accompanied this historic moment.