Is Your Dog Suffering From Osteoarthritis?

Dog with osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis (OA) and joint problems can turn once lively canines into slower versions of themselves, making what was once second nature a painful effort.

Osteoarthritis—a progressive, degenerative disease that can impact dogs of all ages, sizes and breeds—affects dogs’ joints, leading to debilitating pain, stiffness, swelling, lameness and reduced mobility. Now that our dogs are living longer, more of them are suffering from this painful disease.

Common Signs of Arthritis

Dogs can’t tell us when they are in pain, but they may show a variety of symptoms that could be tell-tale signs they are suffering from arthritis.

  • No longer greets you at the door
  • General decrease in activity or exercise
  • Reluctance to walk, run, climb, jump or play
  • Stiffness or decreased movement of joints
  • Limping or lameness
  • Difficulty rising from a resting position
  • Lagging behind on walks
  • Soreness when touched
  • Yelping or whimpering
  • Changes in personality, such as acting aggressive or withdrawn
  • Flattening ears against their head
  • Licking the affected area

Did You Know?

20 percent

of dogs over 1 year of age in the United States are believed to be suffering from Osteoarthritis.

  • Human arthritis medications like aspirin can be toxic to your dog. Medications, such as RIMADYL (carprofen), are made specifically for treating arthritis pain in dogs.
  • Osteoarthritis can be treated but cannot be cured. That’s why it’s important for you to continue to treat your dog’s arthritis even if he or she seems better.
  • Long-term treatment, such as RIMADYL, provides continuous improvement in your dog’s arthritis pain and mobility, allowing your dog to continue participating in and enjoying the family activities you love to do together.

Dog and man playing fetch

Treating Osteoarthritis Requires a Comprehensive Approach

There is no cure for arthritis, but if properly treated, the progression of arthritis can be slowed. Medical treatment of arthritis should include weight control, exercise, and NSAIDs for an improved quality of life. The goals of treating arthritis, or Osteoarthritis, are to decrease inflammation and pain for the following benefits:

  • Increased activity
  • Preserved muscle mass and strength
  • Regained function

What is RIMADYL (carpofen)?

RIMADYL (pronounced Rim-a-dill) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) approved by the FDA for once- or twice-daily dosing to relieve the pain and inflammation in the joints of dogs with arthritis.

Since 1996, more than 24 million dogs have been successfully treated with RIMADYL (carprofen), making it the #1 Osteoarthritis medication prescribed by veterinarians. In fact, more dogs have been treated with RIMADYL than all other canine NSAIDs combined. RIMADYL can make an incredible difference for a dog suffering with arthritis. In fact, pet parents often see such a remarkable improvement in their dogs that they are tempted to discontinue treatment. However, because arthritis is not curable, a canine arthritis treatment plan is only effective if a dog stays on it. Learn how you can lower the ongoing cost of giving RIMADYL to your dog.

Join the RIMADYL Rewards Program

Buy RIMADYL (carprofen) and get money back - it’s as simple as that! With every RIMADYL purchase from your local veterinary clinic, pet parents receive Rewards Points that act as cash and can be used toward any product or service at their clinic—annual exams, more RIMADYL, or even dog food! As pet owners continue to provide their dogs with the long-term care they need, they will earn even more RIMADYL Rewards Points.

Download the RIMADYL Rewards app for iPhone or Android or learn more at

Rimadyl iPhone app

RIMADYL K-9 Courage Program for Retired Military and Police Dogs

RIMADYL relief goes a long way. By purchasing RIMADYL (carprofen) for your dog's Osteoarthritis, you'll support the RIMADYL K-9 Courage Program, which provides owners with $300 annually to use for the care of their retired military and police dogs. Over the course of their careers, these dogs suffer numerous injuries but receive no medical care during their retirement. The RIMADYL K-9 Courage Program supports these unsung heroes. Learn more about the RIMADYL K-9 Courage Program.

IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: As a class, NSAIDS may be associated with gastrointestinal, kidney and liver side effects. These are usually mild, but may be serious. Pet owners should discontinue therapy and contact their veterinarian immediately if side effects occur. Evaluation for pre-existing conditions and regular monitoring are recommended for pets on any medication, including RIMADYL. Use with other NSAIDS or corticosteroids should be avoided.
See full Prescribing Information.