Svake godine u cilom Kruševu na proljeće ovce su se skupljale i gonile u Velebit na ispašu.
Glavni i odgovorni primatelji ovaca na čuvanje i vodiči bili su Mijat i Stipan Jurjević sada već pokojni Koji su imali stanove na Dušicama ispod Svetog Brda..To su bili moji didovi po materi.Ovaj video je iz narodnog muzeja u Zadru i postavljam ga njma u čast da se vidi kako se živilo nekad od stoke.Uz nji
Pjesma o Kruševu. Napisao - Đone.
Kruševo - 16.08.2014
Selo Kruševo, Opština Dragaš, Kosovo
Fshati Krusheve, Komuna Dragash, Kosova
Village Kruševo, Municipality Dragash, Kosovo
Kruševo 2015
E moj narode Thompson Dan sjećanja na Kruševo 1991 god
Klapa Kruševo-Marijana
Tekst:Iko Pehar
Klapa Kruševo-Zemlja Hercegovina
Tekst:Srećko Hrsto
Driving from Kruševo to Holy Transfiguration Monastery
November, 2014
Song: Toše Proeski - Po Tebe [Instrumental]
Vaska Ilieva - Kruševo aber pristigna
Vaska Ilieva - Legend of Macedonian folk song Васка Илиева - Крушево абер пристигна Крушево абер пристигна кој има синој големи, комити да ги испрати во тоа ...
Klapa Kruševo-Kuća stara
Tekst:Iko Pehar
Klapa Kruševo-Sve je isto prijatelju
Narodni dar
Klapa Kruševo-Selo moje
Tekst:Srećko Hrsto
Pred tupani - Mirzo Seferi Kruševo
Pred tupani - Mirzo Seferi Kruševo 03.08.2015.
Klapa Kruševo-Kad sam imo 20 godina
Tekst:Srećko Hrsto
krusevo brdo vidovdan 2015 opet se vracam starom domu
krusevo brdo 2015 macak i janjic kad kraj sanka kresnem konjak koi
Klapa Kruševo-Srce moje kucaj tiše
Tekst:Srećko Hrsto
Moja ramazanska priča - Kruševo HD 1080p
Kako sam proveo mjesec dana u selu Kruševu, 7-8 kilometara od Olova.
Kruševo - 15.03.2015. - HD video
Selo Kruševo, opština Dragaš Kosovo
Klapa Kruševo-Moja draga Hercegovka
Toše - Moj Dilbere (Kruševo)
Svadba :)
Kruševo ne prestaje plakati zbog Toše
Nova Tv - InMagazin Navršile su se točno dvije godine od tragične smrti najpopularnijeg makedonskog pjevača Toše Proeskog. Pjevačeva obitelj i najvjerniji ob...
Ekskurzija 2015. - Osnovna škola Kruševo
Kratki pregled školskog putovanja učenika i djelatnika Osnovne škole Kruševo
Glazba/Music: The Rembrandts - I'll Be There
Svake godine u cilom Kruševu na proljeće ovce su se skupljale i gonile u Velebit na ispašu.
Glavni i odgovorni primatelji ovaca na čuvanje i vodiči bili su Mija...
Svake godine u cilom Kruševu na proljeće ovce su se skupljale i gonile u Velebit na ispašu.
Glavni i odgovorni primatelji ovaca na čuvanje i vodiči bili su Mijat i Stipan Jurjević sada već pokojni Koji su imali stanove na Dušicama ispod Svetog Brda..To su bili moji didovi po materi.Ovaj video je iz narodnog muzeja u Zadru i postavljam ga njma u čast da se vidi kako se živilo nekad od stoke.Uz njih su gonili Breulji i Vrkići posebno što se neki vide i na filmu..
Video postavio:D.Ivan Perica (Nambe) iz Kruševa (Ribnica)
wn.com/Kruševo 1972 Priprema I Gonjenje Ovaca Na Velebit
Svake godine u cilom Kruševu na proljeće ovce su se skupljale i gonile u Velebit na ispašu.
Glavni i odgovorni primatelji ovaca na čuvanje i vodiči bili su Mijat i Stipan Jurjević sada već pokojni Koji su imali stanove na Dušicama ispod Svetog Brda..To su bili moji didovi po materi.Ovaj video je iz narodnog muzeja u Zadru i postavljam ga njma u čast da se vidi kako se živilo nekad od stoke.Uz njih su gonili Breulji i Vrkići posebno što se neki vide i na filmu..
Video postavio:D.Ivan Perica (Nambe) iz Kruševa (Ribnica)
- published: 08 Sep 2014
- views: 292
Pjesma o Kruševu. Napisao - Đone....
Pjesma o Kruševu. Napisao - Đone.
Pjesma o Kruševu. Napisao - Đone.
Kruševo - 16.08.2014
Selo Kruševo, Opština Dragaš, Kosovo
Fshati Krusheve, Komuna Dragash, Kosova
Village Kruševo, Municipality Dragash, Kosovo...
Selo Kruševo, Opština Dragaš, Kosovo
Fshati Krusheve, Komuna Dragash, Kosova
Village Kruševo, Municipality Dragash, Kosovo
wn.com/Kruševo 16.08.2014
Selo Kruševo, Opština Dragaš, Kosovo
Fshati Krusheve, Komuna Dragash, Kosova
Village Kruševo, Municipality Dragash, Kosovo
- published: 16 Aug 2014
- views: 60
Driving from Kruševo to Holy Transfiguration Monastery
November, 2014
Song: Toše Proeski - Po Tebe [Instrumental]...
November, 2014
Song: Toše Proeski - Po Tebe [Instrumental]
wn.com/Driving From Kruševo To Holy Transfiguration Monastery
November, 2014
Song: Toše Proeski - Po Tebe [Instrumental]
- published: 14 Aug 2015
- views: 27
Vaska Ilieva - Kruševo aber pristigna
Vaska Ilieva - Legend of Macedonian folk song Васка Илиева - Крушево абер пристигна Крушево абер пристигна кој има синој големи, комити да ги испрати во тоа ......
Vaska Ilieva - Legend of Macedonian folk song Васка Илиева - Крушево абер пристигна Крушево абер пристигна кој има синој големи, комити да ги испрати во тоа ...
wn.com/Vaska Ilieva Kruševo Aber Pristigna
Vaska Ilieva - Legend of Macedonian folk song Васка Илиева - Крушево абер пристигна Крушево абер пристигна кој има синој големи, комити да ги испрати во тоа ...
Pred tupani - Mirzo Seferi Kruševo
Pred tupani - Mirzo Seferi Kruševo 03.08.2015....
Pred tupani - Mirzo Seferi Kruševo 03.08.2015.
wn.com/Pred Tupani Mirzo Seferi Kruševo
Pred tupani - Mirzo Seferi Kruševo 03.08.2015.
- published: 03 Aug 2015
- views: 488
Moja ramazanska priča - Kruševo HD 1080p
Kako sam proveo mjesec dana u selu Kruševu, 7-8 kilometara od Olova....
Kako sam proveo mjesec dana u selu Kruševu, 7-8 kilometara od Olova.
wn.com/Moja Ramazanska Priča Kruševo Hd 1080P
Kako sam proveo mjesec dana u selu Kruševu, 7-8 kilometara od Olova.
- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 237
Kruševo - 15.03.2015. - HD video
Selo Kruševo, opština Dragaš Kosovo...
Selo Kruševo, opština Dragaš Kosovo
wn.com/Kruševo 15.03.2015. Hd Video
Selo Kruševo, opština Dragaš Kosovo
- published: 15 Mar 2015
- views: 489
Kruševo ne prestaje plakati zbog Toše
Nova Tv - InMagazin Navršile su se točno dvije godine od tragične smrti najpopularnijeg makedonskog pjevača Toše Proeskog. Pjevačeva obitelj i najvjerniji ob......
Nova Tv - InMagazin Navršile su se točno dvije godine od tragične smrti najpopularnijeg makedonskog pjevača Toše Proeskog. Pjevačeva obitelj i najvjerniji ob...
wn.com/Kruševo Ne Prestaje Plakati Zbog Toše
Nova Tv - InMagazin Navršile su se točno dvije godine od tragične smrti najpopularnijeg makedonskog pjevača Toše Proeskog. Pjevačeva obitelj i najvjerniji ob...
- published: 20 Oct 2009
- views: 39244
author: remylp87
Ekskurzija 2015. - Osnovna škola Kruševo
Kratki pregled školskog putovanja učenika i djelatnika Osnovne škole Kruševo
Glazba/Music: The Rembrandts - I'll Be There...
Kratki pregled školskog putovanja učenika i djelatnika Osnovne škole Kruševo
Glazba/Music: The Rembrandts - I'll Be There
wn.com/Ekskurzija 2015. Osnovna Škola Kruševo
Kratki pregled školskog putovanja učenika i djelatnika Osnovne škole Kruševo
Glazba/Music: The Rembrandts - I'll Be There
- published: 07 Jun 2015
- views: 156
The Makedonium in Kruševo
Incredible architecture in Kruševo. More info on our Macedonia Blog: http://macedonia.for91days.com/
Krushevo, Republic of Macedonia (1/2)
Mentioned in documents from the 15th century, Krusevo is a living museum, famous for its traditional architecture, cultural sites, and legacy as the site of ...
Kruševo - Republic of Macedonia (1)
Kruševo is a small but picturesque town. Located in South-Western Macedonia, Kruševo is situated at an altitude of 1350 m and in this way the highest town in...
Kruševo - Republic of Macedonia (2)
Kruševo is a small but picturesque town. Located in South-Western Macedonia, Kruševo is situated at an altitude of 1350 m and in this way the highest town in...
BBC Krusevo, Macedonia
Krusevo, Macedonian ethno town. Story by the BBC.
lovci krusevo
BBC report: Krushevo - ethno town
18.08.2009 The "Krushevo - ethno town" project in Macedonia.
Adhan in Krusevo, Gusinje
Adhan in one of the many mosques in Gusinje, Montenegro.
Macedonia is #10 on the NYT Travel List of Best places to Go in 2015
Macedonia is #10 on the NYT Travel List of Best places to Go in 2015 Македонија меѓу ТОП 10 дестинации на „Њујорк тајмс“ кои годинава треба да се посетат 10.01.2015 #VisitMacedonia #Macedonia #ShareMacedonia http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/01/11/travel/52-places-to-go-in-2015.html?ref=travel The next Balkan destination.
First came Croatia, then Montenegro — even Albania is gaining traction
Paragliding in Bulgaria
With a friend who owns Extreme Sports Bulgaria.
25 Secret Destinations: Travel to Popova Sapka, Macedonia Destination # 3 Ski Resorts Тетово
25 Secret Destinations: Travel to Popova Sapka, Macedonia
Destination # 3 Ski Resorts Тетово
Currency: Macedonian Denar.
Republic of Macedonia, is a country located in the central Balkan peninsula in Southeast Europe. It is one of the successor states of the former Yugoslavia
See Secret Destination # 2 here - http://youtu.be/R47tK_oDFyA
Since declaring independence from Yugoslavia in 1991, Mace
Gornji Karin - Croatia, Travel and Vacation
http://dalmatia-travel-agency.com/ Beauty and nature of small unknown place Gornji Karin in Dalmatia, Croatia.
Macedonia i-list
http://edition.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2010/ilist/ Macedonia is paradise for outdoor types with numerous opportunities for skiing, hiking and climbing (CNN) -- Mace...
Luge i mesta, Tv Telma - DIHOVO, alternativen turizam
Репортажа за успешниот обид за развивање на селски, алтернативен туризам во село Дихово на Пеце Цветковски. Неговата вила ја посетуваат странски туристи од ц...
Top Macedonia Tourist Attraction | Tikves Winery
Tikveš (Macedonian: Тиквеш) is a plain situated in central Republic of Macedonia which is known for an artificial lake. It is home to the towns of Kavadarci and Negotino. Famous for its wine, Tikveš is the center of the Macedonian wine production which has been cultivated for more than 120 years. The region is also very famous f
Wine industry
A large fertile plain of about 2,000 square kilometers
Thessaloniki - a Macedonian city
Travel to Thessaloniki, Greek city located in the region of Macedonia. It's a small metropolis rich in good cuisine, authentic and modern music, its warm peo...
Ohrid Macedonia - Boat-guide singing in Hebrew
Macedonia Above & Beyond
Promotional video about Macedonia's travel opportunities with amazing aerial shots from historical monuments, beautiful landscapes, and religious tempels and...
Hiking In Prilep
A wonderful hike from Prilep's Marko's Towers to the Treskavec Monastery. More info on our Macedonia Blog: http://macedonia.for91days.com/markos-towers-a-hik...
Reportaza Makedonija
Reportaza od Makedonija so sliki od Skopje,Ohrid,Prespa,i Debarskiot kraj.
MACEDONIA 2014 - Edessa City
If you had just one opportunity to travel, in 2014 visit Alexander's Macedonia. Experience the glory of Greece! Macedonia 2014: http://macedonia2014.com http...
MACEDONIA 2014 - Famous region of Greece
If you had just one opportunity to travel, in 2014 visit Alexander's Macedonia. Experience the glory of Greece!
Macedonia 2014: http://macedonia2014.com
http://www.verymacedonia.gr * http://www.visit-halkidiki.gr
video © 2014 Pointing Greece
The Makedonium in Kruševo
Incredible architecture in Kruševo. More info on our Macedonia Blog: http://macedonia.for91days.com/...
Incredible architecture in Kruševo. More info on our Macedonia Blog: http://macedonia.for91days.com/
wn.com/The Makedonium In Kruševo
Incredible architecture in Kruševo. More info on our Macedonia Blog: http://macedonia.for91days.com/
- published: 26 Jul 2014
- views: 121
Krushevo, Republic of Macedonia (1/2)
Mentioned in documents from the 15th century, Krusevo is a living museum, famous for its traditional architecture, cultural sites, and legacy as the site of ......
Mentioned in documents from the 15th century, Krusevo is a living museum, famous for its traditional architecture, cultural sites, and legacy as the site of ...
wn.com/Krushevo, Republic Of Macedonia (1 2)
Mentioned in documents from the 15th century, Krusevo is a living museum, famous for its traditional architecture, cultural sites, and legacy as the site of ...
- published: 16 Jul 2009
- views: 5313
author: Makedonier
Kruševo - Republic of Macedonia (1)
Kruševo is a small but picturesque town. Located in South-Western Macedonia, Kruševo is situated at an altitude of 1350 m and in this way the highest town in......
Kruševo is a small but picturesque town. Located in South-Western Macedonia, Kruševo is situated at an altitude of 1350 m and in this way the highest town in...
wn.com/Kruševo Republic Of Macedonia (1)
Kruševo is a small but picturesque town. Located in South-Western Macedonia, Kruševo is situated at an altitude of 1350 m and in this way the highest town in...
- published: 08 Mar 2007
- views: 6636
author: Makedonier
Kruševo - Republic of Macedonia (2)
Kruševo is a small but picturesque town. Located in South-Western Macedonia, Kruševo is situated at an altitude of 1350 m and in this way the highest town in......
Kruševo is a small but picturesque town. Located in South-Western Macedonia, Kruševo is situated at an altitude of 1350 m and in this way the highest town in...
wn.com/Kruševo Republic Of Macedonia (2)
Kruševo is a small but picturesque town. Located in South-Western Macedonia, Kruševo is situated at an altitude of 1350 m and in this way the highest town in...
- published: 08 Mar 2007
- views: 2964
author: Makedonier
BBC Krusevo, Macedonia
Krusevo, Macedonian ethno town. Story by the BBC....
Krusevo, Macedonian ethno town. Story by the BBC.
wn.com/BBC Krusevo, Macedonia
Krusevo, Macedonian ethno town. Story by the BBC.
BBC report: Krushevo - ethno town
18.08.2009 The "Krushevo - ethno town" project in Macedonia....
18.08.2009 The "Krushevo - ethno town" project in Macedonia.
wn.com/BBC Report Krushevo Ethno Town
18.08.2009 The "Krushevo - ethno town" project in Macedonia.
- published: 20 Aug 2009
- views: 2232
author: Makedonier
Adhan in Krusevo, Gusinje
Adhan in one of the many mosques in Gusinje, Montenegro....
Adhan in one of the many mosques in Gusinje, Montenegro.
wn.com/Adhan In Krusevo, Gusinje
Adhan in one of the many mosques in Gusinje, Montenegro.
Macedonia is #10 on the NYT Travel List of Best places to Go in 2015
Macedonia is #10 on the NYT Travel List of Best places to Go in 2015 Македонија меѓу ТОП 10 дестинации на „Њујорк тајмс“ кои годинава треба да се посетат 10.01....
Macedonia is #10 on the NYT Travel List of Best places to Go in 2015 Македонија меѓу ТОП 10 дестинации на „Њујорк тајмс“ кои годинава треба да се посетат 10.01.2015 #VisitMacedonia #Macedonia #ShareMacedonia http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/01/11/travel/52-places-to-go-in-2015.html?ref=travel The next Balkan destination.
First came Croatia, then Montenegro — even Albania is gaining traction on the western Balkan travel circuit, New York Times writes in its ”52 Places to Go in 2015” article. Macedonia is next.
Untrammeled oases beckon, once-avoided destinations become must-sees and familiar cities offer new reasons to visit.
Known for its moody monasteries and sparkling Lake Ohrid, this former Yugoslav republic is making a play for adventure foodies, too. It makes sense.
Places like the Shar Mountains abound in Alp-like hiking while Macedonia’s wine industry — once responsible for the bulk of Yugoslavia’s supply — is enjoying a rebound with local producers. Scores of smaller hotels serving traditional soups and pastries like pastrmajlija, a meat pie, have opened to replace cold socialist haunts.
Old establishments like the Hotel Montana Palace in cheese-friendly Krusevo offer newly renovated settings at low Balkan prices. And Macedonia is one of the few places without a McDonald’s — they all closed in 2013.
Македонија- следната балканска дестинација која во 2015-та година задолжително треба да се посети, препорачува престижниот „Њујорк тајмс Травел“ во најновото издание.
На листата од 52 земји во светот, Македонија се најде на високото десетто место, веднаш зад Италија, Куба, Филаделфија, Чиле и Сингапур.
Според американскиот весник, Македонија е најактуелната и најатрактивна балканска дестинација, позната по своите природни убавини, бројните манастири и бистрото Охридско Езеро. http://mrt.com.mk/node/19215
wn.com/Macedonia Is 10 On The Nyt Travel List Of Best Places To Go In 2015
Macedonia is #10 on the NYT Travel List of Best places to Go in 2015 Македонија меѓу ТОП 10 дестинации на „Њујорк тајмс“ кои годинава треба да се посетат 10.01.2015 #VisitMacedonia #Macedonia #ShareMacedonia http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/01/11/travel/52-places-to-go-in-2015.html?ref=travel The next Balkan destination.
First came Croatia, then Montenegro — even Albania is gaining traction on the western Balkan travel circuit, New York Times writes in its ”52 Places to Go in 2015” article. Macedonia is next.
Untrammeled oases beckon, once-avoided destinations become must-sees and familiar cities offer new reasons to visit.
Known for its moody monasteries and sparkling Lake Ohrid, this former Yugoslav republic is making a play for adventure foodies, too. It makes sense.
Places like the Shar Mountains abound in Alp-like hiking while Macedonia’s wine industry — once responsible for the bulk of Yugoslavia’s supply — is enjoying a rebound with local producers. Scores of smaller hotels serving traditional soups and pastries like pastrmajlija, a meat pie, have opened to replace cold socialist haunts.
Old establishments like the Hotel Montana Palace in cheese-friendly Krusevo offer newly renovated settings at low Balkan prices. And Macedonia is one of the few places without a McDonald’s — they all closed in 2013.
Македонија- следната балканска дестинација која во 2015-та година задолжително треба да се посети, препорачува престижниот „Њујорк тајмс Травел“ во најновото издание.
На листата од 52 земји во светот, Македонија се најде на високото десетто место, веднаш зад Италија, Куба, Филаделфија, Чиле и Сингапур.
Според американскиот весник, Македонија е најактуелната и најатрактивна балканска дестинација, позната по своите природни убавини, бројните манастири и бистрото Охридско Езеро. http://mrt.com.mk/node/19215
- published: 10 Jan 2015
- views: 301
Paragliding in Bulgaria
With a friend who owns Extreme Sports Bulgaria.
With a friend who owns Extreme Sports Bulgaria.
wn.com/Paragliding In Bulgaria
With a friend who owns Extreme Sports Bulgaria.
- published: 31 Oct 2010
- views: 134
25 Secret Destinations: Travel to Popova Sapka, Macedonia Destination # 3 Ski Resorts Тетово
25 Secret Destinations: Travel to Popova Sapka, Macedonia
Destination # 3 Ski Resorts Тетово
Currency: Macedonian Denar.
Republic of Macedonia, is a country ...
25 Secret Destinations: Travel to Popova Sapka, Macedonia
Destination # 3 Ski Resorts Тетово
Currency: Macedonian Denar.
Republic of Macedonia, is a country located in the central Balkan peninsula in Southeast Europe. It is one of the successor states of the former Yugoslavia
See Secret Destination # 2 here - http://youtu.be/R47tK_oDFyA
Since declaring independence from Yugoslavia in 1991, Macedonia has attracted a trickle of intrepid travellers with its Balkan mountain beauty. For an alternative winter ski spot, try Popova Sapka in the Tetovo region, which boasts over 43 peaks and many mountain lakes. The locals will recommend Rakija, a traditional tipple similar to brandy that’s 60% proof, sure to keep you warm on the slopes.
: ??????, ['t?t?v?]
Macedonia, officially the Republic of Macedonia, is a country located in the central Balkan peninsula in Southeast Europe. It is one of the successor states of the former Yugoslavia, from which it declared independence in 1991.
wn.com/25 Secret Destinations Travel To Popova Sapka, Macedonia Destination 3 Ski Resorts Тетово
25 Secret Destinations: Travel to Popova Sapka, Macedonia
Destination # 3 Ski Resorts Тетово
Currency: Macedonian Denar.
Republic of Macedonia, is a country located in the central Balkan peninsula in Southeast Europe. It is one of the successor states of the former Yugoslavia
See Secret Destination # 2 here - http://youtu.be/R47tK_oDFyA
Since declaring independence from Yugoslavia in 1991, Macedonia has attracted a trickle of intrepid travellers with its Balkan mountain beauty. For an alternative winter ski spot, try Popova Sapka in the Tetovo region, which boasts over 43 peaks and many mountain lakes. The locals will recommend Rakija, a traditional tipple similar to brandy that’s 60% proof, sure to keep you warm on the slopes.
: ??????, ['t?t?v?]
Macedonia, officially the Republic of Macedonia, is a country located in the central Balkan peninsula in Southeast Europe. It is one of the successor states of the former Yugoslavia, from which it declared independence in 1991.
- published: 18 Dec 2014
- views: 0
Gornji Karin - Croatia, Travel and Vacation
http://dalmatia-travel-agency.com/ Beauty and nature of small unknown place Gornji Karin in Dalmatia, Croatia....
http://dalmatia-travel-agency.com/ Beauty and nature of small unknown place Gornji Karin in Dalmatia, Croatia.
wn.com/Gornji Karin Croatia, Travel And Vacation
http://dalmatia-travel-agency.com/ Beauty and nature of small unknown place Gornji Karin in Dalmatia, Croatia.
Macedonia i-list
http://edition.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2010/ilist/ Macedonia is paradise for outdoor types with numerous opportunities for skiing, hiking and climbing (CNN) -- Mace......
http://edition.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2010/ilist/ Macedonia is paradise for outdoor types with numerous opportunities for skiing, hiking and climbing (CNN) -- Mace...
wn.com/Macedonia I List
http://edition.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2010/ilist/ Macedonia is paradise for outdoor types with numerous opportunities for skiing, hiking and climbing (CNN) -- Mace...
- published: 11 May 2010
- views: 1898
author: MakNovinar
Luge i mesta, Tv Telma - DIHOVO, alternativen turizam
Репортажа за успешниот обид за развивање на селски, алтернативен туризам во село Дихово на Пеце Цветковски. Неговата вила ја посетуваат странски туристи од ц......
Репортажа за успешниот обид за развивање на селски, алтернативен туризам во село Дихово на Пеце Цветковски. Неговата вила ја посетуваат странски туристи од ц...
wn.com/Luge I Mesta, Tv Telma Dihovo, Alternativen Turizam
Репортажа за успешниот обид за развивање на селски, алтернативен туризам во село Дихово на Пеце Цветковски. Неговата вила ја посетуваат странски туристи од ц...
Top Macedonia Tourist Attraction | Tikves Winery
Tikveš (Macedonian: Тиквеш) is a plain situated in central Republic of Macedonia which is known for an artificial lake. It is home to the towns of Kavadarci and...
Tikveš (Macedonian: Тиквеш) is a plain situated in central Republic of Macedonia which is known for an artificial lake. It is home to the towns of Kavadarci and Negotino. Famous for its wine, Tikveš is the center of the Macedonian wine production which has been cultivated for more than 120 years. The region is also very famous f
Wine industry
A large fertile plain of about 2,000 square kilometers makes up the Tikveš district (part of Povardarie region), located in central Macedonia and enclosed by mountain highlands on three sides. It consists of gentle undulating hills at an average of 300 meters above sea-level. Its climate is characterized by long, hot summers and mild and rainy sub-mediterranean winters with an average of 460 mm of rainfall each year. Spring is shorter, some say fresher here and autumn is a bit longer and warmer.
Its altitude varies between 110 and 650 meters. The Vardar River, the country’s principal river, cuts the valley into western and eastern sections. These two sections are very different in their relief, climate, surface waters, soil quality and flora and fauna. The valley’s eastern section is arid and sparsely populated, while the western section is fertile and, compared to that of the east, much more densely populated. This area is also rich in forests, minerals and pastureland and resembles an oasis with a virtual Valhalla of vineyards and orchards.
District's wine growing characteristics
average sum of active temperatures during vegetation 42.84°C
absolute maximum temperature 44.8°C
absolute minimum temperature -23.2°C
average air temperature during the vegetation period 19.3°C
average late spring frosts occur to 23.03, early autumn frosts from 04.11
average rainfall per year 483 mm
average rainfall in the period of vegetation 262 mm
sum of sunny hours during vegetation 1750.8
As a result of a harmonious climatic and geographic convergence, the Tikveš region is a perfect place for the cultivation of wine (which is locally popular). The region has produced wine for over 2,500 years.
Today, there are predominantly 20 different grape varieties grown in the Tikveš region. The local Smederevka, Vranec and Temjanika comprise 80% of the total grape production. As wine consumers' preferences change globally, the region keep paces with current trends and adjusts its vine varieties accordingly.
This is a production of www.travelmediagroup.com and is broadcast through the www.worldpressmedia.com network, Press Fams are organized courtesy of www.pressfams.com
wn.com/Top Macedonia Tourist Attraction | Tikves Winery
Tikveš (Macedonian: Тиквеш) is a plain situated in central Republic of Macedonia which is known for an artificial lake. It is home to the towns of Kavadarci and Negotino. Famous for its wine, Tikveš is the center of the Macedonian wine production which has been cultivated for more than 120 years. The region is also very famous f
Wine industry
A large fertile plain of about 2,000 square kilometers makes up the Tikveš district (part of Povardarie region), located in central Macedonia and enclosed by mountain highlands on three sides. It consists of gentle undulating hills at an average of 300 meters above sea-level. Its climate is characterized by long, hot summers and mild and rainy sub-mediterranean winters with an average of 460 mm of rainfall each year. Spring is shorter, some say fresher here and autumn is a bit longer and warmer.
Its altitude varies between 110 and 650 meters. The Vardar River, the country’s principal river, cuts the valley into western and eastern sections. These two sections are very different in their relief, climate, surface waters, soil quality and flora and fauna. The valley’s eastern section is arid and sparsely populated, while the western section is fertile and, compared to that of the east, much more densely populated. This area is also rich in forests, minerals and pastureland and resembles an oasis with a virtual Valhalla of vineyards and orchards.
District's wine growing characteristics
average sum of active temperatures during vegetation 42.84°C
absolute maximum temperature 44.8°C
absolute minimum temperature -23.2°C
average air temperature during the vegetation period 19.3°C
average late spring frosts occur to 23.03, early autumn frosts from 04.11
average rainfall per year 483 mm
average rainfall in the period of vegetation 262 mm
sum of sunny hours during vegetation 1750.8
As a result of a harmonious climatic and geographic convergence, the Tikveš region is a perfect place for the cultivation of wine (which is locally popular). The region has produced wine for over 2,500 years.
Today, there are predominantly 20 different grape varieties grown in the Tikveš region. The local Smederevka, Vranec and Temjanika comprise 80% of the total grape production. As wine consumers' preferences change globally, the region keep paces with current trends and adjusts its vine varieties accordingly.
This is a production of www.travelmediagroup.com and is broadcast through the www.worldpressmedia.com network, Press Fams are organized courtesy of www.pressfams.com
- published: 04 Jan 2015
- views: 420
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Macedonia 2014: http://macedonia2014.com
http://www.verymacedonia.gr * http://www.visit-halkidiki.gr
video © 2014 Pointing Greece
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If you had just one opportunity to travel, in 2014 visit Alexander's Macedonia. Experience the glory of Greece!
Macedonia 2014: http://macedonia2014.com
http://www.verymacedonia.gr * http://www.visit-halkidiki.gr
video © 2014 Pointing Greece
- published: 13 Jul 2014
- views: 15