Range Rover Crosses Paper Bridge in Suzhou, China, but the Old Still Charms as Much ...

Edit Huffington Post 19 Feb 2016
A paper bridge in China, well you can expect just about anything in China can't you? ... Need I say that this fourth generation Range Rover is also proving its lightweight design too? ... Spring in Suzhou is the best time to enjoy the freshest cup of tea here with the Biluochun tea, which looks like an emerald spring spiral, found growing at this time in the East Hill Mountain area in Dongshan County within the Taihu Lake region ... ....

Continuing Connected Transactoin Oil Storage Tanks and Ancillary Facilities Agreement (Shinhint Acoustic Link Holdings Limited)

Edit noodls 08 May 2015
(Source. Shinhint Acoustic Link Holdings Limited) Microsoft Word - e-announcement - cct(08.05.2015) ... SHINHINT ACOUSTIC LINK HOLDINGS LIMITED. 成謙聲匯控股有限公司 ... (Stock Code. 2728) ... Date ... Parties ... Fujian Yuhua Petrochemical shall lease 8 oil storage tanks, each with a capacity of 3,500 m3 at an oil depot situated at Donggu Village, Xibu, Dongshan County, Zhangzhou City, the PRC to Fujian Fuhua Energy or any of its subsidiary(ies) or affiliate(s)....

Views: Living in Fear

Edit Caixin Online 28 Apr 2015
Caixin spoke to two people from Dongshan, a county near the plant, about those demonstrations, fears about the chemical PX and what the government must do keep the blasts and fires from happening again – and win back public trust ... Can you tell us a little bit about Dongshan County? ... I grew up in the town of Tongling, in Zhangzhou's Dongshan County, which is opposite Gulei Island where the Dragon Aromatics Plant PX plant is....

A chemical plant fire in China roared back to life hours after it was put out

Edit Business Insider 08 Apr 2015
Firefighters try to extinguish a fire at a petrochemical plant in Zhangzhou, Fujian province April 7, 2015. See Also ... A employee at the Dongshan Haiyue Hotel in Tongling told the South China Morning Post that residents from the peninsula had booked into the hotel. The employee said the plant was to be built in Dongshan county but large protests, in which some people were detained, prompted the site to be changed to Gulei ... Copyright 2015....

Fujian chemical fire comes back to life, fanning environmental fears

Edit South China Morning Post 07 Apr 2015
Six people were sent to hospital for injuries, and another 13 people sustained minor injuries, CCTV reported ... A employee at the Dongshan Haiyue Hotel in Tongling told the South China Morning Post that residents from the peninsula had booked into the hotel. The employee said the plant was to be built in Dongshan county but large protests, in which some people were detained, prompted the site to be changed to Gulei ... ....

Changes in directorate and of important executive functions and responsibilities (Shinhint Acoustic Link Holdings Limited)

Edit noodls 21 Nov 2014
(Source ... 2728). CHANGES IN DIRECTORATE AND ... In addition, Mr Lin was appointed as the first vice president of the Federation of Enterprises and Entrepreneurs of Dongshan County( ��Jil Jilùlili1ili#!i1lìand the vice chairman of the Ninth Dongshan County Chamber of Commerce( �JLJilJilùlilIrfi!li't ir( rfiir )i-=frt ). Since August 2012, he has been the honorary president of Charity of Dongshan County( Jilùlilm;'Ì'j@ir'!i ir....

09 Jul 2014 Resignation of Non-executive Director and Appointment of Executive Director (Sino Haijing Holdings Ltd)

Edit noodls 09 Jul 2014
(Source. Sino Haijing Holdings Ltd) ... SINO HAIJING HOLDINGS LIMITED. 中國海景控股有限公司 ... (Stock Code. 01106) ... July 2014. Mr ... 1 ... Lin was appointed as the first vice president of the Federation of Enterprises and Entrepreneurs of Dongshan County (第一屆東山縣企業與企 家聯合會副會長) and the vice chairman of the Ninth Dongshan County Chamber of Commerce (第九屆東山縣工商聯合會(商會)副主席). Since August 2012, he has been the honorary president of Charity of Dongshan County (東山縣慈善總會榮譽會長)....