
The Global Investigative Journalism Network is an association of 118 nonprofit organizations in 54 countries dedicated to investigative reporting. Sp:

Se unió en abril de 2010

@gijn está bloqueado

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  1. 2015 Organized Crime and Corruption ‘Person of the Year’ Award Announced by

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  2. Planning 2016? GIJN's calendar lists 20 events in 13 nations for journalists

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  3. GIJN's Top 10 for 2015: most tweeted datajourn domains, URLs, top influencers

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  4. Making end-of-the-year gifts? Pls consider GIJN! Help us support & spread investigative journalism worldwide

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  5. How journalists in all 50 US states did stories based on public data and docs:

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  6. Top 5 Data Journalism Tweets for 2015 came from

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    CIJ welcomes articles, letters and comments from readers. Please write to or

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    Els links més populars de

  9. Arms Sales: Major new US Congressional Research Service study on arms sales, 2007-14.

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  10. Planning 2016? Check GIJN's calendar, with 20 events for investigative journalists

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  11. Top Influencers for 2015: Congrats

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  12. Top Influencers for 2015: Congrats

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  13. Here's Top 10 for 2015: The Year's Most Popular Data Journalism Links

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    Las 12 notas más leídas en 2015 sobre periodismo de investigación en

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  15. On GIJN This Week: 2015's last Research Desk! Weather disaster, population data,

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  16. On GIJN This Week: Investigative Reporting in 2015: Our Top 12 Stories

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  17. On GIJN This Week: An Investigative Journalist Leaps From Print to Digital

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  18. retwitteó

    “Incarcerating members of the media for what they say and write is simply unacceptable”

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  19. An Investigative Journalist Leaps From Print to Digital

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    • @AderonkeW

      Award-winning Journalist| Sports Editor | Speaker|Change Agent | |Advocacy |Earth Sojourner |LFC|Women Soccer |

    • @ptr_yeung

      Freelance journalist & others. ---------- Francophile. Interhacktive

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