52 Years Later, We Still Remember What They Did

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Barry Seal wasn’t starring in a Jason Bourne movie

As MCA Universal prepares  a preemptive strike against America’s most important recent history—the public assassination of one of the original American Drug  Lords in a movie starring a world- famous Scientologist playing a man outweighing him by a good hundred pounds—it may be time to stand up for what's left of the truth.


So here it is…This really happened.

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Frank Sinatra, Pablo Escobar… and Meyer Lansky


"Two kilos of heroin for a little walking around money"


A  'friend' on Facebook found a link I posted there to a DailyMail story about Frank Sinatra's purported ties to Pablo Escobar, (Frank Sinatra was ‘a better cocaine dealer than singer)based on interviews with dead Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar's son where he claims singer Frank Sinatra was among his dad's business partners, to be "absurd."

BarryCovertooIt was, he claimed, anti-GOP propaganda, based apparently (its unclear) on Sinatra's close friendship with Ronald Reagan, and (reportedly) very close relationship with First Lady Nancy Reagan. 

For his (and your) edification, here's a snippet from an interview with MYLES AMBROSE, the DEA's first Administrator (under Richard Nixon), from Barry & the boys."




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Ferrie, Oswald, Seal: ‘Committing Journalism’ in New Orleans

Oswald_Con_2015a_bannerLeading up to this weekend’s Oswald Conference in New Orleans, over the next few days I will be publishing interviews and video of eyewitnesses who knew three men Americans were violently prevented from hearing.

David Ferrie, Lee Harvey Oswald, and Barry Seal—each with intimate knowledge of the plot to kill JFKmet at a two-week Louisiana Civil Air patrol summer camp at Barksdale Air Force Base in Shreveport Louisiana.

It turns out a lot of people in New Orleans— pilots, aviation professionals, and former members of the Louisiana Civil Air Patrolstill remember them.



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David Ferrie, Lee Oswald, & Barry Seal: Patsies or Principals?


Leading up to this weekend’s Oswald's Summer of Secrets Conference in New Orleans Oct 16-19, I will be publishing video with eyewitnesses  who knew three men Americans were violently prevented from hearing.  


commitrting journalism

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Free press in U.S. vs Mexico: Que es mas macho?


Three Mexican journalists—each a woman who has spent years living with the real possibility that the death threats she regularly receives will one day result in a slow, gruesome death—heroically continue to report the truth about the drug war in their country that no mainstream American journalist has the balls to report about the drug war in ours: 

"Mexico's war on drugs is one big lie."


Carmen Aristegui (above,left) Lydia Cacho (above, center) and Anabel Hernández(above, right) report Mexico’s drug lords and the Mexican government are two sides of the same coin. Each has more courage in her little finger than do hundreds of toadies, lapdogs, and sniveling careerists in the U.S. mindlessly passing along press releases fed to them by government handlers as news.

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The “Zapruder Film” of the “War on Drugs”

Most people have already heard something about the assassination of Barry Seal, gunned down in cold blood in Baton Rouge Louisiana in 1986, supposedly for ratting out the head of the Medellin Cartel, Pablo Escobar.


But that’s not what happened. And it’s one place where the big lies of the war on drugs lie exposed in a way that’s understandable to almost anyone.

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Did Tom Cruise helicopter clip doomed ‘Mena’ plane?


Both men who died in the crash of a twin-engine plane in Colombia last week on the shoot for Tom Cruise’s new “Mena” movie have backgrounds more like those of spies, spooks, drug movers or clandestine agents than pilots on a film shoot.

One owned offshore entities in the Netherland Antilles that controlled even more offshore entities, very useful for money laundering; owned a $2 million home on the Intracoastal Waterway with a dock handy for unloading knick-knacks and bric-a-brac from cruises in the Caribbean; and once lived in a small town in Texas next to a secret CIA base.

The other was even more mysterious.

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Jeb Bush’s 9/11 problem


On the campaign trail in New Hampshire two weeks ago, Jeb Bush was asked a question for which he clearly wasn’t prepared, which hearkened back to Bush’s time as Florida Governor. You can see the question here.jeb10


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True Detective III: “The Cowles’ Identity”

million_bills_harvest_640_01According to the DEA—which, caveat emptor, lies like a dog when it suits its purposes—El Chapo Guzman’s Sinaloa Cartel  “supplies 80% of the heroin, cocaine, marijuana and methamphetamine, with a street value of $3 billion, that floods Chicago each year.”

Though it seldom comes up, that flood flows both ways. And since the money from a ton of cocaine is several times the volume of the cocaine itself, the flood of drugs into Chicago must resemble a tsunami of cash surging back to Mexico. Only… it doesn’t.

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