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December 29, 2015
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Pablo Martinez Monsivais / AP

The 2015 SCOTUS Awards: A Look Back at the Highs, Lows and Yearly Shenanigans of the Supreme Court

Justice Antonin Scalia earned his stripes as the court’s loosest cannon for his remarks on Obamacare and same-sex marriage, while Justice Clarence Thomas was honored for making it through his ninth year without asking a single question during oral arguments.


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Carlos Osorio / AP

The Illusion of Freedom

This deception will exist as long as we "stay in our place." Once we call out power for what it is, once we resist, the chimera will vanish. The iron fist of history's most sophisticated security and surveillance apparatus will assert itself with a terrifying fury.
Betsy Blaney / AP

AUDIO: Robert Scheer on ‘The Hunting Ground’—a Documentary About Sexual Assault on Campus

In the fifth episode of “Scheer Intelligence,” Truthdig's editor-in-chief discusses the documentary film "The Hunting Ground" (airing again on Sunday, Dec. 27 on CNN) with its director, Kirby Dick, and producer, Amy Ziering.
A/V Booth

In this video, “Democracy Now!” pays tribute to the Oscar-winning cinematographer, director and activist, who died Sunday at the age of 93.

Now that Christmas is over, here’s some funny advice from the “Last Week Tonight” host about what to do with the gifts you don’t need or want.

Whole Foods to Pay New York City $500,000 to Settle Allegations of Overcharging

The Whole Foods grocery chain said Monday it will pay New York City $500,000 to settle allegations that it overcharged customers for prepackaged food by mislabeling weights.

Iran Transfers Stockpile of Enriched Uranium to Russia

On Monday, a Russian ship carrying almost all of Iran’s stockpile of low-enriched uranium left Iran, “fulfilling a major step in the nuclear deal struck last summer and, for the first time in nearly a decade, apparently leaving Iran with too little fuel to manufacture a nuclear weapon,” The New York Times reports.

A Crisis Worse Than Islamic State? Bank ‘Bail-Ins’ Begin

While the mainstream media focus on Islamic State extremists, a threat that has gone virtually unreported is that your life savings could be wiped out in a massive derivatives collapse. Bank bail-ins have begun in Europe, and the infrastructure is in place in the United States.

Jewish Extremists Have a Lot in Common With Islamic State

Violent Jewish extremism in Israel, like Islamic State, needs to be confronted and destroyed; corporate crimes abounded in 2015; meanwhile, a neuroscientist has come up with theories about why daily rhythms change as one ages. These discoveries and more after the jump.



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VIDEO: White Police Officer Who Fatally Shot 12-Year-Old Tamir Rice Will Not Face Criminal Charges

Describing the shooting of the boy as a “perfect storm of human error,” Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Timothy McGinty declared, “The death of Tamir Rice was an absolute tragedy. It was horrible, unfortunate and regrettable. But it was not, by the law that binds us, a crime.”

The Trans-Pacific Trade Scam

Despite what President Obama says, the TPP does indeed create a corporate end run around our laws.

A Rare Victory for Freedom of Speech in Turkey, as Pianist Is Allowed to Quote Omar Khayyam

In a win for freedom of speech in Turkey, the country’s Supreme Court of Appeals has completely overturned a lower court ruling that sentenced world-famous pianist Fazil Say to a suspended sentence of 10 months in prison.

The 10 Best 2015 Investigative Reports on Political Money

Some of the year’s most notable in-depth stories on campaign finance, from newsrooms around the country.

Eyes Are on Mosul Next as Iraqi Army Advances in Ramadi in Face of Stiff Islamic State Resistance

Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi announced Friday that after the city of Ramadi was recovered from Islamic State, the Iraqi army would go on to liberate Mosul.

The GOP Will Be Changed Forever

History will remember 2015 as the year when The Republican Party As We Knew It was destroyed by Donald Trump. An entity called the GOP will survive—but can never be the same.

Bernie Sanders’ Lessons for Capitalists

There is an irony to the presidential candidacy of Bernie Sanders: The senator from Vermont is often cast as exotic because he calls himself a “democratic socialist.” Yet the most important issue in politics throughout the Western democracies is whether the economic and social world that social democrats built can survive the coming decades.

2015 in Review: A Very Good Year at the Movies

What do “Straight Outta Compton,” “Carol” and “Mad Max: Fury Road” have in common? They all made Truthdig film reviewer John Patterson’s 2015 list of favorites.

Military Lobbyists Brag About Getting Presidential Candidates to Favor War

An email to supporters shows a recently formed defense industry group congratulating itself for getting Republican presidential candidates to demand the escalation of U.S. military action in Syria.

Nearly 1,000 People Were Fatally Shot by Police in the U.S. in 2015

A Washington Post study reveals that approximately 40 percent of all unarmed men shot to death by police this year were black. Black males make up just 6 percent of the U.S. population.

The Economy in 2016: Buying Time Before All the Old Problems Resurface

What’s in store for the world economically in the new year? While he cautions against predictions, Guardian economics editor Larry Elliott projects that “there will be no explosion in 2016, but a fuse will be lit.”

America’s Addiction to Violence

Mass shootings have become routine in the United States and speak to a society that both lives by violence and uses it as a tool to feed the coffers of the merchants of death.

The Plutocrats Are Winning. Don’t Let Them!

The vast inequality that the plutocrats and the oligarchs are creating is a death sentence for government by consent of the people. This is the fight of our lives, and how it ends is up to us.

Markets Cannot Solve the Climate Crisis

“Free range” capitalism is one of the causes of climate change, and it must be reformed if we are to solve the crisis, Andreas Malm writes in his new book, “Fossil Capital: The Rise of Steam Power and the Roots of Global Warming.”

Interpol Reports That 1 Percent of European Terrorism Was Carried Out by Muslims in 2014 (Video)

Interpol’s latest report on European terrorism, which covers 2014, would obviously look different for the horrible year of 2015. But you can’t judge trends on any one year, and 2014 was more typical of the past decade than 2015.

Christmas and Christians in the Middle East (Video)

Whether Christmas, which in Eastern tradition is celebrated after Dec. 25, is joyous, sad or nerve-wracking for Christians in the Middle East this year depends very much on the country in which they live.

VIDEO: Stephen Colbert on Donald Trump: ‘He’s My Old Character With $10 Billion’

On “Face the Nation,” the “Late Night” host discussed Donald Trump and the importance of comedy in tragic times.

Happy Holidays, Super PACs: The FEC Removes Yet Another Block Against Dark Money

A little-noticed new rule allows candidates to solicit money for their super PACs—as long as the potential donors are meeting in a small group.