"Mosaic" gathers news and current affairs from around the world, as experienced - and at times reported by - people on the ground. Unlike a conventional newscast, "Mosaic” is responsive to online sources and independent voices, utilizing a bottom-up, web-first news gathering framework, to create a new kind of global news for all media platforms.
Our pilot episode, "The China Dream," explores the concept promoted by President Xi Jinping's government — to ask what the “China Dream” really means, how it plays out in real life at all levels of society, and particularly for China’s youth.

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The China Dream

In 2012, the General Secretary of China, Xi Jinping, announced what would become the hallmark of his administration: The China Dream, described as the "national rejuvenation, improvement of people’s livelihoods, prosperity, construction of a better society and a strengthened military.” This first episode of "Mosaic" explores the reality of that dream from many perspectives — young and old Chinese, living in cities, the countryside and abroad.