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Nora Dunn
Nora Dunn began her career as a cast member on Saturday Night Live in 1985. She has worked in film and television ever since, written and performed two one woman shows, and authored a book of comic fiction, Nobody’s Rib, published by Harper/Collins. As well as blogging on Huffington Post, Ms. Dun writes for Dame Magazine.

Entries by Nora Dunn

Tamir Rice and the National Case of Affluenza

(117) Comments | Posted December 29, 2015 | 1:37 PM

Teenagers make dumb decisions. Their frontal lobes are not fully formed so they don't understand consequences. They make big mistakes, sometimes fatal ones. I am not one who believes they should be meted out stiff sentences for their tragic mistakes as if they were thirty, but it seems an inconvenience...

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The Year in Sober Review, With Pinot Noir

(0) Comments | Posted December 18, 2015 | 2:58 PM

Do we really want to look back on this one? I always tell myself we must, or how else can we expect to make ourselves and other things better?

I am not a person who makes resolutions, and when I look back on the year before I see the...

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Are You a Muslim? That, and a Few More Questions

(0) Comments | Posted December 9, 2015 | 3:45 AM

I am announcing today that I am throwing my hat in the ring.

No, not to run for president. I could never handle that job because I'm not a multi-tasker. I am throwing my hat in the ring to be considered a member of Trump's cabinet when he selects...

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Equal Acts of Terror

(0) Comments | Posted December 3, 2015 | 1:17 PM

I'm bracing myself for the next round of Muslim bashing from our right-wing extremist candidates, Trump, Christy, Cruz, Fiorina, Carson (if anyone is listening to him) and maybe even Marco Rubio, depending on what his handlers tell him to say. This group has become the drum beat of fear itself....

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The Feminist/Feminine Response to Terror

(15) Comments | Posted November 20, 2015 | 2:17 PM

I am going to a film festival conference next week in Santa Barbara, Fest Forward, to speak on a panel with other women. Wine, Women, and Song is the title of our discussion. I like that. We are slated to talk about women in the entertainment business. I have covered...

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We'll Always Have Paris, Won't We?

(11) Comments | Posted November 17, 2015 | 3:49 AM

I have barely allowed myself to watch much news in the wake of the attacks in Paris. I am too sad to hear the phony, self serving remarks of those who want to capitalize on it. Is there such a lack of dignity in this country that we have forgotten...

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Trump and Carson: Weaklings on Race and Citizenship

(24) Comments | Posted November 13, 2015 | 1:00 AM

Should African American college students accept a dummy made to look like a black man swinging from a tree on their college campus? Should they accept a swastika on their door written in feces, fellow white students dressed for Halloween as vulgar and grotesque black characters, or white students heckling...

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Dancing on Donald's Wall: The Culture Wars

(3) Comments | Posted November 11, 2015 | 8:04 AM

A dear friend of mine sent me a video on my cell phone the other day of her daughter dancing at The Harvest Festival. My friend's daughter is a wonderful dancer who never stops doing pirouettes, aerials, cartwheels and various other extravagant moves she has choreographed alone and with her...

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Trumping Saturday Night Live

(200) Comments | Posted November 4, 2015 | 12:05 PM

Saturday Night Live may well be the longest running comedy show in the history of television. The first cast was a few years older than me, though I still considered them my peers. We didn't know each other personally, but it felt like we did.

The original cast of...

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It's Not Your Call: Dr. Carson's Retro-Revolution

(58) Comments | Posted October 27, 2015 | 4:04 AM

"Do you know, sir, no disrespect, truly no disrespect, but it's not your call. You don't decide. You don't decide for anybody's family here what they are going through and what they need." -- Whoopi Goldberg, The View, discussing Ben Carson's stand against abortion, October 26.

I ask...

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Why Hillary Is the Boss

(415) Comments | Posted October 23, 2015 | 3:30 AM

It does not surprise me that it takes a woman to sit before a partisan panel and keep her cool. What does it take to do that for over eight hours, taking a grilling from people who most likely are not as smart nor as experienced as you? Age and...

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Falling Down the Rabbit Hole: The Hole in Amy Schumer's SNL Monologue

(145) Comments | Posted October 19, 2015 | 12:09 PM

The very popular Amy Schumer has finally hosted Saturday Night Live and I must admit, I may be too old to appreciate her. She's a phenomenon for sure, but I'm not on board with her kind of feminism. I'm not asking her to be a role model, but she brought...

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The When of Zen

(0) Comments | Posted October 14, 2015 | 4:25 PM

Last Night I watched an artistically made film on Tony Bennett, which is now on Netflix. I was looking for something to steer me away from Ray Donovan, The Fall, and some of the other brilliant, but dark, fare I'm often drawn to. These series are rife with fine performances,...

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You Give Me Fever: Why Girls Who Love Pro Sports Should Have an Equal Voice in Them

(39) Comments | Posted October 12, 2015 | 4:12 PM

It's October and baseball fever has kept me turning at night. For years I've had a close relationship with the game, but it would be even closer if I felt I had a voice in it.

When I was a little girl, Sandy Koufax was considered the best pitcher...

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