Global inequality is escalating rapidly - let’s end concentrations of wealth and power, completely


Oxfam has just released a report that shows global inequality has escalated rapidly over the last 6 years.  The particular measure they used is a very important one.  First they calculated the wealth held by the poorest 50% of the planets population, which is about 3.6 billion people. And then they asked how many of the richest people held the same amount of wealth.

A world to change in 2016


We awake to news that more towns in Ireland are under water due to storm flooding. And that perhaps the sea ice at the north pole might melt due to temperatures rising above zero. The first story is given a lot more prominence in Irish media than the second but strangely at the same time another story is being celebrated. The start of yet more greenhouse gases being pumped out of their safe place far below the sea off the Irish shore to be processed and then released into the atmosphere via the Corrib refinery.

Dublin protest in solidarity with 21 year old Belfast woman charged for using abortion pills - 15 Jan 6pm, the GPO


A 21 year old women in Co Down has been charged with 'using a poison to procure her own abortion', that is using the Mifepristone and Misoprostol pills which are legal across most of the EU but illegal in Ireland, north and south. Under the 1861 act in the north she faces life in prison if convicted, in the south under the legislation recently introduced by the Labour Party and Fine Gael she would face 14 years in prison.

N. Ireland has it's First Female First Minister - 5 Reasons Why This Won't Advance Feminism


December saw the promotion of Fermanagh & South Tyrone MLA, Arlene Foster to the position of DUP leader and the North of Ireland’s First Minister.

Foster is a woman who was once described to have “learned a lot from the likes of Thatcher when it comes to dealing with men in politics."

It is not coming as much of a surprise that some middle-class, career-focused feminists have made claims of this being some sort of an advance of feminism. Many are claiming that this represents a great change in northern Irish society, as a move away from the male dominated arena that we understands politics here to be (the same could be said throughout the World of course).

CoP 21 Outcome - leaders signed a deal guaranteeing climatic destruction


Reading through the mainstream media coverage of the climate negotiations in Paris (CoP21), one could hardly understand the event as anything other than ‘a real turning point in human history’ (Irish Times). The heroic work of the French delegates had achieved ‘the world’s greatest diplomatic success’ (the Guardian), indeed the deal was not short of ‘a major leap for mankind’ (quote from summit leaders). Yet in reality our leaders have signed a deal guaranteeing climatic destruction!

Emergency Protest Takes Place in Belfast in Favour of Free, Safe and Legal Abortion


Somewhere in the region of 70 people attended an emergency protest yesterday outside Belfast City Hall.

Those present were protesting in favour of free, safe and legal abortion on demand, as early as possible, as late as necessary.

Belfast High court rules abortion ban in "breach of human rights" but Fight For Free, Safe and Legal Continues


The High Court in Belfast ruled in December that the North's abortion laws are in "breach of human rights".

Pro-Life That's A Lie - Terrorist Shooting Occurs at Planned Parenthood


You've probably heard the slogan "Pro-Life that's a lie, you don't care if women die!" at pro-choice rallies or protests. Today the reality of that slogan is once again ringing true.

At around about noon yesterday a 57-year-old white man, known as Robert Lewis Dear, attacked a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado in the U.S. Three are dead and nine are injured as a result of the terrorist shooting.

Stormont Gives The Tories The Power To Destroy Our Welfare System


It's no secret that Stormont has gone into one of its regular crises.

A few months ago they were arguing over Welfare Reform, then Kevin McGuigan was shot dead and they were then arguing about whether or not the IRA still existed (great timing for Robinson as the NAMA scandal was just being brought to light).

WSM publications


A collectively agreed document on WSM publications as drawn up by National Conference Nov 2015

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