Fintan O’Toole (Irish Times)
Daniel Finn (New Left Review)
Thursday June 25th – 7.30 pm

Since the crash of 2008, many Irish commentators have promoted the idea of a ‘Second Republic’—none more so than Fintan O’Toole of the Irish Times, who has placed it at the heart of his blueprint for political and economic reform. But what does this concept mean in practice, and what changes would be needed to bring it about?

Fintan O’Toole will be discussing these issues with Daniel Finn of New Left Review.

Brendan Barrington (Dublin Review)

Central Hotel: McLelland Room
Exchequer St, Dublin 2  
Articles from the ISN
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Resist Double Taxation
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Labour Goes From Boom To Bust
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"The Irish Socialist Network has published pamphlets on the North of Ireland, the financial crisis and South Africa - you can buy them for €2 each or €5 for three. Contact us at isn@outlook.ie to get your copies"