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G. Roger Denson
G. Roger Denson is a cultural critic, essayist, and novelist living in New York City. Since 1987 he has written on art, culture, politics, mythopoetics, sex and gender for Art in America, Parkett, Bijutsu Techo, Artscribe International, Flash Art, Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, and numerous other international magazines and journals. He has taught criticism and theory at the School of Visual Arts in New York, was program director for international exhibitions, screenings and performances at HALLWALLS, guest-curated exhibitions for The New Museum, the Alternative Museum, and various NYC commercial galleries, and for several years raised funds for the New York City Ballet and the New York Philharmonic. With Thomas McEvilley, he is co-author of Capacity: History, the World, and the Self in Contemporary Art and Criticism, 1996. His first novel VOICE OF FORCE, on the sexual difference between two men, was released in 2010. It was followed by the novel, Anthony in the Desert in 2012.

Send G. Roger Denson press releases or links on Facebook and Twitter.

Entries by G. Roger Denson

Negotiating the Religious-Secular Divide and the Films That Portray Us Doing It

(5) Comments | Posted December 29, 2015 | 4:13 AM

This is Part 1 of a two-part post on the Religious-Secular divide in modern global culture. Part 2, Religion vs. Secularism In Art and How Shahzia Sikander and Jim Shaw Turn Social Alienation Into Spiritual Engagement, is posted on HuffintgonPost Arts and Culture.

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Religion vs. Secularism In Art and How Shahzia Sikander and Jim Shaw Turn Social Alienation Into Spiritual Engagement

(0) Comments | Posted December 24, 2015 | 1:19 AM

This is Part 2 of a two-part post on the Religious-Secular divide in modern global culture. Part 1, Negotiating the Religious-Secular Divide and the Films That Portray Us Doing It is posted on HuffPost Religion.


A Chemical Christmas...

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In Reproach to Terror, Twyla Tharp Turns to the Gods of Order, Chaos and the Dance

(0) Comments | Posted December 1, 2015 | 10:05 AM


Left: Twyla Tharp's Preludes and Fugues, part of Tharp's 50th Anniversary Tour, here performed at the Kennedy Center's Eisenhower
Theatre, November, 2015. Photo: Sharen Bradford. Right: Giulio Romano, Dance of Apollo and the Muses, oil on canvas, Pitti Palace,

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Pope Francis' Visit With a Transgender Man Deserves the Same Media Coverage Given Kim Davis

(0) Comments | Posted October 1, 2015 | 2:16 PM

Since the American press largely ignored or downplayed the Pope's January 2015 Vatican visit with a transgender man from Spain, many Americans have nothing to counterbalance off the Pope's Kim Davis visit to understand that the pontiff's visit is not meant to signal he has taken Davis' side, or joins...

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Where Doubt Is Faith and the Sign Is Spirit: Sarah Charlesworth's Art of Personal Religion

(0) Comments | Posted September 8, 2015 | 4:27 PM

Many of the cibachrome collages and all the black-and-white photo enlargements discussed here are included in Doubleworld, The New Museum's exhibition survey and catalogue of Sarah Charlesworth's art on view from June 24 through September 20, 2015.


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Egyptian Artist Wael Shawky Is Pulling the Strings of Crusade and Jihad at MoMA PS1

(0) Comments | Posted July 10, 2015 | 11:30 AM

The films of Wael Shawky's Cabaret Crusades are on view at MoMA PS1 through August 31, along with installations of selected sketches, sets and marionettes that the artist used throughout filming. For directions, schedules and other information, consult the MoMA PS1 website. For the viewer going into the...

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Ritualized Oligarchy and the Plight of Innocence in Jonathan Monaghan's 3D-Materialization Art

(0) Comments | Posted May 27, 2015 | 10:09 AM

This is the fifth in a series on the new 3D-Materialization Art, a highly-reflexive 3D Art made by artists who distance themselves from the commercial uses of 3D by taking up the dematerializing principles of Conceptual Art. The affinity is strategic in that like Conceptual Art, 3D-Materialization Art actively encourages...

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Same-Sex Marriage Is a Religious Institution Deserving Lawful Protection

(0) Comments | Posted April 2, 2015 | 11:27 AM

What would happen if the LGBT community did something that no one in the state of Indiana, and apparently no one in the US mainstream media, has gone on record expecting us to do? That is, what if we lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transsexuals claim our entitlement to and protection...

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Feminism Awakens In Himalayan Buddhist Art and Meditation

(0) Comments | Posted January 25, 2015 | 7:49 AM

This is Mahapajapati Gotami, the Buddha's stepmother and aunt and the first woman to request and receive ordination from the Buddha. It is one detail from the mural, with two other details continued in the two photos immediately below. In those photos we...
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Why Louise Bourgeois' and Robert Gober's Feminist and Queer Uncanny Survive the Treachery of Art History

(0) Comments | Posted December 30, 2014 | 5:11 PM

Louise Bourgeois' Suspension is on view at Cheim & Read Gallery in New York through January 10, 2015. The Heart Is Not A Metaphor, a survey of work by Robert Gober at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, runs through January 18, 2015. For further information link...

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Day Without Art: Looking Back 25 Years

(0) Comments | Posted December 1, 2014 | 2:03 PM


Twenty-five years ago today, the first Day Without Art was instituted as the US art world's national day of action and mourning in response to the AIDS crisis. Implemented by Visual AIDS, an organization of arts professionals founded by arts administrator...

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The Light In the Cave: Vasudeo S. Gaitonde and His Painted Perceptions Shine at The Guggenheim

(0) Comments | Posted October 24, 2014 | 9:19 AM

V. S. Gaitonde: Painting as Process, Painting as Life will be on view at The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York from October 24, 2014 to February 11, 2015. For details consult the museum website.


Among American museums, The...

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Personifying Iran in an Art of Dissent, Defiance, and Desire

(0) Comments | Posted October 4, 2014 | 3:59 PM

This commentary on artists from Iran showing in New York was prompted by the exhibition, Portraits: Reflections by Emerging Iranian Artists, curated by Roya Khadjavi Heidari and Massoud Nader at the Rogue Space Chelsea that was on view from September 17 through 29, 2014 and coincided with the New York...

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Francesco Clemente at The Rubin Museum: Turning the Arcana of the Mind Inside Out

(0) Comments | Posted September 19, 2014 | 4:34 PM

Francesco Clemente has long had an affinity with the people, art and culture of India. A small but illuminating selection of his Indian-based work has been laid out in the plan of an Indian Temple at The Rubin Museum in New York and will be on display through February 2,...

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Taking the Snowpiercer Train to Gaza, Syria and Iraq in the Company of Niccolo Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes and Karl Marx

(0) Comments | Posted August 1, 2014 | 6:19 PM


Is it hyperbolic to say that Gaza or Iraq or Syria or the Ukraine are the current Snowpiercers of the world?

Not if we count the mounting casualties and other horrific atrocities desecrating these warzones. Nor in such countries deemed...

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Contra Acte: Mimi Smith and Susan Bee Unleash the Comic Repressed

(0) Comments | Posted May 30, 2014 | 3:32 PM

This is the eighth installment of XX Chromosocial: Women Artists Cross the Homosocial Divide. Some of the concepts used in this post, such as "the homosocial," are introduced and elaborated in the first and second installments. Links to all seven prior installments are listed at the end of this article.

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Seeing Through the Cliches and Conventions of Art History in Shirley Kaneda's Transparency Paintings

(0) Comments | Posted May 19, 2014 | 5:13 PM

Galerie Richard presents concurrent shows by Shirley Kaneda through May 28, 2014 in New York and Paris. For more information consult the Galerie Richard website.

In Shirley Kaneda's May 2014 show at Galerie Richard, New York, a new context for some well-used formal conventions in...

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Migrations Real and Ideal: The Cultural Nomads We're Becoming (10 New York Shows in 2013 That Explored Nomadic Terrains)

(1) Comments | Posted December 31, 2013 | 3:41 PM

Few works of art embody the spirit of contemporary nomadism more than the projected Orbit Rosse videoscapes of Grazia Toderi (2009-2013), composed from nocturnal aerial views of glittering cities around the world. Toderi's 2013 showing at New York's Sonnabend Gallery is one of ten exhibitions shown in New...

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PostPictures: A New Generation of Pictorial Structuralists is Introduced by New York's bitforms gallery.

(0) Comments | Posted December 13, 2013 | 12:29 PM

This is the fourth in a series on visual artists who have embraced, redefined and subverted the computer-generated imaging (CGI) and 3D-simulation modeling originally developed to compose special effects graphics and animation in mainstream film, video, gaming, and high end advertising. See Part 1 of this series, Projecting...

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And Some See God: Getting to the CORE in the 3D and Immersive Art of Kurt Hentschlaeger

(1) Comments | Posted November 26, 2013 | 5:33 AM

This is the third in a series on visual artists who have embraced, redefined and subverted the computer-generated imaging (CGI) and 3D-simulation modeling originally developed to compose special effects graphics and animation in mainstream film, video, gaming, and high end advertising. See Part 1 of this series,

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