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Clarence B. Jones
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Entries by Clarence B. Jones

I Tremble for My Country When I Know That God Is Just

(8) Comments | Posted December 29, 2015 | 8:34 AM

For those concerned about social justice, expanded economic opportunities, unfettered access to the exercise of the right to vote, ending gun violence, assured non-race-based policing in our communities, and protection against domestic and foreign ISIS-based terrorism; events in 2015 indicate that these major challenges will continue in 2016.


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A New "Tipping Point"?

(0) Comments | Posted November 26, 2015 | 8:46 AM

There is a phrase that has become part of the lexicon of Silicon Valley. It is the "tipping point."

Something is occurring right before our eyes and ears with respect to law enforcement -- specifically the police, nationwide -- and the African-American community.

It is no longer sufficient to...

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"Getting Even"? Shock!... Incredulity!... Outrage!... Anger!... Revenge!...

(0) Comments | Posted November 18, 2015 | 9:51 AM

Last Friday the horrific news of the ISIS attacks in Paris provoked immediate feelings of anger laced with revenge, and a feeling of "disgust" that the insane massacre of innocents always conveys.

Dr. Martin King, Jr. reminded us that an "eye for an eye" can result in everybody becoming blind....

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Opportunity for Our Nation

(0) Comments | Posted November 2, 2015 | 9:28 AM

Presidential elections provide a unique opportunity for our nation, all eligible and registered voters, collectively, to express our opinion about those issues which are of most concern to us. Thus, while we are still in the preliminary Democratic and Republican party primaries, I am going to recite some of those...

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Keep Hope Alive

(0) Comments | Posted October 19, 2015 | 11:29 AM

Sometimes we experience events, although separate and independent from one another, that provoke similar thought responses. So, it was this past Thursday evening when I was the invited guest speaker to several residents assembled in the Grand Lobby of the Millennium Tower on Mission Street in San Francisco.

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The Ben Carson Enigma: 'American Exceptionalism' or Double Racism?

(22) Comments | Posted October 16, 2015 | 6:53 PM

Many Republicans continue to express an aversive response to President Barack Obama. Whether in the form of their denial of his American citizenship, or denying his Christian religion, the stench of racism remains as a fundamental motivator. Additionally, the president's reticence, or even his inability to do the Washington Two-Step,...

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Navigating Between the Parallel Altered State Universe and Reality

(0) Comments | Posted October 12, 2015 | 5:57 PM

During the past 10 days I have had the experiences of speaking to representatives of major charitable foundations, teaching my weekly class, FROM SLAVERY TO OBAMA, at the University of San Francisco, and speaking to members of the Grand Lodge, Freemasons of The District of Columbia.

This has occurred...

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(7) Comments | Posted October 7, 2015 | 1:03 PM

Sept 16th, 2015 in this space I wrote a blog "We are the ones that we have been waiting for." The caption was based on the title of a best-selling book by Pulitzer Prize author Alice Walker, "We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting for: Inner Light in a...

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The Ones We Have Been Waiting for

(2) Comments | Posted September 16, 2015 | 1:37 PM

"We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting for: Inner Light in a Time of Darkness" is the title of a best-selling book by Pulitzer Prize author Alice Walker. I believe it may be the appropriate mantra for successfully addressing our "No. 1" current domestic problem: The 24/7 deaths and...

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14 Years and Counting: Remembering 9/11

(1) Comments | Posted September 11, 2015 | 11:40 AM

Often when we are reminded of horrific events, unless personally involved, we pause for a moment and think about the event that has been brought to our attention, again, and move on to what we doing or thinking before such a reminder. So, possibly, this could be the case with...

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Stop the Bulls**t

(296) Comments | Posted September 7, 2015 | 10:56 AM

Let's get real, and stop the bulls**t! Republican Party political leaders, Fox TV and conservative radio talk show hosts should know better.

The New York Times noted in a recent editorial that they are...

"... trying to demonize the protest movement that has sprung up in response...
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On the Refugee Crisis in Syria and Domestic Gun Violence -- Our Moral Challenge

(4) Comments | Posted September 2, 2015 | 12:08 PM

Trump, Iran Nuclear deal, presidential 2016 election politics, ISIS, illegal immigration, latest release of Clinton emails, random nationwide shootings, Black Lives Matter, etc. seem to continue to dominate our headlines.

Out of this cacophony of the sometimes 24/7 repetitive media blitz, persons who REALLY CARE about the real world around...

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Spill the Honey

(0) Comments | Posted August 28, 2015 | 4:00 PM

Today is the 52nd Anniversary of the 1963 August 28th March on Washington For Jobs and Freedom. In a blog on August 22nd, 2015, I wrote:

"Much of my memories of that day are more fully described in BEHIND THE DREAM-The Making of The Speech That Transformed A Nation, co-authored...
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Commemorating 52nd Anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

(2) Comments | Posted August 22, 2015 | 6:20 PM

During the past two weeks two great persons in the struggle against injustice, both of whom I knew, passed away. First was Julian Bond at the age of 75, the other was Louis Stokes, a 15-term former congressman from OH. He died at the age of 90.

The death of...

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Black Lives Matter and the Presidential Primaries

(44) Comments | Posted August 14, 2015 | 12:25 PM

In 1857 during a speech captioned "West India Emancipation" the abolitionist leader Frederick Douglass said:

"If there is no struggle there is no progress. ...This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it ma be both moral and physical, but it must be...
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Technology Empowerment Coalition of Silicon Valley

(0) Comments | Posted August 4, 2015 | 11:57 PM

Some responses to an earlier blog I wrote a few days ago about the new interest of Civil Rights organizations in Silicon Valley suggested that I had expressed my doubt or cynicism whether providing employment opportunities for African-American engineers, computer programmers, etc. would make any qualitative difference in the current...

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Be Careful What You Ask For -- What Time is It?

(4) Comments | Posted August 2, 2015 | 4:29 PM

The leaders of some of civil rights organizations active in the 20th Century are now turning their attention to "Silicon Valley." The common denominator of their 21st Century strategy seems to be to persuade major Silicon Valley technology and new media companies to open up opportunities for African Americans and...

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Remembering Chaney, Goodman and Schwerner: 50th Anniversary of the 1965 Voting Rights Act

(4) Comments | Posted July 31, 2015 | 2:30 PM

An African proverb reminds us, "If surviving Lions don't tell their stories, the Hunters will get all the credit."

I have been blessed with comparative longevity. So, on the occasion of next week's 50th Anniversary, August 6th, of the signing of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, it is appropriate...

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The Celebration of Alive & Free

(0) Comments | Posted July 26, 2015 | 6:58 PM

Against the cacophony of domestic and international news about the recent Iran Nuclear weapons agreement; the financial "bailout" of Greece; NASA's unprecedented photos of the planet Pluto; the travels and speeches of Pope Francis; the continuing fight against ISIS; Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and other Republican and Democratic presidential contenders;...

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'If Not Now, When?'

(4) Comments | Posted July 18, 2015 | 8:01 PM

Attending The March on Washington film Festival here in DC has provoked lots of memories and reflection. The Festival presents films on civil rights related subjects over a period of several days. It challenges participants to think about our nation's history of struggle for civil rights in relation to subsequent...

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