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Beth Leipholtz
Personal blog:

Beth is a Minnesotan girl, navigating sobriety in her early 20s. She writes often, and about an array of topics. She graduated from the College of Saint Benedict with a degree in Communication and is currently figuring out that awkward transition from college to the real world. Follow her at "el9292" on Twitter and Instagram.

Entries by Beth Leipholtz

7 Reasons Dogs Make the Best Life Companions

(11) Comments | Posted December 29, 2015 | 8:26 AM

I used to be a cat person (gosh, that's a tough sentence to type). In my defense, I was young and didn't know any better. All I knew was that I saw kittens, they were cute, and I wanted them. I'm not saying I hate cats by any means --...

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7 Tips to Help Keep You Sober During the Holidays

(2) Comments | Posted December 23, 2015 | 5:39 PM

This was originally published at

For some, holidays can be a stressful time. For others, they can be a time of celebration. Either way, for people in recovery, staying sober during the holidays may present a challenge.

As with everything in life, there are certain coping mechanisms and...

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9 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me When I First Got Sober

(0) Comments | Posted December 23, 2015 | 4:37 PM

The first couple weeks of sobriety were the scariest of my life. I've always hated uncertainty, imperfection and change, and suddenly all three were staring me straight in the face, unwilling to go away. Today, this is a good thing because I can now tolerate uncertainty, imperfection and change like...

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5 Times I Didn't Want to Stay Sober... But Why I Did Anyway

(0) Comments | Posted November 3, 2015 | 4:09 PM

The majority of what I write has to do with the blessings that sobriety has brought to me, and most of the time that is truly how I feel about being sober. However, I wouldn't be an alcoholic if I didn't occasionally wish I could just throw caution to the...

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6 Reasons Why Moms Make The Best Friends

(1) Comments | Posted October 26, 2015 | 6:51 PM

I've never been a diehard Gilmore Girls fan, but my mom really enjoyed the show. On more than one occasion has told me that because of my passion for words and overall demeanor I remind her of Rory. I've watched she show often enough to confirm that her give-no-shits personality...

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7 Life Lessons I've Learned From Working With Kids

(0) Comments | Posted October 13, 2015 | 5:36 PM

Six years ago, under my mother's pressure to find an after-school job, I begrudgingly accepted a position at a local daycare. I didn't want to work with kids, but I wanted to work in food service even less -- and those seemed to be my only options. Working with kids...

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6 Reasons to Break Anonymity in Sobriety

(24) Comments | Posted September 18, 2015 | 7:51 PM

This was originally published at

One of the first things I did while in treatment was post on Facebook and tell all of my acquaintances what was happening and why I was no longer drinking. I did so mostly because I was sick of hiding, sick of being ashamed...

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7 Things That Get Me High Today (Instead of Booze)

(1) Comments | Posted August 21, 2015 | 5:45 PM

This was originally published at

A lot of people will say that one of the hardest things about sobriety is learning how to have free time. The time that would typically be spent using and getting high is suddenly an intimidating emptiness. For many people, free time is dangerous...

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7 Things You Realize After College Graduation

(0) Comments | Posted August 20, 2015 | 6:50 PM

It's been about three months since I donned that hard-earned cap and gown, managed not to trip on stage while shaking hands with my school's president and accepted my diploma. (I did forget to switch my tassel as I walked offstage, but hey, minor details.)

Although only 90 days have...

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당신이 드디어 성숙한 연애를 시작했다는 9가지 징조

(0) Comments | Posted June 7, 2015 | 11:23 PM

www.elitedaily.com에 먼저 게재된 글입니다.

짝사랑이든, 금지된 사랑이든, 열정적인 사랑이든, 사랑을 다루는 미디어들에는 하나의 공통점이 있다. 바로 극적인 드라마다. 하지만 현실에서는 극적인 관계를 맺는 것은 별로 즐겁지 않다. 극적인 관계는 정말 나쁘다. 로맨틱하지도 매혹적이지도 않다.

나는 여러 해 동안 일종의 ‘드라마’가 있어야 그 연애가 정당화될 수 있다고 믿었다. 이제 안정적인 연애에...

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9 sinais de que você finalmente está num relacionamento maduro e adulto

(2) Comments | Posted May 28, 2015 | 7:56 PM

A mídia define muitas coisas no mundo atual, incluindo os relacionamentos.

Pode ser o amor não correspondido, o amor proibido ou o amor apaixonado, mas as ideias da mídia sobre o amor sempre têm um elemento em comum: a dramaticidade.

Afinal, é o drama que move a mídia.

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9 Anzeichen, dass du endlich in einer erwachsenen Beziehung lebst

(0) Comments | Posted May 27, 2015 | 9:46 AM

Dieser Beitrag erschien ursprünglich auf

Die Medien diktieren heutzutage so viel -- unter anderem die Art und Weise, wie Beziehungen sein sollen.

Egal, ob es darum geht unerwiderte, verbotene oder leidenschaftliche Liebe darzustellen. Wenn es nach den Medien geht, haben sie alle eins gemein: Drama.

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I 9 segnali che vi dicono che avete (finalmente) una relazione matura

(1) Comments | Posted May 26, 2015 | 9:16 AM

I media oggi dettano legge su tutto, incluse le relazioni. Che parlino di amore non corrisposto, di amori proibiti o di passioni bollenti, tutte queste idee d'amore veicolate dai media hanno qualcosa in comune: il dramma.

D'altra parte, è proprio il dramma a far girare il mondo dei media.


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9 Signs You're Finally in a Mature, Adult Relationship

(236) Comments | Posted May 23, 2015 | 10:00 AM

This was originally published at

Media dictates so much in today's world -- including relationships.

Whether portraying unrequited love, forbidden love or passionate love, the media's ideas of love all have something in common: drama.

After all, drama drives the media.

But, guess what? When you're...

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9 Things I've Gained From Sobriety

(2) Comments | Posted May 15, 2015 | 7:42 PM

When I first ventured into sobriety two years ago, a family friend, who is also sober, said to me: "You'll be amazed how full your life can be." At the time, I didn't believe that. My life was full when I was drinking -- at least I thought it was....

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5 Life Lessons I Learned on the Rugby Pitch

(5) Comments | Posted April 29, 2015 | 5:15 PM

After four years, hundreds of minutes played, a plethora of injuries and too many tackles to count, my collegiate rugby career has officially come to an end.

You'd think this would be a little bit of a relief, as my body has taken a toll, but it's not. Every time...

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10 Reasons Sober People Are Attractive

(0) Comments | Posted April 22, 2015 | 6:34 PM

This was originally published at

Two years ago, I would not have thought sober people were appealing. At all. Whatsoever.

Crazy, yes. Impressive, yes. But attractive... not so much.

After all, there was nothing attractive about someone who couldn't get shwasted with me. What fun was that?...

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10 Things I Wish I Knew at the Beginning of Sobriety

(0) Comments | Posted February 25, 2015 | 12:22 PM

This was originally published on The Fix.

Everything always makes more sense in retrospect. I know that as much as the next person. Even so, I cringe thinking about how much trouble and heartache I could have saved myself when I got sober if I had known then,...

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In Defense of Online Dating

(7) Comments | Posted February 12, 2015 | 12:22 PM

I never thought I'd be typing this sentence. It's traumatic, really. Here goes.


Yes, I met my boyfriend online.

On one of the sketchier dating sites, in fact. Ahhh, Tinder, the notoriously designated "hook-up" app.

For some reason unbeknownst to me (in my new-relationship state of bliss), there is...

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6 Challenges and 6 Rewards of Being Young in Sobriety

(7) Comments | Posted January 16, 2015 | 1:45 PM

This post was originally published on

I'm 22, I've never consumed a legal drink and I never plan to, for better and worse.

Being in recovery at any age elicits both challenges and rewards, but being young and at a pivotal, sometimes confusing point in life even without worrying...

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