This Man's Adventurous Animal Selfies Are Making Hearts Explode


12/28/2015 01:13 pm ET

This has got to be the cutest thing on the planet. 

Allan Dixon roams the earth taking a very special kind of travel photo: some adorable selfies with some more-than-adorable animals from Australia to Ireland to the bottom of the deep blue sea. And his new travel companions look all too happy -- though sometimes befuddled -- to be sharing the limelight:

Caters News Agency/Allan Dixon
Caters News Agency/Allan Dixon
Caters News Agency/Allan Dixon

As an adventurer, Dixon is cautious: He sometimes spends hours hanging out with an animal and gaining its trust before snapping photos. Travelers "should be very careful as to not upset or provoke the animal when they’re trying to take the photo," Dixon told Bored Panda. "Gain the animal’s trust in a calm relaxed manner, and the results will be golden."

Of course you should avoid approaching an animal you don't know to be friendly and keep your distance behind gates or other barriers when they're set up, National Geographic points out. Practice respect, though, and nature will show you its good side, as Dixon can certainly attest.

  • Caters News Agency/Allan Dixon
  • Caters News Agency/Allan Dixon
  • Caters News Agency/Allan Dixon
  • Caters News Agency/Allan Dixon
  • Caters News Agency/Allan Dixon
  • Caters News Agency/Allan Dixon

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