

In 2016, either the Senate filibuster, or the Republican party, will die.

First, let’s just briefly recap the past few years…. Despite electing a Republican House, and then a GOP Senate, the Republican leadership has demonstrated no desire to oppose, defund, repeal, any of Obama’s main initiatives. First, we took the House, and deposed Peloisi. Despite the House having the power of the purse, nothing happened. We were told instead, notwithstanding all the promises made during the | Read More »

Illegal Immigrants Suing the State of Oregon for Not Giving them Driver’s Licenses

This is the kind of thing that almost makes you want to vote for Donald Trump, just to respond to the sheer  chutzpah of some illegal immigrants. A group of illegal immigrants have decided to sue the State of Oregon because Oregon voters have decided to pass a law forbidding illegal immigrants from getting drivers’ licenses. I am pretty far to the squishy side of the | Read More »

Matt Bai is the Latest Member of the Circle of Jerks to Get Donald Trump Wrong

If the Circle of Jerks who make up the DC-NYC political reporter class were around for the birth of Jesus, they’d write pieces about how the dregs of society showed up, but no rich people did. The media would be on to a new story by the time the Magi showed up. By the tie Herod started slaughtering every male child under two, the Circle | Read More »

Guess who just passed Jeb Bush?

While most observers of the national GOP Presidential polling will focus on Quinnipiac University’s showing of Donald Trump 28, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) 100% 24 as a possible sign of things to come, there’s another story that I think deserves mention. Jeb Bush has now fallen into sixth place nationally, not just in New Hampshire, thanks to a good run of polling | Read More »

You Will Be Made To Care: Fines of up to $250K In NYC For Misgendering

Just when we think all levels of absurdity have passed. Just when we think it’s safe to assume something so ridiculous won’t invade our culture. Just when we think we think, “Nothing can can get more outrageous than this”, Bill de Blasio, the left wing, communist sympathizing mayor of New York City comes to the ‘rescue.’ In this case, it is the new guidelines detailing the legal | Read More »

It Might be Time for Some Conservatives to Take a Deep Breath

Some people just have no interest in their future credibility as long as it helps them win the election of the moment. As long as movement conservatives have railed at “the establishment” of being guilty of this sin, they now find themselves to be some of the biggest offenders. Here is just one example: over the weekend, South Carolina congressman and bane of Hillary Clinton’s | Read More »

GOP-led Congress rams civil asset forfeiture reform right down police unions’ throats.

Congress takes the federal civil asset forfeiture loophole away from police unions.

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Tamir Rice and the Policeman’s Day in Court

Tamir Rice and the Policeman's Day in Court

A country where those responsible for dispensing the justice of the State are held to a lower standard of behavior than the general public is a country that invites tyranny ...

(VIDEO) Bernie Sanders Makes A Push To Attract Trump Voters

At first blush, it sounds crazy. A socialist, running in a Democrat primary, who has made a career of limiting American influence abroad thinks he can attract voters from a GOP candidate who is running on the motto “Make America Great.” But that is part of the plan of Bernie Sanders. The underlying idea apparently is that Trump is channeling anger and Sanders is channeling | Read More »

Marco Rubio’s Path to Victory

If Rubio fizzles in Iowa, unable to get third there, and then fizzles in New Hampshire, he starts to slow down significantly as voters and the press look to see who did better than Rubio in New Hampshire. If it is Chris Christie, we’re going to hear a lot about him as we head to South Carolina. And because of Christie’s terrible gun views, the south is going to consolidate even more quickly to Ted Cruz. That makes it harder for Rubio to regain any momentum.

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Hope In The Aftermath of Texas Tragedy, A Dog Is Rescued From Debris (VIDEO)

Just one day after Christmas, North Texas was hit with a devastating storm that produced EF3 and EF4 tornadoes, and damaged over a thousand homes.  Living in Tornado Alley, we get our fair share of tornadoes, but this one was the second deadliest tornado outbreak in the DFW area’s history. Eleven people were killed in the storms, including a 3-day-old newborn baby.  The Rowlett City Manager | Read More »

Donald Trump can’t even do Christmas cards right. What a dope!

I’m technically a donor to the Donald Trump campaign. I bought a hat as a historical curiosity. So, apparently that meant the Trump campaign (which is under serious pressure from Ted Cruz by the way) wanted to send me a Christmas card. The problem is, it didn’t even come in time for the start of Christmas! Failure!

The Burmese Government Just Jailed One of their Citizens for Making Fun of their Military Uniforms in a Facebook Post

The title here is not at all an exaggeration or a mischaracterization. Myanmar, which at least theoretically took a major step forward as a country (in terms of things like basic human rights) this year by kicking out what was effectively a military junta. Myanmar stunned the world when the country held elections that were actually reasonably open and resulted in a peaceful transition of power to | Read More »

Reverend Al vs. Rahm Emanuel!

Al Sharpton vs. Rahm Emanuel. Let them both lose…

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State Department Declares Bringing Peace To Syria As An Accomplishment

If you read the news you would be excused for thinking there is actually a war going on in Syria. You’d also be forgiven for thinking that Syria, never a Garden of Eden, has collapsed into a festering, effervescing puddle of FAIL that can’t even aspire to the worth term of Third World S**t Hole. But you would be wrong. While you were wasting valuable | Read More »

New York Times Compares Hillary Clinton To Harriet Tubman… Or Something

There are occasions when I look at the New York Times and wonder how, if it were actually owned by the Democrats in general and the Clintons in particular, would it be different from the current newspaper that apparently believes it is an objective reporter of current affairs. Today is one of those moments. Case in point: How Hillary Clinton Went Undercover to Examine Race | Read More »

Relying On Muslim Communities To Fight Terrorism Is A Counterproductive Strategy

Ever since 9/11 we have been harped at the left on two issues — other than the US deserving the 9/11 attacks, I mean. The first of these is that we shouldn’t give into the completely understandable human impulse to strike back at the religious community that has spawned one conscienceless murderer after another and the second idea is that we need to be really | Read More »

BREAKING: No Indictment in Tamir Rice Case

The Ohio police officer who shot and killed a 12 year old boy named Tamir Rice was not indicted by a grand jury, multiple news outlets are reporting, and will apparently not face criminal charges. The prosecutor who gave the statement today said he had recommended no charges be filed. In November 2014, the cop, Timothy Loehmann, and his partner, Frank Garmback, were on the scene when | Read More »

CNN/ORC Poll: America Does Not Trust the Obama Administration to Protect Them from Terrorism

CNN has conducted a poll which shows that the Democrats might have a long, hard slog ahead of them in the Presidential elections, pretty much no matter who the Republican opponent is. At the end of the day, people want government to do a lot of different things for them, but the baseline for success for any government is protecting the citizenry from foreign invaders. | Read More »

Lamar Alexander and the Internet Tax

Right now, there is a movement in Congress to ban Internet-only taxes, meaning you won’t be asked to pay tax on e-mail or Internet access. It is a movement that makes sense, because it opens the door wide for the government to take more and cut less, not to mention give the government yet another in-road to regulating Internet use. Enter Lamar Alexander, who is | Read More »

Liberals’ Global Warming Fetish is Anti-People

There are a number of inexorable truths about the modern human condition that bear upon the left’s current fetish with global warming. The first is that achieving a significant reduction in carbon emissions is flatly impossible if the world’s population continues to grow. The second is that some amount of population growth is necessary to healthy and sustainable economic growth. Liberals, of course, care nothing | Read More »

And They Wonder Why No One Believes Media “Fact Checkers”

It is no secret that the mainstream media might as well be on the DNC’s payroll. Major scandals involving Democrats go unremarked. When they are remarked upon, often the political affiliation is buried deep in the story if mentioned at all. I’m not talking only about the editorial pages, the devotion of the media to Democrats infests the actual news gathering function of newspapers, magazines, and | Read More »

The Water Cooler 12-28-15 Guns, Guns, Guns – $1,000,000,000 – Baby Murdering – Twitter

Guns Guns and more Guns.  We love to shop for them, read about them, shoot them.  There are more guns in this country than there are citizens.  We won our country’s independence with guns, and in turn when our founding fathers drafted out our rights as Americans they clearly protected our right to keep and to bear arms.  In modern America the every day run | Read More »








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