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 Noonan caps credit union deposits at €100,000  Movement vows to fight new rules which come into force on January 1                 Home      Central Bank replaced €11m of damaged bank notes in 2015      Home      Wall Street’s 8 most in-demand positions in 2016      Home      Review 2015: Take a look back at a busy year       Home     Exclusive: Siteserv probe halted by judge until after election  Talks collapse between Quinn and state over €4.5bn case       Home     Stick and twist: O’Brien loses battle over Red Flag memory stick dossier  But the legal war isn’t over yet        Columnists       David McWilliams

     Catherine O'Mahony

     Tom McGurk

     Nadine O'Regan

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       Business       Business     Tetrarch forecasts €100 million earnings on property portfolio  Newly formed hotel division is considering two potential acquisitions in Cork and Galway       Business     Taking stock: It was a volatile year in the global markets  As interest rates begin to move, what’s next for companies and investors?         Business     Trustev shareholders revealed in SEC filing  Many of its backers received a tenfold return on their stakes       Business     Football transfers net €25m for Irish-registered firms  Companies are controversial for buying up the economic rights of up-and-coming players        Politics       Politics     Harris squashes public sector pay rise pleas  The Minister of State says people in this country are still living with the scars of past mistakes       Politics     Government fails to draw up register of builders  Vow to have list in place by 2015 was pushed aside        Politics      Burton bids to fast-track adoption tracing law before Dáil dissolves  Bill could be called Philomena’s Law to honour Irish woman Philomena Lee       Politics      Shifting alignments and political moves  The defining political event of 2015 was the vote for gay marriage        Technology       Technology     Blazing a trail  Dell’s Elizabeth Gore believes empowering female entrepreneurs is key to job creation       Technology     Jane Ruffino: Whatever way you dress it up, failure is nobody’s friend  So go ahead and hate it        Technology     Putting a new accent on success  Global chief of consulting behemoth Accenture fervently believes the diversity agenda makes his company tick       Technology     Free US office space for three Irish tech firms  Carlow-based Netwatch has given three competition winners free office space in Boston for 12 months        Elaine Byrne

     Stephen Kinsella

     Ian Kehoe

     Michael Murray

     Colin Murphy

       Property       Property      Foreign cash dominates the high-end property deals  Sales of Dublin homes in million-plus range down slightly on last year as stocks dry up       Property     Documents reveal heavy lobbying on rent control  Noonan and top advisers were inundated over the pros and cons of rent certainty        Property     Ronan Lyons: Asking the wrong question on housing  What kind of person supports lowering minimum standards for apartments?       Property      On the market, with Lily Killeen  A round up of the best homes currently on offer        Life & Arts       Life & Arts      Art nouveau: The man with the golden touch  At 75, Rudolf Heltzel is firmly established as a living legend of Irish jewellery design       Life & Arts     Film: Seven is the magic number for Star Wars  Abrams is careful not to repeat the mistakes of George Lucas’s odd, flat middle trilogy        Life & Arts     Last minute gifts for her  Ruth O’Connor’s last-minute guide to Christmas gifts for the woman in your life       Life & Arts     Last minute gifts for him  Ruth O’Connor does the homework so you don’t have to              Are you overdue a financial health check?      McWilliams: Economic lessons from the age of the Pharaohs               Vulture swoops on TV Dragon Norah Casey over loans      150,000 new cars set to be registered in 2016      Profile Mrs Brown’s Boys: Golden Brown      The steps you must take to succeed      Burton bids to fast-track adoption tracing law before Dáil dissolves      Market Talk      Big boost in winnings for Leopardstown racecourse      If you invest, be prepared to ride out the bad times      2015: the market year: Apple branched out with the launch of its first smart watch      High praise for High Court appointee      I’m basically breaking down walls for this to happen. I won’t let it fail      Baby food maker Pip and Pear pushes for growth with marketing campaign      The recipes that saved Christmas      Taking the hassle out of party bookings      Market forces      Huge drop in negative equity mortgages      Prepare for perfect Christmas Day wine      Councils face €355m mortgage arrears headache      Agnew all set for a capella spectacular      TV: Safety measures and scare stories      Emmet Ryan’s Pint of view      David McWilliams: All set for a cracker of a Christmas          (function(d, sc, u) { var s = d.createElement(sc), p = d.getElementsByTagName(sc)[0]; s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = true; s.src = u + '?v=' + (+new Date()); p.parentNode.insertBefore(s,p); })(document, 'script', '//');   Newsletter!function(){window.mc4wp||(window.mc4wp={listeners:[],forms:{on:function(n,w){window.mc4wp.listeners.push({event:n,callback:w})}}})}(); Sign Up For Free Daily News:   

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